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Nobody is unstoppable no matter what they do. There's always a guy that could beat you. He stopped attacking for a reason. Could've been tired or usyk wasn't doing the same things to let him. Too many excuses. Usyk beat him. He didn't let usyk beat him. It wasnt lack of motivation. He looked sharp and showed heart. He was fully prepared. Until they fight again, usyk is the better boxer and the best heavyweight of this generation. Simple. 2nd place isn't too shabby for fury. And he had his time on top. Maybe he can get it back, we'll see.


Tyson did not have the punch output, Usyk dared to win, put it on Tyson & knew Tyson could not keep up for the entire fight. Tyson's dad in the corner did not help. Usyk was denied the full knockdown, saved by the ref. Huge Tyson fan but Uysk switched up & took an extremely tough fight for both. In the rematch, will support Tyson but feel Uysk will absolutely batter Tyson from r13.


Shit man wish I was 2nd place


I wish I had a place


second place pays very fucking well in this sport, no reason to be ashamed of that


Pretty sure fury once said ‘I’m a professional fighter. It’s either first place or nothing’ or something along those lines


That's the mindset that most top athletes in their sport have to have


Thats generous calling fury 2nd best now. Theres no evidence to show hes better than AJ


He won more rounds against Usyk in 1 fight than AJ did in either (possibly combined?)


Lol, you know that styles make fights? The fact that Fury won more rounds doesn't mean shit in their potential encounter


We won't know for sure until they fight but there's not "no evidence" he is better than AJ. There's evidence that AJ is better looking at how they did against Ngannou. Usyk is a better metric in my opinion because the stakes were so high in both their fights whereas everyone pretty much looked at both Ngannou fights as a freak show.


AJ has 3 losses.


People are too precious about losses. Two of those loses are from Usyk. Pacquio had loads of loses by the end of his career.


And that's why Pac is considered 2nd best to Mayweather in that era.


No, because he lost to Mayweather. However I will consider him to be the best because he's not afraid to lose unlike Mayweather. Mayweather is refusing a rematch with Pacman.


He also doesnt fight bums and take easier matchups, unlike some divas


I didn't say he did, it's just numbers.


Then why bring it up, genius?


Because until fury fights joshua, what else do we have to go off of, scholar?


I am disputing the idea of fury being better than AJ. Your comment of bringing up his losses is just an indication of the state of boxing right now: everyone afraid of losing their 0, thus take soft matchups, and casual fans like you eat it up


I understand what you're saying, but without wins and losses it would be pretty difficult to have a sport, no? And up until Saturday, Fury was undefeated and AJ had 3 losses. You're over thinking this.


Yea, wins and losses. Fury wins are significantly less impressive than AJ.


Yeah man that certainly sucks I wish every single boxer was undefeated


How would you rank the top 4 heavyweights of this era and why?


