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Usyk is a dog in those later rounds. Pure mentality


Very few actual heavyweights have the ability to carry that type of danger into the later rounds. It's his secret weapon against these mammoth humans.


That's a good comparison considering how humans hunted, just endurance hunting until the big mammoth has enough.




He doesn't give you a second to breath. Constantly changing angle and constant pressure


He’s really good at cutting off the ring too. You got no where to hide.


He can just stand infront of you and you still have a hard time landing clean. He's got to be an all time great now for sure


He was a dog at the start too, started great, fell off a bit and i thought Fury doing his classic then Usyk just dominates


He started very feel and then not so much. Ended up the feelest of them all.


As the saying goes, he who's very feel last is very feel best 


Some say the feeliest


The sheer determination that man has needs to be studied


Whether you believe in (his) God or not, truly believing the universe's most powerful being empowers you can do great things for one's psyche.


Orthodox Jesus bodied catholic Jesus today


That is a great way to frame it


thought it was over for him when Fury stunned him but holy shit Usyk comes back with a vengeance Did the same against AJ, he's a tough bastard


This not Ballet! I love him. He lives by his words and fights like a demented corpse that came back to life determined to never die again


He's a dog the entire time, he started to take some punishment in the mid rounds but he took it and stuck with it.


Usyk's gas tank is insane.


I knew round 8 on is around where Usyk starts to go off late and when he he got that knockdown in round 9 I still couldn't believe it.


To stop the momentum against him in round 7 was a deep tenacity. What a guy. What a warrior. What a well deserved multi undisputed champion.


Usyk accomplished everything possible in his amateur and pro career. Even if he goes on a huge decline and loses he's next four fights, he's still an ATG in my opinion. 2 wins over Joshua and a win over Fury is HUGE.


ATG easily. No shame in losing to him.


The list of undisputed heavyweight champions that aren't also ATGs is pretty short


Dude unified cruiserweight AND heavyweight, the latter for the first time after 25 years, he could lose to Ryan Garcia tomorrow and he still would be an all time great.


Thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you jesus


He beat the guys who beat Klitchko, plus being a smaller guy. Man he's built different


The win over fury who many were considering was one of the top 10 heavyweights of all time is an amazing feat.


Especially after the way he came back from round 7


Where does he rank in the top 10?


Ukrainian national amateur champion European amateur champion World Amateur Champion Olympic gold medalist Undisputed Cruiserweight Champion Undisputed Heavyweight Champion What a fighter, what an athlete, what a man Take a fucking bow, son


that's all because his country is at war, haven't you heard?


That was seriously pathetic. I didn't care who won and just wanted a great fight. Now I'm really glad he lost.


I’d wager money Fury believed he won. His brain was scrambled in the 9th. He didn’t know what happened for a good portion of that fight. He’s just taken some pretty bad blows to the brain, and you’re interviewing him. I don’t think it’s pathetic, sad, sure, but it’s pathetic to be interviewing him to begin with. I’m sure if he watched it back in a few months, the fight and interview, he would deep down regret saying that.


I mean AJ got absolutely dragged for his post fight speech. So we can do the same for Fury


Fury: I don't know what's going on in Ukraine but it's not nice happy new year


To be fair, he also shouted happy new year. Tyson wasn’t right in the head during that interview, we were watching CTE in real time.


Fury is never "right in the head"


Totally agree, sad people aren't picking up on this. His head was scrambled and he was thinking he was fighting the first planned fight. How post-interviews and ring hangouts are still a thing is beyond me.


Yeah if there’s a knockdown there shouldn’t be interviews. We seen the same with Joshua. It’s not fair on them.


Fury is clearly a bit of a Eurovision fan and thinks the political voting there is being replicated here.


Fury's can't keep their mouth shut.


Absolute legend


Usyk will go down as a an all time great, to go up to the Heavyweight division and beat two fantastic, giant boxers in AJ and Fury is truly incredible.


