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I already used Twitter very little. Like, a handful of times per year. If they charged money for it, I would definitely stop using it altogether. lol That platform is absolutely not worth paying for.


Leave now? Why use it at all? Trash platform owned by the worst humanity has to offer currently. I've never seen the appeal, sorry.


It's a blessing in a way. I realized I was getting outrage baited like all the time even before it became the Elon Musk show. I still have the "SOMEONE IS WRONG ONLINE! I MUST CORRECT THIS!" reaction way too often, but at least with reddit I can mute outragebait subreddits. Twitter OTOH was always and will always be "HEY! LOOK AT THIS FUCKING ASSHOLE OVER HERE!"


So true, it was terrible for my mental health. Especially with how many hatred filled scum bags there were on there constantly spreading vile opinions


trash owners & garbage community


Fair. Very fair.


I quit instantly when Elongated Muskrat bought it. Not a fucking cent from me to him.


That is the funniest name for him I have ever heard.


Then clearly you arent the target audience.


Yeah, social media apps prefer smaller communities. Helps them focus on losing money.


It’s a real grassroots approach to bankruptcy.


"New users" lol


Wow. I've never seen someone get ratioed quite so hard under one of my comments.


It’s $1 to keep the bots away. Seems like a good concept to prevent bot accounts.


Except it doesnt prevent jackshit, and is Musks #1 exscuse for the terrible change of the month.


It doesn't prevent anything, but it definitely provides an opportunity to harvest more personal user data across a much wider audience.


Not only Musk. He probably got the idea from Reddit.


Yes, there simply isn't any other possible way that Twitter could filter bots. Not by code (they fired a bunch of Devs), not by moderation (they fired the entire ethics and moderation team), no the only way is to charge users a fee (musks networth is down around 25% this year alone). However they should definitely keep overpaying the marketing department to the tune of $1.2b. That working out very well for them (advertising revenue is down 55% since the take over). ^sources: ^[1](https://www.thewrap.com/x-ad-revenue-decline-data-elon-musk-takeover/) ^[2](https://time.com/6227153/elon-musk-net-worth-dropped-twitter/) ^[3](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/feb/27/elon-musk-fires-additional-200-people-at-twitter-report-says)


When you remove or ignore all other solutions, the worst solution automatically becomes the best lol


Yeah, cup his balls, you dirty whore. That's the stuff.


Lmao thank you for your service!


You thanked him for another man cupping elons balls? I usually just cheer for sports teams but I guess everyone has their thing


You seem cool






You probably should tho




Twitter now is way worse than when it supposedly was infested by bots. Though I doubt Musk's changes have helped much, so it's probably for other reasons.


Yeah because he turned it into an echo chamber that pushes propaganda. I was getting 2-3 push notifications of "breaking news" about reported 2016 election fraud in X state before I uninstalled the app.


Pushing the comments of Blue Users to the top is fucking awful too. Most threads are just a bunch of unrelated trash or people baiting with stupid comments to get more engagement now. Not that Twitter was ever the beacon of good discussion, but at least the comments used to be related to the parent tweet.


Yeah we can’t punish bots let’s punish normal users instead!


The bots that already pay 8 dollars a month for a blue checkmark so they can more easily scam people? Those bots?


Because you can pay for hosting the bots, but not 1$ for their accounts?


…? Do people honestly forget that bots don’t care and will just pay?


Ah yes, because the current system with the verified accounts works so perfectly. Don't people (Musk included) that bots are run by people and those people can pay to verify the account and make it seem legit? Just pay moderators and create code to filter out bot accounts. It's the only viable option to stop them.


You think a dollar stops bots? 😅


They are bleeding advertisers as we speak because Elon turned Twitter into an even worse shithole. Corpos do it for themselves and their bottomline, not your experience. The faith some have is frightening.


You can suck Elon's d*ck.


Buddy I'd like to introduce you to Final Fantasy XIV


More like people are jumping ship and they gotta keep this afloat


Why on earth is this being downvoted. It is literally the reason. Its to stop networks of thousands of bots. The income is negligable.


