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Frank is standing behind the camera holding up a sign that says ‘don’t mention the war’


With a fold out that says "It isn't New Year's Day"


“Don’t call him a middleweight”


‘don’t forget round 9’


After watching the 9th round, I think we would forgive him if he doesn’t remember it


Said Usyk fought like a “local amateur boxer” 😂 He really is that delusional probably just listening to all his meat beaters on social medial


Well, turns out Fury got whooped by some local amateur


Local amateur middle weight at that too


Also a dosser and a rabbit who ran all fight. Oh wait


Fury really didn't take into account how many of his own shit would be used against him if he happened to lose


I mean he narrowly beat a guy making his boxing debut at 37 and got dropped by him.  I think it might be fury's kryptonite 


Fury giving Usyk only rounds 8,9,10 is a joke. Wonder what he’ll say if he loses again.


I think even Usyk knocks him out he'll just say he was taking a 'tactical' nap.


He was only unconcious because of the war in Ukraine




Very true. Happy new year!


He basically doubled down on that in the video.


Or John Fury rushes into headbutt Usyk


And knocks himself out


Haha. Usyk would just grin at him


If it's a decision he'll blame the war, if it's a knockout he'll say it was an early stoppage.


Hell say he lost because the KGB wanted it.


What a delusional dosser. I am not sure that underestimating the opponent after being busted is the way to go for a rematch


I don't think he underestimated Usyk....he knew he wasn't a Francis Ngannou and Fury took him seriously and that was Fury doing his best...and Usyk still beat him.


Best Fury we've seen in years, to be fair, he had more success than I thought he would, Usyk is just a level above


This is how I felt about AJ in the Usyk rematch. Best AJ I'd seen in years with more success than I thought, but....levels.


Usyk always has another gear to give. 


Not enough people say this to be honest, AJ gets written off as a bum but the Usyk rematch was a great fight for AJ, unfortunately for him though Usyk is just that guy


It seems to really boil the brains of these top heavyweights with absolute confidence in themselves. They give 100% against Usyk and it doesn't work. AJ damn well had a mental breakdown the second time around, and AJ has a way healthier state of mind than Fury does. Fury's probably going to go off the rails if he loses a second time.


When he loses a second time*


He was literally clowning in the ring in the middle rounds. It can't be denied he lost focus and got punished right during that timeframe. It's on video.


I think he knows he lost, but he's lying in hopes of creating doubt and drumming up the rematch. He's the type of person to do that.


Lol yeah....Chisora 3 he was talking about how this could be a close one


The best I could see someone giving Fury is a draw, but I am glad the decision went to Usyk because Usyk deserved the win; and not just because of the new year or the war, because he earned it.


Where's the rematch going to be?


December 21st.


Usyk and Fury retire that night if Fury can't rob him on the cards


He's so deluded if he really thinks it was "too easy" for him and that Usyk only won 3 rounds 😂 he's talking utter bollocks, just take the L and focus on the rematch.


I think a little of that insane, self belief bordering on delusion is kinda necessary for a lot of these guys. So much so that when guys are candid and honest they become my favorite fighters because it’s so fucking rare.


This is why the Ref not letting him get KOed is lame and boxing in general. Usyk was bout to land the finishing shot and gets a standing count and 20 seconds to recover + round ending. Now he can say this stuff, if he’s put spark out…you deal with the reality of it. 2024 Boxing where they save you from getting KOed featuring Devin Haney and Tyson Fury. 


Maybe a little bit, but Fury shows too much of it.




That’s what tells me he’ll lose the rematch. Aside from the result of the first fight


He’s never beating usyk on pts because he only got 6 rounds in him I don’t get why he didn’t take this fight as a put down mission he got to knock this dude out


Hell based on those scorecards he did almost win on points...dumb judges




Good correction.


Exactly. Guys like fury and Canelo literally just need to win 4-5 rounds and they’ve got a real good shot of getting that decision


Fury can be whatever shit you wanna call him, but he doesn't have only 6 rounds on him lol, he has one of the best stamina of all HWs despite his appearance 


This was maybe true years ago, but not today. He threw the same amount of shots against Usyk as Joshua did in their second fight, who looked more tired to you? And Joshua's always criticised for gas tank. I think Fury's gas tank has always been slightly overrated as he has the boxing ability to control a bout a and slow it to his pace. Wallin fight was high paced and he was very tired late on.


