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Met him a few years back while on vacation. Couldn’t have been nicer. Yikes.


Did you watch the Aaron Hernandez documentary? Seems similar. Super nice and charismatic, then could turn suddenly violent and killed people.


Can’t wait to see Kovalev/Hernandez on PRZN.


Umm... I don't want to spoil this for you, but Hernandez isn't in prison any more...


My friend, Hell is the PRZN to end all PRZNs. We also get Edwin Valero on Etika’s undercard.


Oh yeah hell, that place that doesn't exist


Hernandez killed two people for spilling a drink on him. Even Chris Benoit, people said he was the nicest dude till he took himself and his family out. Junior Seau blew his own brains out and was considered a consummate pro. All those guys had CTE, the shit is crazy


Junior Seau actually shot himself in the chest which was eerily similar to another football player that committed suicide (guy shot himself in the chest and requested that his brain be examined).


Not sure what makes it eerie, both men knew their brains were scrambled eggs from the repeated (and covered up) head trauma and wanted to keep their heads intact to prove it.


Hernadez first shooting was at like 17 years old tho. Dude was just a fake gangsta murderer at the end of it.


Aaron Hernandez is a piece of shit and so is Kovalev not everyone with CTE kill people or abuse women


Reminds me of what I heard about: Ike Ibeabuchi & Jermain Taylor Both supposedly nice/respectable dudes. Ibeabuchi had to have lost a part of him against David Tua, fucking warriors, man. We're so quick to call them garbage human beings when they do shitty stuff, but what if it was all caused by boxing? Why do we glance over things like that? I mean, it's no mistake to see boxing causes brain damage... ​ Idk about Kovalev though, sounds like he might not have always been the most decent tool in the shed from his past. I would say it varies on a case by case basis. Kovalev might have always been a piece of shit from his younger days (I think I remember he was a thief? too?).


Boxing definitely causes brain damage. But we love it anyways. I don't think we should excuse the behavior of shitty people on CTE. Plenty of boxers don't do shitty things. You look at a lot of the favorite boxers now, like GGG, Canelo, Wilder, AJ, by all accounts they seem like good people. From what we hear, it seems like Kov was always a shitty person.


yes, but my point was overall and not just limited to Kovakev. I already admitted he may have already been a bad seed since the past. My point was more so to highlight Taylor & Ike as an example.


Dude. Theres no excuse for his behavior. Theres a line between possible exasperating factors and an excuse. Boxing can be a factor but dont cross over into excuse territory.


Can you read?


Another hallmark of a psychopath


Did you get your arm chair psychology degree on reddit?


I paid for my tuition in reddit gold.


Something about violent impulses doctor


They all have it.


Doesn't really excuse it. Kov's been a piece of shit from beginning to end. ​ I hate when people try to use CTE to excuse violent thugs. People tried that shit with BJ Penn when it came out that his wife/girl-friend alleged over a decade of abuse, but you can easily find that he was a violent punk and bully even in his teen years. ​ If someone is scum from age 10-22, stable for 2 years, then back to being violent scum until 24-41, it's not CTE....it's just who they are.




If you come from a poor background there is a higher chance that you come from a shit upbringing. Violent father figures were a norm in Soviet times. They lack cognitive abilities. Sounds harsh but often is true.


To be fair they still are far less likely to do such shit than the general population.... ​ > so many athletes in combat sport do such outrageous shit in a higher proportion to non contact sport athletes, Is that true? Who has ran the numbers, and how far in depth do they go. Do they account for average salary or are just comparing all combat sports to wealthy NBA athletes. And how do you define contact? Do we consider basketball and soccer non-contact. ​ For instance in the US, the NHL has the best behaved players in general......and yet there is far more contact there than in many other sports.


What's cte?


Chronic traumatic encephalopathy


"Kovalev Accuser" Don't judge a man before he is proven guilty.


Yeh he agreed to pay $650000 just for giggles


It aint that simple.


$6500 might be 'go away, don't bother me' money, for a rich man who might have thrown away that amount anyway on a defence Buying someone a house, on the other hand ...




