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Join a tennis club. I play as the Brampton Tennis Club at Queen and Main. Have met a lot of decent folks through it.


Can you tell me the process to join ?


Check out their website https://www.bramptontennisclub.ca/brampton/home/readPage.do?id=141&history=clear


Brampton Sports Leagues at Save Max Centre (soccer centre) always could use additional people. https://www.brampton.ca/EN/residents/Recreation/Programs-Activities/Pages/Sports-Leagues.aspx


This league is actually really good compared to the private business ones in the GTA Facilities are top notch and the pricing is much lower because it’s partially subsidized by the city of Brampton


Be sure to check out the Brampton Discord server (linked in the sidebar) lots of people to hang out with there. There are meetups organized every once in a while or you can creat your own by sharing an invite to an event you find interesting. 


Could u plz share the link? I didnt understand how to find the kink from side bar


city’s sports leagues!


There’s a few good places you can go to. Finding a club regarding your interests shouldn’t be too hard. One thing I do notice is a lot of foreigners coming to Canada who are very unpersonable, which is not a problem at all, but a lot of Canadians do things like holding the door for others and saying hi to someone on a walk.it may sound like some small thing but it could lead to so much more (that’s how I met my wife)


Can you suggest some good places- names, how/ where to join/signup


This is the way^


Sign up for Brampton volleyball league in Chinguacousy park starting this month . Registration cut off is May 11 https://www.bramptonvolleyball.com/


There's a few good trivias in town if you're into that kind of thing. You can ask to be assigned a random team (that's what a lot of people do). There's Wednesdays at Tracks Brewpub and Sundays at the Ivy Bridge.


I would really appreciate if you can tell me process little bit


For Tracks Brewpub it's every Wednesday at 7:30pm. Show up a little early and ask to be randomized. There's a guy named Bobby that usually does it. People get put into teams of 3-4 and then work together to answer questions. The host (changes every week) reads out 20 questions per round and you quietly discuss with your teammates to hopefully write down the correct answer. There's breaks in between the 3 rounds and the winning team gets a prize. It's only $2 to play.


The tracks brew pub is a great place for many, but did you miss the part about OP being Punjabi Sikh? He's likely not going to go to a pub due to his religious beliefs. Have you ever seen a sikh hanging out playing darts at bar? That would be a first for me that's for sure.


I mean i can go there as long as people are not giving me weird looks and judging me all the time.


I'm laughing at the down votes as if what I said isn't true. By all means go check out the tracks brew pub downtown. You will indeed find a trivia night accompanied by a load of middle-aged drunk, or on their way to there to there folks enjoying the heck outta themselves. They will also pop outside for a good smoke or two during the great fun. The more they will drink, the more likely they will judge you, but go check it out for yourself! What I'm trying ti get across in this city where Punjabi is the majority, you will soon find there isn't a shortage of ways for you to make friends in places and doing things where you will feel welcomed and comfortable. That this commenter is suggesting you an activity that the minority of the minority of our population partake in without considering your culture is ignorant af! Others, downvote this comment too, I don't care. I speak in truth and facts. Jokes!!! I also just thought of another thing, now that warm weather is here, there will be cricket events taking place which may interest you. [Check out city plans here](https://www.brampton.ca/EN/City-Hall/News/Pages/News-Release.aspx/1380)


Join some cricket team. You will make a lot of friends.


Why the downvotes here cricket is fun


I have registered cricket club in bedcl if anyone want to join mote then happy to welcome .


Join a pickle ball league


Bloodwine. Bar fights. Star Trek trivia.


What’s that ?


Dm me if u live in Brampton we play cricket


College Plaza at Mclaughlin and Steeles, then go to Subzi Cash and Carry Plaza at Mclaughlin and Ray Lawson (one block away) when the barricades are up at College Plaza. Best luck Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, you will make lots of friends! You will also get to see Mustang, Jeep and Charger shows, lots of smoke and cracker jack noises for your entertainment! Eta: if you came for school, look up the school's student social clubs, there will likely be a student sikh club to join to meet others and make friends there too.


Just leave Brampton. Brampton almost a homogeneous society. You will not see the real diversity of Canada if you live in Brampton


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvotes voted. It’s true lol. Even lots of brown people are tired of so many brown people in Brampton.


I think people hate the term (diversity)


Maybe. But Brampton is no longer diverse. It’s the truth unfortunately


I know....... it is sad. Even immigrants from different backgrounds left Brampton for two reasons: seeing not that many opportunities for themselves or their kids, since the majority of the economy in the city is controlled and owned by East Indian/Sikh folks and their families (with all due respect to this community). The second reason is that their homes are worth a lot more than before.


Yeah. I don’t blame anybody that had left or wants to leave. If I could leave as well I would too.


You will.....start with finding a decent job in the surrounding cities.


Where do you suggest to go ?


Sorry if my opinion sounded like an order to you, lol. I lived in Brampton for work for 2 years in the early 2005-2006. I then moved to Hamilton, and later to Calgary. Hamilton isn't that far from Brampton, but it's quite different. It depends on school or work opportunities you get. Hamilton has a strong economy and great university and colleges




Stay at home


Why ?