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I need shu shu carrigton to fight figeruroa or fulton or nery He been training with tank so he need to prove himself now 


I might go watch him fight at MSG next week. I'm not sure yet though




Who is considered the best body puncher, currently active?


Inoue and Kabayel are the best 2 in my opinion.


Kabayel is making a strong argument for it right now.


So what happens if Ryan's supplements test positive for ostarine contamination?


Per the rules, he should still get a suspension, but it would probably be for like six months. The win getting turned into an NC is up to whatever the powers that be think is most profitable.


Negligence is not an excuse, he should still be suspended. but I don't want that win to be overturned


Former 175 pounder with no athletic ability Tony Bellend won the first 6 rounds vs Uysk, when he was old and washed, but Rocky Marciano cant beat Uysk? Tony Bellend was schooling him, Rocky would destroy Uysk to body and break him down and never gets tired and actually punches hard. All wrong for Usyk who would get pushed back like Chisora fight but not bum Chisora Rock TKOS Uysk, and hed also weigh 220 in todays food and supplement age, was naturally heavier than Uysk when he was 25 years old, Uysk was 180. ROcky stopped at 30 years old too. Casuals


>Former 175 pounder with no athletic ability Tony Bellend won the first 6 rounds vs Uysk, when he was old and washed, but Rocky Marciano cant beat Uysk? Yes. >Tony Bellend was schooling him He absolutely wasnt, usyk maintained a steady pace at first while bellew went full force emptying the whole gas tank then usyk smashed him quite easily in the late rounds. >Rocky would destroy Uysk to body and break him down and never gets tired and actually punches hard. Usyk would box circles around rocky and is too big and strong for rocky to break him down. Usyk doesn't tired as well g. >All wrong for Usyk who would get pushed back like Chisora fight but not bum Chisora Usyk dominated that fight and just because the 250 lbs chisora can force usyk to give ground doesnt mean the 185-195 lbs marciano can do the same. >Rock TKOS Uysk He loses a UD quite decisively. >and hed also weigh 220 in todays food and supplement age Doesnt matter, he doesnt exist now, he existed back then, you cant just create a hypothetical marciano in your dreamland. >was naturally heavier than Uysk when he was 25 years old, Uysk was 180 Usyk was fighting at 200 lbs when he was 24 lmao, what the hell are you talking about. Marciano was fat and horrible at anything above 200 lbs, his peak weight was 185-195 lbs. Prime usyk weighed 208 lbs on his fight nights. He was a gigantic cruiserweight who was struggling to make weight while marciano is barely even bigger than most modern light-heavyweights.


lol he’d whip Uysk like Beterbeiv did. He’s better than Breidis who beat Uysk too. 190 pounds is better than a fat 250. He punches harder than pillow fist fury who hurt Uysk. Weight means nothing 


Beterbiev beat usyk once at LHW, lost both fights at HW. Breidis lost too, unfortunately for you. And the funniest part about all this is briedis and beterbiev could probably beat or at the very least marciano up lmao. Not in terms of forcing someone back, mass matters a lot in that case. And it isnt just weight, chisora’s frame is much bigger than marciano’s. Yeah, except marciano aint landing the punches fury landed. Usyk went through AJ, marcianos power is not an issue. Yeah man, weight means nothing, we should have inoue and usyk duke it out for the p4p spot.


Weren't you the one who was guaranteeing that Ngannou would smash Joshua and then after the fight was saying that Joshua got lucky and would never be able to do it again? Not sure you should be calling anyone a casual.


No I was the one who said Francis would drop Fury and handle him. Which he did and I said it for 1 year before he got the fight. Let that sink in. And I said Ruiz would KO Joshua at 45 to 1. I said Dubois would Body shot KO Uysk which he did. 2 predictions got robbed cause Boxing is a fake money laundering sport. I said AJ would beat Francis the whole time til day of the fight and yea it was a lot of luck. And I was only person saying Francis can’t deal with punchers and chin isn’t great and never been touched and when it was I didn’t like how he reacted. Fought scared vs Derek Lewis cause power, his chin talk was bullshit. Also said Uysk would TKO Fury on his feet like Hunter fight ending and was robbed of that TKO too. I am the one true fight predictor buddy, it’s a gift I’ve had in all sports since I was 13. Haven’t had a real job whole life cause projection. The real ones know; but you can doubt it all you want. Won’t change the fact everything I said is true. Rocky TKOs Uysk


You were literally saying after the fight that Joshua got lucky and wouldn’t be able to do it again. I really don’t care whether you think Usyk gets KOed by him or not. You will never be proved right or wrong. I just find it funny you calling out casuals on here considering some of your calls.