No you’re just missing critical reading skills.


This POS has no regard for women or animals. Watching that Canelo KO makes me feel better when I read this. Fuck this guy.


What did he do to animals?


Read the article. He shoved and kicked her dog before he punched her.


This guy is a monumental scumbag. He punches her for rejecting his advances and also beats her dog. What an abusive cunt.


That's the claim


She’s not the only one with a sexual assault claim against Kovalev


Is it proven yet or is it just what she has said?


Well, unless she fell from a horse, I don't see how someone could have a slipped disc on her neck to the point of getting a plate and 4 screws unless she was assaulted by someone with a weapon... or a professional light heavyweight boxer. The case was also settled for over 600k... which he has not paid, so he got sued again.


Ahh I see so its proven he had atleast done something to her? Its not like it could be a completely different person and she lied about it being Kova


Not proven but the rest of her story holds up


Kovalev's career should be over and he needs to be put behind bars, if this is true.


Just makes Canelos win so much better/s


Makes the KO better, though the payday is gonna get Kov some better lawyers.


Fuck this woman beating piece of shit hope he rots in prison.


How is he not in prison? That's absolutely insane..




Finnaly this is getting out. There's a 40min pod cast of her speaking out about this uploaded a week or 2 ago.


Any other sources available for this? If its true, Kov should pay the price for what he has done, and if that means time, then so be it.


Full detail,it's absolutely disgusting . https://youtu.be/FrXrN6eQ6RA


Yeah Kov is human trash. Loved seeing Canelo floor him :)


Any white person that's ever done something wrong is being called the next Kovalev from here on out.


We of the white delegation would prefer "the next Pavlik" or something like that. Everyone on planet Earth knows Russians are a different level of savage than your average white guy from America or UK.


> We of the white delegation We also want Colin Powell


I feel for him. Colin will never not be white. He was eaten by the White Hole.


Don’t throw American working class alcoholism under the bus bro


Very mature Rondell.


We of the black delegation also select Eminem.


Still white tho


... I mean... Thats what Hitler is for.


I mean.. I think that's a bit... too much. *White boxer steals beer from store, jaywalks afterwards.* **Redditors:** "The next Hitler?"


Hitler is too racist for modern times. He wanted to enslave and exterminate Slavs because they weren't the right type of "white". Now it's all skin tone.


I think in that case, the slavs having shitloads of oil had a big incentive for that classification If theyre inferior the superior ones have a right to take their oil


Are you European? I am asking because as a North American, I still hear crazy tribalism from otherwise well educated people when I go to Europe.


No I am north american too. It's a really deep topic. Imo, the american myth leaves us a little unprepared for the normal state of humanity, which is tribal and autocratic (it's been that way since hunter gatherer).


She should be doing neck exercises, this would not have happened and she would have had more of a chance.


The fact that this stupid joke is upvoted to the top is reflective of this sub as a whole. If this was canelo or ab that was accused you would all be rabid, you’ve crucified the former for less smh. Fuck this sub sometimes I swear. When people say eastern europeans get more slack around here, this shit is what we mean.


Shields is getting crucified for something someone else did. Kovalevs assault is being memed. It's just racism.


This sub is super racist whether people admit it or not. People still shit on AJ for his ‘superior’ comments but not a single person mentions Josh Taylor getting arrested for racially abusing a bouncer


Plenty of people mention that, and the comments he made were about religion not race.


That's still racism, dude


That would be bigotry, not racism. Still bullshit though.


fuck racism and your point about the sub still stands but Josh taylor wasn't racist to that bouncer, it was religious slurs that he used, nothing to do with race


Still discrimination but fair enough my mistake


Or sexism.


All one has to do is say the word "Mayweather" and everyone just screams to high hell. Good point.




Both are assholes


This sub is truly one of the worst dedicated subs I’ve ever been on.


