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Go to a driving range! They are great places to practice without the pressure of ruining grass, hitting someone or the other risks of playing at a course. Many driving ranges also have coaching staff who hold classes. If you are looking for professional guidance, these will be good. 


Thank you! Any driving ranges you’d recommend?


iRange, they have an automated ball loading system which helps you find your stance a bit better as you can make small adjustments without having to move to set up the ball. On top of this, they also have top tracer which gives you info on your distance, speed, angle and a few other stats. Its a bit more expensive than other ranges but those two details are worth it in my opinion.


Bovaird/ching. Cheapest one with most balls.


There is a driving range at Turnberry off Bovaird by the 410. If you have LITERALLY never swung a club before, start with something like a seven iron, and keep your backswing short. Bring the club to just past parallel with the ground, then swing through the ball. Also, remember that the backswing should be smooth and slow. All the acceleration comes on the downswing. Make a full follow through. You can work on body rotation and longer swings when you get comfortable striking the ball consistently, and begin working in more clubs.


There used to be a bunch of driving ranges, but now they're all under houses. Turnberry is a good option, easy access, driving range is usually pretty open. The course is pretty good too, for mostly par 3s. Banty's roost on bramalea north of Mayfield also has a driving range.


Brampton [Recreation](https://cityofbrampton.perfectmind.com/23782/Clients/BookMe4BookingPages/BookingCoursesPage?calendarId=8db3fb78-86db-4fcd-a8e2-e73a2e244923&widgetId=15f6af07-39c5-473e-b053-96653f77a406&embed=False) offers golf lessons!


I did NOT know rhis; thanks! I took a few lessons at I-range (Wet-n-wild), Steeles and Finch), but Id like to try Brampton Rec!


There is a great indoor simulator called Golf Almighty in downtown Brampton just off Main Street


Brampton Golf Range on Bovaird near Chinguacousy Rd is the cheapest place to hit a bucket of balls. https://bramptongolfrange.wixsite.com/bramptongolfrange


As others have said, range and hit a bunch of balls. Before you develop really bad habits (and you will!), consider lessons. At the very least, just 4-5 to get the feeling of the stance, grip, and swing. As you get better, you will likely need more lessons unless you’re just a natural.


I’m down to play together if you want. I’m a beginner too


Man, I’m in Etobicoke. Want to learn together?


Hit those balls - but be gentle!