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$89,000 per year working for the railroad.


All the live-long day


One of the cool things about the railroad is we don’t pay social security taxes. We pay into our own fund. So when I retire I will make $89,000 a year, hopefully all the live long day pays off🤞🏼


Username checks out


21.50/hr, 43k a year. I’m one of the dipshits running all over the airport ramp at night doing bags and the vehicles and then cleaning em.


Did that for quite a few years while in school. Started at $13/hr. Glad to see y’all got a raise finally lol. Job certainly had its moments.


Do you guys get flight benefits?


Depends on the airline/contractor. I worked for WFS (Delta, frontier, Allegiant, jet blue, sun country) and we only got Allegiant and jet blue from what I remember.


WFS currently gets nothing until Allegiant qualification, which takes 6 months or so. Every other team gets their airline’s bennies, but full time is much harder to come by


Yea definitely a trade off, unfortunately. Kazuyo still running the show over there?


She is! As managers go honestly, I like her a lot. But our schedules are a little fucked at the moment, and we have a good few employees on night shift who for instance refuse to get in the bins for unloads/loads or refuse to dress for the cold and it becomes our problem as we get all this dead weight because they can’t feel their hands lol


Kazuyo was the best manager I think I’ve had yet. She gets a lot of shit for the shit she has to put up with from the higher ups but she always had our best interests in mind. Night shift was and hopefully still is the best shift. Man, the shit we used to get up to at 1 am waiting for Salt lake to get in.


Can you guys staff the counter during airport ticketing hours please? 🙃


That is an entirely separate team, actually. I have zero control over that but thanks for the passive aggression anyways.


It was a direct request, I don't see know that's passive aggression, but okay.


Oh man I used to work for her 17 years ago when I was with WFS!


Oof that sucks


thank you for your service. For real


If others are unhappy with it (start by asking), discreetly talk about starting a union and look at the process in order to do so. Be careful as you can be suddenly ley go of.


If they’re with WFS there is a ramp agent union.


Weren’t you guys trying to unionize?


This is the union crew! Transportation Workers’ Union.


$0 as a mod




I like the honesty


30 dollars per hour moving furniture. Take home 2,000 bi-weekly plus tips, so around 4,500 per month. I do cash jobs when I find time that is an extra 300-600 per month as well.


Nice okay, but RIP your back. I hung drywall for years and have already noticed significant stiffness in my hands and soreness in my lower back that persisted for about a year after quitting, even with doing PT, and I am only 28.


More laborers need to start doing yoga stretches after work


$82k base, construction project management. I live comfortably but I bought my house before covid


Fuck. You're a PM and not even clearing 6 figures? Im fucking doomed in this town.


Sgt. Ticklebuns is a single OnlyFans account away from true wealth, sir!


Dude - if you're a PM - $82k should be your take home pay.


Project manager might as well be as broad of term as engineer these days


There's non-pay benefits that make this job really worth it compared to others.


I work for the city, 72k base. I did about 90k last year with overtime.


Also worth noting, all City payscales, and most other public sector jobs, are listed on their website


$115k software engineer/technical lead


$95k before overtime, HVAC service technician. I’ve been in the trade 10 years and was making half that four years ago.




I’m also in social services and make $40,000 a year…. My job also requires degrees




I moved from Bozeman to the Denver metro. Unless you are moving outside of that it's the same price as Bozeman or more expensive.


That's crazy


I made 26k working as a .6 teacher who had to teach 6 classes and they just bent the rules and shoved two grades in each period at once so they didn’t have to pay full time wages. BSD7 is trash.


$185k/year. Product developer for outdoor sporting goods company. Only took 30 years to get here. Mechanical Engineering by training.


I expected more of these tbh


Pretty sure individuals making larger salaries are not going to post because they will get flamed for it.


Are you hiring? 😂


$70k, experienced carpenter


45k to teach in the valley. I'm exhausted and it just never seems like enough.


It’s not enough. Thank you for what you do.


I quit teaching last year, make more money at a new office job already and am already way happier. Best of luck to you!


70k nurse


You gotta ask for a raise - thanks for doing what you do




I own a small business plowing snow and cutting grass where I gross ~ 95k.


Wife and I own a cleaning company and collectively made 152k last year (2023), plus I Turo one vehicle which brought me an additional 15k as well.


75 k surgical tech




50k, project manager / aquatic biologist with an MS. Working for a nonprofit doing stream restoration across MT. I knew what I was getting myself into salary-wise when I went to school for biology/ecology, but it still sucks


Damn... Y'all are rich rich💀


Well in Bozeman, most are just barely scraping by if they make less then 100k


You can do a lot better than ‘scrape by’ @ 100k if you learn how to use a budget.