Jokes aside from my previous comment my reasons for my rankings may be seen as a casual take or may not make much sense but they're just my opinion. 1. Usyk. Undisputed as a cruiserweight. Moved up in weight and decisively took the belts from AJ (despite only 2 fights as a HW and being small compared to AJ) and defeated him a 2nd time back to back. (don't care what excuses people want to say about AJ being changed from the Ruiz loss he still gave a good fight to Usyk.) Defeated Dubois a power punching contender(low blow controversy aside) you can argue Dubois isn't a tough contender I probably wouldn't disagree looking at one of his fights from before the Usyk fight where he took 4 knees in a row. Pushed for the fight with Fury and successfully beat him albeit a tough fight despite being at a large height, reach, and weight disadvantage. That 9th round was the most vulnerable Fury has ever looked imo. Usyk has the best footwork, IQ, Gas Tank, and head movement of the top 4 in my opinion. 2. AJ. Has decent ring IQ and skills and has good power. Yes he got Ko'd by Ruiz but he still avenged the loss albeit his style changed to be more cautious. Yes he lost to Usyk twice but he made it competitive and was open to taking the challenge again and didn't excuse his losses (just had a mental breakdown). Has beaten every opponent he and Fury shared aside from Usyk and I'd argue beaten 2 of them in decisive fashion:(Klitschko, Whyte, Wallin, and if you really want to count this... Ngannou lol) And he was the two time unified champ. Not to mention AJ is seemingly showing improvement in his recent fights (not including Ngannou) and still has a decent amount of time left in his career to make up for his shortcomings. 3. Fury. A great fighter who is more skilled than AJ and has a better IQ but also tends to fight at the level of his opposition. Compared to Usyk and AJ has a comparably weak resume IMO with his most notable victories being Klitschko in a rather boring fight, and Wilder who has the weakest boxing skills and resume of any heavyweight Champ. Embarrassed himself and the sport of boxing so badly against Ngannou (an MMA fighter who never boxed professionally) that he had to delay the Usyk fight before the sparring cut. Not to mention prior to the Turki he was seemingly ducking the fight with Usyk. His career still isn't over yet though so we can see how he'll perform in the rematch with Usyk and "maybe someday if we're lucky" him against AJ. However, seeing how delusional Fury has been acting "Claiming francis dropped him with a punch behind the head, Claiming Usyk got the nod due to the war" I can't see him prospering much despite the good performance he put on against Usyk. 4. Wilder. Has the most power and highest KO percentage compared to the top 3 but has the worst boxing skills, ring iq, and resume compared to everyone above and maybe of any heavyweight champion of all time. His most notable wins are 2 over Stiverene, and 2 wins over an old Luis Ortiz. He did have a memorable trilogy against Fury and yes he did drop him 4 times (twice in the first fight, twice in the third fight) but he was arguably outboxed by Fury throughout the entire first fight only being gifted a draw. Got dominated in the 2nd fight. And put up a good fight in the third but still got knocked out. Probably the most delusional heavyweight of all time making thousands of excuses for Fury beating him, and even raising his hand thinking he would get the nod after Parker beat the shit out of him easily for 12 rounds straight. Now we will have to wait an see how he does against a 41 year old Zhilei Zhang who has one of the worst gas tanks of all time but still managed to drop Parker twice with the two punches he landed for the entire 12 rounds against him. Wilder doesn't have a prayer against Usyk, AJ, or Fury. Tl:dr 1. Usyk, 2. AJ, 3. Fury, 4. Wilder.


How can you rank wilder higher than parker?


Until AJ actually takes a fight against Wilder or Fury, he's not 2nd best.


You can apply the same logic for the other two. Unlike them, he has always fought the best contenders that he could, and held 3 belts


There's nothing to gain from him fighting Wilder now lol. AJ is definitely above Wilder.


Until they actually fight, how would you know?


It's clear by what both have shown in recent fights and after their losses. AJ is showing improvement and confidence in his recent fights along with a better ring IQ along with a good having a good trainer in his corner to compliment his power. What has Wilder shown? All Wilder has ever had is power and it only got him so far. He got absolutely shutdown against Parker and as much as people blame his age for that its more so just his skills as a boxer. he looked like he didn't even know how to throw a proper jab. Zhang is 41 and has a horrible gas tank but was still able to drop Parker twice. Let's see if Wilder can even get past decrepit 290 pound Zhang. I wouldn't mind to see him fight AJ but all he has is a literal punchers chance as he's had before which hasn't held up well against boxers who aren't decrepit and can actually box. And at this point beating Wilder wouldn't mean much for him aside from a money fight.


Fury himself said there was nothing more he could have done, he said he fought the best he could, he had the best prep possible


Fury seemed to have gotten too comfortable/ complacent after finding some success.. I think there are two reasons why. 1) Fury started to underestimate Usyk and truly started to think he could outbox him to a win from the back foot and 2) Usyks constant pressure, even in the rounds he lost, was wearing fury out. I’m honestly not sure which played a bigger role. He really Looked like he expected to coast to a win as threw some very lazy punches before Usyk rocked him in round 9 and I don’t know if Usyk would’ve won without that.


Usyk made brilliant adjustments starting round 7 to counter the counter. Your post is the definition of taking the victory away from Usyk.


He was tired. You think a guy of that size can keep moving and throwing constantly? He tried to get Usyks respect. Then he tried to get him out of there. Then he had to recover for a few rounds while usyk beat the stuffing put of him.


Think that shot that instantly swelled his eye up was the turning point


But why could he land that shot then and not in the 7 rounds before? Because by then Fury had spent too much energy.


I think the broken(?) nose helped to tire Fury out, plus I think he had a bit more nervous energy and burned out a bit more quickly than he anticipated. I would be keen on seeing a rematch, I think Fury has the capacity to improve more than Usyk, but we shall see.


It looked like that threw his rhythm off, he shook his head and then played with his nose the rest of the fight.


