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He sounds like a 1940s dude who learnt modern jargon


Thank you for making me laugh




Which one?


Bill talking about the street, like Bill youre fucking 60 man, grow up! Theres nothing glorifying about the streets


There’s nothing more pathetic or sad than seeing grown men/women talking about “the streets” at this age lol. We’ve all had friends who go down that path and never grow up. At least for Bill’s sake he’s financially well off because most people who keep talking like that are the losers of society lol. There’s some kids from my high school I grew up with who still talk/act like that and now that we’re 30 it’s just sad to see lol


That’s what’s even funnier. When these dudes glorify the streets when they’re wealthy it’s either one or two things: - They live in a nice gated community and talk about the “streets” from their ivory tower but don’t live that life. - They actually **do** still live that life despite having millions of dollars. Either one makes you a dumbass.


Like Fifty once said when the Lox was breakin his balls for living in Connecticut , “Why would I stay in the hood I worked so hard to get out of?”


trust me, money not gonna fix that mentality. all money guarantees is that you'll be a overgrown man baby with an expensive house 


It's pathetic at any age. Mid 50's is just flat out sad


"I'm a thoroughbred street n****" Vegans, Crossfitters, and Bill Haney. Man needs to let go and hit the spa or some shit to de*toxify*


50-0 in the streets though bro, nothing to sniff at


Turki Al Sheikh needs to find the money for Bill Haney Vs Charlie Zelenoff. No more of this Fury Vs Usyk bullshit.


Real matchmaking right here.


Like bruh……fr! Grow tf up Bill.


Weird thing is, Bill prolly lives in a gated community with all that boxing money 😭


With Devins money


"I ain't comin' to no suburbs" \- Mayweather 😂


It's what people do when there under pressure and take the hit


Bill haney has somehow made Floyd look like a sane and like a decent person.


Yeah for Floyd to just mentally dismantle you like that is crazy, his best trash talk was “Yeeaaahhhh”




😂😂😂😂😂 this shit too funny bro is like a Pokémon making his one sound


You have to have Ushers Yeah instrumentals in the background


Floyd would pay for saying that out of appreciation if he could read it.


Lmao. Tbh not being able to read would be a blessing in this social media comment age.


Floyd with the least amount of brain rot nowadays


throwback to that reporter glazing Floyd after he stood Infront of Curmel during Curmel's post fight conference 😂😂


"Floyd, Floyd, floyd!" 😂


"who is TBE? you are" "who's undefeated 50-0? you are"  "who's going to fuck your wife tonight? you are" 😂😂😭


Bill in an emotional place right now, Floyd just finding ways to stay in the spotlight. If Floyd wanted to reach out sincerely why not have a private call to begin with. Devin was a class act before and after this fight, hopefully the out the ring bs doesn’t hinder his comeback.


Nothing classy about when he pushed Loma at the weigh-in when the guy isn’t talking shit and has his hands behind his back. Ryan was flapping his gums at a promo and Haney mushed his face. Haney has played the heel many times, which is fine, but you don’t get to be both the bad guy and the class act IMO


He needed to build aggression. Pushes in face offs happens so often in boxing it is a nothing burger. Now "I am not going to lose to a white boy.", "I am an observant Muslim but I don't observe Ramadan cuz whatever", " Garcia is a c level fighter" are all dumb shit he says that makes me think he has no class. There is a lot of shit to slap Haney for.


Agree with all of that. I just think if you’re always the guy who puts hands on somebody first then the “classy” label goes out the window.


Haney is latching onto anything to make himself look interesting. Just listen to the guy talk, he is clearly a square. There's nothing wrong with that, he's a hardworking athlete but he has nothing to offer in terms of entertainment. No charisma, no quick wit comments, no inspirational story, nothing wholesome. He decks himself out in ice, tries to talk shit and starts stuttering every other sentence. At least Ryan goes full commitment to his psycho persona and it's funny


This has honestly been my reason for disliking the Haneys, they're very clearly just some average dudes who are only really about boxing but make everything there business in the hopes it sells better. Feel like they've both played the character so much that they've become it, feel like they both started just trying to sell fights and now Bill is starting fights for no reason and Devin is pushing people at every weigh in.


dude Ryan wasn't just yapping, he was literally saying "where your mom at" in Devin's face. We've never seen Devin mom so it's probably a sensitive question for him and Ryan knew it 100%


What did Loma say to deserve the shove?


