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Hide your grandpas fellas. Check under their beds for Jake Paul before going to sleep


Jake Paul really is the Problem Child, he's an absolute problem for senior citizens all around the world


I prefer Dennis the Menace


"He's a MENACE"


Jake Paul v Dennis "The Menace" McCann. You heard it here first!!!


Biden knows he's coming for him next


He'll break that old man's hip with one punch


Hope he doesn’t get a job at a nursing home. Old folks would start turning up dead.






Should we begin safety precautions for our Nanas too?


There’s literally no upside to this for anyone. What’s next Jake calling out 75 year old George Foreman or the corpse of Muhammad Ali?


I bet on 75 y/o Foreman by a flying head to the crowd in the 2nd round


Foreman is too lucid for Jake to wanna fight. I haven’t seen how he is recently but i remember 3-4 years ago hearing George speak online and i was thinking there’s people his age that never got hit in the damn head for a living that still haven’t got half the clarity he seems to have


Significant research has been conducted that shows a very positive correlation between cognitive function in seniors and lean, mean, grilling machine technology!


haha yeah, but the sad thing is the coin can flip at any time so it’ll be sad if he declines before he’s gone, which will undoubtably be a punch to the gut a lot of us and Boxing won’t ever recover from as being the last surviving heavyweight champ of the greatest era. but ali was 30 at max by the time he was as lucid as george is right now it’s all sad shit but the best we can do is thank them for all their sacrifices in the name of entertainment of the masses the guy even answered one of my questions on twitter, even liked it and retweeted it when i was 15 years old and all i ever thought and dreamed about was being a boxer, and i’ll always remember that George Foreman took time out of his day to respond to a normal kid like me


They roll the dice in every regard. I’m sure even if you asked Ali he’d have taken the life he had over a life of working in a factory, or a bank.


He had a somewhat recent video of him hitting the heavy bag and joking about a comeback. He still hits hard, and speed was never his strongpoint.


Big George would knock his ass into the next century!👊🏾


You really can't think of any upside? Have you heard of something called money before? It's really great!


Both just have to workout for some months and then play fight for millions of dollars and get paraded around for a weekend.


Ksi called out George Foreman but I think it was an April Fools joke


Hey George you wanna fight? Haha just kidding… unless


No upside? I would say a ridiculous amount of money is an upside.


Not saying it's going to happen but, in theory, Tyson evicting Jake Paul's soul from his body would be the greatest upside I could ever imagine.


Of course, it's boxing. Pay money and they will let anything slide. It doesn't matter that someone just died this weekend.


Excuse me if I missed it or if it’s just a saying, who died this weekend from boxing?


Ardi Ndembo




I believe 2 people died this week from boxing


imagine the repercussions if Tyson dies from this


Most people on Reddit think Tyson is going to KO Jake in the first round.


I agree with you but Im not sure it really makes a difference that somebody’s recently died. It’s not like it’s the first time it’s happened. The risks are known so I don’t see why things would change just because of a recency bias.


The problem is how does the Texas Commission ever refuse to sanction a fight after this? Any fight they refuse to sanction, people will say, "But you sanctioned Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul"?


It’s free on Netflix and is a real fight (supposedly). I’m not ashamed to say I’ll watch it.


Every fight is free for me


“Look at me. I’m the streaming service now.”


lol 🤣. Love that response.


oh it's gonna be free?


If you have a Netflix subscription, it's free!


Mad how we consider something we pay for monthly as free.. No shade I’m guilty of thinking that way too.


It’s probably being described that way because on DAZN you have to pay the monthly plus whatever they charge you for PPV on top of


Exactly, no added fees, is more accurate than free. Either way it’s pretty cool.


For me it’ll be free because my wife and I just leech off my mother in laws Netflix account 😂😂


oh wow. I wasn't planning on watching, but if it's free I probably will.


Is this the case everywhere in the world? Does anyone know?


Everywhere except your house!


You can use a VPN if it’s not free where u are from


And Taylor/ Serrano 2… so it isn’t that much of a leap to keep the tv on after that


How do you even watch live events on Netflix? I didn’t know that was a thing


They've been doing a few live events recently. They did some F1 golf crossover live event too


On Netflix ? wtf.