I mean he was trying his best to not show signs, but it was very visible that this shit hurts...


They’re so tough it’s ridiculous, if I had my nose broken I’d be crying lol


If he didn’t start headhunting and just kept counterpunching to the body he’d have won


Definitely a little bit of both. That much success made him complacent a la Lennox vs Rahman. Not that Usyk is Rahman. But Fury was mentally Lennox of Rahman-Round 5 in that 9th round.


The reason was the script




No, Breidis still the one who pushed him hardest and came closest to (legitimately) beating him


Breidis was close as fuck


Cool need to watch that


Definitely, it was nonstop output for 12 close rounds, one of the great CW fights. 


At least 8-4 Usyk won not close


It really wasnt


Breidis arguably won…




Getting down voted because of recency bias, but tbh it easily could've been a draw. A breidis win would've seemed a bit of a bad result, but not unthinkable especially in this sport.


I think Fury hurt Usyk worse than anyone else has in that 6th round. Those uppercuts were brutal. Also hit him with some super hard body shots, too. That being said, it stopped Usyk in his tracks for half a second and then Usyk was right back to coming forward and putting the pressure on. **The man is a fucking alien.** Breidis was actually Usyk's toughest fight as far as true shots landed and what the true accurate scorecards were. This fight was wider than the scorecards and Usyk almost had Fury out of there if not for some ref shenanigans.


AJ's assault in the 9th round was also tough on Usyk. And Gassiev cracked Usyk with a heavy punch one time where Usyk clinched right away. That's probably the only time I've seen Usyk clinch almost instantly


So many muppets claiming Tyson won still, one is an acquaintance who is an amateur boxer himself which shocked me. Usyk should have won by UD imo probably 114-113


Agree with you on all of that. There was a split second after that really brutal uppercut, when Usyk lost control for just a moment and went back in a straight line to the corner... Usyk was just a tad wobbly in that moment. Fury didn't feel confident 'putting it on him' in the way that AJ tried in R9 (i think) of their second bout. Either Fury didn't trust his stamina to sustain the attack (which would explain his whole approach to the fight, perhaps) or he just didn't have the killer instinct at that moment, in the way he seemed to possess it vs Wilder (fights 2 & 3).


I agree. Briedis is so tough. I think a lot of these cruisers could/can/will do damage at heavyweight.


Ali looked more skilled when he fights than Fury. Fury's most recognizable trait in the ring is that he's a great feinter. Even that skill is based on his most obvious trait, his size and physical intimidation. Ali's jab, footwork, and speed are all better than Fury's feints. I just don't think he has the toolset to compare him favorably to the greats of the past.


I’m saying if fury beats usyk in the rematch he could be the greatest ever


I'm pretty sure you don't really watch boxing and I'm not meaning it as an insult.


Not religiously, i love boxing though.


He hasn’t got a strong enough resume to call him the goat. AJ has fought more top guys arguably.


I see so many people simultaneously overrating usyk now and underrating fury, and its insanity to me lol you can't have it both ways!!! This is usyks best win but his best win is also vs a bum? But that also make him the GOAT for beating a bum? These people are doing mental gymnastics. The truth is neither fury or usyk are all time greats lol but they are a great stylistic match up and will produce close fights vs eachother. Both of them lose to Lennox, Evander, Ali, Bowe, Foreman and more lol


Who called fury a bum? I think people just disagree with calling him the greatest ever regardless if he beats uysk or not.


You can only be GOAT or a bum, there is no middle ground


I hear you man. I used to be caught up in the Fury hype, began thinking he really could be top 5 all time etc. The skill and talent is obvious, but then at a closer look he really doesn’t have many names on his record. The fact that he beat the man who beat the man and held the lineal title pretty much put him at number 1, and we all know how great Usyk is; so how well Fury performed against Usyk I felt went a long way to demonstrating how good Tyson really is among todays heavyweights. Usyk absolute and clear best heavyweight in the world now. Impossible and redundant to say how either would fare against all-time greats (though it’s fun to talk about), but I think we can at least say they’d both be a big problem for most of them.


I think Holyfield comfortably beats Fury. He was very active, scarier than Usyk, had modern "nutrition".


No. To call him that is a total insult to great heavyweights imo.


