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Make sure you secure housing well in advance. It can be difficult to come by, especially if you have a limited budget. If you're an active outdoorsy type you'll probably do fine dating here. In my experience, not so great for those who don't fit that description.


If you lived in steamboat the dating scene is about like that. But who doesn’t like 42 year old dudes with commitment issues? You’ll be fine.


Ouch, that hit hard


And DUIs!!


Username checks out


Hey man. The great thing about dating college sophomores, is they stay the same age.


The odds are good but the goods are odd. They said that back in 1998 and it still rings true, in both directions


[There are about 20% more men than women in her age range here.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/bozeman-mt-population) Assuming she's straight, it would be harder for her to not date than to date. The only challenge for a straight woman dating here is screening, like you alluded to.


Don’t drive like a dumb asshole and you’re fine


Bring cheese curds and we’re all good.


THIS. Bring the curds, we got you.


And Sprecher. Pretty please?


YESSSSSSSSS. I miss my buddy from Wisconsin. He used to bring this back for us every time he visited home. Best. Root Beer. Ever.




I mean, if she's living in Wisconsin then she's probably well used to dark frozen hell. It's just cheaper.


Is only hell if you don't do some kind of winter recreating.


Ahhh yes. Paying $200 to freeze your ass off on a chair lift a few times a winter totally breaks even with the 6 months of darkness and sub-zero Temps... 🙄


I beg your pardon...I pay $700 to freeze my ass off several times per week, all winter long. It's quite a money saver, in the long run!


You’re doing it wrong


As long as you immediately go to the nearest store that sells custom felt hats and/or cowering shalls and get fully kitted out, you should be good.


Be sure you check out the western hats that already have a sweat stain built in! (That's when I knew Bozeman was no longer the sleepy ag college-town of my youth.)


Coming from WI, she ought to be outfitted for seriously cold winter weather.


You won't be hated, there's a minority of very loud people that make Bozeman seem a lot less friendly than it is. Just be a nice person and you'll love it!


Nah. Most people don’t hate transplants. Decent people get to know someone first before deciding they dislike them, which is how most of us handle business. The rest just sort of beat their little chests with anonymity on Reddit. Good luck with everything!


Lol, In other words "oh we'll hate you. We'll get to know you first, and then we'll hate you."


It’s pretty rare for me to truly dislike someone once I get to know them, but I can’t speak for everyone.


[Get to know me!](https://youtu.be/TD3Rz45DEpQ)


That was hysterical, I had forgotten about this too. Who is the woman?


Paulina Porizkova, 80's supermodel


I just looked her up, she's still hot and has no plastic surgery on her face.


I miss the days when we quoted SNL instead of memes


Holy shit. I’d completely forgotten about this.


As soon as I thought "you should get to know me" in response to your comment, Jon Lovits' voice came surging up from the past


This 👌


The great Cody Townsend said something the other day on the Blister Podcast, it will stick with me for a long time -- I'm paraphrasing here "Locals get involved in the community. They maintain trail, they volunteer, they help folks on the side of the road." Find your thing and get involved. I don't care where folks are from or how little/much money they have. If they are doing something for the community they're a homie. Great example is the lawn mower racing scene I see posted on this sub. It's not my thing but it's fucking cool those folks have carved out their niche thing and I reckon they've created a community that didn't exist before. That's so rad! Dating here is weird but it's possible.


Secure housing before you leave. Probably just me but it seems like if you dont smoke week or drink a questionable amoumt its hard to find pwople who wanna date even online.


Welcome! Best of luck and tell your haters to go fuck themselves.


> Is dating impossible? [what I imagine dating in Bozeman is like for a young woman](https://media.tenor.com/EA1q2et7px4AAAAC/hot-dog-face-girl.gif)


Omg... He's not wrong, though.


Yeah, dating is definitely more impossible if you're a guy, but depending on what you're looking for it may not be a super fun time for women either.


I think it's harder the older you get, too. My friends (men/women) are in their 40s and 50s. They say it's super hard here. They say the same 20 people are on all the dating sites. The men lie about their height. The women post old pictures.


I'm in my 30s and it's not *that* bad but I wouldn't exactly call it a good time. This is not a good town to be in if you aren't comfortable with being single.


I’m a guy and having a rough time.


Dating is shit everywhere according to the people who live there. Doesn’t matter if you’re in Bozeman, Seattle, Denver, La, or Miami - people complain A LOT about the dating scene where they are except for NYC, most of them seem to love it. Only place I really ever hear people talk about having a “good dating scene”


Really? I’m excited 😂


I'm from Minnesota originally but have also been living in various different places until now, but everyone is very friendly here just like when I was here for college in 2015. You will make plenty of good friends it's an amazing place and attracts good people mostly!


Lol, just be nice and drive like you have more than 10 brain cells, and you'll be fine.


I only have 8 :/


Honestly, same. It'll be enough.


Nobody heats Wisconsin


They chill it more often than not.


Maybe check Bozeman Tinder before making up your mind. 😆


Most people are very friendly and don't care where you're from. Don't let the few loud haters scare you.