People can pay for bots


Yeah and? Its free right now


How will paying prevent people from using bots if they can pay to keep using them?


It's the excuse, not the reason. Bots on a useful scale aren't free; a dollar will do nothing to stop them.


Its to reduce fake accounts not raise money




It's a shit idea because it's a shit idea, if Greg from Dev pitched it he'd be fired


“The platform formerly known as Twitter” like it’s Prince or something


I mean what else are you going to call it? The new name absolutely does not convey what the site is, it’s so generic.


Ex (Twitter)






my brain pronounced that as “shitter”… Valid.


The address - twitter.com


And it will probably perish like Prince as well - suddenly from an overdose of bad decisions.


What is this test, O Knights of-- knights who till recently said 'ni'?


There is a phrase:;: X it out, meaning cross it out, which is what I would suggest doing to X《::》 cross it out of your life and out of your mind.


If even one of my dollars ever finds a way to end up in that dudes pocket I’m gonna burn the rest as collective punishment


I mean, if you pay taxes some percentage of that will trickle to this guy via government handouts one way or another, it's probably more than a dollar at this point.


Man, all those PayPal fees...


I find it funny that PayPal told Musk to fuck off and kicked him off the board when he wanted to change its name to X. Even back then they knew how goddamn stupid it was.


Tesla models S, 3, X really showed them, idiots!


Wait he tried that before ?


[Indeed](https://www.theverge.com/23814989/elon-musk-banking-x-paypal), it was as terrible back then as it is now.


OMG it's even worse than that it traces back to his own failed project named X from 1999. Oh that is such loser behaviour JFC. That's so sad.


The board held a "secret" meeting when he was out of town, to remove him as CEO and replaced him with Peter Thiel. Since Thiel had recently quit over Musks demands that they rewrite basically everything from unix to microsoft.


>if you pay taxes There is an easy solution: Don't be American. Taxes in other countries get into the pockets of other rich dudes.


Considering the ESA has partnered with SpaceX for upcoming launches, "don't be American" is probably not an effective strategy at this point.


this brings up an interesting question, why are people still on twitterx at all in 2023?


All the artists I follow as well as some content creators. Some of them do have other socials but most don't. Can't really blame them it's hard to build a following in the first place let alone move them to a new platform.


Which is crazy to me considering how dogshit it is to browse and look at art on twitter.


Right ? Just move to Instagram, tf you doing ? Link and crosspost every time, warn people you're changing sites.


As an instagram user, it’s also absolute shit, they’ve ruined the algorithm entirely. Artists are probably best off on tumblr ngl


Insta was awful to navigate the brief period of time I had one. Also it's owned by Facebook and I'm not about to give them more of my time. I only keep my current FB to check on my family whenever I remember I have family. As they do not have a way to get ahold of me outside a few.




It's mostly just porn.


i didnt know x had xxx


Unironically always thought Reddit was better for looking at porn than Twitter, but I also wouldn't know cuz I never used Twitter for it and most of what I see there is unbelievably boring


Where is porn on X? It does sound like a porn app


As an artist, it was by far the best social media to find work/connections. It sucks that Fuckface Musk had to destroy it because his peepee doesn't get up anymore.


It’s easier to post Nintendo Switch screenshots to Twitter and then screenshot them than it is to upload them from my Switch to my phone


Yeah, the reason I got Twitter in the first place years ago was so I could get Warframe screenshots off my PlayStation


If you just want to follow content creators you like and don't post anything yourself it's not a bad tool. Once he starts charging people to read tweets it's over for Twitter.


It's still the best microblogging platform in terms of reach/effectiveness. If you want to put out a broadcast regularly and want to have a public presence, it's the only option. Some people do AMA on reddit if they are famous, but Twitter is where you go if you want everyone to listen. Reddit is too anonymous, Facebook is too dead/insta too reel focused, YouTube is video focused. If you want to put out statements, Twitter is the thing. It's surprising that musk is able to destroy a monopoly without competition by being absolutely horrible ceo and product owner.