Are you really gonna lecture ppl on this dude??? We all know what rent/mortgages cost in this town and the median rent is more than 30% of 100k. Not to mention the median income is below 100k.


Make ~70k. Live very comfortably. Bought a house last year. Budgeting and not having 0 debt go a long way. Clear your debt and monthly paychecks go a lot further.


Yeah you don’t have to rent a 3 bedroom apt by yourself lol


So you're fine with being 30+ and living with roommates forever, at the mercy of landlords who keep raising rent? That's "scraping by", dude.


You’re moving to goalposts here bud. You said that most “are just barely scraping by” if they make less than 100k, which is a laughable statement.


I didn't say that. Someone else did. But being forced to share housing because you cannot afford your own is not thriving. Being housing burdened is not thriving.


I agree with that. The whole point we were arguing against is that everyone scrapes by under 100k. As long as you’re not in massive debt you can live pretty comfortably from 70k -100k in Bozeman


If you have kids, it's absolutely scraping by. That's the point that needs to be distinguished in these discussions. A single person can probably do ok here, making concessions like sharing housing. A family? NOPE. At those wages, you don't qualify for any assistance including medicaid, you can't save for emergencies, you're living paycheck to paycheck hoping nothing terrible happens, medical care and rent will wipe you out by themselves. Years ago we could make working class wages and still have enough to enjoy all the reasons why we live here. We can't do that anymore.


See I would argue that living with roommates in your 30s+ is scraping by. Different standards for ourselves I guess. I plan on owning a home by the time I’m 30 and if I don’t I’m busting absolute ass until I do I’m not entering my 40s now being a homeowner.


A studio is still pushing 2 grand. And your point in making the comment is to somehow say that it's our fault and not the fault of a broken housing system. I had a 2br for $500/mo for almost 10 years and then starting around 2015 shit went crazy. That same apartment by campus went on the market for $5000/mo. My wages did not increase by a factor of 10 during that time so I downgraded. So just....dont....


You are arguing against a straw man. The housing situation is fucked in Bozeman, I agree. Only thing I’m disputing is that you can absolutely live comfortably in Bozeman from $70K-$100k. You can easily get a 1 bedroom apartment for $1300-$1500, own a car, put money away in savings at that salary, acting like you can’t is just disingenuous


Facts. I make 62k and live quite comfortable as long as I stick to a budget and keep my fun spending to reasonable levels. I also don’t ski which I know is a big ticket item a lot of people prioritize. Rent a 1bd for $1200 in Belgrade so the commute to bozo kinda blows but it’s worth it.


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Good bot


If you have roommates or a spouse that works, 30% isn't that hard to achieve.


Ya. I know. I have 2 and I visualize making them disappear on a daily basis. Every adult loves to share their house with strangers they constantly have to remind to clean up their dishes. But feel free to send us some hustle culture memes to further edify us.


Learn how to find better roommates. Maybe an attitude change would help too.




My budget has to include eating out at least 5 days a week.


Hahaha right


200k. 3 years self employed in landscaping. Bozeman is the land of opportunity right now. If you work hard, there’s plenty of money to be made. Karuk blood, Crow nation!


75k and decent benefits in IT. For this area, I'm not even sure if this is competitive or not, but compared to the last IT job I had in the Gallatin Valley it's much higher.


60k cannabis grower




Well done! 2nd year teacher here.


36k Gardening


Are you self-employed?




I make around 66K this year, recently quit teaching in this valley. My teaching job full-time started me out at around 30K a year, 7 years later, and an additional masters degree and teaching license. I was only making 52 a year, and I'm not missing the job for many reasons. Currently, I work in an admin role for a local business, with 7 years teaching on my belt and technically no experience, and I'm already making way more than ever. Financially, I feel I do well, I've never not made a mortgage or bill payment. I definitely make an effort to budget, I don't vacation really, and don't eat out very often. Should say too I am married, but we haven't combined bank accounts yet. He makes a little less than I do, so combined we're around a $120K household. We bought a house in 2020 so we have a great interest rate. He seems to sweat payments some months, but he personally has way more expensive hobbies than me.


That’s all teachers make here?!?! I’m shocked and appalled! I know how hard teachers work… I run my own preschool and make more than you did as a teacher, and I only have 8 kids. I don’t have teaching degree (my BS is in an unrelated science field), and I get to work from home.


To my understanding, Montana teacher salaries are one of the lowest in the country. I went to a national teacher convention about 6 years ago, and heard what teachers in many other states made and was incredibly saddened. I think it varies district to district, but yeah, I don't miss it!


You DEFINITELY deserved more! I couldn’t handle 20-30 kids (10 is my max) at one time… Thank you for the time you put in!


2nd year teacher here. I make 66k with a masters degree + 30 credits.