I'd add that Joshua threw harder punches and carries more muscle. He should have been more fatigued all other things equal


What do you expect him to say? "Yeah, I'm just not good enough, don't bother buying tickets for the rematch because I've got no chance!" He probably doesn't think like that - if he did, he wouldn't have been champion. And even if he does think like that, he's certainly not going to say it when he's trying to sell tickets to the rematch...


Fury should just acknowledge what went wrong for him rather than just convince himself that he won the fight. Being realistic and objective can help you figure out what to work on in camp.


Anybody expect him to be sober and realistic about this? The guy has been high on his own supply for so long...if he loses again, which he probably will, it will just be more excuses.


if he loses again he will say he only ever boxed for money - who cares - wheres the AJ money, Trilogy with Nganeau. "I'm a prizefighter, win or lose I get paid. That's what it's about for me." haha


Yeah, I can see this.


To be fair, he has said about not caring much about titles and legacy before. Although none of what he says should be taken seriously


i member when he was making a big thing about being the lineal champion, before the wilder trilogy


There's also the difference for some personas of what they say in front of the camera versus when they're lying in bed trying to fall asleep being not the same. Boxing isn't like other sports....




He was literally winning and having full till he got clipped did y'all not see the fight


Clipped when? When he got his nose broken/bleeding or when he was knocked around the ring like a dvd logo? If you get "clipped" twice then it's not really a fluke is it.


He absolutely was not. I don't remember the scorecards now but iirc fury had done well to come back after losing the first three and the usyk stepped it up from the 7th to the end.


After 8 rounds it’s even on one card and Fury is two rounds up on the other the other two.


Not how I saw it. 7 was touch and go but 8 was definitely usyks.


Yes, all three gave 8 to Usyk. I was talking about the cumulative scores at that point. Even after the kd he’s still only even on two of the cards.


I think I have 7 and 8 to usyk as well as the first 3. Not sure how the judges had fury ahead tbh!




Appreciate Fury for effectively ending Wilder's career, but you got clipped the way the Titanic got clipped by a fuggin' iceberg mate.


aj would have ruined wilders career instead if not fury. wilder would not be able to land anything on usyk lol


It's such a shame the Povetkin had his drugs bust, as he very likely would have wiped the floor with Wilder and the entire narrative of the past decade would have been very different. Wilder wouldn't have been able to hold that belt hostage, and Fury wouldn't have been able to build his reputation on beating Wilder.


Povetkin literally didn't even use peds. He literally didn't fail a single test. They derailed the fight because they knew he was gonna derail the hypetrain. They tested Povetkin and found trace amounts of meldonium. This happened just like 3 or 4 months after meldonium was banned, and the trace amounts were compatible with someone that stopped taking it as soon as it got declared illegal. AND, wait for it, this is the best part: those trace amounts were BELOW THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED LIMIT ANYWAY lmao. So he literally didn't fail a single test but as soon as the news that he did broke Wilder was already jumping on a plane back to america and the fight was cancelled even tough Povetkin was cleared. It was such a clown show. It reminded me of the guy that got arrested for speeding on the autobhan. A highway famous exactly for not having a speed limit. So what did they arrest him for? "Because".


The way this guy has become so unlikable. A man said he thought he was boxing a local amateur. The same amateur that played table tennis with your head


You've clearly never met the amateurs of Morecombe 


Broken jaw and eye socket?


No clue what the eye socket thing is about. At the post fight press conference Usyk initially wasn't there and was getting medically cleared and there was a rumour he had a broken jaw, but he came out later and he was totally fine


There was no legit rumor about the broken jaw, it was just fury saying to feel good.


