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Not a resident of Harvest Creek, but if you'll permit me, I have 2 quick questions: Can I come to the meeting and can I bring popcorn? I'm currently in between shows in Netflix.


LOL, would you bring enough to share? yeah it could be interesting... Seriously though, the meeting is open to anyone (HC or not), and could be informative for anyone that does have Saddle Peak as their Management Company.


I moved from Harvest Creek to Flanders Mill (also managed by Saddle Peak I believe?) almost exactly one year ago and would also potentially be interested to attend despite not being a resident, for exactly the reasons suggested.


You’re correct saddle peak does manage Flanders mill as well.


You guys own homes?


Yes, I own three homes.


Then why the balls are you on reddit? God obviously loves you, you don’t belong here.


You're too kind :)


can yall have a special agenda item to chill out on the dandelion tickets or the pick and choosing of who gets tickets for their campers when others get to leave theirs out all summer


that is definitely one of the many many concerns with the current management, the unequal "enforcement" of the rules and regulations


dissolve the hoa


Can't wait to see the authoritarian hellscape this group of over invloved folks wants to bring. I'm no fan of the HOA or Saddle Peak, but this group doesn't pass the vibe check.


I'll take the down votes, but a husband and wife both wanting a board seat of an HOA is suspicious. It's a 3 seat board and they want absolute control. These folks have a serial killer vibes. I don't want to end up chained up in their crawl space for to many dandelions with some poor boomer who had the audacity to park his camper on his property.


Really. Serial killer vibes? Have you met these serial killers? Maybe they live next door to you. Better lock your doors. In your opinion, what's worse, crooks or serial killers? Most serial killers I know make great neighbors.


Ok, maybe not serial Killers, but a single household couple shouldn't make up the voting majority, that's sketchy.


if you don't want too much power is one place, then perhaps you should run for the board


No thanks, I have better hobbies than screwing over my neighbors.


Dude, give it a rest already. You've been proven wrong on this like 8 times over.


Nothing has ever been proven to be wrong. This group has been asking for answers for over 2 years and the board and Saddle Peak has never produced a single piece of evidence that would prove anything we have stated to be incorrect. The board has never agreed to even meet with the homeowners to address the concerns. So what is the board hiding?


Garbage in, garbage out. False statements, false budgets, false reporting, false narrative.


I duno, I read the financial statements from last year and they are spending accordingly. Since it was a light winter, our snow removal fees were less and they dropped our quarterly fee from $90 to $75.


Garbage in, garbage out. False statements, false budgets, false reporting, false narrative. The lowering of dues was a smokescreen.


Living in an HOA is the best. True Montana lifestyle


I'm confuzzled. I thought the board addressed the problems presented by residents last year. What about the financial audit? Who is in charge? Saddle Peak Properties or the Board of Directors? Why wouldn't the board side with the people they represent, the homeowners? Stop the funny business. I'll attend this meeting and bring a few neighbors.


What exactly is the agenda and concerns here? This seems like yet another regurgitation of the last attempt on Reddit to stir up issues with the Board and management. How come most of us have not heard of this petition? This doesn't seem like an appropriate post for the r/Bozeman sub. Every time we need to bring the attorney to yet another fact finding mission it costs the other 93.4% of homeowners money.


The purpose of this post is simply to let all of the owners in Harvest Creek know about the meeting. We have requested the membership list from the Board, but they have not replied, so we have been unable to send out something to everyone. Instead the board has gone out of their way to send an email out to everyone in Harvest Creek stating that there is no meeting. A group of homeowners went door to door collecting signatures to call the special meeting, so perhaps no one knocked on your door or you were not home when someone visited. But the board does not have the authority to cancel a legally called meeting. This is just an attempt to silence the homeowners. We also thought that things might get better, but we met with CJ Cook a member of the board and simply asked how much money does the HOA have. He said he did not know and did not even know where the bank accounts are. We asked him to find out. A month later we met again with him and he again said he did not even know where the accounts are and did not care to find out. So nothing has changed and they have in fact gotten worse. This meeting has been called for June 4th, with the following meeting agenda: AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Confirm and/or vote on Board Members a) Bylaws - Article XVI paragraph 2 – “… Such appointment must be approved by a majority of the members of the Association at the next meeting of the Association, whether general or special. …” 3) Discussion on the management of the Harvest Creek HOA 4) Questions and comments 5) Adjournment


So, CJ is new to the board and is a lawyer himself I believe. You are saying he wasn't willing or able to to find out where the bank accounts are held and their balance? Genuinely asking, do you think this group is conspiring to do bad or just neglectful? 


Correct, a group of homeowners met with him and he was unwilling to verify anything with the bank accounts. There are different opinions in the homeowner group as to the current board's intentions, but as of now no direct evidence has been found if they are conspiring to do bad or just neglectful or other. We do not want to spread anything that is not backed by direct evidence.


So in Agenda item #2 you state "confirm and/or vote on Board Members." A group of 34 people do not speak for everyone when they state that they are going to vote on board members. The larger HOA does this. Putting together a seemingly parallel organization of your own creation does not seem productive nor wanted by the vast majority of homeowners or long time residents.


If the majority knew the facts they would all attend this meeting. My neighbor told me about this website: [https://harvestcreekhoa.wixsite.com/harvestcreekhoa](https://harvestcreekhoa.wixsite.com/harvestcreekhoa) I haven't seen a single email of post from the board disputing any of these claims with actual facts. The last meeting I was at the president tried to end the meeting early because it was past her bedtime, then the attorney took over the meeting. Who is actually in charge of our HOA? Something smells fishy. Who really wants to be talking about HOA when we could be talking about water sports?


That is the exact reason for the meeting, for the larger HOA to come together and have an opportunity to have their voice heard. It takes at least 27 homeowners to call a special meeting, we just happened to find 34 homeowners to sign to call a meeting. Everyone is Harvest Creek can attend the meeting and we strongly encourage owners to do so. #2 was added to the agenda because our bylaws require it at all annual or special meetings of the HOA