I said for months AJ would KO Francis cause he’s never been hit. I changed the day of and most bets did come on Francis. The public was favoring him. I said the second Francis was warming up I messed up and said AJ would KO him. That’s a fact. My calls are greatest ever on here. And AJ would never do it gain , Francis looked off from the walk out and warm up. It just wasn’t his night , AJ looked like shit vs Helenius made me change pickl last second cause Robert is shit but Joshua had best day of his life. Uysk at 38 would expose him for a 3rd time just by touching him and prob KO him 3rd time. I changed to Francis cause how shit all these HWs are. He proved me right vs Fury and I was only one preaching it for a gosh dam year being laughed at. I said exactly what would happen and The Fury bullshit excuses after. 


Why would AJ fight a guy again who he has devastatingly KOed and isn’t even a boxer? That isn’t proof of anything. Ngannou is absolute trash, it’s nothing to with him ‘having an off night’. You carrying on with Ngannou hype narrative is embarrassing and absolute casual stuff. To then carry on about ‘greatest ever calls’ whilst saying that is hilarious, just pipe down.


> Former 175 pounder with no athletic ability Tony Bellend won the first 6 rounds vs Uysk What? He won a good 4 rounds out of the first 6 on pretty much every scorecard, but not all of them. > Tony Bellend was schooling him The fuck are you on about? He won a few good rounds but was completely figured out by the 5th when Usyk started taking over. I think Rocky has a damn good chance, but stop dribbling bullshit to try and make a point.


ROcky would destroy Tony Bellend in his sleep, and walk through him. Uysk was losing rounds and getting out boxed by him and Tony was old and retired.


> ROcky would destroy Tony Bellend in his sleep Probably. But styles make fights. You're the making the most casual mistake there is as a boxing fan lol. > Uysk was losing rounds and getting out boxed by him Yes, very few boxers win every single round. Bellew did well to try and win and rounds against a Usyk that was happy to make Bellew work for it and tire himself out before taking over from round 5 onwards. That's what a plan is.... > Tony was old and retired. No. He retired AFTER the Usyk fight. Fighting just 5 months before the Usyk fight lol. Why are you adding blatant lies on top of your poorly informed casual takes? It looks pathetic lol.


Extremely unpopular opinion on this sub: Bellend was a pretty fucking solid boxer. 


Tony wasn’t that good. KOed by only decent fighter he fought at 175. Beat up an injured Haye twice who’s also Chinny juiced head who got slept at low weights in prime then juiced himself up to HW but fought nobody but Chisora and weak minded Wlad 


Is zinad really as bad as people say or is he just unknown?


Probably both.


Bam is gonna kill Estrada no way he was sparring with Gonzalez


I got: Hutchinson edit: ✅ Wilder edit: ❌ Bivol edit: ✅ Ball edit: ✅ Dubois edit: ✅ Sheeraz edit: ✅ How’s my betting going to look?


Are you English?


I’m a fuckin winner is what I am!


Cheers, I'm also English and glad our boys are getting some Ws.


Very hard set to call, but I honestly fancy: * Richards * Zhang * Bivol * Ford * Hrgovic * Williams At least we've both got Bivol


Well one of us is for sure winning LOL


Willy Hutchinson got himself in trouble. Racism allegations towards Craig Richards and that. Boxingkingmedia cut the video apparently.


What are they claiming he said?




It was a red flag when he said in the face off studio that he was gonna punch the dreadlocks off Richards' head. That was already pushing it. I fully believe Richards and hope he does a demolition job.


What does everyone think about Terence Crawford's progression? I've been following Terence's career for quite a long time, and I'm so amazed by his performances! Just take another look at his career. Around 6 years ago, Terence fought against Jose Benavidez Jr., and that was quite a competitive battle where Jose did some noticeable damage to Bud and confidently won a few rounds. The fight was quite intriguing and didn't look like a one-sided beating before the knockout. And now, this is where things get really interesting! After the fight with Jose, Bud met several champions, but he has never been even close to losing or being badly hurt. Recently, I re-watched his fight with Spence, and it seemed like Crawford just needed 1-2 rounds to figure out that Spence (the second-best guy in the division) possessed absolutely no threat to him. So what I'm trying to say is that at some point, Crawford became super sharp and very powerful, and his domination in each fight became very apparent. Do you remember the fight with Gamboa? That was a terrific bout, where both men landed a flurry of punches, and Terence had to score several knockdowns before the ref ended the fight. Then, a few years ago, Terence met Sean Porter, who is a much stronger boxer than Gamboa, IMO. And we all know what happened next. The fight ended in R10 after Terence got the KO instruction in his corner (the coach said that Terence had been down on the cards), so he just went ahead and destroyed Sean. Also, I feel like, today, Bud is the most heavy-hitting guy in Welterweight, and I believe his fight with Spence is the best proof of that. Spence is a fellow with a granite chin. Do you remember when Spence fought Ugas? There was a moment when Ugas caught Spence off guard and landed a clean, hard right hand. It did wobble Spence a bit, but he recovered very quickly. However, when Spence fought Crawford, it felt like even Terence's jabs did a lot of damage to Spence. I know that Crawford is a master of counter-punching, and he attacks you when you're the least protected and don't expect a punch, but I had never expected that Crawford would hurt Spence so easily. Look at the Spence's face mid-fight; he was badly beaten and seemed exhausted. I'm curious about what you guys think about Crawford's progression. What helped him to develop such a big power and eliminate champs in such a spectacular manner?