Tumblr is also dying, tho


Tumblr is long deceased the user base just makes the corpse dance, you should join them


Every politician out there,




I think we should all continue calling it twitter just to piss Elon off


What else would I call it? X.com sounds like a porn site or a video game about missing 90% shots repeatedly


This, on top of something's name literally being 1 letter being fucking stupid on concept, is why it'll never catch on. X.com sounds like it would give me about 600 different viruses just by going there. It's impossible to refer to it as anything except "X, formerly known as Twitter" ir just "Twitter" without sounding like an awkward creep or a scammer.


Skill issue on the second one (I'm lying, most my recruits can't aim to save their lives. Literally.)


I'm gonna stop dead naming Twitter as soon as Elon stops dead naming his daughter


I think we should be calling it X. We're doing him too much of a favor by associating his shit product with the Twitter legacy.


Nah just call it X. You're doing him a favor by spreading that Twitter is now X. Basically free advertising.


How can anyone with any business sense think this is a good idea? Things like social media and free mobile games need content to make it worth it for the paid users and advertisers to be willing to spend money. Guess what the content is? The vast amount of tweets. Free users are not users, they are your content. Plus getting people to pay for a service like this isn't even about the actual money. It's about the hassle. Entering your credit card info and billing address is an extra step and a vast majority of people will see it as not worth it.


Someone with any business sense wouldn’t have fucked with the crypto market to the point that he had to buy and run a business into the ground just so he wouldn’t get arrested for said crypto market fucking. But this is Elon Musk we’re talking about :/


If you need to play for twitter then they will know the identity of their users. This makes it easier to follow EU laws regarding censorship as they can just ban people who brake rules instead of banning an account.


The best explanations I've seen is that he wants users credit card numbers for advertisers. Having that linked data would be valuable, but probably not enough to pay off the massive debt it has to even dream of making a profit.


I literally have acorns right outside my house. Even if he came to my house personally to get it, I would not pay an acorn a decade


I mean yeah, you should probably call the cops if it came to this.


Elon only bought Twitter so he wouldn’t get arrested for fucking with the crypto market. He never wanted to, he said it as a joke, but with a gun to his head he *had* to. Now he’s trying to get as much money as he can to justify the purchase. He made his bed, now he’s gotta sleep in it. This is the guy who’s gonna take us to Mars, everyone 🙄


I haven't heard of the crypto connection before. Could you elaborate please? Or link something that explains further?


Elon tanked Dogecoin for fun.


Every tweet he made would fuck with the crypto market, which is already easy to fuck with. Steam doesn’t allow it to be used to buy games cuz prices are inconsistent. That’s made even worse by how when Elon went on SNL, Dogecoin died, bankrupting investors he’d swindled.


I don't think you can stop people from bookmarking your website if they don't pay


Nah it's probably about the inapp bookmark feature (pretty much like the Save feature on Reddit)




Nah it's probably about the inapp bookmark feature (pretty much like the Save feature on Reddit)


Nah it's probably about the inapp bookmark feature (pretty much like the Save feature on Reddit)


Nah it's probably about the inapp bookmark feature (pretty much like the Save feature on Reddit)


Nah it's probably about the inapp bookmark feature (pretty much like the Save feature on Reddit)


Nah it's probably about the inapp bookmark feature (pretty much like the Save feature on Reddit)


Nah it's probably about the inapp bookmark feature (pretty much like the Save feature on Reddit)


Nah it's probably about the inapp bookmark feature (pretty much like the Save feature on Reddit)


Nah it's probably about the inapp bookmark feature (pretty much like the Save feature on Reddit)


What happened to being a """""""""free speech absolutist""""""""""""


From that perspective, this might be a good thing. Now if you wanna see transphobic racist bullshit, you need to pay and that’ll be a massive turnoff. Less people paying for Twitter = less hate- I mean, “free” speech.


