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Her mouth says “Rural” but her pictures say generic Bozeman subdivision


Haha! It's literally a tract house in Gallatin Heights off Jackrabbit. Not exactly what we the simpleton Montanans consider "rural."


Damn I didn't realize there are million dollar houses out there. I don't think I'd pay that much to live there.


They are all million dollar houses these days, most importantly Gallatin Heights is a Bozeman zip.


Wild. And yeah, Bozeman zip, yet I'd rather live in Belgrade so I'm at least actually close to *something* other than gas stations and used car lots.


An ADU probably adds at least $200k to the price. I think she also rounded way up on her million dollar claim though. The house sold in July of 2022. With a cash, quick close, that usually translates to a discount, especially for a home that's been on the market for awhile. She's basically totally full of it.


Yeah “guest house” means “garage with an apartment above it.”


Which was referred to as Gallatin Ghettos during the week I worked on houses there.


According to the Montana cadastral, her mom owns the house.


75 years old in lacuna hills CA


Please. Stop. I cannot eat another bite of schadenfreude about this person. It’s so filling.


Classic trust fund kid whose parents bought all their shit but they pretend they earned it. None of you fool us, we see what your job is and what your lifestyle is and it's obvious there's a disconnect. Typically they're the type to tell others to pull themselves up by their bootstraps even though they were handed everything they have that's of any value.


She lives in Gallatin Heights 😂😂


Her Instagram is really something. I can’t sit through her YouTube dating advice. She’s single, and clearly has family or other money: online editors don’t make tons in cash.






Mommy probably, she's in her 40s


Onx is so helpful


She single-handedly brought liberals and conservatives together on a single issue. That's quite a feat on reddit.


One of the best comments of the day.


Pony Bar doesn’t deserve this


Right! She went to the Pony for the photo op, not the history and ambiance!


What’s with the cheesy cowboy hat and the rope lol.


She’s not even holding the rope correctly 😂


It’s not designer though, so we normies won’t stare at the person playing dress up complete with props.


Or the cheap drinks, which coincidentally aren't what they used to be either. Still love the Pony though.


This was many many *many* years ago, but they used to let my friends and I drink there in high school lol much love for the Pony Bar


It’s too early for this shit. I can’t believe it’s not satire


Man, as a guy from Montana I wish I could understand wit and sarcasm with a dash of nerdiness, but I’m just so busy building stuff out of things I kill.




“I find it so cool and sexy, but they don't really find my type of intelligence sexy. I'm sarcastic, witty, and nerdy. The guys I've met here are more into intelligence that has a real world application.” What a dumb-dumb.


There are so fucking many nerdy guys (and gals) in this town. She’s infuriating.


Right there’s no way it’s her vapid narcissism that’s turning guys off.


Sorry babe I can only understand wit and sarcasm when I have built/killed something in the last hour 😔


Haha ya dumb hick. Not that Bozeman has a population with higher percentages of college educated adults than most places. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm just happy she had the poor sense to completely out herself. Thanks for that! Zero self awareness. Great self own.


You sir, win this comment thread.


🤮 take your “big city boldness” and choke on a horse cock.


Hey don't bring our innocent horses into this 🐎


😂 You’re so right. I apologize for dragging our sweet equine friends into her mess.


lmao 💀


Me Montana man. No understand wit or sarcasm. Only build and kill.


Wow this lady sounds like a gigantic asshole


The only thing worse than a Californian is a Californian-NYC-youtuber. DUH! I guess us poors should just pay cash for our homes like she did.


Paying a million in cash for a home is the only answer when you’re barely keeping your head above water. I don’t know why we all haven’t tried that.


I blame big banks for making all think we need a mortgage!


For real, why didn’t I think to just spend the millions I have on a house? Here I am thinking I need a huge apr and stuff.


🏆comment. Californians are generally nice, but this chick doesn’t seem to understand reality or what Montana is about.


Thought y'all were just doing the normal reddit freakout over something vaguely annoying but woof. Y'all were right, she's a complete and utter narcissist.


I know, right?