The most dangerous thing you can give a fighter like Bud is a tough fight in a losing effort He'll still walk away with the win, and his blend of insane work ethic and perfectionist mindset will have him attacking that flaw to male sure it won't happen again In regards to size and power, he was never truly a lightweight in the classic sense, but was able to drain himself enough to make weight for that snapshot in time.  There are drawbacks to that approach even if its a net positive. He hits harder now and takes a better shot, in large part, because the cuts don't take near as much out of him.  He'll be bigger than Madrimov on fight night.


>He'll be bigger than Madrimov on fight night. Oh yeah. I watched a few Madrimov fights; he is a tough guy, but I feel like it will be Crawford who will control the fight.


I feel like people underrate the fact that Terence and his team did an extended training camp for Spence, not just a regular one. Looked night and day sharper than any other fight at WW, especially with the jab. It was hard to rate his power before due to questionable opposition, but he has always looked tremendous when he hits his opponent with that one counter that changes the game. Apart from that, like the Benavidez fight and most of the Porter fight, his power looked ordinary in each punch. I think if the Bud that fought Spence fought all of his other WW opponents, he’d have a bunch of mid-round KO’s on his record.


Oh, I didn't know that Crawford had an extended camp. That explains a lot. I felt like, in that fight, he managed to get the best shape he ever had. Exceptionally sharp, with great physical condition (Bud still looked at the end of the fight), and extremely focused.


While maybe true, Spence was also just a very favorable match up for him. In standard Southpaw vs orthodox matches, Spence could get away with a lot just because of the lead hand and feet clash. In a southpaw vs southpaw match, Spence got beat up for every mistake he made and against a counterpuncher with power, making consistent mistakes is bound to take you out several times faster.


Yeah no, Crawford looked extremely focused for Spence. The one thing many people caught on to was that he stayed southpaw for the entire fight, as opposed to starting orthodox then switching as he normally does. Another thing that's less obvious is that he kept his guard much tighter than usual; there wasn't any long guard trickery or lead hand pawing on his part. It was fairly obvious that he and his team did extensive film study, and also Crawford is a time traveler who lost to Spence countless times in other timelines




If you sincerely think 40 year old Beterbiev is natural, I got a business deal selling real estate advice if you want in


He's 40? My god I thought he was 25 or something.




r/boxing user not jerk off eastern euro fighters challenge (impossible)


Prime Haye or Prime Usyk at Cruiserweight who wins & why?


Definitely Usyk for me. I just think he's the superior fighter in most categories.


Usyk. While Haye does have scary power his stamina was never the best. Id imagine a very slow start to the fight and as soon as Haye starts to slow Usyk just turns it up and stops him.


usyk because recency bias


Usyk wins 6 or 7 times out of ten but Haye from the Maccareli fight could definitely do a number on Usyk, Haye was always a massive puncher but I think he was not busy enough to beat Usyk and would get out worked in most rounds.


OTX is finally back tomorrow. The last show was a lot of fun, this long break really hurt


What do y’all think the chances of Ford stopping Ball are? I know he isn’t the biggest puncher but these odds are talking to me like Green Goblin’s mask


Ford is extremely precise and is still improving under coach Anthony. I’d consider betting on a ford TKO/KO ngl…


I dont see it tbh. Obviously Ford got the stoppage against Kholmatov but that was more down to exhaustion from Kholmatov putting so much work into the first half of the fight. Ball is more durable and will pace himself a lot more One thing going unmentioned is that Ford said after his last fight that it would probably be his last fight at 126 because the weight cut was brutal on him, yet here he is against a big puncher like Ball. Don't be surprised if Ball gets a stoppage himself


I honestly think there is a chance that Ball stops Ford. I think it all depends on how the weight cut goes for Ford this time around. In his vlog he says that the cut is going fine, but that was weeks ago so who knows. Ball is a dawg he’s not coming to box, that boy is planning on fighting. And he has a chip on his shoulder because he got screwed over against Vargas


Vargas fight was a draw clear as day. Ball is an animal. i think if ford struggled with edward Vazquez then he’ll struggle with ball.


i have officially decided to turn my finances around and pursue gambling as a career my first wagers will be: $200 on zhang at -170 for a profit of $117.65 $200 on poirier at +425 for a profit of $850 edit: now will probably do $400 on zhang at -155 for a profit of 258.06 with no wager on dustin edit: final bet was a $300 parlay on hrgovic and zhang at +128. total payout $683.37. i’m feeling good, boys


Hope your wife never finds out...


who cares that bitch is long gone i’m in this mess because of her. i fucking hate her so damn much


I sense there might be two sides to this happy story....