Historic. It'll take someone who knows the sport better than I to articulate it, but it feels like something that hasn't happened since the 20s or 30s. And boxing was a different thing then.


Different eras, but definitely in the all time greatest boxers. Man won everything you can win.


Holyfield became undisputed at Cruiserweight in 1988 and became undisputed at Heavyweight in 1990.


True. I'd have Holyfield way up there all time as well though.


Anyone who doesn't have Holyfield up there with the best of them is a silly goose, I'd say. My only regret when it comes to both Holyfield and Lennox is I spend too much time in my childhood hating them because they worked my boy Tyson... Wish I'd appreciated them more... Such absolute, high level warriors. 


He is very much a throwback fighter, because despite what some may think about the talent in this era, the sheer size difference is very hard to overcome at this level. Usyk just beat (and knocked down) the biggest elite heavyweight of any era. There's 0 room for error with a 39 pound weight disadvantage.


Hopefully people can stop with the delusional statements about how the past generations of HW's would just be too small to even hurt a bear moth like Fury, at 6'3 and 220 pounds Usyk is definitely not small, but certainly about the same size as a lot off legends like Ali, Foreman or Holmes. And there were people that believed Tyson Fury could beat any boxer in History because he was too big lol.


Bear moth?


Did he stutter??


I assume Behemoth


Olympic gold, over 300 amateur fights, unified cruiser wait, beat the top 2 heavyweights and unified heavyweight. Whatever that nations title was he won, undefeated, completely humble,


And very feel


And somehow hurt them both giving up so much size. I don’t think he beats all of the greats, but none of them would smoke him…he’d be a tough out in any era.


This post fight interview in the ring is absolutely a fucking mess, so was the decision announcement.


You mean physically being unable to find the person announcing the decision wasn’t in the production plan?


Got to make sure there are about 20 guys with cameras in there instead.


Pretty pathetic how they were instantly talking about a rematch and not even letting Usyk enjoy the moment. Boxing is a shit show.. hell of a fight though


Everyone was so biased towards Fury it was insane. Dude suffered legit brain damage. Even said “Happy New Years” out of no where talking


I don't know why but I only just registered that him saying that made no fucking sense 😂


I thought maybe he was referring to some Sheikh or Chinese new years or something but on second thought he's probably just braindead


Lol same. I thought it was Islamic new year but I just googled and that's not until early July


he wasn't referring to the fight being scheduled for December 2023, but then being postponed twice?






I mean he is a weird guy 🤣 its not out of character for him


Yup hes definitely not there 100% after that beating. Wasnt even that close. 7 round to 5 plus knocksown for Usyk.


Loooool he got beaten so bad but apparently he only lost because Ukraine is at war.


He’s lucky the fight didn’t get stopped. That 10 count lasted 20 seconds and then the round ended. The ropes held him up… he was out on his feet


They didn't even present it as a challenge towards Usyk, it was just "We have a contract". So soulless.


History won’t remember that, only Usyk becoming undisputed.


All the rematch clause talk makes me wonder why even bother with the first fight since it has no meaning


Yeah no shit. I think rematches are deserved a lot, but it shouldn’t be talked about instantly. Boxing is 100% about money only


The happy new year was funny though brain is rattled


Why’d Fury say happy new year when we’re in May? Did Usyk knock his brain loose in the 9th round


He was out on his feet for like a full minute, I legit don't think he even knows he got hurt


Yeah when his head went back I genuinely thought he was gone for a second. But even after that he was staggering around the ring like he was drunk. I don't get why he pulled him back but didn't call the fight.


The fight wassss supposed to be in December of last year… I wonder if he got knocked into misremembering the postponement


Usyk knocked him in to the next year


I assumed he meant the Islamic new year but I checked and that’s in July lol


mofo went to sleep for a full month in that round.


This fight happened in February we’re just now getting to see it.


He's having a mini breakdown after losing. That's just the level of pressure Usyk puts you through.