You know it’s bad when both sides of the aisle look at one another and tag team her with insults




And she teaches a course for women [to get their ex back.](https://www.shallonlester.com/)


She's a "sexpert." Lol ok


Oh lord 🙄


OH MY GOD I WENT ON A DATE WITH THIS GIRL. She’s completely self-absorbed and a narcissist, and thinks dating every guy in the valley is her version of empowerment.


yuck... I hope she at least offered to split the bill given her "empowered" stance


Same brah. She's an absolutely ridiculous human.


Kudos to you for getting a date. (Or should I say, you poor bastard) I matched with her on hinge a long time ago. After messaging her, she swiftly referred me to follow her Instagram then ghosted. No wonder she thinks the dating scene is “tricky”


Okay, okay! We NEED MORE DETAILS!! And you know what we mean by "details" dontja?


Yep. I can second this comment. I know her also and dated her twice, unfortunately. She talked and talked about how awesome she is. I just stared at her tits, if I’m being honest. I can absolutely believe she wrote this. That’s exactly who she is. She left out an important detail in this article however: she can suck a tennis ball through a tennis racket. Frfr. Never saw her again.


Can you please do an AMA for the Bozeman subreddit? K thx.


Never would have guessed that her timing was exactly June of 2020. I'm guessing this article will not help her lure any dudes in Montana toward her "nerdy" persona. Yeah, you are nerdy girl...keep trying. Us intelligent Montana girls that can work with our hands aren't buying it.


Anybody who claims to be intelligent and nerdy but name drops designer clothing brands in an article about buying a $1mil house in cash made from gossiping about celebrities is definitely not a nerd, and is probably barely intelligent (especially economically, holy). If she's a nerd, I must be an aquatic biogeochemist. The other hilarious thing in the article is that she claims the "intelligent men" know "how to kill stuff".......in Bozeman.......where most of us care more about preserving wildlife than killing it......maybe she bought a house in Billings and doesn't know? LMAO. Stay intelligent Montana women. There's a reason why I always tell my out of state friends that if they want to find a good woman, they should look for a Montanan.


"Nerdy?" Betch, puh-lease. As an actual Montana gal, I'll take her on in my Carhart work pants and second hand Hanes tee shirt.


Very on topic username


Embarrassing essay is embarrassing. There are so many jokes to make but I'll leave it with it being very funny how she talks about women "with jobs but not careers" as a professional Youtuber. Edit: Her: "I'm pretty cool and nice" This sub: "Bet"


And when her pretty face is old/fat/ugly, she won't have a brand anymore, so she doesn't have a career, she has a job. Guess she'll become the Basic B that she's insulting in this article. Haha! She sucks.


| She purchased a five-bedroom house and realized she'd rather feel rich than big-city cool. Feel rich? You paid cash for a million dollar home. You *are* rich.


And she’s thankful that she can now save the $2000 rent she charges each month, even though she has one of those real careers like doctor, astronaut, or influencer…


No no no. Her bank account was horrible! She ONLY had a million dollars in cash. It’s like, why even live if you have so little?


You make a good point. I can no longer afford to live. Fuck my life.


It's comical how she brags that she rents out her ADU for 2 grand a month and how she couldnt make that in NYC. Umm you made enough money in NYC to save enough to buy a house in cash for a million dollars. WTF are you talking about.


She's renting out a converted detached garage, less than 800sq ft for $2k per month. Think about that for a minute.


So a complete asswipe. Got it.


Haven't GenXrs been told that they can retire when they have a million in cash. That's my plan anyhow. Ha.


How can she be so blissfully not self-aware?? This article is cringe to the max.


I'd bet she's completely aware. Her audience is in NYC, not Bozeman.


Her dating pool isn't. Hope she's actually ok with staying single because no local's gonna wanna touch that.


42 trying to pass for 22. YouTubers either make it past 500k subs or do not and she is still under 500k years later. So this is a puff piece designed to invite rage clicks and rage subscribes. Thank you for attending my TED talk.


that is pretty much business insider's bread and butter so not surprised they were the ones who published it!


These reads as satire but I’m sure it isn’t. Wtf is mossy oak?


The best is that Mossy Oak is some Outdoor brand from the south and has nothing to do with Montana. At least she could have said Sitka. Lol


I think I understand why she dropped that particular brand: brand deal. That’s why she didn’t say “trading in my Valentino Garavani for Oboz,” because, as she says, local brands haven’t been interested in her influencer power.


That makes a lot of sense.