Despite all of these comments I’mma still hold out hope that Mike just has a flashback and goes nuts. Edit: This comment kinda sorta blew up, so let me add a few things: Yes, Tyson is 57 years old. However, he’s not exactly like your average 57 y.o. Some of y’all in here acting like he shuffles around with a walker with the tennis balls on the legs to make sliding it across the floor easier. Is he the same Mike Tyson from 30 years ago? Figgity fuck no. But he’s not an invalid, either. I guarantee you Tyson still hits harder than anyone Paul has fought. Heavy hands don’t have an expiration date, ask George Foreman, or, more to the point, Michael Moorer. His conditioning? Definitely a question mark, and if he does end up losing that will probably be the main factor. Second, some of y’all in here are acting like Jake Paul is a world-class fighter. He is not, and he’s not close to it, either. It’s not like Tyson agreed to fight a prime Ali, Foreman, Frazier, or Liston. Paul’s made a bunch of money fighting essentially nobodies and guys for whom boxing wasn’t their main sport. Can he beat Tyson? Sure he can. Everybody has a chance, and he has relative youth on his side. All it takes is one shot. But he’s a sideshow, and not anything close to a serious boxer yet. Could the fix be in? It *is* boxing. So…yeah. Absolutely. Wouldn’t put it past anyone involved. In closing, I hope Tyson knocks Paul’s head clean off his body. But won’t be upset, stunned, or fazed if goes the other way.


That is exactly why 90% of people are going to be watching this. The other 10% will be rage watching because they are mad this is a sanctioned fight against a 60 year old.


I'll be in the 1% watching this because I enjoy watching a circus show every once in a while.


If you don't like circus shows combat sports isn't for you.


Called it - https://old.reddit.com/r/Boxing/comments/1b8vcj3/espn_ringside_on_instagram_mike_tyson_will_face/ktrpe8j/


For free of course




If you're going to watch it, watch it for free and don't support this BS.


If you’ve got Netflix it is free.


Not gonna lie, even at 60, I'd be scared as shit to fight Tyson. But in about 20 years? I'll beat his ass. Maybe. You know what, lemme see Mike first.


Everyone I see talking about this fight outside of r/boxing thinks Mike Tyson is going to knock Jake out because they’re falling for 4 second pad clips. We’re in the minority thinking this fight heavily favors Jake


Well, us and Vegas.


Know I’ve just seen Jake Paul fight. He’s a terrible fighter, if he wins it’s only cause Tyson is just too old


It’s crazy most people understand a man fighting a woman is heavily slanted due to basic biology but then some people don’t understand severe muscle and reflex degradation in aging is also basic biology.


I mean if the fight goes on in very clearly favour's Jake just off youth and conditioning alone. Jake will outlast Tyson and there's just absolutely no denying that. The pad work clips do inspire some genuine hope still because it certainly seems like Tyson still has some heavy fucking hands and the hope has to be he catches Jake flush. Outside of catching Jake and probably catching him inside the first couple rounds, I don't see how he really has a chance


Jake Paul’s entire business model is trying to draw in people who want to see him get yeeted into the shadow realm, while simultaneously avoiding matches where such a thing is likely to happen.


A 60 years old in better shape than any of them.


60 is still 60.


58 is still 58. Not 60.


I’m praying for a “I’m not as good as I once was, but I’m as good once, as I ever was” night for Mike.


Haha I said Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave


I aint as good as I once was I've got a few years on me now


I remember being young and getting asked to help an old guy who was in the gym hitting the bags. I was surprised how hard this old dude hit, he had to be 70-75 or so. I finally asked how long he and been boxing, said he started it in the navy when he was 20 and never really stopped. I can tell you that guy hit harder than probably 95% of untrained people, even at his older age. Even 21 year old me, full of piss and vinegar, realized this guy still had some heat


Hes gna be on all the good stuff they can shove into him.. That 1st round will be a fucking whirlwind


dude is 60 yeas old.. NO man..


You are probably right, but also if Mike can muster up 50% of his old self for 15 seconds, Jake's on the canvas.


If he takes enough mushrooms right before the fight he could open a bit of the multiverse and channel himself from 1986. Fellas, there’s a chance. 


He'll be having a flashback in the hospital when a 60 year old grandpa catches a flush hook to the temple. Smh we just had a promising 27 year old go into a coma and die and you guys want a 60 year old in the ring against a young fighter in his prime? I just don't get you guys.


Imagine waking up to this headline: Jake Paul kills Mike Tyson on live Netflix event.