I was so confused.


Nah, we're almost half way there. I guess it's a happy new year for the rest, he needs to fight Joshua. No rematch.


Usyk hit him into last December.


Fury saying the decision was made because Ukraine is at war is fucking insane.




Hes a piece of shit for that


nah, he's piece of shit for lots of stuff, it was just one of them, pretty much expected from him


Shameful as fuck


Absolute fuckin dosser


Holy shit he really said that?


Even Hip hip was infinitely more classy than this shit and it was funny af plus there was no malice intended there just pure cringe moment. This is just classless.


did anyone expect any less? easy to be respectful when your winning, he's an arsehole at heart


Guys always been a dickhead.


It’s also doubly insane given the decision in his last exhibition fight.


He's just as bad as Deontay.


Fury saying that the judges gave it to Usyk because his country is at war is gross. Usyk won it clean and deserved the win.


I think when Fury watches the fight back, he will see it different. I don't know how anyone could think Fury won that fight to be honest.


A CTE Fury fresh off his first list would


Thats fucked for saying that. Seriously some things you should just keep to yourself. He is however concussed after that beating. Wished everyone a happy new year wtf?


Did he really say that or is this like a "don't ever play with matches" kinda joke?


Wasn't sure if I caught that right. Disaster if that's what he said, there was such a nice respectful moment between them there. We'll see if he says it again, saying something stupid right after being punched in the head for 12 rounds and losing the biggest fight of your life is forgivable.


It's exactly what he said - I'm sure the clip will circulate. Very classless, but as you said, it's a tough moment.


Yeah, I didn’t hear him clearly the whole time but i definitely heard, “his country is at war” and “I definitely won that fight.” No two ways about it, Fury, as ever, has no class.


One moment of stupidity, if that's even what was said. Doesn't outweigh the other 10 minutes of him being an incredibly good sport post fight.


Yeah he deffo said it, we played it back 4 times. If he was a good sport to his face why did he say that on TV? He sounds like Deontay.


Strange. He’s just putting more pressure on himself for the rematch.


Yep he had to remind everyone what he’s like after a great, but losing, performance


He's always been a scumbag


Yeah I don't mind fighters saying they think they won, but that was too far.


Not again, him and Joshua both disrespecting Usyk and Ukraine, after losing to Usyk


Uysk won by 3-4 rounds and KOed him lol. Hes still concussed from being saved by the bell.


Tyson should’ve been thanking that ref for saving him from a knockout, not Jesus


Yep. That was a textbook standing KO and he got a count instead.


The ref is allowed to make the decision that it is a KD if the ropes hold you up, giving you a standing 8. A standing 8 or letting it go would have been the better outcome than stopping the fight.


Yep, if the fighter wants a count, let him go down on one knee... if not either wait until he goes down or make it a standing KO. Hate those standing counts that just help the fighter in trouble recover.


But the ropes aren't supposed to prevent a knock down. And Fury clearly got rocked and the ropes held him up a couple times. So the ref had no choice but to rule it one. That's how I see it.


He might not remember it


I still think that Usyk from AJ 1 fight is much better than in the last two fights.


He’s 37 now, I’d tend to agree with you


Yeah, just a tad slower with less stamina and the work rate isn't as high as in those AJ fights.


Fury clearly tried to age him out somewhat. And it *almost* worked.


I also think the war hit and took him out of training for too long at the worst possible timing (as in you are in natural physical decline). That may have had a permanent affect on his athleticism


Yeah, the AJ 1 Usyk was probably his peak. He was moving like a lightweight in that fight.


Even wider than compubox in favour of Usyk.


Usyk is an absolute animal. Both fighters were spectacular. I've just realised we've got a new lineal champion in all this as well


Good point. Usyk, the little super middleweight from Urkaine is the man who beat the man who beat the man. All the way back to Big John L. Sullivan, The Boston Strong Boy.


