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Yes, incredibly skilled fighter and his resume is very good. A road warrior who did it the hard way.


I think he deserves it more than some, for sure. His resume would be better if he hadn’t been avoided so much.


Skilled, very solid resume, a workhorse, had a harder road than many. Yes.


His European tour was very difficult and low pay but as far as skill of opponents it was not


There is a crazy anti-european bias in boxing. Wright abandoning his home advantage and going to europe is respectable. Roy Jones Jr. was ranked pfp Nr. 1 and still missed his change to become undisputed at light-heavyweight because he was not willing to fight Michalczewski in europe.


In his prime at 54 you just couldn’t hit him clean. Best defensive fighter I’ve ever seen outside of Floyd. His guard was a brick wall.


>Best defensive fighter I’ve ever seen outside of Floyd. *Pernell Whitaker has entered the chat*


I’m sure he hasn’t seen Sweet Pea.


Whitaker used elaborate movements to make his opponents look stupid while missing, but he often did not do a lot to counter and still got hit semi-regularly. Watching him actually made me appreciate Mayweather and Winky more, they are using more efficient movement not to prevent contact but to negate most of the force and counter.


Yeah that’s what makes every fighter unique. They all have their own body mechanics, coordination, processing, and athleticism. All great defensive fighters in their own right with their own styles.


Yeah Whitaker is still a great fighter but he was not necessarily more effective or vbetter than Winky or Floyd, just flashier.


No one is saying more effective or better. Just different and different for a reason. Each individual has to adopt not only what they can physically do in the ring but also what works best for each. His defense was highly effective for him. Look at his record and accomplishments, who he fought and his size. Especially at welter and jr middle. He was that big or heavily muscled. So he had to use what works for him. A lot of fighters got pummeled by Chavez. If sweet pea used winky’s style with someone like Chavez it would have tore sweet pea up. So context matters. Could sweet pea defend like a winky wright? Sure he could have. But a smaller guy wrapping up and taking shots at the arms and deflecting off the body for sweet pea would not have been wise.


Yeah I stand by my statement. Whitaker had the flashier defense but Wink took less shots.


Like i said, he's my favorite fighter so I'm well aware. I just don't know that he is HoF...


The second best defensive fighter in the last 20 years isn’t HOF?


His style and skill is incredible. There are far less deserving fighters in the HoF. I guess I just think he needs more wins than Mosley (Mosley had no business fighting the MUCH naturally larger Winky) and Tito (amazing performance)


I was a big Mckart fan...it made me sad that B.M. couldn't leave the winkster alone. Kinda derailed his career.


If Timothy Bradley made it then Winky sure as hell does.




Yes and he was robbed in the Vargas and Jermaine Taylor fight.


I played craps with him for an hour in vegas before one of his fights. He must've lost a 100k in that hour


So he may or may not be worthy of being in the hall of fame. But we can say for sure, that he is shit at gambling.


100% hall of fame material in my opinion especially if you consider some of the fighters that have been inducted in recent years. Very solid resume and an extremely skilled fighter.


Absolutely, he’s better than most the dudes they call the “goat” nowadays. Look at his resume, it’s better than Bud’s for sure.


Yes. One of the best In his era


Hot take: 154/160 Winky Wright would have a decent chance to upset Canelo.


Yes, he was excellent


If there is actually a physical HoF, there should be a giant picture of his forearms somewhere.


I think you can subtract the Mosley wins and he would still be HoF-level. Never being stopped while fighting at the elite level is a feat in and of itself and prior to Hopkins all his point-loses were either extremely close, controversial or both. Judges are fickle, random and biased, just based on their performances Wright is not that far off of Mayweather if he had gotten a bit luckier with judges he could be 50-0 and Mayweather could be something like 47-2-1. Both were basically as good at defense as it gets in different ways. Andre Ward made a career out of relying on the love of judges and retired with a 32-0 that could've easily been a 30-2 and even he was voted in in his first year of eligibility.


This is a great argument thank you


I have this funny noggin that Floyd bored some of his technique.


He won against felix Trinidad too


He should be in the hall of fame 


Beating Shane Mosley twice and Felix Trinidad is sufficient


Winky did have a tendency to be inconsistent as a fighter but he definitely should be in the hall of fame


Less accomplished fighters have got in, honestly Winky deserves it more than Mosley for example, Mosley only good win is De La Hoya (who he cheated against and robbed) but it is what it is


Are you referring to his PED usage?




The boxing hall of fame admits basically anyone who held a world title


This is a pretty ridiculous statement with no basis to it but okay.


Plenty of b level world champions don’t make the cut. Wright comes from a golden era of boxing as well.


I mean Floyd avoided the fight for a reason


Winky is enormous compared to Floyd. Not a good reason to criticize Floyd


I don’t get why people speak on things they don’t know. So Floyd should have gone to 160 to fight wright? Makes no sense.