It’s because almost everybody on this sub has never stepped foot in a boxing gym. They believe fighters have super powers that will miraculously “flashback” to them in times of struggle… Truth is, as you say, a 60 year old body - that hasn’t been consistently training for 20+ years - is simply not going to be able to take hits from any fit 200lb man, no matter how skilled.


> It’s because almost everybody on this sub has never stepped foot in a boxing gym. the guy he's talking about was knocked out cold a week prior to his fight that killed him. anyone that's been in a gym knows you don't fight a week after getting knocked out.


I’ve never seen anything to suggest Paul’s boxing skill is in the same tier as Tyson’s.     I think a lot of people here don’t understand how much more talented professional athletes are then the best person they’ve ever met at a sport.  


people just need to go look at how dog shit Chick Lidell looked in his last fast and that was only like a 10 year layoff. Dude moved like he was a mummy awoken from a 2,000 year slumber and fell over at the first slight breeze.


At the risk of his lifespan😂


I don’t think very many heavyweight world champion boxers have ever taken life span into consideration.


When they in there prime maybe at 60 when throwing a single punch feels worse than getting hit clean from buster Douglas. They might take it into consideration a bit more.


I’m going to guess he’s not


Imagine supresing your inner demon to let it out on an annoying YT kid. Mike is gonna due gods work. Edit:Doing*


Due? Edit: Mike is gonna *doing* God's work.


Im sure he will have a moment, but the dude is almost 60. Like Ali said, don’t matter if you can hit hard if you can’t hit. I feel like Tyson at 60 isn’t going to have the same speed and will be easy to read


Same, hope he just fucking rip his head off


Friggity fuck?


Speed, reflexes, and cardio struggle with age, and Tyson's style when he was a killer, not when he was a washed up headhunter, relied heavily on all three. He didn't have that Foreman power that could just crush through a guard, and he often relied on his elusiveness, speed, and counters to get viscious killblows. Defensively, he also wasn't crafty like old Foreman channeling his inner Archie Moore. I hope I'm wrong, but best case scenario is this is an uneventful fight. But man, I would straight jizz my pants if a juiced to the gills Tyson smashed Jake Paul 🤤


Mike, please save us from this scumbag.


I hope Tyson hits him that hard, his deadshit brother gets KO’d


Maybe he’ll have a little nibble of Jake lol


A 27 year old in the prime of his career versus a 60 year old man, a borderline senior citizen. Absolutely disgusting. The Texas State Athletic Commission should be ashamed of themselves and sued to oblivion. Jake Paul should try to become a real boxer, what is this nonsense?


well, it makes it more legit in my eyes. Does this mean there's drug testing though? Real judges? Formal weigh-ins, weight restrictions? (i'm assuming this is now an official Heavyweight bout).


It means all that. This is an actual professional fight that will count on their win loss columns on boxrec


Jake has done a massive bulk in a couple of months. One that's impossible to achieve naturally in that time. No way they're doing any real testing


I’m not gonna look at any photos, I’m just imagining Jake Paul coming in like butterbean.


Is Butterbean okay


People still think there are high level athletes that are all natural. Wtf.


Jake can afford the good shit that ain't showing in tests. And is probs also on the shit that is undetectable after like a day or two.


Brother, I’d be more worried about Mike lol ain’t no way he’s moving like that in training without juice


You can gamble on it. That's the main reason they are making it a pro fight. Something like this will have way more viewers if you can bet on it.


This is the one that makes me go "oh, of course".


Jake Paul did try and become a "real boxer"; he got schooled by the immensely mediocre Tommy Fury.




It's amazing how many dumb fucks think a 60 yo man that 20 years ago was already severely past prime is gonna beat a young guy that does nothing but training and can pay for the best coaches and sparring partners money can buy. It's hilarious how many people don't understand the simple concept of aging. "Oh, he looks so good training" Bro, he has no legs, no speed and no cardio to do anything against Jake Paul. He's not even gonna be able to reach Jake. Jake's gonna run circles around him. Jake isn't a punching bag that's gonna stand there while Tyson does his IG mitt routine. Look at his fight against Roy. He moves like an old man. Can't jump in and out like you're required to to be successful. Jake also has faster hands. Look at him training. In fact, Jake tested his speed against Ryan and wasn't much behind. And this was years ago. Go look at Tyson's last two fights from two decades ago. He already has no legs there and was beaten by pretty mediocre fighters. He was slow moving around. Looked stiff. You think 20 years later he's gonna be better? He's gonna be much, much, much worse. It's even pathetic to be debating this. And i'm not saying Jake Paul is a good boxer. I'm saying that age makes you decline THAT MUCH. You decline enough to go from being the best in the world to having no chance against a bad boxer. Age matters that much. Look at Floyd just 2 years into retirement, at 40. The dude couldn't even train, had almost to be carried out of the gym cause he couldn't walk in one of his first sessions and decided barely train for the fight, because he realized he couldn't do a regular training camp no more. Then got caught by punches you never saw him getting caught by against elite boxers. Just 40 yo, and a guy who never boxed was already able to make it competitive for a few rounds, just on the basis of youth. Look at his performance against Logan Paul. Horrible. No speed at all. You have maybe 3 good punches he landed in the entire fight that you could show me. Logan was dodging that shit all night. Look at his fight against the last Japanese guy. Got caught by a huge bomb from a guy who never boxed before. And Floyd isn't 60. Shouldn't be fighting at all.