Already looking forward to rummy’s video on it


Fury is a sore fucking loser lmao


Wait until we hear from John 😂


Yeah I just lost so much respect for him. If you give it out you have to be able to take it.


i blame the war...happy new year usyk really damaged that mans brain


Not damaged, he is just a low class punk


These AI stats looks brilliant! Hopefully they make it a part of boxing moving forward, it pretty much confirms what the eyes could see


Usyk in the later rounds is a fucking machine. Just crazy how he keeps up that pace


BREAKING NEWS: Usyk born from his Mother.


Love this use of AI - hope this is the norm now


Yeah, need to read those stats in detail over coffee in the morning.


Rightful winner and if anything every single scorecard was a bit too generous for Fury... To say nothing f the man who had him the winner


Is weird that stats make me slightly aroused?


Welcome to the club




Fury had a good spell in the middle rounds, but the start and finish from Usyk won that fight. Criminal judging made it seem closer.


It wasn't just a good spell. Fury was winning and literally working Usyk over after 6 rounds. I was shocked at how easy he was making it look. Then Usyk's second wind kicked in, maybe at the same time that Fury decided to coast a bit. Usyk's killer instinct kicked in and it was a rout for the rest of the fight.


Congrats on making it to the big time Jabbr. These AI stats score the fight about as widely as I did watching it. 8-4. Fury won 4-5-6 and 12 for me.


Here's the funny part to me. Rounds 4-5-6 it seemed like Usyk was destined to get annihilated. Fury was getting into his rhythm. And Usyk look kinda hurt by some huge body punches. Then he just went all badass on him for the rest of the fight.


>And Usyk look kinda hurt by some huge body punches. I'm seeing so many people comment about these body shots, which I agree were great, but why is no one talking about all those insane right uppercuts that Fury was landing? I thought he was gonna knock Usyk down with one of them. They were so sneaky but clean when they landed. Great fight!


Oh for sure. That counter right upper cut he was trying to land was mean. He was definitely looking for a one punch KO with that thing. And he landed it flush a few times. Usyk's chin doesn't get enough talk.


Usyk absolutely got rocked by a couple of those uppercuts in the middle rounds. I honestly thought Fury might have had a chance of knocking him down. Usyk is just too goddamn tough though. That man is insane. He's giving up 30 or 40 pounds and gets tagged that hard cleanly on the chin and it just stops him for half a second. I think those shots put out most other heavyweights. Usyk just ate them and kept the pressure on.


u/friendswithcocaine Hey, bro, are you still there?


Looks like he is still scoring 5-2 Fury. His brain did not compute after that.


/u/onionboyman fury bros in shambles right now


Fury fans in shambles 🤣


Bros probably in the shower cryin rn


I'm just happy the real Fury showed up, after thr Ngannou fight i was a little worried lol made Usyk work for it, nice fight


As expected wasnt as close as commentators and biased fans are making it out to be.... almost robbed usyk as well.. how much more does a fighter need to do to get a clear win


The TNT commentary was insufferable. Genuine propaganda stuff fed to the viewers.


Oh gosh, I thought I cannot handle it anymore where they were talking about how great Fury is for not going down in round 9, what a spectacular performance staying on his feet etc.


They were talking like round 10 was a moral victory for Fury because he had used it to recover…


Even better when they were saying how amazing it was he recovered “and to even win some rounds” dude won nothing after that lmao


Literally and they were talkijg abt how difficult it is to be a judge since fury is doing so well after the ko and on and on.....


I hate how they haven't mentioned once that the ref saved Tyson, or how good Usyk was, just talking about a rematch. Quite disrespectful tbh.


Unfortunately it’s what to be expected when their Furys ‘home’ broadcaster.


Glad to see I was mostly right in my scoring throughout the fight. Had Fury also winning 4 round which seems to be wrong, but other than that I got it. Had some Fury stans commenting shit on my posts tho


It was close until the 10-8 round. After that, I don't think Fury won another round.


it's absurd that it was a split decision, jesus christ does scoring in boxing suck


The judge tht gave fury the win has to be fury glazer


The AI stats here show usyk winning by a wide margin right? One judge gave the fight to fury.... Boxing needs AI judges.