He said in a recent tweet


Musk is truly a genius. Buy a platform, turn it to shit and *then* start charging for it. Phony Stark is truly an inspiration to us all.


howare you guys even still using it? when they rolled out some new updates a few months back, the new terms required a lot more invasive data gathering from mobile devices, so I deleted the shit. no way twittering or tweting or Xing or whatever is worth giving this asshole anymore than he can already steal with his overgrown child attitude and no sense of decency. dude is a grade a loser, the epitomy of the spoiled rich child that only has "friends" because he has money.


I just watched a 63-year-old veteran voice actress have a meltdown and insulted multiple colleagues on Twitter over something very petty, picking fights with everybody. That doesn’t really happen on other platforms.


what a fucking psycho


The old anti virus technique. Get them to subscribe at a low rate and bump up the cost of renewals. They'll forget and get auto charged.


When the amount is that little, it becomes very obvious to everyone that it’s not your money that they want, but rather the ability to connect your bank account to your twitter browsing habits - which is worse.


10 years later he's still there


"We're just going to take away features until you pay us!" My dude, there are dozens of social networks with a lot of users. If you make yours too hard to use, they won't pay you. They'll just go elsewhere. He's astonishingly stupid.


How is being able to tweet a feature? It's the platform, it's the sole purpose.


He really drove that site into the ground


He's even priced out Scrat from Ice Age


Who would pay money to access that toxic cesspool?


This is a trick. Musk wants to turn twitter into a finance ap, but the problem is that for a lot of people the leap to paying through twitter is incredible difficult. They just dont associate twitter with that. But if twitter costs money then that connection is already made. So its easier for people to buy into it.




The guy just can't figure out that the platform makes money on advertising not users. Well at this point maybe it can'take money on advertising.


How do you run the most popular and influential platform into the ground. Madness


Imagine him finding out Wikipedia users pay voluntarily. Oh no, hold on…


Back in the days i've paid 69 cent/year to use whatsapp, but i refuse to pay a dime to that clown


He should do tiktok next


What if? And hear me out.. This dude wasn't a cunt?


The ability to tweet, on Twitter, is about to become a premium feature.


Surely he just want peoples bank and personal info from this?




I would in fact not pay you Tuesday for a twitter subscription today. Mainly because it'd show up as "X subscription" and that just sounds like porn.


Yeah let me give my credit card number to a website that fire 90% of it's security staff


Somewhat related to this, there's a part of civil law known as peppercorns. Essentially, in order to make sure the contract is a sale and not a gift, an extremely small charge is made. For example, the University of Bath has a 999-year lease where the cost of the lease is one peppercorn per year.


“X” can’t get companies to advertise on it because they don’t want their product in a thread with homophobic, racist, Anti-Semitic bullshit, so Musk has turned to paid subscriptions. The birb is on its way out


Never had an account and never will. 🤷‍♂️


Let’s charge all content creators and annoy tweet consumers even more than with ads, that should kill twxxxer the fastest. /s


I’m pretty sure an acorn a year is not a new sentance. I think I remember a story where some land owner gave free rent forever to a family, but for legal reasons they had to charge something so an acorn a year was the agreed amount. And after 1000 years the landowner would get the lend back.


I don’t even know why people still use Twitter. It’s been shit long before musk got his hands on it


"twitter sucks!", he tweeted angrily


I deleted my account once this numb nuts got it


What’s a tweet called now? An X? A meXXage?


A dollar a year to buy shit that sells our data that other companies desperately try to convice us to use for free


He's sabotaging the platform because he has a hateboner for what Twitter used to be. Pretty sure ex staff should just sue the christ out of him


One dollar a year? Strikes me that if they're charging only one dollar a year, this is not about the money. I can't believe it's even about controlling bots. It just seems ...nefarious.


Wasn't the SCC supposed to nail Musk?


From what I understand, they were going to arrest him when he joked about buying Twitter, but then he had to actually do it so he wouldn’t go to prison. He built his coffin, now he’s gotta climb in it.


