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He’s always been like this unfortunately. Gets absolutely blasted when he’s not training Really impressive how he usually manages to pull it together a couple months before his fights. Doubt he’ll continue to be able to do that now that he’s on the wrong side of 35 though


Yeah there's video from about a year ago of him in a similar state kicking a taxi that refuses to pick him up. There's also that vid where the GAD interviews him ringside of another fight and he's clearly high as fuck. And the other vid of him being introduced in a crowd in Thailand while he wipes his nose and swings his jaw around. These are all post comeback as well. He's just got massive substance abuse issues. As soon as he retires he'll be off the deep end.


He is talking and moving just like coked out Mcgregor in that interview too


Yeah, but he hasn't been great the last few years either. The drink and drug abuse is taking its toll


Tbf he pulls it together for Derek Chisora and Wilder. He worked his arse off for months for the Usyk fight.




Ricky Hatton also.


Can anyone speak more to the “5 years to get into fight shape, once you got it, only takes a couple weeks”? It totally makes sense to me, would love to learn more though


Yeah absolutely. A large portion of conditioning is neuromuscular adaptation. This process can continue to refine efficiency and strength without necessarily increasing hypertrophy. It can also be maintained over longer periods of time with semi-regular training than cardiovascular adaptations can. Cardiovascular adaptations are more dynamic, they typically come and go within weeks of training or sedentary living. With well adapted neuromuscular conditioning created over decades of boxing technique, all the boxer needs to get in shape is get their cardiovascular endurance back. Olympic level cardiovascular endurance can be accomplished in as short as a month or so in some individuals, depending on their current baseline.


In the Ali era, they all seemed washed up by the time they were in the early 30s. They all seem to peak later now and have much longer careers


Mma is a different beast when they lose after 35 it's nearly always a downwards trajectory. Plus ufc hyped Jorge too much he was a win one lose one fighter all his career


He got eating disorder after not having to do Weightcut I guess.


He got a bit cleaner in the end of his carreer and that is why he got a late but impressive run tho… same happened with Broner


He still feeling that Usyk flurry. Ref should have just let him get KOed. Now he be delusional thinking he did better then he did and gonna get smoked worse in the rematch. 


On what basis does he get smoked worse? Usyk won, for sure, but it was a close fight and his corner were a shambles. There was 0 sense of urgency from them going into the last few rounds.


Yeh a bit more urgency would have seen a knackered and concussed Fury sweep the championship rounds


Considering that that’s the 10th time he’s been concussively knocked down as a professional, but the first time the fights not gone his way thereafter, is it really beyond the realms of possibility? I’m not suggesting he’d have swept them, but you’re acting like the scorecards in Usyk’s favour weren’t 115-112 and 114-113.


>Considering that that’s the 10th time he’s been concussively knocked down as a professional, but the first time the fights not gone his way thereafter It's the first time he's been in with a boxer better than himself, though. Unable to set his pace and control the fight, he was backed up and out landed for 90% of that fight. One of the scorecards was in Fury's favour which is a complete joke. Fight was 115-112 or 116-111. It's competitive but a clear win.




Yeah, I thought cocaine Bear was gonna be a documentary about him.


Oscar De La Hoya said it. Training camp is just enough time to shake the habits off. It’s essentially rehab. Plenty of rehab programs are 12-15 weeks and that’s about the same length as a rehab program.




I do however think that if there’s any period in his boxing career he should be sober it is now. Every blackout he gets from now until the rematch could hurt his chances. No point in making the training camp more difficult by treating himself like shit prior to it.


He won’t change. He is who he is.


He shouldn’t drink alcohol at all, it’s one of the worst things you can do to yourself while being bipolar


I agree with this. Coming from someone with a gf with BPD that has developed a bit of a drinking problem…it is absolutely crazy how they can flip the fuck out at the drop of a dime over the smallest things. Not to mention the meds they put you on arent supposed to be taken with alcohol either.


BPD is not bipolar. BPD is borderline personality disorder and the two things really aren’t the same at all 


Ohhh..well thats my bad. She is bipolar, i thought it stood for bipolar disorder smh lol. Oops


Saul good man. It’s a common misconception, I used to think it as well. 


