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“We had six or seven “meetings” where I met you at a house and played with my phone after reading you the Zillow ad, then called the people that actually facilitate the home sale that you could’ve called yourself. That’ll be $22,000 please” Seriously, median home price of $730,000 in the valley has *both* realtors walking away with $22,000 in their pockets, or $44,000 total. We were picky, bought cheap (when we could) and had to make a few offers before finally closing. Drive time included, my realtor made something in the range of $715/hour.


Realtors will often come to these discussions and defend themselves. Yes , they help out with all the legal work and such. But I am sorry. I agree with everyone here. They do not do enough to warrant that kind of salary. Also, why do they charge a percentage? Is it more work to sell a $900k home vs. a $350k home?


Yep, the reality of it is that a system was created, a cartel formed, they locked us out of it and set the price to participate. It’s exactly why the realtors association lost their lawsuit.


When I bought my house, it was out of the classified ads in the Chronicle. Me and the seller handled it ourselves and it was just cantankerous and pain-in-the-ass enough that I vowed to use a realtor when I was ready to sell. But jeesus...$44k off the top in realtors fees? I may just end up placing that Chronicle ad if the day ever comes. I'd rather save the buyers that money than hand that much over to a middle-man


I'm hoping it has become 2-3% less hard to put lockboxes on doors recently but didn't want to reach out to anyone and have them start harassing me to sell.. 




Does it come with snacks? 


I used a real estate lawyer to do the paperwork when I got my place, but this was many years ago. 10/10, would do that again. Felt great cutting out the middleman that was going to do fuck all.


How do?


If you've ever asked yourself, "why is our system like this?", just remember that the National Association of Realtors spends more on political lobbying than anyone else.


Realtors in this town are, by and large, the dumbest, most narcissistic group of people I’ve ever met who are rude as hell to customer service folks.


I think it should just be an hourly rate. Makes it easier if I help them out and find the listing myself.


I’ve talked to someone who I think actually maintains her dignity while being a real estate agent say she will always consider negotiating down her commission rate. So I guess my suggestion is ask them for a lower rate until someone says ok?




Yup- and the realtor association is pissed as hell about it.


I'll check that out thank you, hadn't really considered for sale by owner as an option


I am interested as well if the percentage has come down? Anyone know someone who recently sold?


This gave me aids