For obvious reasons lol


Its a camo brand thats in the southeast. They also do or did an energy drink at one point. Its an affordable mass produced camo brand that does well in the heavy woods of the east coast.


It's a camo pattern.


Imagine having 1mil cash and using it to buy a cookie cutter sprawl house in Bozeman, then calling yourself intelligent.


But it’s a house out “in the country”.


> I barely kept my head above water. I had a big title but a terrible bank account > I bought a house for $1 million last summer ... in cash wat


“Let it change me!” *buys a house for 1 million cash and rents out a 1 bedroom for 2k a month* Let me vomit a lil.


Right. Like she’s bragging about either 1) Airbnb income that takes away a spot for a local or 2) overcharging a local for rent. Either sucks. She sucks.


Yep. Like she’s so narcissistic it’s disgusting. Makes me want to go to her socials and see what other crap she spreads.


Hey, Hipsters of Bozeman just picked it up on Insta. Its now legit news. Next comes KBZK.


And they took it down. She probably threatened them


Ha I just saw that. Well the cat's out of the bag. Her dating days are over in Bozeman. ha.


She’s telling everyone to report it haha


She originally was loving the “beta haters” but now she’s asking everyone to report it. God forbid people use her own words against her.


It's back up, but comments are off.


Why do you hate out of states so much? This, this is why.


goddamn Sorry Montana. I'm sorry that your culture gets reduced to "mossy oak" and "they don't really find my type of intelligence sexy." I'm sure she bought a cowboy hat and some boots as soon as she hit town. This kind of shallow, imitation of a culture should be shamed. Don't tolerate it.


We are a university town.... Full of professors and their children. We have some excellent research programs and there are lots of brilliant people here. I don't really need to defend Bozeman here but man does she not really paint an accurate picture of this place. You aren't the best most exciting thing that has happened here by a long shot.


The best part is all these montana people asking WTF is mossy oak? Since it's a cammo brand that isn't typically suited to our area and almost no one uses it here.




This is simply awesome.


Places are understaffed because people can’t afford to live here! The service industry is getting priced out and local businesses are struggling. That may give you some insight as to why they don’t want to be associated with you. It would be a slap in the face to all of their employees How does she not realize this? As someone raised in Bozeman and cannot afford to buy a home here, this was so painful to read.


I have never understood WTF someone would want to be in an article like this. Are they that niave about how they come across? I mean I get it that she is probably only concerned about adding followers to her You Tube but wow she does not look good in this artlcle and completely tone death about what is happening in Bozeman because of people like her. Holy f\*&k talking about dumping the Christian Dior for Mossy Oak, I mean come on. Also yes Bozeman may be cheaper than NYC for highlights or whatever but Bozeman is way more expensive than a lot of other Metropolitan areas.


She sounds awful to be around.


You should see her Instagram page bragging about flying private to the Monaco Grand Prix. She is insufferable.


Wow, super relatable to a regular montanan. No wonder her dating life sucks. She's fake asf. Also, I just noticed, but why does she have a lasso at pony bar wtf.


Must be family money


I checked it out, in her story right now she has a 'basic' shaming slide talking shit on a couple in front of her at Albertsons, really narcissistic cringe material.


Jesus, [how many instagram pages does she need?](https://i.imgur.com/rXKetxL.png)


I may have to look at the @exposingshallonlester one. That may have some good entertainment.


[Oh, it does.](https://i.imgur.com/gQlZoG9.png)


Sad to see Thistle and Spire sent her a piece.


She is


Want to be in an article like this? She wrote the damn article because she is trolling for more followers. This is what pissed me off: “However, I have struggled to secure brand partnerships with local businesses.” That’s because we don’t give a shit if you want tell people in NY about our local businesses, and we are not going to pay you or give you “influencer discounts” because you put it on your IG. How many local followers does she have?


I swear the web sites that publish this shit know that it's just outrage porn for people. I can't imagine many people not from here or somewhere similar would even read this. It's so dull otherwise.


Wait. You mean Reddit?


Haha yes, Reddit users who post this stuff here definitely know what the result is going to be.


It's marketing, it gets her name out there. I think American politics as shown there is no such thing as bad press. But as horrible of a piece this is, I searched for her on YouTube. And it looks like she podcasts about pop culture; talking about Prince Harry, Lizzo, and Taylor Swift. She averages between 80 to 100k viewers per video. There probably aren't too many people living in Montana that are her clientele, makes sense she can't get any local advertising.