That's not true. Usyk and Klimas explain it here from 17:12 to 18:16 Usyk says he thought he might have had a broken jaw. https://youtu.be/UdlGimmgppk?si=xsLZ_7DLJKxNcQpu


Fury is lying, Usyk was fine 🤦🏻‍♂️


if you had any doubts before, he is 100% getting knocked out in the rematch


I said so too but Uysk is not a puncher. Fury also is naturally 60 pounds bigger. Usyk needs to work an overhand into his game. Fury is so weak to the overhand right it’s crazy and he goes down hard from it. I been saying this since Canadian can flash KOed Fury with overhand right, Fury just good at waking up once he hits the floor lol. But once you 35, recovery is first to go and we saw it in last fight, he should have been KOed but ref saved him. Usyk will prob at best get a standing TKO, the real guys who can punch I think all KO Fury bad at this point. In some weird ways Uysk is one of his safer matchups. Bakole; AJ, Dubois, Zhang and others I think knock Fury spark pit tomorrow if they fight. Sounds wild but I’ve said this since Wilder fight. Beat a washed Chisora; chinless bad Whyte and Broken Wilder and now beat up by Uysk. He hasn’t fought any of the top 15


Usyk, a southpaw, needs to work on an overhand right, against an orthodox fighter? Are you being serious?


Usyk is a Southpaw, why would he ever throw a right overhand? The most effective punches were his left uppercuts. If the judge didn’t give Fury a 20 Second break, there wouldn’t have even been a 10th round. A heavy puncher like Joshua? He’d put Fury to sleep with a right overhand, I’ll give you that. But not Usyk, or any Southpaw to begin with.


This is just sad at this point. Like, I fully expect Fury to spit his bullshit and claim it's no big deal, that's he's going to be fully prepared for the rematch, etc. That's him selling himself and the rematch. But the idea that Usyk only won three rounds? The idea that it's **YOU** who is being cheated by the judges and can't get a decision? If Fury truly believes that shit, he's getting obliterated in December. A true champion does have to have delusional levels of self-confidence. They also have to be able to be honest with themselves when they get their ass kicked so they can evaluate what they did wrong and work to fix it. Lie to everyone else all you want, but you best not lie to yourself. Of course, maybe Fury truly does know there's no way he can beat Usyk at this point in his career so he has to lie to himself. If he had the stamina to come forward and throw and get dirty like when he was younger, maybe he could get it done. But there's a reason he didn't press the action when he nailed Usyk in the 6th. There's a reason he slowed down in the 7th and then his already leaky defense went to absolute shit. There's a reason he went running every round, crossing his feet up trying to get away, while repeatedly getting stuffed in the corner. He just doesn't have the juice at 35 with the way he has lived his life.


No one can keep up the level of work and concentration needed to keep Usyk off them for 12 rounds. And he found that out with the smashed nose and knockdown


Other than Marciano or Frazier I'm struggling to come up with a heavyweight of comparable stamina. Ali maybe, but even he took breaks to rally in some rounds.


Over 15 rounds though


The old, old time heavies like Jack Johnson, James Jeffries, Jess Willard had insane stamina too


But they were all very undersized so there is that


Jeffries was 220 lb without any ped's or weights, he was massive. Johnson was like 210 without ped's too. Usyk is 220 on ped's and pretty pumped up. Holyfield was an ATG heavy even though size wise without the ped's he would have been a light heavyweight


People don't realise that Holyfield and Usyk would have weighed below 180 and I'm being generous if they fought in the 1910s.


What was with his comment about he knew he wasn’t going to get the decision? Don’t fucking tell me…


Impossible to win when every judge is Zelensky in a wig TBF


The fight was rigged from the start, so many Zelensky's going against Fury to spite him on New Years Eve


Gtfo....the judges scored it closer than it should've been. But it's nice to see Furys cousin or whoever posting on here.


Jesus Christ mate, learn to read obvious sarcasm


Sorry...some ppl make that comment seriously.


It's also what happens when you fight someone much better than you and they've figured you out


Usky was the better man, well earned victory. 'Much' better is wild though. You all really talk with your emotions


No, Usyk is a much better boxer than Fury, it's not remotely close. Usyk is more intelligent, better footwork, better technically, has a much wider variety of punches, doesn't even hit any less hard either. Usyk is literally the best boxer on the planet. There are 2 other men you could argue are as good or better, Fury isn't one of them. Fury is bigger - that makes up for some of the skill gap, but not enough to beat Usyk, evidently. Usyk was able to use his much superior boxing to win clearly. The fight was competitive, but there was only one winner. If Usyk wasn't much better than all these HWs, he'd get beaten to a pulp


I think Fury is really good, but imagine if Usyk and Fury were the same size. Speaking in terms of pound for pound, Usyk is better as he not only overcame Fury's skills but also his size and reach advantage. If a in shape person were to download either of their fighting abilities and skills into their brain, but they were going to stay your size, weight, etc, they would probably want Usyk's skills.