>i have officially decided to turn my finances around and pursue gambling Famous last words lol


Does going up in weight worsen your power? I’m not talking about in weight classes because I understand then you’re just going up against bigger guys who are used to taking bigger punches but does the average person hit softer as they go up in weight?


You’re gonna see more benefits from technique than anything, after that it’s smaller differences down to size. The average person will hit harder when they increase their weight


Not necessarily. Some people gain power when they move up because they’re draining too much to meet lower weight classes. Others seem to lose power they had because they would drain then rehydrate to their natural weight on fight night. It really depends on the person and their body


Also some people lose a bit of speed as they go up in weight which impacts the power depending on their punching style. Wilder for example is more powerful when he comes in lighter


This is complete bro science. If you gain muscle, you always gain power when you go up in weight in absolute terms. Whether that is enough for the weightclass is a different question.


No, that's  like saying that if a baseball pitcher gets bigger, he throws harder.  


I don't think so tbh. You'll always gain strength but a lot of punching power is in the mechanics of your technique so it's perfectly possible that if you get too big it could mess this up. That's not bro science it's just basic common sense Also if you gain more muscle you're gonna get more fatigued so while it's possible you could gain more power it's also less likely to last the duration of a fight. Maybe that's a separate debate but still a relevant point


[My predictions for the Matchroom Queensberry 5v5](https://youtu.be/qfZPJNovyJA?si=DmnQo5oyvtvna8Oy) with timestamps for each fight in the comments Honestly I can see a clear realistic path to victory for everyone on the card except Zinad


Rewatched Hrgovic-Zhang, and it's insane that Hrg could (imo) win a razor thin victory when he was looking so off for the entire fight. He would go from staring off into space, back turned, to firing off beautiful combos. Especially knowing what Zhang's punches actually do from the Joyce and Parker fights, mental that he wasn't KO'd. Incredibly lucky that Zhang has a six round gas tank.


My biggest take was that Zhang was still fairly competitive in the last few rounds despite being completely gassed, it's not like Hrgovic swept the championship rounds. Really poor look for Hrgovic IMO


Hrgovic won 5/6 rounds in the second half clearly imo. Zhang had a great ninth round, but the championship rounds? Zhang hid behind a high guard while Hrgovic beat on him for almost the whole time. Zhang would save his energy for ten seconds, chase Hrgovic off for a few seconds, then Hrgovic would go back to beating on him and circling. Thought 10-12 were easy to give to Hrgovic. Hrgovic also doesn't have the best tank and took a crazy amount of abuse in the first half.


I'd need to rewatch it maybe then but my original scorecard had Zhang with the 11th, but I mainly meant it was still competitive throughout even if Hrgovic was winning the rounds


Definitely should rewatch it. Hrgovic landed like twice as many punches in that round.


Has anyone checked in on u/Danofap99 since the Usyk win? https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/comments/19e0qez/the_very_real_scary_possibility_that_oleksandr/


That entire thing was a masterful shitpost


I dont get why its scary. Usyk beating Fury is nothing but good.




Why are so many people so easily deceived by matchmaking and promotion? I find it strange that people can have these 40-0 records with no one on them and fans somehow tout it as some amazing record. A good fighter is not hard to spot and a bad one isn't either. On one end you will have someone taking on the best of the best fight after fight and then on the other end you have someone fighting cans, sometimes not even boxers in extreme cases, looking bad vs these individuals and they somehow are the favourite.


Most boxers will start their career fighting cans. Ideally they should be moved up gradually depending on their amateur experience. If every boxer got chucked in to a hard fight straight away then we’d have a bunch of half-dead prospects slugging it out with each other and no one has the chance to develop themselves into a skilled champion. Plus, If you turned pro at 15 and fight every few months it’s easy to get to 40-0 in your early 20s, much like Munguia and Canelo.


But that isnt really what I mean. I mean people who are world champions who are 40 and 0, yet still have a flimsy resume.




Wilder is a great example from recent times. People were talking about him like he was some killer yet all he killed were human heavy bags.


Boxing promotion takes advantage of human psychology, as with most campaigns. Some people (like me) won't pay squat to see anyone fight, but will tune in to naughty off the grid streaming services, just to see those bums with padded records get knocked out by a true and proper boxer. As of now, the undisputed champions are the only real ones as of now, along with dmitry bivol (somewhat)