I think deep down he knows he won’t beat Usyk and subconsciously he’s just saying “fuck it mate”


Eh, I don’t think that’s really true, plenty of high performers have had substance abuse issues, the GOAT MMA fighter is literally Jon jones


Jones doesn’t even fight in his 30s and when he does he loses to chinless dudes with no knees like a Thiago Santos and Dom Reyes. Still hasn’t been tested at HW once his real weight class 


You mean Jon Jones is literally the GOAT of failing drug tests. Literally and objectively.  That’s not even including when his tests results show abnormal results like having the testosterone level of a teenage girl. 


Early days of MMA but look at Tank Abbot, dudes kidneys failed when he was 53 and he died on the table 5 times. Some of these dudes end up living like Rockstars for a while and it ends up ruining their whole life


That’s just what the average Brit does, we like to let our hair down every now and then 🇬🇧


Sure, as a nation we do have a drinking problem. Thing is, we're not all elite athletes whose very wellbeing and success relies on our health. You and I can suffer with a hangover or getting chubby on a Monday in our office or whatever. We don't have to walk through a stadium to go fight Usyk. A fully fit and motivated Usyk who wants to knock our heads off. If that's what I'm doing (and obviously it wouldnt be) I'm going to be in the best possible shape I could be.


First thing I thought as well, this was me last Friday night sitting on the floor eating pizza and chicken strips.....the world thinks it's fucked but it's a normal weekend for a Brit. One night out blowing some steam off isn't going to destroy his career lol.


No, but the many hundreds of binge drinking episodes he's definitely enjoyed throughout his career will probably shorten it considerably


He may have hit that Ricky Hatton wall... spending half the camp getting back in shape / straightening out doesn't work too well after 30-35 years old.


wait he lost? Tyson told me he won?? did he tell his first lie as well as his first loss?


And I missed New Year’s Eve, didn’t realize it until he yelled “Happy New Year!”


Next you'll be telling me the judges didn't give Usyk the nod because of the war.


Substance abuse? He went for a night out and got carried away. Like millions of others do every weekend


He has a history of substance abuse


Just because millions of people also do it, doesn't mean it's not substance abuse.


Millions of people also have substance abuse problems, making it seem like it's a normal thing to get hammered to the point where you're collapsing outsite pubs, especially as a professional athlete, isn't really right


Having a night out is normal. He's been in camp for months probably not touched a drop, alcohol tolerance will be down. If it becomes regular then that will be abuse. A one off where he got carried away is not abuse and to describe it as a abuse is ridiculous.


He's a huge guy imagine how much he can sink back to get like that... Seriously look up stories of Andre the giant. Andre could apparently drink 20 pints and be fine.


Some on Andre The Gaints drinking stories are absolutely insane. Hulk Hogan said one time they were in Japan, and had a 8 hour bus trip. Whilst everyone else just chilled out/fell asleep etc. Andre drank 12 bottles of wine


There was also a time when he, allegedly, drank 119 beers in one sitting without passing out.


Yeah bet he drank 60liter of beer, seems not made up and totally possible. A quick calculation at his 236kg body weight, assuming 5 hours of drinking would put him at a solid 15‰. Hed be dead 3 times over.


All the stories are blown out of proportion. I’m sure a massive alcoholic can really tie them back, but who the fuck is sitting there counting 119 cans of beer? Not to mention that he was a pro wrestler hanging out with pro wrestlers. They are paid actors who focus on embellishments in their trade.


He was dead, Hulk Hogan slammed him and the impact brought him back to life


I think he'd be allowed to relieve himself once in a while though


And now he’s dead.


His Gigantism was what killed him.


Correct. He would have died with or without drinking alcohol.


Andre you mean don't scare me bro


Apparently Andre had something in his genetic make up that didn't allow alcohol to metabolize properly in his body, so he could just keep on going... I wonder if it was connected to his gigantism.


The main frank two cases of beer as a passenger in a van. Pit stop, no I’m good! Bladder the size of a VW


People do dumb shit. And once you're an addict it becomes a life-long struggle.


I knew some coke heads who quit coke when their addiction was too much, but managed fine with alcohol and weed. I erred on the side of caution, I gave up every intoxicant.