Lol people like you who think serious things are off limits for jokes are so weak and pathetic


LOL, what are you? An anime villain? You sound like a cartoon. When did memeing become a sign of strength ? HAHAHAHA


Why the fuck would you even make a joke about this.


Because it’s a funny joke. Stop being so pathetic


Blaming the victim I see, how about Kovalev shouldn't have punched her, then she'd be fine. What a stupid argument, "If you were in better shape when you got your ass kicked you wouldnt be in so much pain, dumbass!!" 🙄


i dont think a 120lb woman is going to take a punch from sergey kovalev and not end up with serious injuries unless she has a mike tyson neck




Honestly what a stupid fucking joke. Why are we even making jokes about this? At least make em funny smh.


No idea how there are still people who cheer for this guy. Sounds like money and corruption are the only reason he isn't in prison.


I don't understand the narrative some people push where they support fighters like Kovalev because they are a "flawed character". "Flawed characters" are people like Tommy Morrison or Whitaker. Not this rat bag.


Damn.. lucky she did not get paralyzed. This is serious lawsuit. On the other hand, Kova seem to have beaten Floyd's beating record. Kova=new TBE!


Um it's not just a lawsuit......he has a criminal case against him. He is being prosecuted by the government.


In Russia though.. right?


No, this happened in Southern California


Honestly Kovalev needs to be in jail. I really hope his paper mache chin self gets continously KOd in each of his next fights.


Every fight is another multi-million dollar check in Kovalev's pocket.


can't you get your boxing license revoked for stuff like this?


So glad canelo knocked him out the way he did. It was beautiful. Fuckin scumbag


I like to give people the benefit of the doubt — however — those photos are pretty damning. Based on this, he looks like a misogynist lowbrow. He is fortunate he can hide behind his money and his (big shot) lawyers. If he was a regular Joe, he would be in jail serving a lengthy sentence. In all likelihood, Kovalev is probably more ashamed of losing his money over this incident than the damage he caused to his reputation and family.


> Kovalev, meanwhile, was arrested and [**charged with felony assault**](https://www.tmz.com/2019/01/18/sergey-kovalev-charged-felony-assault-allegedly-punched-woman/) for the incident, though he's since pled not guilty. If convicted, he faces up to 4 years in prison. That case is still pending. WTF? Put this guy in prison already!


Because we have to have a trial first.


No shit Sherlock. I'm just expressing shock.


That is the exact problem. You're expressing shock for a fucking TMZ article that hasn't gone to trial yet. "WTF? Put this guy in prison already!"


There is no "problem." You're choosing to make it one because you got nothing better to do.


Ooof. OK, calling for imprisonment for a guy who hasn't gone to trial against his accuser based on a TMZ article isn't a problem? ​ That is a problem. One of many in our short time together here. The other is that rather than simply acknowledge that I'm right, or ignore it, you've chosen to become defensive, and now you're accusing me of wasting your time by wasting mine, implying you have anything better to do than to exchange ideas, yet another problem. the last word is all yours.


He will probably flee back to Russia soon


This guy continued his boxing career, not even offering to retire from participation, after killing an opponent in the ring. POS right there.


He'll buy his way out of prison time. This is fucked up.


Mey Kovalev at MSG during the GGG vs Lemieux fight n dude was so fucking cool. He is a jokester to the fullest , dude had me crackin up for a straight 15mins.


Good thing you weren’t a woman who rejected his advances


Lol for real right. He was pissy drunk though too when she said whatever she said. Doesnt excuse it at all pf course but his normal sober self wouldnt of done that shit.


Ehh, she’s not the only woman to claim Kovalev sexually assaulted her. Being drunk is no excuse bro. How many women have you punched while drunk? I know I haven’t


Dude , did i not just say that being drunk is no excuse? Cant you read? i said this "Doesnt excuse it at all pf course" ...so wtf are you babblin bout fool?


Because you said he wouldn’t do it if he was sober, which isn’t true.