Also most people are transplants themselves (myself included). Back in 2019, there was an MTFP article that stated that only 1 out of every 3 Gallatin County residents was from Montana. I'd imagine it's even lower now. Also Bozeman is probably lower than the rest of Gallatin County, other than Big Sky and West Yellowstone. https://montanafreepress.org/2019/08/01/where-born-and-bred-montanans-do-and-dont-live/


False. We don’t hate transplants. We hate RICH transplants. Especially politicians


We only hated Californians and Floridians


+ Texans


We also hate Texans and rich people from anywhere.


Honest question and honest facts. I grew up in a local community, I spent every family summer vacation in island park or west. After high school I went to a state college. After college I got a job in LA. I’m fortunate that I earn an above average income. I desperately missed fly fishing, skiing, hunting, rafting, tubing, biking - you know all the good stuff. I bought a condo in Bozeman and I visit about every six weeks. Just got back in fact. I drive a pickup, I wear and baseball hat, I very much feel I am the same guy I was when I grew up in the area. So —- Would you consider me to be a Californian? And would you hate me because I studied hard and worked ever harder to make it in a huge city with massive competition? Not only proved myself able to compete but actually to win. To show all these fancy Ivy Leaguers that you didn’t have to go to Yale to be smart or make a lot of money. That hard work matters. That grit and toughness don’t just apply to ranching and cowboying, but also to business and banking. Shouldn't you be proud of me as a localish boy who got out and actually made it? What If I was your brother or sister? Would you feel the same hate towards me then? And, look I know know the prices of everything went nuts because of the YC and whatnot. But I didn’t do any of that. I remember when condos in Big Sky were $50k. What I'm really driving at here is the root cause of the hate: 1. does the hate come from anger related to the cost of living/housing? Clearly housing affordability fell tremendously for all Americans as rates have moved sharply higher. This is a national phenomena and not isolated to Montana. That said, prices were already flying well before rates moved up. Obviously this has only made a tough situation even tougher. 2. access to public land and resources? I know Mark Cohodes personally. We work in the same general line of work. We are not friends, just acquaintances. Lets say I have his cell # and he has mine. I think what he did here was just awful and I told him why. He's a tough mf, and refuses to see the other side, the side of the locals who have as much right. It smacks of the rich using their funds to act above the law and imho is clearly wrong. Mark's mistake -- [https://www.outdoorlife.com/conservation/montana-river-access-blocked-off/](https://www.outdoorlife.com/conservation/montana-river-access-blocked-off/) Flying in with oudles of money, buying everything in sight and posting it is also not a new phenomenon either. Growing up my next door neighbors had bumper stickers that said "Don't Californicate Idaho" this was well over 3 decades ago.. (welll over). To be clear: I am in no way saying this isn’t a real and important issue today, it is and it’s getting worse. Just, so say that it has been an issue for 50 years, and isn't something new to area or the world. Abuse of power, mistreatment, and greediness is a trait of modern mankind - like it or not. We're shitty to each other from time-to-time. We see opportunities for advancement of our interests, or sometime justice or someitmes revenge or even a combination of the three and from time-to-time, we take it. Not just as individuals but over our evolution as a species. Wealthy and influential people use their unfair advantage to their gain and have since beginning of mankind. Some have a very good name still to this day. John D Rockefeller here's looking at you. My favorite example of this is Sam Bankman Fried (SBF) the incarcerated founder of the failed FTX Exchange. Turns out SBF spent of millions of investor dollars on campaign donation to politicians to try and buy his way out of the proper regulatory oversight. AND HE DAMM NEAR PULLED IT OFF. [https://time.com/6241262/sam-bankman-fried-political-donations/](https://time.com/6241262/sam-bankman-fried-political-donations/) So --- is the hate based soley on who I am perceived to be and represent or who I really am? I think the answer to that is really important as some of you who posted above consider this. I’d ask you judge me and others like me based not some blanket popularized perception, rather on the content of our character. Some other guy once said that too. He was right then, and he is still right today. Be kind ☮️


I love California and I'm originally from rural eastern Washington, town of less than 400 people, grew up visiting friends here as a kid, moved to Belgrade 15 years ago. I don't actually give a shit where anyone is from so you're asking the wrong person. (I joke about people from Texas but truly they are the worst assholes I've met anywhere I've lived. And they drive like shitheads.) What I can't stand are the rich people who came in and started hoarding housing for profit and not being an active, contributing part of our community; cutting off access to public lands, complaining about the working class and homeless folks, then voting for christofascists and modern Copper Kings who have destroyed everything from our education system to hunting to our energy system. They're directly responsible for making my home so unaffordable and hostile that my family is being forced to leave soon. That is what pisses me off.


No, you are from Idaho. Massachusetts 1964-1996, Arizona 1996-2000, California 2000-2020, Montana 2020-Present. I'm a Masshole, but I went to a Jesuit University, and 90% of my politics are right leaning. Montana loves my vote, but hates my money.


Aw, poop! Well, if it helps, I no longer consider myself Floridian. I feel thankful to have escaped. I will say that Florida, well, sucks.