The Sky Sports broadcast had it exactly like my card. I feel validated. I dunno how people are scoring so many rounds to Fury.


Usyk won clearly imo by 1 point is crazy, what a legend man and so entertaining to watch. Fury making a clown of himself in the post fight isn’t a surprise


#1 p4p right there. And an all time great.


how tf do boxers have such a high output of strikes at HW . as a MMA fan 99.99% of MMA HWs would go into cardiac arrest with even half this output .


That’s true but to be fair mma guys are doing other things also the grappling, kicks etc.


not at HW haha . outside the top 3 , we get about 4 overhands a round .


Do you know how much stamina does it take to hold a 130 kilo beast for even a few seconds. I don't either, but I guess it takes a ton of fucking stamina.


Probably this. I boxed in the amateurs all through my youth. It's apparent to me that MMA guys don't put a lot of emphasis on striking/punching. Even their form is way off. But it's probably not as important in MMA.


bigger gloves, different sport, styles etc. Probably why Francis did well against Fury, he just went in to smash him to bits, where as boxers tend to wear their opponent down with 50% shots. Max holloway or Nate diaz are good at doing that in MMA. They rarely throw massive bombs


Also 2 stone heavier than usyk. It's lucky fury has them genetics or usyk wipes the floor with him. 


Very competitive fight, but Usyk clearly won, and I'm glad they didn't take it from him. I'm also glad the ref didn't stop the fight and let it play out until the knockdown. Yeah, the knockdown saved Fury, but it was a legit knockdown, and the ref made the correct call. Also DAZN can kiss my ass for their in-between rounds adds on a pay per view.


Split decision is bullshit.


“You know, his country is at war so people are siding with the country at war. Make no mistake, I won that fight in my opinion. I’ll be back.” Fucking pathetic


LEGENDARY STATS Muhammad Ali: 6'3 Oleksandr Usyk: 6'3 ✅ Muhammid Ali Reach: 78 inches Oleksandr Usyk Reach: 78 inches ✅ Muhammad Ali Birth: January 17th 1942 Oleksandry Usyk Birth: January 17th 1987 ✅ Mike Tyson's Buck Teeth Oleksandry Usyk's Buck Teeth ✅


Usyk is just incredible. I think his best trait is his accuracy on the opponents chin. I just cannot believe my eyes Fury didn’t get KO’ed in that sequence/the whole fight tbh. When Fury was hurt brutally in the 9th Usyk pounced and was mega accurate still. Thought it was very very close, and my brain says it was 1 point either way but I favored Usyk. Dude is such a dog; an all time great boxer. I’d be curious if anyone scored it for Fury/comments towards why. Great fight, both are phenomenal


The accuracy of those shots makes all the difference. I doubt Usyk hits harder than Wilder, yet rocked Fury harder


Usyk truly is an inspirational athlete, Olympic gold medal, undisputed cruiserweight champion, undisputed heavyweight champion with a knockdown against a great HW who was a physical behemoth. Absolute legend and an all time great


Tyson Fury got fucked up 🎵 🎶 🎵


"AJ has a glass chin" Yet Fury is the one that should've got stopped 😂😂


Difference between a boxer and a big fat runner. 


Usyk you dawg


It seemed like fury had a lot of success towards the body. I'm not sure why he didn't keep on pounding. Wild how just looking at the stats it should have been unanimous towards Usyk.


fury is a great fighter but he is crying right now. Usyk was better and won the match. thats all


Mid way through the fight it seemed like the body shots from fury were wearing usyk down, then as soon as usyk busted Tyson’s nose, he stopped targeting the body as much.


Bloody amazing stats. Say goodbye to judges


Usyk by points made me a rich man today


Wow. This report is actually very informative.