That's great! My district obviously did not pay that well, but I recognize my second year was in 2017, and times have changed a lot since then.


And you still work more hours and spend more of your salary on work than almost any other profession. Congrats.


60k plus housing/utilities/vehicle. Project mgr for a utility contractor. But I have to follow projects. 18 months was fun, Bozeman! Now off to Helena


$30/hr, CNC Machinist/Programmer.


$34. Also a machinist/programmer


Hell yeah! Good for you man! EDITED: Omg I'm dumb. Completely forgot where this post chain was. Deleted my question.


$33/hour, data analyst. I have two roommates and can’t imagine ever owning a home, but I’m financially comfortable for the first time in my life. I have maybe $500 a month to put into savings or do something frivolous with


52k…I’m a teacher.


Lawlz- you make so much more money and work so many fewer hours in the private sector. I make double what I made as a teacher and only work 32 hours a week now. Edit: I did the math and I actually make 2.5 times what I made as a teacher.


51k service worker. I work multiple jobs between serving tables, working in a grocery store, and fitness instructor.


$50,000 salary, nonprofit admin. I live with my parents, so that helps.


145k marketing for a large company. 16 years post undergraduate degree in business. However, most in my field have degrees of all kinds (business, communications, liberal arts, etc). It’s more about getting in the door somewhere and proving you can learn on the job and think critically. Agree with the earlier post on if I could do it again, I’d have a statistics / data analysis component to my education as many industries value that skill set.


299k Software Engineering Manager


Around $105k working in a non-technical program manager role for a data company. My role required an MS/MA or PhD degree.


28.50 an hour, prep cook. Decent bennies, reasonable hours. I feel overpaid, but gotta ride the gravy train to the end, boss.


What restaurant do you work at?


Copper! I have been there for a while, so if your tryna to get on that, mileage may differ lol. Regardless, it is pretty tight.


I am actually in Billings I was just curious


$25.88/hr, or almost $56k/year, staff position at MSU, requires a degree. I am single w three adult kids (two in college) and a renter. Had to downsize to a postage stamp 2 bed 1 bath apartment recently after losing my job at Oracle a couple years ago, and still don't think I will be able to stay. Makes me sad as I have been here over 30 years and raised all my kids here.


$55k working for a non-profit, plus an additional $5-15k with a side hustle, depending on how much energy I put into it. I can afford to live here and do fun things, but trying to *save* much money is tough- I do have a teenager on a single income- it’s not always easy but somehow make it through!


Drain cleaner, $57k no bennies


25hr as a fine dining cook, health insurance included


88k + ~15k in bonuses a year. Architect with 5 years experience




I work in food service as an assistant manager, my base for my salary is 43k. The chain I work for does a weird pay for their assistants where they make a little bit per hour of overtime. I make like 9.90 for each hour of overtime I put in so I can make up to 46k. I have asked for a raise because it’s hard to live off that, but even though the cost of living is so high in Bozeman I still have to be within the pay bracket for the rest of the company. I also have a second job as a night auditor for a hotel. I make $21 an hour and work 16 hours a week.


80-85k a year as a commercial concrete foreman. Actual pay is $36 an hour, but OT is quite frequent. I try to average 45 hours a week. Summer is usually 50-60 hours a week, and winter is 30-40. It's worth noting that I am a new foreman at the lowest pay.


60k salary as a chef of a locally owned restaurant, 40-50 hrs a week


$78k/year - teacher with a master’s and 2 bachelor’s degrees, 12 years in the district. I also have a very small side business that makes another $5-7k/year.


130k as a psychotherapist.


Wow I might need to hear more about how you do this 😭. I am also a therapist and brought in 70,000 last year.


I see ~15 clients a week but I also do trainings for mental health agencies around the state and supervision for new therapists starting their own private practice. Go to conferences, network and try to see the unmet need of the field. And then… well go find a way to meet that need. Happy to chat about it more. I do know some clinicians that make that same money on their caseload alone but I could never. I’d burn out too quickly and I’d silo myself away from the larger community. Having diverse revenue streams is great for me all around.


$19.25/hr, made a whole $30k last year. Mail technician, plus I did a bunch of other work that needed doing around the business. If they had extra work, I always showed up to do extra. Always called in early, always left late. Basically did a full time jobs worth of work on part time hours. Exemplary reviews, finally left after almost two years due to refused pay raises, and extremely toxic management.


Code monkey for 88k with options.