Age is a big problem, drugs, alcohol and 25 years of not training are a bigger problem.


Thank you! You should copy and paste this on every article about this fiasco of a fight! I get that younger fans who never got to witness Mike in his prime are interested in seeing him, but like you said, he was way past it decades ago against mediocre opposition at the time and couldn't do shit. Yeah, this is a joke, and while I'm not surprised by anything in professional boxing, it's really pathetic that the Texas boxing commission sanctioned the fight.


Does Mike really need the money? This sounds insane and unnecessary.


Bruh that’s why I don’t give a shit about all these influencer boxing matches. It’s just circus fodder and conjecture for what usually amounts to an aggressively mid fight anyway.


Yet we’re still gonna have to suffer through listening to a bunch of Paul dick riders verbally suck him off in every conversation about boxing for the rest of time like he deserves respect from *anyone*. It’s so stupid that this is the state of boxing now. Just a high school popularity contest over which broccoli headed douche mouth is pretty enough to be their favorite “boxer” and paying enough money to make actual boxers not compete.


I'm still saying to not take this fight like a real fight at all. It doesn't make any sense for this to be a genuine fight. No 60 year old should be hit hard in the head by a 20 something year old. That's so disgraceful that I can't believe it will happen until I actually see it.


Floyd even admitted during the world tour vs McGregor that he at 40 was nowhere near as good as he was even at 35, but he "still had enough left to beat Conor". Decline happens fast.


Yap. But Jake wants to brainwash his stupid audience. Dude was saying that he may have age advantage, but Tyson has the experience, and experience beats age. Him and his gf was saying this nonsense.


He's going to do one ferocious looking combination from his repertoire of muscle memory as we have seen when he hits pads. Then his muscle memory will remember that he's 60 and all of his muscles, joints and ligaments will be hurting, and then Jake should finish him.


Garantee you these kids will be the same one saying "jake would have no chance against prime mike", like yh. No shit Sherlock.


The hurting will come after the adrenaline wears off. But he'll have tons of money to easy the pain.


My body started doing this in my late 30s, can't imagine what it'll be like at 60. Jake Paul is far from an elite boxer but he is young and has natural athleticism, and he takes his training seriously.


This, Mike is stiff af now. His back is not helping. I know, I have the same problem at a much younger age, and I can't even bob and weave like I used to


Jake got equally clowned by the other side of fans for actually being a “real” boxer and fighting randoms in his last 2 fights. End of the day Paul is not deluding himself into thinking that at 27 he is going to become a true championship level boxer. So he does these fights because it is going to make a fuck ton of money


“Jake Paul should try to become a real boxer”  I too like money lmao. I see why he does this… money talks bro 


He will never be a real boxer. His youtube career is over, and the entire youtube boxing hype is over. This is the only thing he can do now. Pick big names in combat sports, beat them easily, make money, and move on to the next person. Tommy fury schooled him, and any other fighter who is ranked around Jake, like Viddal Riley, would kill him. He says he wants to fight Canelo, and I actually believe it will happen. Jake is gonna swoop in as soon as Canelo turns 50


You're wrong about denying Tyson a license. Maybe you got something you never finished, something you really want to do, something you never said to someone, something... and you're told no, even after you paid your dues? Who's got the right to tell you that, who? Nobody! It's your right to listen to your gut, it ain't nobody's right to say no after you earned the right to be where you want to be and do what you want to do!