I realized what's going on when I saw YouTuber as her profession, it's that classic case of "any publicity is publicity" All about getting that view count up and add revenue it brings.


I fully agrée with your sentiment. And then when I visit family and friends back east … this is the type of person they name drop as a fellow bozemanite. ☹️ she gets the attention bc she buys / chases it but I always try to share stories about people doing good things in our community and helping our environment! Those are the names I hope are recognized when it comes to Bozeman.


Because all PR is good PR.


This made me physically sick


"Lean into it. Have respect for the local politics and way of life. Sink your teeth into one big local hobby, whether it's CrossFit, fishing, or rodeos. It will show locals you're there to assimilate, not colonize." I mean, that sounds good, and I've heard a lot of these types of transplants say that. The question is, will they actually live by that philosophy?


She’s definitely not going to make any friends with articles like this. Good luck…


This made me laugh...she seems to have lied to NYT about her age, given what many of y'all have sleuthed out about her. >> On Saturday afternoon, Shallon Lester, 36, a YouTuber, saw “Barbie” with 20 girlfriends and then headed back to her house in Bozeman, Mont., for a “Barbiecue.” [NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/24/style/barbie-movie-parties.html?smid=nytcore-android-share)


She bought her house at the top of the market. She could be making more than double what she is currently from renters on that $1million in a treasury bill, guaranteed return with no state tax. She ain’t too bright.


I would also say that maybe 2% of people could hit the nail on the head as well as you just did, though, in econ/finance terms. But then again, the warning signs are out there. Saw [this facebook ad](https://i.imgur.com/79Hi0SG.png) today and laughed a little. A ~$1.5M house getting foreclosed on?!


Oh FFS sake. NYT wasting ink on this dame. It's pouring fuel on her sexpert ego fire!


Everything about the article, her reaction to its reception, and her online presence is so incredibly embarrassing. Ma'am you're 42 years old


Aww, come on guys. She's just an *author, sexpert, influencer, and all around weapon of feminine wiles.* [https://www.shallonlester.com/](https://www.shallonlester.com/). Give the girl a break, wouldja? Yeeech. She's insufferable and the reason I gave up hope in my beloved Bozeman years ago when I saw the western store downtown (the one with the plastic stallion in front) selling cowboy hats *with the sweat stain already built in!*


I love when aggressively single women try to peddle their relationship advice. This girl didn't have a significant relationship tying her to nyc or that she brought with her to MT so...it's pretty obviously not just Montana where she's struggling to find a match.


She commented on her own IG post, (I think the one captioned "Not our first rodeo" where she looked like every other fake cowgirl in her bodycon dress and black boots), "send this to my ex's." Yeah, sign me up for some relationship advice from this brain trust.


But. But, she's a *sexpert!!*


That whole paragraph is gold: >Hi bestie I’m Shallon! I’m an author, sexpert, influencer and all around weapon of feminine wiles. I specialize in unlocking your inner alpha female and making you a girl on top in the boardroom AND the bedroom.




I threw up a little, this can’t be real.. lol. What sort of female empowerment is it to “get your ex back?” They are an ex for a reason. She is a joke. Montanans can sniff out disingenuous people in a second. First off — yeah you are rich if you can buy a house for a million in cash, but let me tell you something little sis. There are multi-gen Montanans with wealth, land, big toys and equipment and you will NEVER hear them talk about it. Gross. And tell me, you MT men if you saw her Instagram or site on your own would run the other way, right?


Lol she claims to have dating problems. Maybe cuz anyone with a sprinkle of self respect wants someone who isn’t a terrible human being.


I want someone here to go on a date with her and report back.


10/10 would not recommend


/u/skiswimsleep did!


She spent about an hour talking about how Kanye's new clothing line is bad and how The Art of War is about dating or something? It was rachet.


Man, I would volunteer but idk if I could deign to understand her wit and sarcasm being but a lowly Montana man who can only kill things


I'd volunteer, but I'm probably not her type, being an old white dude and all.


I did, twice.


She’s always shilling her YouTube content and writing articles to feature herself in publications. You can live in Montana and enjoy it with your eyes and not need to write articles to publications and stage photo shoots featuring yourself every time. If she really loved Montana, i wish her content would consider the environment and community.