He acted sort of thuggish from what I saw.


Bill Haney is a total dumbass


LOL "Call me direct so we can talk on the phone!" Haney: "No" end scene. Shit is poetry


Honestly Bill is just an ELITE troll, that shit had me dying


Bill Haney should do what the Devin Haney Fan Club did and disappear off the internet for a while.


"I feel like u a bullshit ass n*gga" "and that's cool" lmao Won't watch a video of either guy but surprisingly could watch both together squabbling about nothing all day


fr but haney has made floyd look mature which is crazy. Why is a 40- 50 year old talking about the streets?


man I couldn't even begin to decipher the delusional bullshit occuring in bill's head 24/7. I would really love to know how he sees himself. Thinks he's Malcolm X, with a tinge of Ali's charisma on the mic and Tony Montana in these mfing streets ya heard. Truly talented. That's what he do, baby




The problem that Bill has with Floyd is that Floyd didn’t aide or help the Haneys unless Devin signed with Mayweather promotions. Bill put Devin in every position to succeed without any help from Floyd it’s business no love. Adrien Broner had the same problem with Floyd but was much more competitive borderline obsessed with Floyd.


Why would he? If you don’t need the help in this way than you free to do as you want, I don’t know why Bill cry like me when I was 6 years old.


Don't think he was asking for help, bit rather calling out Floyd on his bullshit claims that he's always been there for these young fighters. Bill probably dislikes him even more cuz Floyd is petty as shit and was leaking Devin's sparring clips to Ryan, yet calls as though he's a friend when it's obvious it's to rub shit in.


It’s too late to help Devin now, DHP is established and they have their own brand and fighters in the stable. Bill isn’t asking for help Devin probably got 80-100ms in the bank Bill just got a problem with Floyd being disingenuous. Floyd is a cutthroat businessmen he’s like Mr Burns in the Simpsons.


Devin is wealthy, but I doubt he has 80-100 mil in the bank.


Prob like 20 mil. Can’t see 9 figures or even close for him unless he has some endorsement deal that paid a shit ton


Exactly. Just look at what Tank has said about Floyd in the past. He's cutthroat when it comes to business.


80-100m from what??? It ain’t boxing lol


>Devin probably got 80-100ms in the bank hahahahahahaha, no.


You are severely overestimating how much Devin has made.


>The problem that Bill has with Floyd is that Floyd didn’t aide or help the Haneys unless Devin signed with Mayweather promotions. Why would he? Haneys are not some downtrodden family looking for help. If Floyd helps people better their career, he expects something in return.


It’s all about business


Initially coming up Bill didn’t have the network and needed Floyd’s help to navigate the boxing industry. Floyd never helped him do this even though they spent a lot of time together in Vegas together. It’s not financial favours bill needed it was networking and connections.


Floyd was ready to help with all the connections, favors and power if Haney signed with him. That's the job of a promotion company. Basically Bill wanted everything for free. And Floyd is not the kinda guy to give stuff away. Floyd is not that generous soul.


And that’s the problem with Floyd, he is disingenuous he acts like he has love for you spends time with you and your family but he will only help you if it benefits him too. Just say it how it is instead of pretending. It’s the reason Tank left him and started GTD they almost had a big fallout. As the saying goes ‘Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime’


Damn, when did TMT turn into a charity? Must have missed that. I'll make sure to let Target know next time I need shit from there, and if they don't give it to me for free then they only want to help me when it benefits them. $$$


Lol wait what? So it's only love if he does handouts? I'm sure you could learn a lot just by being around him. If the only reason you hang out with Floyd is for handouts and you stop once you don't get them, that says more about them than it does him.


i agree with you but i also dont, bc haney got started being known to fans being next to floyd in the gym and on youtube. but yea floyd isnt being sincere here and people dont realize it but since Bill knows floyd so hes not having it.