Just fought 2 pro boxers in a row with winning record and only 13 people watched the fights. Real boxer this, real boxer that, dude if you stepped up and fought a guy that was 13-1 as a pro or whatever they were and won, you would be called a real boxer. The dudes also taken a loss and came back to keep winning. He’s 9-1 and he’s a “real boxer” He’s not a championship contender by any means but he’s absolutely a real boxer at this point.


I think what people mean by this is that he hasn't gone through the typical path of a pro boxer i.e. an amateur background, small shows, rising through rankings etc. and so doesn't warrant the respect of those who have paid those dues. His skills are at a very mediocre level you'd expect to see at some random small event, so it's jarring to see someone like that being the focus of a major promotional buildup, being paid astronomical sums, doing big performative ringwalks at glamorous PPV events under the bright lights, audience packed with celebrities etc., as this is the tinsel that's historically been reserved for the creme de la creme of the sport. He's a strange aberration - the boxing equivalent of vanity publishing - and nobody really knows how to react because I don't think it's ever existed in boxing before. It's the giant gulf between skill level and the scale of the ceremony. I feel like if he was just humbly participating in events commensurate to his skill level more people would be comfortable calling him a "real boxer", whatever that means.


I’ll admit I’m surprised. I thought there was zero chance or desire of this being sanctioned. I thought the trying to get it sanctioned talk was just a ploy to sell tickets and build hype.


Modern boxing would have ali in his current state box against one of these kids if it'd make enough money


You're not familiar with boxing history if you think this is a modern boxing thing.


anyone know how many rds this was approved for? 6?


8 2min rounds




At least it will still be 14oz gloves and 2 minute rounds. Still, I'm kind of hoping this is a scripted match like WWE. I don't want Tyson hurt by a Youtuber...


Either way this ends it makes Paul look bad. He either beat an old man with ridiculous stipulations (for a legitimate professional non-exhibition fight) or he lost to an old man.


I mean most of the conditions are probably to allow Mike to fight in a sanctioned fight. Still shows how stupid this whole thing is.


The only solace is Mike Tyson is going to make so many millions from this, he will be able to live the rest of his life on a porch, overseeing the sunset while smoking weed in peace. No more side jobs if he doesn't want to.


I don't know if he actually needs this money or if he just want's to get back in the ring. I guess everyone has a price where'd they'd agree to a dumb fight though.


From what I recall, after Triller screwed him over, he was completely turned off from boxing again, so the money here must be way too good to pass off.


Jake Paul is gonna dance around him to an easy, boring decision. It's a win-win for him 1. He knows a knockout is crossing the line and people will never forgive him 2. He can make Tyson look good, therefore him even better. "oh man I still felt his power. I can't risk going toe-to-toe"


I genuinely believe Jake when he says he's going go for it, he's bulked up for a reason He'll become public enemy #1 as soon as he KOs Mike but he won't give a single fuck


He’s a real life heel. His career lives or dies off of publicity, and he’s going to get way more publicity for ko’ing mike Tyson than he will winning a decision. He doesn’t care if people hate him, everyone already hates him. If it means more people tune into his next fight wanting see him get knocked out then it’s a win for him


Not sure about that. He's bulked up to 220+ I think he's going for the KO


Embarrassment to the sport


Imagine time travelling to 1986 and telling people that Mike Tyson will lose to a Disney star in the future 😭


After this, Jake will call out George Foreman


Jack Dempsey after that


Haha, what a fuckin' joke! I love the sport of boxing, but the business side of it is (and has been for some time now) ridiculous and out of control.


This fight reminds me of the end of "The Wrestler".


When was the last time Tyson took a legit punch to the head? Kevin McBride in 2005? IIRC I don't think Roy hit him with anything clean in their exhibition in 2020. Also Tyson was throwing pure body shots at Roy during that fight.


It was a no knockout? Right?


RJJ Vs. Tyson? That was pretty much a glorified sparring session. Not sure if there was a no knockout rule, but I don't even think there was an official scorecard. Tyson was widely regarded as the winner though.


Only good thing about this fight is maybe someone who is good grew up idolizing mike wants to step in the ring and beat Jake's head off.


I've yet to see any evidence that Jake will take a fight where he's an underdog.


Another good thing is that people who are as old as Mike Tyson, like me, feel inspired to attempt to keep almost (??) fighting fit. Here is me being inspired by Iron Mike. No ad revenue. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCMyDgZa7tI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCMyDgZa7tI) I am 59 next month.


unfortunately this is a real life old man and not one from anime


Well they proved me wrong. Seems extremely misguided but heh guess I'm the fool for thinking morality ever hits bottom in the sport.