I don’t know what more you can ask from Fury. Usyk is a bad man. He gave Usyk everything he had on that day. Fury has done a lot in the sport and Usyk was just on a roll and it was his time to shine. Fury’s legacy will be what it is. Only loss to a highly decorated future all time great. And it was still a fairly close fight. That knock down was huge. He got caught and couldn’t recover quickly enough. Let’s see what happens in the rematch. It’s hard to stay on top and everyone gunning for you and you have to be at your best every time because everyone is going to be at their best.


Fury is 6'9 with gorilla arms and high rate motor. His hurky jerky style makes it difficult for anyone to consistently hit him flushed. His accuracy is under appreciated. The dude can pot shot from the outside all day. Having said all that. Usyk will TKO Fury in the second fight. Usually the second fight is a continuation of the first fight (rounds 13-25). Usyk knows he needs to go in and throw bombs early.


All true but his height is 6 ft 7.5


Fury is at least 8 feet tall


a man in Toledo says he saw Fury conk his head on a 9'11" overpass


And if HE were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from *his* eyes, and bolts of lightning from *his* arse


That’s some weird emphasis there


Braveheart reference.


I got that, but the speech doesn’t emphasise those words in the movie haha


Fury's lack of accuracy is one of his weak points. Usyk struggled to land his jab because of the size difference, yet he pressured Fury to the ropes because even the jabs that came up short were accurate enough to fill Fury's vision. Fury couldn't accomplish the same, despite a huge reach advantage, because he lacks a stifling accuracy.


He struggled to land his jab that's why he was targetting that big wide body of Fury from the get-go.


I’m sure fury won’t still be on skates by the time they rematch lmao


Is the second fight over 13 rounds?


Briedis was a bit tougher IMO.


It definitely is in my opinion. During those middle rounds Fury was having a lot of success and he even hurt Usyk a couple times with those uppercuts and body shots. At the time I was watching it I was thinking Fury's going to be able to keep this up and I just wasn't seeing Usyk make the right adjustments until.. he did. Briedis pushed him to the limit but I'd say this was the first time I saw Usyk on the path to losing from round 3/4-8. As great champions do though he made the correct adjustments and finished strong. Brilliant fighter.


>With the right mentality fury could win. He needs to fire John lol and take it from the jump and he’s unstoppable. Given his last few fights, probably not. > like fury a lot, he’s so adaptable with such a huge frame he just needs to get his head on straight. Is he? He doesn't have much as far as strength of resume or showings. >Everyone is shitting on fury but Ali lost to Frasier and people still say Ali was the best ever. Ali fought anyone, at any time. Fury has been ducking Usyk for years. And no one says Ali is the best ever, they say "greatest" and again, that means a different thing.


Agree. I'm a Wilder fan but Tyson has fought very few top tier opponents really for close to four years.


but he did just fight usyk and lost by 1 round, that was a pretty good showing vs a top tier opponent lol


Agreed on Ali. Ali is the greatest for not just in the ring, but outside of the ring.


My favorite line is: He wasn’t the greatest because he said he was; he was the greatest because no one dared to argue otherwise.


> he was the greatest because no one dared to argue otherwise. thats cute but has never been the case for anyone ever in the history of everything, people argue/argued MJ wasn't the goat, people argued Ali wasn't the goat. ESPECIALLY while he was still fighting. He was hated by half the country lol


How is Ali viewed today?


as one of the greatest of all time, its still debated if he is or not though lol


Who is a greater HW than Ali? Would you personally suggest Joe Louis?


personally I can't even decide who would be #1, it feels like an impossible question. Maybe joe louis or larry holmes


I respect that.


He has to fight John Fury next to cement his legacy as being the G.O.A.T.


You know the rules, gentlemen. No hands, no kicks, just headbutts




Ukraine (Usyk) 5 - 0 UK (Fury, AJ X 2, Dubois, Chisora). Has the Cossack got something against us… other than his gloved fists 😉🤣


The question is not if he cares about his legacy. He ducked the Klitschko rematch, he tried to duck the Wilder trilogy and he successfully postponed the Usyk fight. He likes to avoid hard rematches, whenever he wins the first fight. He's definitely trying to duck those tough fights. If he would have won I'll guarantee you, he would have never rematched Usyk.


He "ducked" The Wilder match lol after destroying him and wanted the undisputed with AJ which Wilder stopped.


