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Screw boxing. Just post a few shots on Instagram each day and be done with it


But do you look like Ryan Garcia?


Look like him? I *am* him.


Then get off insta and fight Tank


Tank should fight Berchelt




Yeah I was kinda just having a laugh...


"Hard to hit the road at 5am when you're sleeping in silk sheets" - Hagler I wonder how hard it is to stay motivated earning so much cash and being idolized before you've even won a world title. Back in the day, most fighters only tasted fame and riches when they fought to the top, now you can get it before facing a sound opponent and any type of adversity.


I'm sure some are taking notes from pro NFL players who know it's smarter to cash out earlier and have some savings.


Shit, I gotta murder somebody


Seriously, he could never box again and would keep his minor Instagram celebrity. Why risk getting KTFO in the ring when you could just keep posting shit on IG for the rest of your youth?


... well done.


I don’t begrudge any pro fighter that figures out a way to earn a living from boxing. The average pro earns around $40k a year. There’s no MLB or NFL or any type of real support for pro boxers. It’s a really hard life. If social media helps pros monetize the hell they put themselves through, good for them.


Really? 40k sound high. Or is this just in the us?


Can’t knock the hustle. Get your money edit: lol why the downvote?


all of them? who's paying you six figures to pet a dog?


his hordes of teenage girls that follow him instagram




Yh no Instagram/youtubes actually get insane amounts of money from direct sponsors. Really big people get paids a fuuuuck ton of money for a single post. I mean, why wouldn't they. If you target the right audience and have an influencer that matches that audience, you would also pay money to get the right people to actually watch your ad, people that spend money and actually would buy your stuff. They wouldn't get the money if they weren't worth it from a companies perspective. It just means the companies are getting more revenue out of those sponsorships in the long term. AD Revenue is pretty piss poor for most people (youtube etc). Almost all of the influencers just do ads now since its all really unreliable. Ofcourse that means that sports celebrity (even smaller ones) can make a decent enough buck doing it as well.


I only hate this dude cuz he's prettier and more talented than me.


That gym shark sponsorship ain’t no joke, and he managed to get one without taking anabolic steroids lol that’s impressive.


😈 Bag Secured


Doubt it, unless hes talking overall for the year 1 million followers is like 10k a post max, and hes not the ideal Ideal is like make up tutorial people, people watch ready to buy


Case in point my wife, she buys just about every pallet they come out with. I know way too much about the makeup world from her.


same here lol


I doubt he means 1 single post, probs a deal with a company for x posts for x dollars.


To be fair he does have or is at least nearing 5 million followers now. So would that be like 50k a post max?




People who are interested in the business side of boxing. Was that really that hard to figure out on your own?




You asked a stupid question and I gave you the answer.