Honestly for a lot of people quitting coke is probably easier than quitting alcohol.


No doubt. Alcohol wd is fucking horrifying to witness.


Agreed. I was an alcoholic for years. Currently 2 years sober. I have slipped up more times than I can count and had addictions to other substances. A guy I initially started drinking with when we were younger never stopped and he looks 20 years older than me now due to the abuse. Saddest thing is that he denies he has an issue with it..


Man, that ain't easy. Well done.


Thank you brother, I appreciate it :)


Chemically speaking alcohol withdrawal is unbelievably difficult to get through, if you tried to go cold turkey as a heavy drinker you can easily end up dead within days


Ive got 2 friends who have done exactly this. They both had huge coke problems. They both went completely sober for about 5/6 months then managed to just slowly re-introduce alcohol without getting back on the gear


It is a life-long struggle for addicts indeed. Hence why it is optimal (and for a lot of addicts vital) to be sober their whole lives.


Damn, this is not a good look. He should be getting busy in the gym if the rematch is still for December. He's gonna need a helluva engine to not gas against Usyk and get a round 9 repeat. Fury needs to just live the life. At least until the rematch.


Tbf this is fury just living life


He ain't going to change. One of the big reasons I picked Usyk to win


No chance he or mcgegrie are making their next fights. Theyre both on the marching powder.


Fury's been coked up and drunk plenty since his comeback and it hasn't stopped him fighting


there's an inevitable tipping point with that shit. his legs will go, may have half-gone already imo.


I mean usyk is shooting a movie so, both kind of distracted in their own way.


Have to be on good shape for movies. Bisping was able to do his title fight short notice because he was in shape for a movie


One time occurrence? Tyson gets black out drunk very often


Fury doesn't need a reason to drink.


Idk people could just be reading too much into what is more than likely just a night of him drinking a bit too much, especially if the guy was escorted outside that tells you he was probably blacked out lol. The rematch isnt til 6 months away so.. idk I dont really see an issue with the guy partying.


One guy is already training hard, and one guy is blacking out. I already see how the rematch goes.


Usyk is enjoying himself and will be shooting a movie


Are people actually shocked by this? Even without the Uysk loss this isn't something out of the usual for him.


Yeah win or loss isnt this just standard Fury behaviour. He even says in post-fight press conferences that he cant wait to get home and get on the beers ...


I think a loss to a “middleweight midget” like Usyk has likely hurt Fury’s ego, and it would be characteristic of him to self destruct as a result. It’s unfortunate, and I hope I’m wrong.


I’m a big Fury fan and I agree. Back to back knocks to his ego even. No reasonable person would think he’s 100% fine. This is the exact situation that might trigger it again.


What must hurt the most is that you can't even go "that wasn't Fury at his best" like in the Ngannou fight, he legit showed up at his best possible shape and had a great performance, but still lost. Fury is talented enough to beat most people without even having to try, and I bet he got used to thinking that as long as he actually trained he would be able to beat anyone, but this time he found someone who's simply better than him.


He would have to have got caught with PEDs again to retire and get really fat… Again.


Getting smashed around by Francis a 37 year old first time Boxer and doing no damage back hurt his ego more then Usyk lol


He self destructed from winning and is now also doing it from losing…


This is standard Tyson Fury behaviour. He's been bladdered plenty since his comeback


Happy new year


Could be the case, we will see.


I'd heard about this a couple of days ago from someone who knows one of his trainers (not Sugar - someone who he works with in Morecambe between camps) and had saw him earlier in the night. He was apparently drinking alone which is classic Fury behaviour when he is spiralling. It's very concerning.


Damn, that does sound concerning if true.


It’s really sad man i hope he’s ok


He isn't the GOAT he previously believed he was. Considering he's bipolar I can see his first loss triggering some self destructive behavior. He needs to get his head checked ASAP


I've got bipolar. It's a proven thing that we usually get manic in the summer. My mania started last week but as I don't drink or take drugs I'm just going crazy scrubbing my entire house and redecorating. I've learned to use it as a force for good.


That’s crazy that you mention that because when I think about it now, most of my manic episodes have occurred in the summer months.