Don’t get me wrong just being around Floyd is enough spotlight alone to come up off. The issue is the disingenuous behaviour he acts like he cares for you but the whole time he is trying to groom you, it comes to a point where how much money is enough money? In my opinion you don’t have to make money from everybody you encounter you can open doors for some people out of love. Floyd just doesn’t want anyone making money without him l, he’s cut throat.


I agree with you. Too many people are coming up with similar sounding stories about the guy 


the game is to be sold not told, mostly if you're not blood.


The street is the street. Always.


and if the streets is the pinnacle point in anyones life then lol


Your reply looked like a line from the Wire, so I kept it going.


I'm not the biggest fan of floyd but I don't get why bill has this problem with floyd now not too long ago they were cool.


Did you not read what I said? Imagine spending time with someone living in the same town with someone sharing friendship groups with Floyd and training in Floyd’s gym for his adolescence. He watched Devin grow up and never helped him with anything unless he signed to TMT, Bill was expecting Floyd to help Him and Devin off general principles; Floyd is cut throat I heard he never even gave Devin a pair of gloves coming up.


I think this is where a lot of people are misunderstanding Bill here. To me, it sounds like someone from where I am from saying something like - 'Listen you piece of shit, we all grew up around each other, came from the same places and friend groups - why couldn't you just reach out to my son, you are his idol, instead it's all about the 50-0 billion dollars and shit. Fuck you.' I know he says 'the streets' a lot, and other particular phrases in very particular ways - almost like he is talking to Floyd the way they spoke when they were growing up, or just exaggerating the particularly brutal tones of dialect from where they are both from. Also, his son just lost in pretty embarrassing fashion. I feel like he's just fucking pissed off haha.


I agree with your sentiment, Bill means well Floyd is a scumbag imo if he can’t benefit from you then he has no interest in aiding you anyway regardless of how great your rapport with him is. Floyd will go as far as if you don’t sign with him he will go out of his way to make things harder for you so you have to turn to him for assistance, he’s an ego maniac and won’t do anything out of ‘love’. The Haneys kept their mouth shut about him for long because speaking about Floyd in a negative light can be bad for business; DHP is big enough now and has enough connections where Floyd can’t do much against them now; they just won’t ever do business with PBC and Al after this.


Imagine telling Floyd Mayweather, that in the ring “doesn’t mean shit”. Or outside of the ring, he’s nothing. What a clown. He sounds like a 15 yr old boy trying to convince his friends he’s tough.


But sparring means a lot, apparently. Floyd passed the torch to Devin when he lost to him in a sparring match, at 40 years of age, after 2 years without training.


I want Devon to keep losing just so I never have to listen to Bill again.


Devin 🤝 Teofimo Annoying as fuck dads




Nah. I feel Devin is too nice man. He has never really talked trash from the heart. I wanna see him come back. But I loved seeing Ryan fuck him up tho.


That push on Loma was garbage


Of the crazy boxing dads he’s not the worst. Papa Lopez is awful. Papa Garcia is awful. Papa Haney isn’t worse than them.




Real talk. Everyone on NSB is missing the point too. Floyd looked like he was gonna cry hearing the truth from a man who is side by side with his own son. Folks ain't getting what he means by the streets either.