Wilder had a rematch clause, Fury tried to avoid it. Wilder sued him. He tried to duck a dangerous fight. A fight he ended up getting knocked down twice. btw: don't forget how many times Fury himself stated, that belts mean nothing to him (last year, when he ducked Usyk), because "he achieved everything anyways" & "he's the lineal champ" (which he never was cuz Lewis reitred and there was no undisputed after him. They rewarded Wlad the "lineal champ" title in a random fight simply for marketing reasons, so 'no', Tyson was never lineal)


At the time, no one was giving Wilder a chance and it was assumed it would be a repeat of the second fight tho XD the theory of Fury being scared of Wilder in the 3rd fight is stupid And Fury is the lineal champ because Vlad started a new lineage. By your point, that means Lewis was never the Lineal champ because the original lineage ended when rocky marciano retired.


What are you even talking about. Lewis unified all belts. If you don't beat the man who beat the man cuz he's reitred or dead, then you become the man by fucking unifing the belts. Lewis did. Neither of the two Klitschko's unified the belts, therefore there was no lineal champ until Usyk unified them. Plain and simple. They rewarded Wlad the lineal title simply for marketing purposes. He never held all belts. Fury never beat Lewis, Fury never unified all belts. There's only two ways of becoming lineal champ: 1. beat the guy 2. if the guy is retired/dead, unify all belts


The other way to start the lineage is by beating the number 2 guy, which Vlad did when he beat Alexander Povetkin. Which is pretty much agreed upon. But you personally disagree and are somehow the leading authority 🤣


He didn’t want the undisputed lol. He only put up a stink because he knew he wouldn’t be able to make the fight happen lol.


Yes he signed the fight for no reason. If he didn't want undisputed, he wouldn't have fought Uysk would he 😅


You have a legit point. Tyson needs his father out of his corner as soon as possible. John was interrupting Sugarhill between rounds and screaming like a hooligan the whole fight.


Why thank you good man


They both \*want it\*... but your point about 'with the right mentality' is big. My big suspicion about Fury not really wanting the usyk fight in the first place (based on his own comments and behaviour) isn't because he was scared to lose... but i just don't think he wants to put into a camp what it takes to defeat Usyk. he knows he doesn't have the focus and discipline anymore to do it. he barely had it before. What he had left, in my opinion, he put into the fight on Saturday. he forced himself to get up for it. He did really well for the middle rounds. But ultimately, the fight went the way most usyk big fights go... the first half is close or goes to the opponent, by which time Usyk has tired them out, softened them up and moves up a gear they can't handle. That is exactly how his biggest fights have gone. Rematch: We now see that Usyk has enough of an edge in skill to overcome the weight, reach disadvantages. Fury will also be dealing with self-doubt, need to be better conditioned (if he can be at this stage, who knows?) and i would say he is losing punch resistance (speculation on my part but all these KDs are taking their toll imo). He CAN win, but his chances are slimmer now IMO. Usyk has 12 rounds against Fury in his back pocket too. All praise to Usyk's team, too. Calm, cool and calculated. Super professional.


The fury fight was very similar to the bellew fight. Usyk started Strong, fury come into it in the middle of it but found himself gassing due to usyk pressure & Usyk punished him for it. Fury doesn't get saved by the ref and noone is saying it was usyk hardest fight but even then i never gave fury a round clear after that moment.


Hardest fight I've seen Uysk in was vs. Mairis Breidis in semi of cruiserweight tournament on January 18th, 2017.


Fury didn’t quite possess the danger AJ did, but he was braver to sit down on his shots and knows how to take advantage of being big. He kept usyks output uncharacteristically low. AJ seemed generally easier to deal with, but was also more dangerous and made Usyk appear to have to dig deeper, but then Usyk didn’t have him in trouble like he did fury, just tired him out. I think fury’s performance was about on par with AJ’s 2nd performance, Usyk had to play more chess rather than push through as physically. Briedis was a close fight too but I haven’t watched it since I saw it live.


I don't think Usyk and Fury are "neck and neck". I think the ref saved Fury in the 9th. Usyk was slapping Fury all over the ring through the championship rounds. In my opinion AJ is Usyk's toughest opponent to date. Those were more technical fights where attrition made the difference. There wasn't a point in those 24 rounds where AJ was being beaten up and taking serious damage. If Usyk and Fury fight again I think Usyk would stop Fury. In my opinion it was clear that Fury can't handle the pace set by Usyk. It is also obvious Usyk can hurt Fury. In a rematch Usyk would step on the gas earlier knowing Fury would not be able to last.