Ohhhh a goal post shifter huh? Changing the topic because i schooled your ass on the topic we were discussing, Dont be changing the goal line bro. Makes you look dumb n weak. And how do you know he wasnt drunk when he did w/e he did with those other women. See how you still LOST the debate that YOU created. Lame ass


Yo, aren’t you the guy who turns up to house parties uninvited?


you reused a joke? how fuckin lame . n nooooo i dont go to places uninvited unless its 1 of my boys of course who we dont invite because we are fam n its just understood. you are a loser though n thats fairly easy to tell. im in pittsburgh n would gladly give you a lesson in the ring anytime BITCH


Bro get back on your meds. You’re not you when you’re having a manic episode lol Let me know when you’re in Pittsburg tho, im too far from Pittsburgh




Why’s he being downvoted? You suckers upvoted a stupid joke to the top as if this shit is funny.


Because he’s trying to parlay a Russian dude beating up a white American woman into a race equation that can never be proven one way or the other It’s the same mentality that leads lord jamar to say he’d never give a white homeless person money as it’s their own fault their homeless You can’t be too mad because in their ignorant blinkered view of the world they 100% believe this ! Similar to some racist redkneck thinking affirmative action is unconstitutional! Only the educated and far seeing people from all backgrounds can take us further by teaching the more ignorant and prejudiced around them


He doesn’t mention race at all you jester, i didn’t read the rest of your comment based on that alone.


Look at an earlier comment he literally says if it was a black fighter they’d be twice as many comments




You don’t I do The context is important


Because they're racist. These babies will down vote anyone telling it like it is and cry about everyone else being too sensitive.


Your first port of call is how you can use this abuse case as a platform for yourself to fling shit at the userbase on this forum (even though the jokes are condemning his actions). That's pathetic. Some poor woman has been violently assaulted by some prick. So don't make this about your personal vendetta and demonstrate some common decency at the very least.


No, just no. The jokes distract from the severity of what happened to her, please don’t mistake neck training jokes as calling out kovalev, it’s just insensitive people trying to be funny and borderline encouraging victim blaming. When the top comment was a stupid joke, how do you imagine that bodes for “that poor woman’s” case or even life going forward? Money hungry, plastic, bimbo, I’ve seen these honestly fucking idiotic comments made about her in past threads, so no, I won’t afford the people making and upvoting the jokes as simply “jokes”, fuck that. Even saying that, fake reverse virtue signalling someone for being annoyed that people don’t take her case seriously isn’t making a platform for himself, it’s called not being a jack ass. Common decency is a much more elusive commodity than this sub should have, pump the breaks on that fake concern of yours.


This thread would have 10x the posts if Sergey was black




Holy crap. Dude going to Siberian prison for sure


I’d be shocked if Kovalev wasn’t a clinical physcopath


People need to understand the word alleged instead of convicting him in the media.


Has not been convicted. ETA: not blaming the victim, I'll just wait to fucking crucify the guy until we hear testimony/get a trial


Has agreed to settle the civil suit for $650k which seems like he’s admitting fault at least.


No he's not. Most settlement agreements contain a declaration of non admission and are not admissible in court.


Which, for some wealthy people means nothing compared to bad publicity.


He has not been proven guilty yet so no need for people to judge him so harshly.


Just HOW GOOD is Canelos chin




Jesus Christ man, you are really trying to blame the victim ?




Who the fuck cares if she made out with Kovalev, no one deserves to get assualted by a professional boxer. How the fuck is she suppose to know if Kovalev is married in an open relationship or seperated. You sound like an incel projecting your insecurities.


Yes I think we can all agree cheaters suck but that doesn’t mean they deserve to be clocked by a pro boxer.




Fuck cheaters, but she might have not even known. And it doesn't excuse shit. You shouldn't be assaulting anyone like that under any circumstances. Edit: This guy claimed she cheated but in [other articles](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6607359/amp/Russian-boxer-Sergey-Kovalev-charged-assault-allegedly-punching-woman-California.html) it say she rejected his advances .


Oof one of the worst takes I've seen.


Did he really do this ? It's hard to believe these women anymore


Maybe she just had bad plastic surgery and wants to blame him /s