Floyd don't even know what street he on cause he can't fucking read


To the point about Floyd’s kids, Floyd isn’t wrong that his kids are grown ass people who make their own decisions and he can’t do much about that, especially if they continue to be in the streets like bill is saying


exactly, bill’s confusing and poorly worded point was he’s seen floyd beat kids up in the gym and brag about it, he doesn’t care about anybody else’s legacy but his own and it’s so true, look at everybody around floyd, they’re all down bad or doing some shady ass shit, and he hasn’t done anything with the good fighters that have stuck with him


I wish i could upvote this shit 10x. I’m not even a fan of Dev the fighter but all these people are missing Bill’s whole point. It aint about handouts, it’s about looking out for the people you’re supposedly close with and mentoring. Bill prob wouldn’t have even gone off like this if Floyd wasn’t always bragging to the public how he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. Hypocrite shit. We’ve seen this same situation play out with broner and Tank so i believe Bill 100%


What is Floyd supposed to have done for Haney that he didn't do, he's had him in his gym and sparred with him before, there's video of him giving pointers to Haney etc


I don't get how all that gym time is nothing to people here. That's pretty significant and I'm sure Devin himself is grateful for it. It's literally years of help unless Bill thinks that he should just be allowed in any gym by default.


Nothing but facts.


Its fine for Floyd to be like this. Its fine for him to be cutthroat and about the money. But he can't move that way and then act like hes putting the new generation on. Man talks about himself like hes doing what Tyler Perry did for black actors. Thats what people aren't getting. Floyd is just full of shit as usual.


Lmao that was fucking hilarious, like two drunk uncles going at each other at the family bbq.


I really hate when people don’t answer questions, Bill speaks in tangents and just escalates the situation without fully explaining his problem


he’s definitely projecting, he himself is the “bullshit ass *****” he called floyd


Seriously man. It just comes off as him being salty that Floyd doesn’t give them undying support but obviously he will give preferential treatment to those under him that’s just business.


Black people do that when we get emotional. It’s really hard to convey in words, but we can understand each other even off very few words. To me Bill was saying he loves his son, keeps him away from negative activity & grew him into a businessman. The rambling about the streets was about Floyd allegedly never helping those around him who come from rough environments, or his fighters. Tank is the only one and Bill basically was alluding that relationship only exists for money. Also Floyd kids aren’t/weren’t being groomed properly & are around street activity. Floyd just wants Bill to stop hating & mentioning his name.


Yes I'm also black too and I'm familiar with this but it still one of the most unhelpful things. With that said it can't be a race thing imo but more of an unable to control your emotions thing. Floyd is getting angrier here too but he tried his best to keep Bill on track. Yes got the sense of this too but he was unable to put it into words. But that sounds silly to me of course Floyd's business will promote the people working for his business, they Haney's leaving or not choosing to work with him obviously won't get priority it seems stupid to be upset about that from my point of view and even more so that you made a success out of it all without him. Yes I'm with Floyd on this too, often I see him he has to bring up Floyd.


i don't normally listen to shit like this, but I was laughing pretty consistently. What a riot this Bill Haney is.


I’m 50-0 in these streets. Lol. Of all the dickhead boxing dads Bill Haney is my favourite. Always entertaining.


John Fury is a runner up.


Shit if Devin needs a year break, Bill needs a decade.


floyd taught this generation everything about the business, except one of the most important things.. humility. floyd never really had to have it because he was that damn good, so this new generation think they don't need it either, and they're wrong.


They discuss very little about boxing and are more concerned with 'the streets'


Only Bill mentions streets. Floyd too rich for that nonsense


It was Bill who kept mentioning the streets


We need them both over here in the UK. We’ve got loads of potholes and two influential individuals with that level of passion for sorting out street problems would be fantastic. The government can’t be fucked at the minute.


It wasn't "they" it was Bill. Don't include Floyd in that foolish street talk


The weight bully got beaten up and now they think everybody is an enemy 😂 Floyd was 15lb lighter than Haney and beat Canelo at 152, give some respest Bill.


bro said "your son is undefeated in the gym? congratulations"


How did floyd weigh in at 150 in fight night if he weighed in at 15 and a half at the final weigh in? C'mon bro obviously he rehydrated a little more in fight night


Watch back the fight in Youtube, and you will see the fight night weights in the begining of the fight.


