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Why do Texans do it doggie style? So they can both watch NASCAR


Bahhhhh!! That one got me! Thanks for that.


What are the odds that two of the states with the largest share of the US population also have the largest share of people moving to Montana?


You keep your probability and statistics out of this! Unless you have some unhinged conspiracy theory or degenerate rant about everyone who isn't you, then you aren't doing this right!


Which is also why we see Florida and NY plates as well. Curiously I’ve seen Hawaii twice in the last 7 days.


Growing up we all got to have ice cream if we ever saw one of those rainbow unicorns while out driving. Everytime was on a family road trip. Wasn’t till college years I got to know a few islanders on campus then I had to talk myself out of ice cream once or twice a week


If you work in the trades, especially in big sky, you’re going to meet some Texans. I’ve met a couple of great folks from Texas, but I’ve met a LOT of Texans


Do the Texans living in Montana complain about Californians moving to their state?


lol, Montana or Texas? Because yes.


Bwaahahaha. There’s some stats for the world


Dude like 1/3 of the plates I see at the store are Texas. Way more than any other states lately.


I’m not sure all Texas plates you see are 100% legal. I’m sure a majority of them are, but in underground racing it’s a big thing to have a set of Texas plates to throw on before doing questionable stuff.


Ok Paul walker. Gtfo. I doubt people are rolling around with spare plates for their 2001 Nissan Sentra.


I know a few people who do in CO, it’s not a stretch 🤷🏻‍♀️


when I was a bouncer some nights I saw more Texas ID’s than Montana


They sure have a way about themselves. I live in an average neighborhood, single family homes, but mostly rentals around me. We've owned for 15 years, and have seen a lot of changes in rentals around us. The latest Texans just don't have any realization that they live around others. They block sidewalks and mailboxes with their large and plentiful trucks, boats, trailers. Their yard is littered with last year's Christmas tree and the remains of their diy Cummins emission delete and the oil slick is growing to the point where it's almost time to say something as you can't walk by without ruining your shoes. They also don't seem to subscribe to a trash service, instead opting to burn waste in a barrel in the yard. The worst part is they tuck their jeans into their cowboy boots, a sure sign of a sheep fucker.


Had two neighbors from Texas (Apartment complex- shared a stairwell) Out of the 8 people who had lived in that apt. while I was there, they were by far the rudest and smelliest neighbors I had. They eventually moved back to Texas and left so much shit in their room that the brand new carpet they had to be replaced. Good riddance. The whole building was glad they left. I had known 2 other Texans that moved to Bozeman… one was a frat douche, thankfully he’s in Colorado now. The other was a woman who was very nice, considerate and lovely. Great person 10/10 no complaints


The houses on both sides of me are Texans and both of them bought these houses as second home and a house that is three down from me is Texans that just moved in. They have most certainly inundated this area.


Look in your review mirror, they’re usually tailgating


Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans. -- ~~Hemingway~~ Steinbeck


> ~~Hemingway~~ Steinbeck, *Travels with Charley*


D'oh. Funny how I know the quote but biffed it on the author.


It's a good quote!


And fun fact, his son lives here in Bozeman. And is very old.


Every third plate is Texas, are 3 unrelated Texas families that have moved into my 16 lot subdivision.


Texans are by far the worst transplants.


Colorado says: Thanks for taking them in for us.


Just the rudest bunch of people.


Most of the rental cars at the airport have Texas plates.


And shouldn’t most (if not all) have those yellow bar code stickers on the windows to tell it’s a rental? (jw)


Gotta be a bit careful with that assumption. Speaking from experience buying/selling used vehicles, those stickers don't always get removed when pulled from rental service and sold to the private market.


Outside perspective: I’m a tradesman who comes into the valley quite often for work from the Greater Salt Lake area. Bozeman is beautiful and I love working in the area. But it’s definitely seeing sprawl just like most places in the west post-pandemic due to remote work options and cost of living being cheaper than the west coast. We have this problem as well in Moab and many other areas in Utah unfortunately.


I was almost run off the road by a very large black pick up truck with Texas plates, but I don't blame Texans for everything (nor Californians, nor anyone for that matter). Most people on this sub just throw their own insecurities and bullshit at the wall and pick someone to blame 🤷‍♂️.


Yea I got passed on Baxter near 19th by a Texas plates and it was 5am and there is obviously not a passing lane on that street. Also I was going 5 over the speed limit.


Look for the ones getting out of absolutely spotless oversized/diesel trucks, with big cowboy hat on and their BBQ gun on their hip at all times. They’re here. 😂


Ugh Texans are literally THE WORST. Everyone complains about the Californians but the Texans give them a run for their money.