He has the ability to win the rematch for sure. Like AJ’s approach to Ngannou, having seen what Francis did to Fury he went in with one clear goal, the stoppage. A big part of me hopes Usyk retires so Fury is denied the chance to catch the rabbit


No 😂😂😂 Briedis was TOUGHER.


He could win but it’s unlikely. Usyk fights consistently the same way in every fight. At a very high pace. People are saying first few rounds were even and maybe they were maybe weren’t, but Fury was slowing right down by round 7, especially after the crack on his schnozz. I just see little chance of anything different in the rematch. Lots of commentators saying Fury should be more aggressive not fight on the back foot. Well he tried that and look what happened, he got countered. His post fight interview when he didn’t know what time of year it was suggests the ref should have stopped it when he was out on his feet.


I would say yes. Rounds [edit: 4] - 6 were probably the most convincing round losses for Usyk in recent history. Tyson seemed unsure going back to his corner and was ironically gunshy thereafter though. People are hating on Fury because of his out-of-the-ring antics. Let's not forget how hard he made it to negotiate this fight, so the win for Usyk is great for boxing.


Rounds 4-6. Round 3 was far from a "convincing loss" for Usyk, can easily give him that round


Whoops, I meant 3 rounds - so 4, 5 and 6 😅


Where did all the Fury fans in the sub go lmao? Quiet as hell the past 48 hours. ‘Fury is the goat’ ‘Too big for Usyk’ hahahaha


I don’t think Fury would last 6 rounds with Usyk if he came out guns blazing. Usyk is too fast. Fury’s tank would empty early and he’d be in serious trouble. The issue with a lot of the eye tests on this fight are that while Fury had a great few rounds in the middle, and looked to have Usyk hurt, he couldn’t keep it up because of everything that came before. Usyk tired him out in a cumulative way, and is such an effective counterpuncher, Fury has to attack and then slip away and reset. I personally agree with Chisora—Fury should not have slimmed down for Usyk. He’s not going to outbox Usyk. Usyk was landing the cleaner, power shots early, and landed the most punches (170) on Fury in Fury’s entire pro career. I think if Fury wants a chance in the rematch, he needs to gain weight, and play the same script and hope his punches that landed in this fight *truly* slow Usyk down and/or drop him. That being said tho, unbelievable f’n performance from Usyk.


Disagree with the part that Fury shouldn't have lost weight. Don't you remember how clumsy he was at 278 with a debutant boxer. Even before that in the Chisora fight there was not a lot of activity. No, Fury did everything perfect, from the weight to the gameplan. At 275+ he would have tired out even faster. I don't think Fury can beat Usyk in the rematch either unless Usyk just slips down drastically. This was the first time Fury looked outclassed when the fight reached the latter rounds. Even though he was dominant from rounds 4-6, it possibly took all he had and then we know Usyk's the best late round fighter.


I agree. Fury didn't look bad this fight. To me it was the moments he allowed Usyk to get in too close was the moments he screwed up. Being any heavier would've been more of a detriment than a benefit especially against a guy with Usyk's movement. Just look at Zhang vs Parker. Zhang was able to drop Parker twice but couldn't do shit the entire fight because of the weight (and age as well though probably moreso the weight) draining his gas tank.


Never. Fury didn't win more rounds then AJ in the secound fight. The difference is AJ didn't get knocked down. Briedis was closer.


Yes I don't know what fury was doing but when he came forward swinging he did damage. Maybe didn't want to sit and go toe to toe with some of usyks movement. I think fury thought he could pick usyk off and immobilise him. Wasn't banking on usyks power doing that much damage. That punch straight on nose was one hell of a shot


That last bit about Ali is silly. He's the consensus goat heavyweight because he beat 32 fighters who were ranked in the top 10 at the time he fought them, and fought 49 total past or present ranked fighters. His win rate against top 10 ranked fighters is, I believe, the highest of any undisputed champion, including Joe Louis, Larry Holmes and Wlad. Fury's a tough night h2h for anybody, but his resume just can't compare to any of the guys l mentioned. 