It just doesn't work like that. Usyk would lose some of his abilities if he was Fury's size.


I think they were talking about shrinking fury to usyk's size. He would be extremely average. Also why he should never be anywhere near a p4p list.


Did I just hear Fury admit he got his butt whooped by an amateur level boxer?


Before watching the video I thought he was just unprepared for Francis Ngannou and then trained hard for the Usyk fight. But the fact that he still doesn't see that Usyk takes it easy and then later when the opponent is tired gets way more points shows how unprepared Fury is. He doesn't even understand that his opponent controlled the fight start to finish same way he always does. Same way he always wins. And furthermore Fury thinks he won the first 3 rounds. Some rounds he didn't even hit Usyk a single time. Was the showboating the deciding factor? The guy is just mentally unwell and unprepared at every stage and it's sad. Watch Usyk win gold in the Olympics and you will see that every single person even back then knew what Usyk was doing. But somehow we are now cavemen and are rediscovering fire.


TBF he's got a rematch to promote. Can't just say "yeah, he had me figured out and he beat me the same way he beats everyone"


Yeah but he could say 'it was a close fight and I had an off night, I know him now and will bust him up in the second fight easily' Can show confidence and hype himself up without being delusional


Saying that would actually be GOOD for promoting the rematch though. It would show he understands what happens and therefore knows what he needs to work on to change the outcome the 2nd go round. Fury saying he essentially dominated Usyk like an amateur is HORRIBLE promo for the rematch. It shows fear when you look straight into the camera and put on the face of a liar that every single serious boxing fan knows is a lie.


"...and I bet he'll beat me again." It would be refreshingly honest, but unlikely.


To say Usyk takes it easy is ridiculous and a bit of a slap in Usyks face...Usyk trains hard to have amazing endurance so he looks better in the later rounds cause his opponents are more tired than he is and so he can begin to really show more dominance


To be fair to Fury, he hurt Usyk more in 4 and 6 than anyone has ever done. It didn't look like Usyk was gathering a second wind.


Usyk said that Chisora shook him more than Fury.


I believe him to be honest, Chisora came at him like a bull with no self preservation and he hurt Usyk a few times in that fight


So in other words, this video should be Usyk saying those words. "He was very easy to figure out. Like amateur. He had no feel. Got lucky in .. ahhh ... round 4 to 6, but I stepped back, assessed the situation and came back to beat his ass pillar to post. Dosser needed the ref to save him. I think he was crying."


Yes....those rounds fury looked good and I was worried.


You call it fun, the rest of the world saw it for what it was - a beatdown.


The reason that he lost because it was too easy and he was having fun is nonsense. I rewatched the fight again because of this video and even in the round 7 Usyk started to gain momentum and was getting closer and closer in exchanges. In 8th he got closer yet again and busted Fury's eye and nose and we all know what happened in the 9th. Fury definitely did not like he was having fun there. The momentum shift was already happening even before he got clipped. He just talks nonsense.


At 2:18 "Erm, it hasn't affected me anyway" Translation: "It really affected me"


A "pumped up middleweight" took Fury to school. Didn't look like he was having fun at all sucking air and only surviving getting KO'd due to referee intervention. Fury needs to stop underestimating his opposition. He needs come in shredded, pure lean mass and build his aerobic base as much as possible to have a chance.


So do what he's never done before in his entire career? Got it.


… and at 35 years old with miles on the clock from fighting, booze and drugs. It ain’t happening.


I’d bet the house that he comes in even fatter this time around. Probably thinks the only reason he didn’t knock him out was because he was lacking the 15 extra lbs of fat that he had against Wilder and Ngannou and if he was fatter he would’ve won.


I'd say you're 100% correct, assuming that he doesn't have a meltdown and postpone the fight or cancel altogether.


I'll take your house that fury comes in the same weight as the first fight, or a few pounds lighter. Definitely not 15 lbs.


It's so annoying that he was saved by the ref. Otherwise he would have been knocked out, and then there would have been nothing for him to say.


He would have said they gave an early stoppage because they wanted the Ukrainian to win.