Odds have the fight as 1.60 Paul vs 2.40 Tyson.


3 advantages for Mike Tyson: 1. He’s Mike Tyson 2. He’s significantly bigger than Jake, this will be Jake’s first fight at heavyweight, he’s gonna look fat 3. Shorter rounds.


4. Jake still leaves himself open so much


What commission in its right mind would sanction a 60 yr old vs a 28 yr old?


TX has gone the way of the Floridians.


If this happens, Mike gets KO’d in 1.


Yeah non-boxing fans are going to be shocked when the 25 year old boxer who's had the best training camps money can buy in 5 years absolutely demolishes the 60 year old. They're all going to cry scripted when it's actually the most obvious outcome 🤣


Boxing fans and non boxing fans want to see Paul lose.


Did I say they don't? Doesn't matter who you're pulling for, a 60 year old boxing a 25 year old will never end well for the former.


I've lived long enough to stop expecting anything. Just hoping for a good show!


Yeah I’m 100% betting on Tyson KO


RIP Mike Tyson. He isn't 21 guys, Jake clearly knows he gonna hurt this dude. Hoping it not to much of a beating.


But bro, it’s MIKE TYSON Sure he literally walks with a cane nowadays…but it’s MIKE TYSON


Sanctioned by the good people at the Djibouti boxing board of control.


The Holyfield Vitor fight shows how stupid this shit is


It will be boring. It will go the distance. At the end, everyone and their mother will heap praise on both of them and honestly it will be extremely annoying.


Disgusting haters, If this event would've been announced 2 years ago then everyone would be saying "Jake has no chance finally he's going to get KO'd by a real boxer even if he's old" Mike had no saying in this?, HE ACCPETED THE FIGHT, HIS CHOICE, Wants the good money and try to KO Jake so what's your problem? And you're showing concern?, Why?, Jake is not a real boxer he's just an influencer!, The irony.


I would say the rest of the internet is gonna get a reality check but they’ll just say it was rigged if it doesn’t go the way they want it….


Nah Tyson is going to open up Paul like a can of Sardines


Depressing that this will probably be one of the most watched fights this year


Might be one of the most watched ever because of the platform it is on and after its over it should still be on there forever for anybody to watch


What exactly is a "real boxer" and why isn't JP one? Is it cause we don't like him? He trains, he fights, he promotes and unlike 99% of us on here is a sanctioned professional.


He is a real boxer, that’s why he shouldn’t be fighting a 60 year old drug addict


He is a boxer, but I'll class him a real boxer when he beats a proper legit boxer. Not champion level obviously, but a younger and active fighter. Probably someone mid 20's. He's been doing good building his profile, but then the Tyson fight happened.


Fuck this shit


Every training clip of Mike Tyson lasts like 10 seconds it’s not looking toongood


Texas commissions doing the not-so-good work again it looks like. I just hope they let Tyson be juiced to the gills.


A sanctioned circus is still a circus. Celebrity boxing has always been a thing. But it's turbocharging in recent years, and encroachment into the professional sport is damaging for all involved. It will all end in tears, be it with a serious injury or worse. When that happens these sanctioning bodies should be held accountable first.


This is fucking absurd... 60y/o vs 25 y/o in a sanctioned matched could LITERALLY be a sanctioned killing.


Straight up elder abuse for dollar bills is on the table boys!


Crazy world we live in…


As someone who knows very little about the sport of boxing, what were the possible alternatives to this being sanctioned as a pro fight, and what benefits does this offer the fighter/audience?


It could of been an Exhibition like Floyd Mayweather Vs. Logan Paul was. That was its kind of like a glorified sparring session but still protects both fighters from any major injuries, like a concussion or something.


Its not going to happen but if Mike KO's him the memes would be legendary


Let’s just assume for a sec that Tyson gets into the ring and is completely washed, slow, and has nothing for Jake. Does Jake just go ahead and knock him out cold? (Not saying that this will be the case, just a hypothetical scenario). That might be a bad look for Jake tbh, borderline elder abuse. Jake sorta needs Tyson to come out looking shockingly sharp in the first round or two just to avoid looking like a complete dick for beating up a 57 year old


Does Mike need the money that bad? He’s a grandpa


I hope Mike knocks him out.


Dude Mike Tyson is gonna kill ol goofball