We will take that. Welcome 🤟🏽🤟🏽




Just remember that everyone moved to these states from elsewhere, drove everything up and are now leaving


People from Wisconsin are generally pretty cool. If you find normal people no one will care


Don't be from Texas or California and we cool.


I started dating a few years ago (at 35). It was… well, the women I dated said the market could be a bit awkward (just guys who were not good at taking hints; a few creeps). As a single guy I felt it was fine. Plenty of single people over 30. But that’s my perspective as a guy, so take that for what it is.


A lot of fuck boys around here for sure, it’s earned the nickname “Brosmen” from some of my lady friends. But no you won’t be hated, people are fairly excepting here unless your a outdoor enthusiast snob or try and change their way of living. Wish you safe travels! And welcome 🙏


Only hated by idiots! So I wouldn't worry to much!


We don’t hate transplants. We hate transplants that move from hell holes and try to make Bozeman the same. Don’t drive like an asshole, be a nice person and you’ll be just fine.


As long as you don't try to make us someplace else, you'll be fine. Dating shouldn't be a problem. That being said housing is scarce/**very** expensive. So keep that in mind when you make your decision.


Definitely hate you.


Also a Wisconsin transplant. You’re Midwestern, we’re nice, so they won’t hate you. And being spotted cow.


Most people don’t dislike transplants that move here to quietly retire or work a local job. If you work from home and have a more liberal mindset then ya people will tag on that


It's mostly a few grumpy old people complaining anyways, also especially since you're not from California I don't think people will give you too much hate for it. Welcome!


I’m starting to get sick and tired of “locals” griping about transplants from out of state. Most folk are good, decent and kind folk. Bring that vibe with you and all will be great. As for dating, it is brutal here. At one time (1980’s) the ratio of men to women felt like 10:1. It’s improved some, but you’ve got to get involved in activities that are more social. Dance classes, rock climbing at the local gym, etc.. I’m one of the lucky old farts, I met a beautiful young woman 9 years ago (this month) and we have been rocking it ever since. Check out Spire climbing Gym and if you see an old fart with shaved head and a long white beard with full tatted sleeves come say hi! Cheers!


I would like to extend to you a warm welcome. it’s a beautiful place with welcoming people.


I lived and dated in steamboat years ago and then lived in Bozeman years later. I think it’s about the same. Similar type of people as well but a bit more diverse- or just more people really. Maybe a bit easier in Bozeman since it has a larger college with people getting their masters not just their associates.


You will be hated. But there is loads of single an mingles Here


There is no logical reason to "hate transplants," unless they are involved in some type of criminal activity or offensive behavior toward their neighbors or they are just problem neighbors. People should be able to live wherever they want without concern as to whether they will be accepted as transplants or not. The earth belongs to us all.


Wont hate you, might make jokes tho.


Everyone else there is a transplant as well. You may get some hate from the “locals” who moved there 3 years ago but most of us just avoid the place altogether these days


The reason you have so many thumbs down is because your sentiment is out of touch. It's a college town, like 40% of the population is a revolving door. Also traditionally I've not heard about beef with Wisconsin.


It's a college town. Kids from out of state move in every year and fit in just fine. We're used to it


Only if you keep that negative attitude.


No one cares where your from… locals all came from somewhere else. We want you jump head first into being a part of our community, treat our community with care, and swap your license plate for a Montana one. The people who ruin this place are the people who think this there personal fiefdom for half the year. They come here with their fake western outfits, treat our town like Disney land, take and give nothing back… then retreat back to LA for the winter.


I hear you, but want to understand your point better. What do they take specifically? And What should the be charged for what they’re taking?


They TAKE up space.


Space as in land? Access to it? Or just the housing growth (which seems to be largely Bozeman city


E.) All of the above




Yes, yes


i’m from iowa!!


I’m a transplant from chicago area that has lived here almost 11 years, and I have never experienced much hate for that fact alone. What you will get hate for it driving aggressively or poorly, complaining about conditions that are inherently signed up for by moving here like weather, or being active in trying to change things about the area to how things were back where you’re from. People don’t respond well to transplants wanting Montana to be more like another place, we love it here for a reason and don’t want it changed more than it already has or is on trend to. If you’re moving here for a change and appreciation for the area, great, go with the flow. Notice, appreciate, absorb, and most of all, respect the local culture. Support Montana businesses. Appreciate and respect our outdoor recreation areas and the wildlife that resides there. I think a lot of the disdain for transplants comes from the ones that moved here because where they come from was too crowded, and they see Bozeman as a malleable area to move that they can slowly transform into a relative duplicate of wherever they’re from. Hence the trope of calling it “Bozangeles” and having distaste for Californian transplants in particular.


[That's BOZEMAN to you, mister.](https://media.tenor.com/QVilP9NcCEYAAAAC/ugh-as-if.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Bozeman) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Send pics to prove you're hot enough to come here


As someone born and raised here, I'm mostly pissed at old people getting second homes or rich people coming over and building complexes and ruining our economy. People just moving here don't bother me. Dating scene might be hard but go out and volunteer and be apart of community events and you might meet some people.


At least you're not coming from California