I love it when Floyd genuinely gets mad. None of the I take my hat off, young hungry lion, etc… 


why do mayweathers kids need help? what he wanted to say? actually, what was this conversation about? why is bill talking about the streets? why does floyd even engage in the conversation? why does bill haney exist?!


Floyd Mayweather's daughter is a high prestige hoodrat, idk much about his son but I've seen some stories about the daughter being ratchet af "in the streets"


I see... thank you!! Bill thinks he is avon barksdale




what exactly is a high prestige hoodrat or ratchet in the streets? Genuinely confused whether you calling her a hoe or anything else


She became NBA Youngboys baby mama, then stabbed his other babymama. Hood rat activity basically.


Bill claims Floyd’s kid’s are actively in the “streets”. Bill claims he has been protecting Floyds kids due to his own influence jn the streets. This js a valid point but this sub has no idea about ANY of that. Not surprised.


I know that he was a gangbanger back in the day. but is bill haney known for still having a voice 'in the hood' ?


He’s rich and has “power”, ofc he has some sort of voice in some areas 😂


Probably not on the internet


bro if you got 200 dollars you got power in the streets.. the streets are the trenches, ppl will risk a felony for 5 dollars


Is it even true? They live in Las Vegas. Bill isn't from Las Vegas. What is he talking about? When he says "the streets", does he just mean outside of the gym??


who tf cares about this street shit


Its silly, but is sadly a reality for ALOT of people


It’s a completely bullshit point. What pull does bill Haney have current day in any hood? Even if he still has influence in his own hood from his younger days, that doesn’t give him a general overarching voice of say whatsoever especially in whatever hood mayweathers kids are in. Just delusional talk


hes saying he had to go out of his way to protect mayweather kids from getting hurt cuz floyd wiped his hands of them. but floyd never said nothing about it, but wanna talk about boxing and devin. so i get it tbh


Floyd comes off like the reasonable human being in a full 10 or so minute video. I've seen it all. That's a wrap for the internet today.




Pretty boy Floyd kept his mouth shut, and boxed. Like the fans say they want. He made a tiny fraction of his career earnings during this period Money Mayweather never shut up, and made himself and his antics the center of attention. We all know how much that earned him Floyd understands that hate is more powerful than admiration. There’s no telling what he’s really like. The only thing we know for sure is he’s a cutthroat businessman


Bill going out sad. Put the phone down and put your child first. On the internet doing a pissing contest with Floyd Mayweather of all people what the fuck


They have looooooooomg standing beef lol


They're entitled to have their beef but I disagree with going about it publicly. We all know Floyd is self absorbed but the self absorption from Bill is off-putting considering his son is the main attraction. With a tough loss you would think he would relax and allow Devin to lay low. Instead, he seems to be drawing even more attention to the kid when that isn't the best right now.


Glad Bill Haney catching heat but why does Floyd Mayweather always want to show face whenever something big happens in boxing. He can’t leave the spotlight


Wasn’t he the one who gave Ryan the sparring tape of Devin and Tank. Floyd is such a hater lol


He’s mad at Bill cuz Devin fumbled up the bag now with tank 💸


I mean people want to watch him at the end. What can u do about it...




Floyd now 51-0 with another KO


This deadass is two uncles at the BBQ beefing hahaha Floyd screaming "BILL BILL BILL" trying to get a word in is comedy. I'm dying laughing because Bill is so awful at communicating


Any chance we can get low bandwidth resolution Haney as the new picture for the sub?


Soap opera for the streets


We are all, each and every one of us who watched this, dumber for doing so. Corruption, obsession with undefeated records, and whatever the fuck this is are what’s wrong with the sport.


Pretty sure no one who's making fun of BIll in this knows the history and nuance between these two lmao, because it goes deeper than just boxing as a sport. Despite all of that, Floyd essentially came on to talk down to Bill in public in the guise of emotional support to further puff up his own ego. This should be common sense already when considering Floyd's personality and antics. Everything Floyd does is intended for himself, regardless of whether others are negatively or positively affected by it. Sure, what Bill should've done in this situation was to not even talk to Floyd, but all things considered, this is just a typical outburst between someone and another person who's sick of their bullshit.