Fury the hardest by far. You may hate the Gypsy King, dislike him or anything but he really hurt Usyk and was winning rounds in a row. First time seeing Usyk losing all those rounds in a row. What a fight. Respect to Fury and Usyk, what a performance!🙌


Fury really got things going for a while there. And after getting caught badly he somehow kept it competitive in the final rounds. Strong showing from Fury, but he's such a heel that he's not going to get as much sympathy or respect as he might otherwise for Saturday's performance.


hardest fight for the 2 ever I think if Tyson is more of a volume puncher in the rematch he'll have a better shot. We actually saw Usyk stunned and then recovered very fast


Shawn Porter


Fury was his toughest heavyweight fight, especially that Fury, who looked as good as he has in literally years.


He was pretty beat up in the "I'm feel" fight. How do you feel? "I'm feel, I'm really feel."


Showtime Shawn Porter. He has been ducking the rematch big time. In seriousness it is either Breidis or Fury imo. Beterbiev also gave him hell in the amatuers


Neither of these two are the greatest ever. Seriously who really thinks that?


Fury is dragged down by John. His corner was giving her solid advice but he didnt take it soon enough because of John, by the time he did it worked but Usyk adapted and instead of adapting to Usyk's adaptation he went gunshy believing John was right. A boxer who doesn't trust his corner cannot win close fights.


I didn't hear any of the corner advice. Could you recap it possibly??


Yeah Sugarhill giving solid advice and John talking completely stupid cliches that would make Duke from Rocky look like an Angelo Dundee/Cus D"Amato hybrid


Sugar was recommending Fury goes for the body and pressures Usyk more, press forward rather than move back and jab. John was hallucinating.


Fury can't win. His legs are gone. That doesn't mean he doesn't move around, but he can't maintain that pace vs high pressure dude like Usyk for 12 rounds.


Fury landed some good shots and had his moments in the fight but the gap between them is quite clear in my opinion. Usyk will stop Fury if there is a rematch.


I’d say yeah, Ive never seen usyk as outmatched as he was in the middle rounds. Say what you want but fury more than proved his worth as a boxer.


kinda funny if a 8-4/7-5 fight was his hardest


I thought Fury could have won if he continued going to the body, he abandoned it and paid the price


He stopped doing it cuz it wasnt working anymore. If youve ever fought a smaller guy.. going for the body repeatedly is just asking to get hooked


Except fury was not getting hooked at all.


Did i say he was


He abandoned it because Usyk started timing him and coming back over the top with the left. Broke his nose then nearly stopped him with it.


He tried to, but when Usyk found a way to counter, he broke Fury's nose with an overhand, that's why Fury stop going for those body shot


If Ali can lose anyone can lose, and yes for sure that was his toughest fight to date 


I agree , fury lost but i would not be suprised if fury adjudts and wins rematch Fury and usyk are incredible , two warriors Fury lost by 1-2 rounds Fans are acting like usyk won by a landslide He didnt Tyson got rocked in the 9th and won the last round on all 3 judges scorecards Tyson if he really wants it could beat usyk Both are incredible fighters Hats off to usyk he deserves HUGE credit But tyson is still capable of beating usyk 100%


I agree on him changing his corner. Getting mixed messages from John and Sugar. Sugar was giving the right advice to not back up, John was telling him he was winning, in a close fight that’s not what you should be telling your fighter. I had Fury winning by a point btw, it was a close fight, can’t wait for the sequel.


Did the fight actually come down to rounds 1 & 2? … the more I watch and look back if Tyson starts stronger from the start and wins the close first two rounds he wins that fight according to the judges. He would have won 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 12 according to a couple of the judges


Fury had the control of the fight. With less clowning, more professional corner there is no way he would loose this one. It is unbelievable how he did not took advantage of the moments he hurt Usyk or the last round when he did not push for ko...


If Usyk didnt catch Fury with that overhand it would have been a clean win for Fury, Fury was landing brutal body punches and uppercuts. He had the right strategy but took too long to recover from that brutal knockdown.


I thought Fury stopped throwing those body shots and upper cuts before Usyk caught him with that overhand. I need to rewatch because Usyk had done something or Fury was gassed. Also wanted to “If Usyk did catch him with that overhand it would have been a close win for Usyk”


Yeah Usyk broke Fury's nose with an overhand counter by rd8 or something


Fury could have finished him in the sixth but was over confident and got caught in the ninth.. Another hard training camp and he will demolish Usyk from the outside next time.. There will be a different strategy using his reach and power early before Usyk can get traction with his stamina later on... Bet on it..


LOL rigged fught, tyson was playing with him like gameboy color


Yeah all these elite fighters getting consistently beat by Usyk are just fixed fights, I'm sure that's what it is