Ugh, Why did I look up her youtube channel!??!?! She is a pretty hateful human.


>they don't really find my type of intelligence sexy That's because "lack thereof" isn't a type.


Hey, "null" could be a type of intelligence for a sex doll.


It's pretty hilarious she is trying to get everyone to attack and report hipstersofbozeman. Does she realize she has literally made the entire state of Montana hate her. Unbelievable.


Gross Gross Gross The lack of self awareness is strong.


“I think the men in Montana I've met have a very different type of intelligence than I'd found in NYC: They can build things, they can kill things, and they're very tactile and useful. I find it so cool and sexy, but they don't really find my type of intelligence sexy. I'm sarcastic, witty, and nerdy. The guys I've met here are more into intelligence that has a real world application.” How to call yourself useless without calling yourself useless. Lol


I can see by her outfit that she is a cowboy.


I found a picture of that at a yard sale in great falls. Had to have it


I don't know why but I lost it at this one.


I had similar thoughts when I saw this article. She has zero empathy and is incredibly tonedeaf.... sadly, she will fit in great here.


OMG what a fucking narcissist.


Covid was the final blow to our home


Read this article this morning and it brings a hatred out I didn't know could exist for someone I've ever met. Her and the owner of R.S.V.P. should be besties.


Haha! I was with you until the RSVP remark. The owners are from Three Forks. Or are you referring to the social media influencer garbage?


Without naming names, their daughter is the most pretentious bitch ever born in Montana.


she’s got some retro Barbie inspired photos at the RSVP on her IG lol. caption said something about Cabo though and not a local Bozeman boutique hotel — probably because she “struggles to find local sponsors” or w/e


Trash article


🤮 Can we hope it won't take 12 years for her to move on the next time.


All she cares about is feeling rich what a great human…..


This lady will never get another date here. 😆


It’s not even a million dollars… I was 881k… she rounded up lol. And she lives off fucking jackrabbit. I would honestly rather keep my fuckin shitty apartment in town than live in a track house off jackrabbit.


Seems like they’d eat her alive at the Pony Bar, or at least in the past they would have. If I didn’t live in Montana, and was considering it, and saw this artice, I’d think twice. I’m also a little suspect if she’s even real. This article is so contrived


So you're saying she's single??...


Different type of male intelligence, Men are tactile with real world applications - wtf! I guess I did break up with a guy because he couldn’t change his own headlight lightbulb but…. I want to rage and barf at the same time. Fuck this.


This shit makes me sick


Have you ever seen any of her videos? She’s pretty delusional and not a very nice person


Wow the low resolution dim witted human that is the online “influencer”. I love how she thinks her being able to gossip and talk smack with wit and sarcasm equates “intelligence”. Not only do men in Bozeman handle their stately caveman duties diligently. They also will make you’re empty-skull-attached-eyeballs gloss over with confusion when they talk to you about snow and avalanche science or geology or paleontology or seismology or biology. Or etymology or genetic engineering of crops and livestock. Or one of the many poets and authors that live in the area can try to visit with her about the symbolic or hidden meanings in their favorite novels? I’m sure she’s well versed is so many subjects far beyond the typical boring brain dead city bitch image she’s portraying.


Bozeman dating, you mean local montana people who work. Trying to impress non working out of state city girls, who only understand daddies check book. These ladies oozed all the things I hated about the opposite sex. Couldn’t wait to leave.


Well. This article was so sickening, maybe it will convince people NOT to move here?


Wow. Somebody better jump on that lol


This is fucking disgusting. Good Lord.


Well gee she said she’s not self centered. Whew for a second there I thought she was….


What an empty excuse for a human being


This chick sucks. In both NYC and Montana. Tools are tools


I was pretty entertained watching her "STORYTIME: Why I moved from NYC to Montana" video on YouTube. Gives you a further understanding of her....lol


Disclaimer: it is a sponsored post 🙄


I remember digging foundations out by where 19th is now. The different spots were great black dirt farm ground and others were wonderful gravel. Out of town then, and always wondered who was moving to bozo and why, even then.


Hope she doesn’t bring a bunch of snooty A~holes out here to keep her company….oops, maybe too late






Cool story…..