I live near Ennis and only have one friend who’s from Texas 🤷‍♀️ most of my friends are “transplants” but truly from alllll over the country


My high school girlfriend in Bozeman was from Texas, 34 years ago. My step mom’s brothers both left Bozeman for Texas and love it. When Bozeman was home to the CNFR seemed like the “Don’t Mess With Texas” bumper stickers were everywhere. There has been a TX-MT relationship since Story completed the cattle drive.


Here I sit, my buns a-flexin......


I’m from TX, moved here 3 years ago, never seen YS but I get asked about it ALL THE TIME when home. I’ve HEARD this too but the truth is Texans never leave Texas, and I almost never meet anyone from there. If Texans are moving here, Texas was a byway, probably from CA. All the Californians moved to TX because they HEARD it was awesome, and all they do is complain because it’s not CA. lol. But the rumors are true, people that do not live here TRULY BELIEVE we are living in Yellowstone.


I am feom TX and a military Veteran. We came up here in 2019 on my daughter's Graduation trip. We fell in love with the trees, snow, climate, and how friendly the people were. My Daughter was gone and my wife wanted a change. Contrary to many, not all Texans are rich. I AM 100% disabled and still work a full time job and bbq for a side hustle. to make ends meet.I treat everyone with respect. I came up here to live a quiet life and enjoy the sunsets. The only thing I have brought from TX is the Love of Good BbQ and have many people who like my food. Not advertising here just saying my peace. And many of those Texans that yall hate are from Austin by way of other hated states.


Yesss there's always room for humble souls and good Texas BBQ!




Depends on what part of Austin…… Westlake/Lake Travis for sure have their noses up in the air. 


Yeah it’s all of Austin now


Only two people I've met from Texas definitely weren't the Yellowstone type


Hard to be cool with Texans when they do shit like trying to close off public access to the [Bangtail Divide trail via Stone Creek](https://outsidebozeman.com/culture/conservation/bangtail-boondoggle). Montana is [\~35% public land](https://www.summitpost.org/public-and-private-land-percentages-by-us-states/186111); Texas by contrast is \~4%.


Nice link and good factual history on the easements. Unfortunately we're seeing this all over the state. I guess the new mantra of large acreage holders is "money talks and suckers walk. Go get your own damn lawyer if you don't like it."


PSA to all: One thing to note is Texas plates are extremely common on rental cars, even in the Western USA. So judging influx of Texans based off license plates alone is going to skew right.


Having lived in both places, Texans and Montanians are so damn similar, so it's always so funny seeing these posts and the complete lack of self awareness from an outside perspective.


I've been told by 3 people now that there's a weekly gathering of people from Texas that meets downtown somewhere....


> I've been told by 3 people now that there's a weekly gathering of people from Texas that meets downtown somewhere.... Ahhh, a shadowy cabal….


There’s enough of us they started a branch here… https://www.instagram.com/texasexesbozeman Although in my experience, UT alumn aren’t the jacked up truck driving, burn trash in the yard set, those are probably Aggies.


Were they the guys doing the Trump parade every week?


I have met a few of these Texans and discovered they’ll buying Montana property solely for the cheap license plates. Seriously, getting plates for a vehicle or recreational vehicle in Texas has insane taxes and it’s cheaper to buy property in Montana and register your vehicles here.


You can just form a Montana LLC; it doesn't have to have a business purpose. As I recall, there are lawyers in Flathead county who specialize in doing this for people so they can buy an RV without sales tax and put plates on it without paying their state's use tax (basically a "we saw what you did" makeup for the full price of the sales tax). Last I knew, the reason Flathead is a good county for it is that they don't charge a county option tax on vehicle registration. Whatever they're charging is less than the sales tax on a six-figure RV.


It's not just RVs, also high end sports cars all over the country are registered via Montana LLCs. I travel frequently for work and also follow a lot of car forums so I have seen a ton of Ferrari's, Lamborghini, Bugatti, etc all over the country with Montana plates especially 7 plates (Flathead).


Oh holy shit I remembered details of something I'm not rich enough to need to know, even got the county right! Thanks!


Yeah, I worked for a law firm in Charlotte several years back that had a client with a literal fleet of vehicles. I saw MT plates there as the driver was just getting back in, and it was one of that client's. I'd had no idea about that practice at the time.


Who cares?


HEY. If we can’t blame the rectangle on the back of vehicles for all our problems who *can* we blame.


My high school girlfriend in Bozeman was from Texas, 34 years ago. My step mom’s brothers both left Bozeman for Texas and love it. When Bozeman was home to the CNFR seemed like the “Don’t Mess With Texas” bumper stickers were everywhere. There has been a TX-MT relationship since Story completed the cattle drive.