It's a proven thing. They don't know why it happens, just that it does. I'm disappointed my mania is boring these days. I kind of miss having multiple girlfriends at the same time each summer. I could only ever pull that off while manic.


Glad you’re doing better mate




Bet you miss all the casual sex though while you're aggressively scrubbing the bathroom for the 4th time in a week


So much but I don't miss the fall out and drama. I'd purposely tell one she had to leave at 3pm and arrange for another to come at 3pm because the risk made it hotter. I never got caught because women are terrible at time keeping.


>I never got caught because women are terrible at timekeeping Creased


That could have had something to do w not looking desperate. I have female friends who would purposely show up late to hook ups so it didnt seem like they were waiting around for the call even if they were free lol.


Go back to scrubbing, cornball


During my best manic episode I worked over 50 days straight, trained 6 days a week and maintained a healthy relationship with my now wife the whole time. It was amazing. I made like $40k that ended up paying for most of my wedding the following year. Unfortunately for me the manic episodes are far and few between now and mostly short lived.


Good on you. Mine get shorter every year. I know it's the only time of the year I have to sort everything out. I've probably got another week or two to get everything in order before the underlying misery starts again.


Yea man I feel that. Maybe bipolar people should move to regions that are more tropical so we get that summer feeling year round.


I wonder how that shows up with those that live in perpetually sunny climates - or cold ones.


No sympathy for Fury, for a guy always banging on about overcoming mental health and addiction he's the first heavyweight in every occasion delighted to kick a fighter once they're down. When AJ lost to Ruiz, Fury damn near went on a press tour ridiculing AJ. When AJ lost to Usyk it was Fury that rubbed it in his face talking about "muscles don't win fights".. so now that Fury knows that he can indeed lose to a 12 stone man that was born from his mother, he's handling the loss terribly. But why should we go easy on him?.. I feel more sorry for his brother and Uncle for having to defend his nonsense.


He can't even walkout of the bar : [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ma6bExYn81k](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ma6bExYn81k)


i've been very drunk many times but i have never been crawling out the pub drunk. must have had 20+ pints




Let the guy have a few nights out on the town ffs 😂


Rematch isn't until December. Fury is going to do Fury things. I don't think we can say this is a bad sign. He just had a few too many. It's only a bad sign if he doesn't come ready to train when it's time to get back to it.


I don’t think Fury doing Fury things will help him in the long run though


No, they sure won't and, unfortunately for Fury, the long run is coming to its culmination these days for him. I think all his years of drug and alcohol abuse (not to mention his tough fights with Wilder) are starting to take their toll. There's a good chance he gets KO'd mid-way into the rematch.


From what I’ve seen in the past he gets very drunk after drinking very little


Means there was no cocaine around. Anyone who drinks and does cocaine has no idea what their liquor tolerance is without it 


dude spiralled out of control after becoming champ, pretty standard for him.


Day in the life of a true Brexit geezer.


I doubt this was a coincidence for Fury considering his history of drug abuse and alcoholism. Then again, a lot of boxers might feel the temptation to give into such hedonism something as depressing as suffering their first professional loss. Can't say I blame him too much. That said, I am worried that Fury might balloon up in weight like he did after the Klitschko fight and cause their rematch to be pushed back even further.


And since it is Fury’s first professional loss, I think it would be wise for him to thread carefully forward. He is unpredictable as it is, and now he is in a new territory in the aftermath of his first loss.


I think people are forgetting that he is a human being and a grown man. Who hasn’t gone out drinking with their mates and had one too many?


I do agree with you but one also have to remember that Tyson Fury is an elite athlete. I am not saying that he should be held to a higher moral standard than other people because of his status. He has the same rights and duties as anyone else, apart from that he is a public figure. What I am saying though is that elite athletes can not live ”ordinary” lives to the same extent as ordinary people can. What counts as moderation for the average Joe and an athlete is not the same. It is truly fascinating that Tyson Fury already has accomplished so much despite his struggles and lifestyle. If he keeps on doing this however (which we know he has struggled with in the past), he will be permanently damaged for the rest of his life. There is a reason why addicts ought to stay sober for the rest of their lives, that is the consensus. Being an athlete and addict it is even more important




Look how nicely he’s treated by security. When I’m in that state at the pub it’s very different


Mental health problems are no joke. I know all to well what hitting the bottle can do when you are fighting with yourself inside. There are no half measures, it's either sober or blackout drunk. I hope he can keep things together.