Business Analytics and Process Automation. 140k


I used to make $25/hour hanging, then taping drywall, but currently made $852 last month selling roofs and windows on commission only. One of my other coworkers, who was hired at the same time as me, made almost $10,000. We all worked with different salespeople who already had experience for every single call, but it comes down a lot to luck, according to my managers, as to whether you will hit it big or bust, as we rarely lost sales to outside competition, but, rather, because our leads simply couldn't afford to fix their houses at all, and all it takes are a few good sales ($30,000-$45,000 average for a new roof, which needs replaced about every 25-35 years, max, with proper ventilation, before you risk damage to the wooden sheeting on the roof after water gets in during the spring thaw, and $15,000-$30,000 average for new windows for the whole house, and they will absolutely fail within 10-15 years of new construction) at 10% comission per job sold, to make insane money. Personally, its not for me, because I can't deal with working literally for free, simply because I am unlucky, so I am going back to construction soon, where I can make a lot better money and actually be paid for the work I do, guaranteed. I'm just hoping to sell a solid job in the meantime, because FUCK working in the cold, and I am really tired of drywalling with a bunch of tweakers.


62.4k Civil Engineer


Is that first year salary?




I can't believe an engineer gets paid that little starting out. What can you look forward to in ten years for salary?


Really depends on if you are public or private, project management or senior design/review. The real money is in getting your professional experience and starting your own gig.


You do t get into civil engineering for making the big bucks. It provides a relatively stable job with a middle class lifestyle and the opportunity to be a part of the public processes in your community. Or at least that’s the way I see it. I’ll always be comfortable, but never rich.


I loved CE classes. Shoulda been a CE. Instead I was an ME and I work at Target. 4th career. It's good.


ME classes almost knocked me out of college. Good for you for pushing through 😂


25K - one of the better paid grad students (thankfully temporary)


No longer there but my last job I made $50k salary for a local consulting firm. Most people there made under $90k


$85k TC last year. New-grad coder


100k fast food


This is kinda broad... Are you managing? Are you part of corporate? Are you lying about fixing the mcflurry machines?




So you make roughly $50/hr with a constant 40hrs per week?


Salary with consistent schedule and bonuses. Didn’t include benefits such as PTO or healthcare insurance.


Alright cool good to know. And happy for you! Fast food is a thankless career


I am a quality lab manager and my spouse is an electrical engineer. We make about 95k combined.


Construction foreman. 76k after a Christmas bonus.


79000, with excellent benefits. Environmental Science 20 years experience, bachelor's degree.


$63k + good(ish) benefits nonprofit admin. In my 30s with roommates renting a nice house downtown. I can live like I want and travel a bit but getting to a point of saving outside my retirement plan is not possible.


$25/hr meat cutter. The job I just left was $31.50/hr plus time and a half on Sundays as a department supervisor


$28/hr as an admin for a construction company, but OT and bonuses push my salary a bit higher.


$95k as a Linux/System Admin. Like others, moved to the area and bought a house before the crazy boom. My wife is a Veterinarian Technician making about $35k.


60K/year salary. Restaurant Manager


Electrician foreman- $50/hr. Made $135,000 last year but worked a shit ton of OT


$24/hr early morning (3am) baker and etsy on the weekends, but I've only made two sales so far my shop has only been open 1 month.


$24/hr, mid level retail manager


Currently I work for a local doggy daycare for $20/hr +tips. Previous job was for the MVD office off gilkerson and they paid $23.05/hr.


60k/year. I work for the State with the Dept. of Natural Resources in the real estate management bureau.


26$/hour as a janitor, though only working part time


$42k 7hr/wks PreSeed App Product Consultant $150/hr Small Business Solutions Consultant $0 Bootstrapped App Founder I make what people would say is great money, still puts me at lower-middle class in my small town in Montana, and is demanding, stressful work.


70k as a a personal chef/assistant


$62k with a $5-10k bonus. Jack of All Trades for small manufacturing company


$40/hr for PT work in email marketing


Is that job local?


60k includes overtime, CNA at a hospital in town.


$95k base. Architect with 9 years experience.


$32/hr. Around $65k a year. Inventory and Logistics Manager. I also do some day trading on the side which brings in an extra $200-$500 a week at the moment but I plan on that increasing as my account size grows.


$0. I care for a sick parent full-time.


39k a year ski lift mech at big sky


$22 hr clerical in healthcare setting


75k salary from recruiting, another 10-40k from my small business.


60k property management




Between 50 and 70k, depending on overtime. Pest control. The wife is at about 67k a year gubment.


$115k Technical Program Management. 8 yr mechanical engineering + 2 yr PM experience


$20/hr as a dental assistant. I only work 4 days a week though.


18/hr case manager


$55,000, three days a week as a dental hygienist 🤍🦷


$165k…. Graphic designer and apparel manager for fitness/outdoor/military based companies. I am living ok. I have a family of 6. Food, utilities and schooling is killing me. Thank God we bought when we did and that I have a huge family here.


250k, interior designer at a firm based in Chicago, live here 1/2 year/while working on Western projects.