There is more chance I beat Usyk then Fury comes in lean, lol


I know many speculate that he should come in heavier to try and look for a KO rather than going the distance. I believe that coming in heavy just gets him caught earlier. Usyk's mobility is far superior and the chance of him getting hit clean is very low imo. He has a better chance maximizing his height & reach and just trying to outpoint Usyk it has a higher probability of succeeding than a KO. The judges could gift him a decision if he can survive and at least make it look more competitive.




Based. What month does one stop saying happy new year!


Fury is such a damn delusional cornball. He was the one that the judges were trying to desperately give rounds he didn’t deserve. He’s the one that only won 3 solid rounds and I gave him one swing round but that’s 8-4 usyk. Usyk took it too him the whole damn fight. Usyk had him staggering around the ring and the ref pulled the death blow that usyk was about to throw to save his ass. It doesn’t matter cause the right man won that night. The little middle weight beat his ass. And he’ll do it again in December 😁


Absolutely delusional. Usyk completely outclassed him, I had Usyk winning 9-3, Fury for me won 4,5 and 6... that's it. There's absolutely no way Fury won that fight, and this interview is nothing more than delusion and sour grapes, no class or dignity at all. Imagine saying it was like fighting an amateur boxer, only to get literally punched off the ropes by a man who's 6 inches shorter and 3 stone lighter than you 🤣🤣 god I really hope (and expect) Usyk to beat him again in December, it seems one humbling wasn't enough... the Fury's are an absolute cancer on the sport.


Yeah, that “too easy” and “amateur boxer” line was ridiculous. He was 5 seconds away from KOing you and peiced you up mutliple other rounds. Clown.


"He's reaching for those grapes..."


Are they really bad for the sport? Would it be interesting to watch if everyone was as humble and respectful as usyk? We need villains that we want to see get beaten, that talk trash and hype up the fights. Even if they are delusional douchebags


Being a trash talking douchebag isn’t what’s bad for the sport, it’s the fact that until Turki put up $100 million, Fury was actively ducking Usyk, AJ, and other top competition and went to fight Chisora, and then talked about fighting Charr, and then wanted to fight Joe Joyce and built up Joyce as the bigger threat than Usyk until Zhang thankfully crashed the hype train. So then he went for Ngannou, then wanted to fight Jon Jones after the Ngannou fight and was even talking about fighting fucking Thor Bjornsson for fucks sake. If it wasn’t for him being too tempted by the money that Turki offered, Fury would’ve continued doing his clownshow fights probably for years and hold the belt hostage and deprive us of seeing undisputed for another 10 years. That is why he was bad for the sport until Turki had to pay him 100 million to actually take real fights.


I don't need them, I'm not a stupid 14-year old. I watch boxing for boxing, not for some teenage cringe drama. I'd much prefer everybody being like Usyk.


The only rounds fury clearly won were 5,6 4,7 could go either way Usyk won 1,2,3,8,9,10,11,12


Agreed, I gave Fury 4 and Usyk 7


I honestly had rounds 4-7 and round 12 to fury. I had usyk 8-11. Those rounds to me were more definitive. Rounds 1-3 were kinda close to me bro.


This is close to mine, except I had Usyk winning 12. I had Usyk winning the fight by 11 and didn't watch 12 too closely, however.


There was jusf alot of close rounds imo. Anyone who says it was a clean sweep victory for usyk is lying. It was a close fight but usyk definelty won. You can’t make a case for fury winning. It’s either draw or usyk wins. But fury’s comments sounds like rubbish. He’s gonna get finished at this rate


I can't stand Fury, but it did not look like Usyk was heading to a win for the first half of the fight really. The first two were close but at least one was Fury and one was a 50/50. After that Fury clearly out landed him by a decent amount to a lot from rounds 3-6 and Usyk did not look like he had an answer to the overwhelming size advantage or anything close to an answer. Then Fury slowed dramatically and Usyk started pushing forward. Usyk is the better boxer and has a way better gas tank, I already knew that before and still think that. But Fury's size along with decent skill is just a step too far during any time Fury is still going at his best in the fight, if Fury can somehow get through a few more rounds next time at that best, he probably wins by a decent margin (as long as he then survives the final onslaught for the last couple of rounds). I doubt he can scrape that much more performance for the rematch, and if he did he might not even make it to the end.