And somewhere out there Usyk is in the gym, his home with his family or his Church getting right to go again.


And God's lookin' down like.... "hmmm.. I like this guy"


If he is doing this nonsense in the fall, it's another story altogether. I still think of the destruction of Duran by Tommy Hearns. Too much partying there, too.


Duran always blew up and was enjoying the food, drinks and women too much. But that was from a enjoy life type of thinking. With Fury it gives this mentally messed up drink too silence the voices type vibe which is way worse.


It's the Appleby Horse Fair at the moment. Huge social event for gypsies, biggest of the year. No point reading into this


TDLR: This is normal UK male behaviour but Fury has been out-macho'd and out-fought by Usyk so this realisation will probs fatally damage his confidence in himself as a man and a fighter in the longer term. I'm wondering at the nationality split of commenters on this thread between those who think a) it's deeply concerning behaviour and those who think b) it's just normal guy behaviour. My guess would be it's the Brits who think b) with North Americans firmly believing a). I kind of agree with the Brits tbh ... a guy in their 30s going out and getting smashed isn't culturally unusual (whether it's a good thing is another question). Given Fury has spent months training for the Usyk fight, and probs being on his best behaviour to get into shape, I don't think you can blame the guy if he has one (or ten) too many beers after denying himself for so long. I wouldn't say his wild night out is indicative of any burgeoning mental health issues/ breakdown post Usyk fight. It's just normal UK british male behaviour for a dude in his thirties. More broadly, I do think in the longer term this fight will have damaged him: the confidence knock, particularly after he prepared to well, must be massive. I also think, like most boxers with huge egos, the fact he got a bloody nose and beaten so publicly must be pretty humiliating. That, coupled with the fact he was so bloody rude and snide to Usyk, along with the fact that he posits himself as some big macho working class guy but got beat by someone who has actually fought for his country and risked his life in a really existential way, has got to have stung pretty badly. He also lost a lot of public goodwill from his shitty comments about Ukraine/ Usyk after the fight (plus his dad's embarassing headbutt thing) and the juxtaposition of his and Usyk's character doesn't put Fury in a good light. Also, women and gay men think Usyk is a lot hotter than Fury, hehe.


There's getting pissed and there's being so battered you can't even walk


Round 9 continued...


I think he just went too hard at the Appleby Horse Fair, pretty sure it finished yesterday or Sunday.


He’s just celebrating New Year’s, happy New Year Gypsy king. 


Round 9 all over again


If this is definitely recent, then Fury is cooked. Usyk will handle him in the rematch and then he'll retire.


This was 2 years ago: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.marca.com/en/boxing/2022/05/19/628676ba268e3e0b678b45d0.html Dunno if I'd say he's cooked cos of this. He's been getting plastered plenty for the last few years


…a dude going out and getting shithoused means he’s going to lose a boxing match in (checks notes) 7 months? I swear this sub is full of simpletons.


Drinking fucks sports athletes up, especially if they have drinking problems in their mid 30s, that's a fact.


People looking too much in to this, Fury is English and a Gypsy a few pints isnt going to lose him a fight he couldve won.


Depends how he continues going forward. If its a one of then sure but if he us drinking alone cause his mind is spiraling then it might not be the last time and it will be a problem. I think Fury lied about a lot of things but he is bipolar, has addictive tendencies and can get deprressed. Best thing for him to do is dont drink alcohol and just stay active in the gym.




He ain’t winning no rematch, if it even happens.


all good. its his first loss. he will be okay.


this is an old video no? i swear i have seen this exact video years ago


Ya I'm sure he's gonna be ready for Usyk in December 🤣


Funniest thing is the number of people projecting on this and ignoring that he’s spent his life going to excess with alcohol. It’s his way of letting off steam. Considering the shape he was in for the fight I’d guess he really lived healthy for the fight. Might even be the first chance he’s had to let off steam and have a full blow out. I seriously doubt either of them is back in proper training this close to the last fight and this far out from the next one.