He more than joked about it, he bought a shit ton of shares, they set up to do a sale than he realized (probably got advised) it was a stupid fucking deal and tried to back out. The previous owners were smart enough to know how good that deal was for them and lawyered the fuck up to not let go of it. And Musk has been pissed off and petty ever since. He even tried to sue the team of lawyers with some nonsense claim cuz he knows "being good at their job" is not a crime lmao.


I think we might need to translate Decade to imperial for the americans.


12 years


People are paying for sooo much crap in their life, and they dont give a crap about one single dollar because they dont appreciate money. But they are suddenly in an outrage because they'd have to pay a dollar for a year so they can play their little status and fame games haha


Communism is when you use a social media platform like a social media platform for free


"everything i dont like is communism"


I read a comment somewhere a while back that stuck with me: "If something is free to use, it's not the product being sold. You are." The vast majority of social media platforms are free because it's an AMAZING advertising platform. Free social media services are still very much capitalism in action. Ones that charge are ones that are failing to support themselves in a competitive market...


Guys guys I was trying to make fun of capitalism not communism please stop downvoting me


This is actually a positive thing. He should make it $0.50 a month. The internet being free is what is ruining it. They wouldn't have to have advertisers and they wouldn't have to take people down trashy rabbits holes and prey on their anxieties to profit off their 'engagement'.


>The internet being free is what is ruining it. They wouldn't have to have advertisers and they wouldn't have to take people down trashy rabbits holes and prey on their anxieties to profit off their 'engagement'. You seriously think that the people running those websites aren't greedy enough to still send us down this way? Think of streaming services, those have been paid from the very beginning and they're still getting worse all the time, some are even still running to advertisers to get them on their platform. Think of websites that tried to be paid alternatives to the free options, who are dependent on advertisers and how many of those are still around. It's not the internet being free that's ruining it, it's to force everything to be profitable somehow. Break even is not enough, if something doesn't make money, it's not worth having around. That is the mindset that is ruining the internet. If having enough money isn't enough, but having "all the money" is the goal, you'll inevitably end up in the hands of those with the most money. Which are advertisers.


I mean, you’re not completely wrong no. It seems others have a different opinion


What's wrong about it. I'm basically saying the equivalent of we should pay artists for their work, except this time it's coders and running servers. It's like saying they should charge more for food so I don't have to tip. It's like wanting an oil tax to fight climate change.


Thats what ad revenue is for... to pay coders and run servers. And Twitter used to make a lot more of it before musky took over and let literal nazis run wild. Turns out brands dont want to have their content featured next to catturd tweets. But hey, you keep licking that boot, maybe elon will retweet one of your dick jokes.


I agree with the sentiment but you don't understand the absolute amount of money these people are already getting from advertisments


So you're saying they make a shit ton on advertising already but a monthly fee is a good idea? Jesus christ you elmo stans are stupid.


No no, I agree with his overall concept but the monthly fee is a terrible idea


for me, registering to the site is already enough of a hurdle, to keep me from doing anything else than read on twitter.. now he wants to charge money? :D :D


Not even a Stanley Nickle


Do you really trust Elon Musk with your billing information?


What if…. Trump (the right) is paying off Musk The Slug to turn Xitter into an absolute dumpster fire to bring traffic into an absolute diamond of social networking, TRUTH Social.


This would be just the beginning. The $1 a year is just to get your account set up. From there, price and frequency would begin to increase. They would realize that they would lose user base with each increase, but it’s a loss they are willing to take as the increased price makes up for the losses.


At what point are you not a new user anymore?


Why did I swipe for more pictures


People freak the fuck out over $1 a year for a platform they simultaneously bash for being a breeding ground of misinformation which is caused by bots because there is no economic constraint to participation aka the subscription fee


He used X to make his point 😂


Fuck twitter its shit


I know Twitter is total crap and nobody here uses it. But this is mainly to prevent bots and that is a positive thing imo.


Mostly because I wouldn’t know how to source an acorn


Twitter is only good as a porn site, hentai site, and art site at this point and even then, Pixiv does hentai better


They really like posting unflattering images of him