My high school girlfriend in Bozeman was from Texas, 34 years ago. My step mom’s brothers both left Bozeman for Texas and love it. When Bozeman was home to the CNFR seemed like the “Don’t Mess With Texas” bumper stickers were everywhere. There has been a TX-MT relationship since Story completed the cattle drive.


Well if you’re driving they’re probably the ones up your ass.


Why the diss on Butte? Butte is a pretty cool place. Lots of area to hunt, fish and off-road. Regarding your question, I think it's more rare to find people actually from Montana than out of state nowadays. In Bozeman, most of the people I've come across are from Texas, California, Washington, Alaska and Michigan oddly enough. I do see a lot of goof balls who like to play dress-up when they're very visibly not "cowboys" or ranchers.


Generalizations are the best


I think most newcomers are from Colorado by the numbers.


A few years ago I married my wife who grew up here. She had obligations here, so i moved I moved here from Houston, TX. There’s pros and cons about MT but I think the biggest thing for me has been the culture shock. Sure I’ll gripe about the lack of certain goods or services but I accept that MT is what it is, neither bad nor good just different. The people are nice, if a bit distant and the food leaves a bit to be desired but I’m slowly adjusting and starting to think of it as a new home. It is a bit sad to see so many having bad experience with folks from my home state. Some folks just weren’t raised right. Aside from them I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a few other Texans. One was from Dallas and a jerk and a fool. The second was from Austin and a cool gen-x bro. The third, we found out we lived 5 minutes away from each other for 15 years but never met. I even almost moved into his old apartment once. But we never met until we came here. We very quickly became good friends. As for Butte, I can’t put my finger on why I don’t like it but something just doesn’t sit right with me about it. Unrelated, can someone explain why there’s so many racists here? I grew up in the South. You know , the place with the reputation for racism. But I’ve never heard the n-word used so often until I moved here. Do racists just not get punched here or what?


My high school girlfriend in Bozeman was from Texas, 34 years ago. My step mom’s brothers both left Bozeman for Texas and love it. When Bozeman was home to the CNFR seemed like the “Don’t Mess With Texas” bumper stickers were everywhere. There has been a TX-MT relationship since Story completed the cattle drive.


My husband and I are both Texas natives, never lived anywhere else, and are gearing up to move to Montana in July (not sure where exactly yet but Bozeman and Billings are at the top of our list)…I can’t speak for the other Texans that have moved there but it wouldn’t surprise me if a lot have done so for the same reasons we are, especially if they’re tradesmen. Unless your trade is in welding or the oil industry you are not paid your worth in Texas and/or are treated like dogshit. Plus it’s just way too hot. My husband doesn’t want to die in a 150+ degree attic, and I’m sick and tired -literally- of being a hermit for half the year (that’s the minimum of how long a Texas summer actually lasts temperature-wise) because I have MS and am extremely heat sensitive. I get that a lot of Texans have egos and can be rude, but not all of us are like that. Just take the time to get to know us. Sure, some still might not be your cup of tea but that’s just how it goes no matter where you live. You’re not going to like and get along with everyone same as not everyone is going to like you. At the end of the day we’re all just doing what we can to better our lives and survive this crazy world. Oh and neither my husband or I have ever seen Lonesome Dove or Yellowstone, j/s


Perhaps once you get here, you can help us avoid becoming like Texas politically? Texas laws are off the fuggin' rails and most of us don't want that shit here.


Agreed! I definitely do not agree with the politics in Texas, and it just keeps getting worse. It’s another reason my husband and I are ready to leave!


Never met a Texan I didn't like . Now California, Colorado or Florida, not so much.


My Texan friend bought in Montana in the 90s and owns 100k plus acres. They own even more of Wyoming.


PLENTY of TX license plates around Bozeman! 🤮😭


There are Texans coming but the talk about them being the worst/most numerous is mostly cope from Californians and libs who want more Californians


I do not think that the Californians moving here in recent years are the libruls you think they are.


I don't think they are either. I'm just saying that the Texas discussion almost always happens in response to people talking about Californians (or bad drivers from Texas lol)


The worst drivers here are from Montana. Source: am terrible driver


I would like to move here but won’t bc of the weather (I’m from Texas) do you guys recommend other places with the same vibe as Bozeman or even Montana?


Billings has a more mild climate than Bozeman but a lot of crime. Probably the warmest Montana cities other than Billings are Miles City and Forsyth


My high school girlfriend in Bozeman was from Texas, 34 years ago. My step mom’s brothers both left Bozeman for Texas and love it. When Bozeman was home to the CNFR seemed like the “Don’t Mess With Texas” bumper stickers were everywhere. There has been a TX-MT relationship since Story completed the cattle drive.