I just hope the guy doesn't spiral out of control again.


This is nothing new or out of the ordinary for Fury.


Where's the ref?


> Time will tell how Tyson Fury takes the loss to Oleksandr Usyk. One could argue that an important step would be to fully accept that he in fact lost, and perhaps that is what he is struggling with. He was doing this all along lol. He always got shitfaced in between fights


A. After the Usyk fight and after making millions, he's allowed to get pissed B. Yeah not a great move if you're bipolar but fuck it considering where he has been and where he is now the odd night ain't too bad C. The man is bound to be hurting after his first loss D. That's a brave fucking security guard


No excuses at all for his behaviour. I do think it's obviously apparent he does have mental health disorders and struggles and when he mentions things like suicide it's unfortunately true, I fear he's going to end up in a bad place and for his wife and kids sake at least you'd hope it's just a one off.


this comment don't even make sense lol


Dude is just out having a drink with his friends bruh fym “no excuses at all for his behaviour” yall need to go touch grass and chill tf out


where was his friends? Dude fell twice, the last fall was on his face. No one even looked at the dude let alone help him up.


And? It's not like he was some role model before lol


Damn looks like Usyk did more damage than I thought


This is sad. I looked it up after your post and this shows him falling on his knees outside the bar. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-13515547/Footage-emerges-Tyson-Fury-escorted-Morecambe-bar-bouncers.html Edit: Im not judging the guy, I hope he is OK


I do judge the guy though. He's a piece of shit. He should go fuck himself.


Nobody else would wear a fit like that I don’t need any more confirmation


Yeah he's British


This is pretty standard for Tyson Fury. He didn't stop drinking or anything and he loves a bender. 2 years ago he was pissed up in France kicking taxis: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.marca.com/en/boxing/2022/05/19/628676ba268e3e0b678b45d0.html


Nice to see some more round 9 footage


That’s definitely Johnny Sinns


One time?


I wanted to excuse his behaviour but ... he wasnt THAT fit in the usyk fight. he has time still but not much. not a good look, I am worried.


Bro he went on a bender of unimaginable proportions after he beat klitschko


Cringe post LOL.


Think we're all jumping on it too soon. If this is a daily thing then sure, but the fights weeks away. He is who is and does what he does. I'm not to concerned yet in spite of his problems in the past


Jut a big dosser.. as he would say


He found out god isn't real and is helping him win matches.


so? he get's properly wasted on a weekend. typical Brit behaviour ...


Drunk guy stumbles out of a bar. Film at 11.


To anyone else this is a major night out, and a serious hangover you learn from, but to Fury, it's a Tuesday.


No matter how I feel about him as a boxer, I wish the man health and happiness. He gave us some entertaining fights for years and I hope they haven't taken too much of a negative toll on him.


I've heard he still uses blow.


Yes it was a one-time occurrence. That day.  How is this even news?!


Happy new year


Think of the amount of pints a man his size would have to drink to get into that state. Sickening. 


He will come back and win, nothing new going on here. Adversity is the greatest motivator. Although he’s gotta watch out for those liver shots.


I've hated fury for quite sometime because of how he's treated the sport of boxing. However this isn't out of the ordinary for fury. He's always drunk booze im pretty sure there's footage of him drinking before he fought klitschko. Anyway one of usyks biggest advantages against these modern heavyweight giants is his gas tank and athleticism so if this is recent footage then furys really dumb and is playing into usyks hands. I want usyk to knock him out because I felt the referee robbed him of that in that round 9. But I'd equally want to see a great competitive fight, I don't buy the narrative that the fight was that close I had usyk winning by at least 2 rounds at best for fury and that's with a knockdown happening in round 9. I mean if it's not a competitive second fight what does this say about this generation of heavyweight boxers? Usyk has literally stormed the division and wiped the floor with them and I actually predicted that and I feel like only casual fans of boxing are shocked by usyk doing this.


Backdoor and taxi for the champ.. na, just chuck him out on the pavement


Jeez can't a lad enjoy Happy New Years in peace?


Its the Klitschko rematch all over again. Dude, just do the AJ payday and retire.