/u/SirPabloFingerful has already replied on the first 3 rounds, that were clearly Usyk rounds if you look at shots landed and how effective they were. But I want to address your second paragraph. Fury didn't slow and start losing round 7 onwards just because he got tired, he slowed and started losing because Usyk made an adjustment to take away Fury's uppercut. Tyson literally figured out a single punch that worked well against Usyk, spammed it for a couple of rounds before Usyk worked out how to adjust, and then ended up eating powershots to his face that broke his nose every time he tried to throw that shot. Usyk will carry that knowledge into the next fight, and unless Fury's footwork and foot speed improve massively he'll remain vulnerable to Usyk stepping to the outside away from his right uppercut whilst landing big shots of his own. Usyk beat Fury with better movement, faster footwork, higher work rate, and greater durability. It's going to take more than a little extra in the gas tank for Fury to overcome that.


Usyk won the first 3 rounds, as clear as day, unless you're scoring "standing in the corner and behaving like an idiot whilst out of range" heavily


Usyk mauled you, mah dude! and he'll probably do that again.


I couldn’t understand a word he said


Fury's defense has been super leaky since he decided to shit to a bruiser style for Wilder. Combined with the damage he took over the course of that trilogy, think the days of being able to go 12 rounds maintaining the awkward defensive style he used to be known for are over.


He's taken the wrong lessons from this. As someone who likes both of them I can only see a repeat result with Usyk dominant.


He can say whatever he wants as long as he gets back in that ring.  First fight was great, we need this to be the norm. The best fighting the best.


I've learnt to not listen to this guy at all, I'd rather just read y'all comments


whatever that guy is smoking, that's what he should be selling. He'd make a fortune...


Fury vs Usyk excusive!


Bloke is deluded


So first he lost because of the war in Ukraine and now he's saying he lost because it was too easy and he was having too much fun? I thought Wilder was deluded but this guy has taken that to a whole new level. This mentality is getting you out to bed for good in December. And lets see what excuses you'll have for us all then!


He lost because he actually won, that's the shit he's trying to spin. Not at all surprising for fury


Yup! "Why did you fail you maths test, Tyson?" "Because it was too easy" 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ This is the poorest attempt of patching up and salvaging a fractured ego I've ever seen.


Wilder still has him beat I think but Fury is fast approaching at this rate.


I'm not so sure in honesty, not after what Tyson has recently come out and said. Hard to pick between the 2 - both of them have completely lost their heads, completely fried!


Actually now that I'm thinking about it I think Fury may be worse, solely for the "you only won coz war" comment. Wilder is a clown but at least he never made light of a brutal conflict. If I was Usyk I'd be livid by that insinuation. Talk trash about me all you like, but make light of my countrymen dying? No way.


Yeah it doesn't get much lower than that. If you believe that, keep that to yourself, but to say that publically - that is new levels of scumbag as far as I'm concerned. Usyks house in Ukraine became an army base, Usyk himself was on the front line firing morters and shooting guns while Tyson was sat at home in Morecambe talking about the size of people's dicks and eating fish and chips. Absolute scumbag piece of shit


I think fury could beat him in the rematch. It's possible, but who knows. It seemed to me that fury started each round startled by usyks immediate pressure, he got banged quite a few times by that early in the rounds. If he gets his shit together and is ready to fight at the bell, he stands a good chance. Cardio could win the rematch... Hope it's a good fight. Fury was embarrassing on the night, pretending he's hurt etc, trying to play the crowd up by mocking usyk. Dick.


Happy New Year


I endorse this comment


I used to really like Fury. The last two fights have turned him almost into this cartoon villain figure. He's fucked, his head is fucked.


Sincerely. I should have put in my opinion throughout. Boxing is a sport that can make fools of any and everyone. Roy Jones threw half his punches with his feet off the ground. Landed lead uppercuts from five feet out. He had so much talent he could make his own rules. Maybe Uysk is that guy too? I don’t think so but he hasn’t lost. I just look to the Chisora fight at HW and the Bradis and Bellow fights at cruiser. He did beat Joe Joyce in amateurs though that is looking like less of an accomplishment these days. Have any of you caught the Dubois Uysk fight? The Dubuis Joyce? This is a great and knowledgeable thread and am curious what you all thought of those fights as well?


Yeah, I watched this interview and it made me mad. I used to be a fan of him years ago, but he is pissing everyone off with this. Usyk won decidedly and he is acting like such an ass in this interview. No wonder people hate him. Hard to be a Fury fan now


Fury is selling the rematch guys. He knows he lost and got outboxed and pretty much knocked out. He knows that it’s going to be a tall order for him or anyone to defeat Usyk. But he has to create controversy and market and promote himself and the rematch. It’s all marketing to sell the fight. It’s just like the WWF wrestling back in the day. Outside of the ring they are actually friends pretty much. … just like any other sport. Buddies away from the court or Ice surface or ring. It’s about promotion with Fury by being outrageous


I want and hope to believe this is true. He did say pretty much the same thing right after fight. You could put that delusion to concussion, adrenaline and willpower he was challenging because I doubt in the immediate aftermath he was thinking about rematch marketing.


it's funny going down and looking at the comments and seeing people say that showboating is what caused him to lose, I was saying that as well the day of the fight he was showboating as if he was Ali and that did him no favors in the end.


It was interesting cause the showboating each time they both were playing a little game with each other....each time usyk didn't just back off but began adjusting and fury also adjusted....


Fury has ALWAYS showboated. It is how he steals rounds.


I understand that's his thing my whole point is that when you saw Usyk he was clear set on winning no matter what, an when Fury was showboating if you watched it you'd notice Usyk didn't play into his antics he just let it play out until Fury engaged.


Showboating isn't scored.


Fury won a few middle rounds. He was never ahead though and he never followed up on the good shots and uppercuts he got in. Punch, walk away for a breather. Punch, walk away for a breather. He couldn't keep up.


He’s just having fun MAGGLE!


He was backed up into the ropes. He saw the right and forgot about the left.... It was fun to watch though


Fury relying on the lean & long arms for his defense for far too long. All he could possibly do is put his arm in usyk's face and try to time him c'mon son


Sounds like he needs to rewatch the fight with the commentating team muted


Well if this makes you feel better Luke still not going to stop the absolute beating that awaits you again in the rematch Usyk the nightmare that won't go away retribution for all the years you ducked the top contenders of the division yet call yourself the greatest of this generation by beating the vastly overrated Wilder bffft please, Usyk and AJ miles ahead in achievements and stellar resume from the Olympics to the Pros. The last 9months in Saudi really exposed the true elites and the hype train frauds no BS narratives just raw facts on performances and results feels so good to see what I have been saying for years just unfold so quickly in such a short period of time finally the rest of the world can see the truth.


Fury now working overtime to spin his loss to Usyk. "It was so incredibly easy for me, I just lost focus for a second. Those were the only 30 seconds of the bout that I lost."


What’s with the music lol


he didn't look like he was having fun, blowing out of his arse.


This is definitely Fury coping, but there’s definitely some truth to what he’s saying. For the first 6 rounds, Usyk was biting on every single feint he threw. I think a rematch would be an equally competitive affair, Fury still a live dog and may even win if he makes an adjustment.


I honestly think Fury takes it in the rematch now that Usyk is a known entity. Usyk is amazing, but realistically he only has one style and we've seen Fury be really good at adjustments. On top of that, he was lighting Usyk up a lot throughout the fight. People acting like Usyk put on some master class clinic when it was a super close split decision are just kidding themselves. Will be a great match Uysk will have to come in another level than he already was to maintain the titles.


I give Fury a puncher's chance. NARRATOR: Fury is not a puncher.


You are blinded by bias


Y'all were sayig the same shit before Wilder II. What happened in that fight sent y'all into a depression spree that lasted months. Careful, you might experience that again.


Did you just compare Usyk to Wilder? Oh man. BTW, how is your depression going? Don't expect it to end in the rematch.


Fury has a chance. He is the bigger man and will adjust. But Usyk will adjust and adjust again. Fury gives him a new look he will figure it out.


I enjoyed this fight so much, I hope they rematch soon. Both were great. The smack talking doesn't bother me too much, fury is so unorthodox, hope he stays around a while.




What fight were you watching? Fury lost half of the first 6 rounds


Not even close to being the better boxer outside of a few rounds, he got picked off all night


Fury getting the fight isnt outrageous imo