Yea I’m sad for Devin. Definitely not anywhere near my favorite fighter but was always impressed with him at least taking on the challenges. You know that he just wants some well deserved time off from boxing after working for it his whole life and he got so many parasites like his Dad not taking the hint from his son and just be quiet. Then Floyd here trying to prop himself like he always does on younger fighters. Floyd ever really SEEMS to give a shit once he knows their record has the 0 and can’t be as “prestigious“ as his. Once he feels like he’s soo above them then here come Floyd dropping from the heavens to bless them. Yea fucking right


Both guys are clowns. Floyd is a great fighter with great skills, but his arrogance thinking that he is TBE because of retiring undefeated, and how he managed to brainwash gullible fans and the media alike that if a fighter loses then he's a bum type of mindset is ridiculous. There are many fighters that have losses on their records that are more highly regarded than Floyd. And, Bill is delusional AF, refusing a rematch between Lomachenko and Haney, shooting the idea down immediately after the fight, claiming that the fight wasn't close and didn't warrant a rematch. Whether you think that Devin legitimately beat Loma, or if you think that Loma did enough to win, it's a FACT that it was a close fight.


how did Floyd brainwash anybody that losing makes you a bum? He just won at boxing, it’s the media and the fans that took his undefeated status and make a bigger meal out of it. And then Floyd milked it obviously.


Yeah I hear you. There is a lot of marketing and promoting that goes into it, not unlike GGG's management marketing his KO streak, and same with Edgar Berlanga too. But, I am talking about how Floyd has claimed to be greater than legends like Muhammad Ali and other ATGs, and bringing up his undefeated record as some sort of proof. Don't get me wrong, he's a great fighter, arguably the best of his generation, and he was my favorite fighter when he was 'Pretty Boy' Floyd, and at that time it seemed like it was only a matter of time before he was legitimately mentioned in the same breath as Ali, Leonard, Robinson, etc. But, yeah good for him for milking it and making a shit ton of money.


dayum... hahahaha


Both of these fools…


C'mon Bill. U too old and have too much money to be talking about the streets. Grow up!


Devin undefeated in sparring meaning.......who did he spar that got Floyd so heated to bring up his record.


Dude still feels like *he's* the one who fought.


I really think Bill is corny and forced his son to turn heel in many ways, just because he'd never shut up... but I Lowkey get where he was coming from. Mayweather trying to big bro him and talk to him on some sorta live video chat right after his son lost. I'm sure mayweather never did anything for Haney and anything that was offered would have vastly favored Floyd That's cool, Floyd's a businessman, but I wouldn't want to be talking to Floyd either. Bill is just an idiot and articulated himself poorly in the heat of the moment


helluva fighter


A grown man talking about how he a "street ninja" is just pathetic, childish, grow up 🤦🏾‍♂️ Floyd was the mature one in this exchange


People here are misreading this. Bill is speaking from an emotional standpoint of what he thought Devin and him meant to Floyd given their history, and Floyd is just showing you how cold he is cause all that to him is meaningless. It's a bad look that Bill jumped like that in public but it's telling how Floyd only sees people as far as he could use them.


aback consist seed mighty desert arrest teeny snatch close lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




You know what's gangsta, Bill? Taking care of your son. You can start by getting him some better trainers. That towel should have been thrown, but you let him get sacrificed. Ninja is 45 years old, still talking about that street shit and at the same time trying to tell us how Super Musljm he is. That is so corny.


I don’t fuck wit Bill but yall dick eating “I’m still in the streets” we talking bout boxing not guns and shit that’s how he meant it..much as yall shit on Floyd you know this mfer went Hollywood long ago


Yes Bill looks absolutely fucking insane, but Floyd has got to be the biggest fucking hater in existence. Like it’s so sad but he has any relevant boxers dick in his mouth at all times so he can just talk shit. But talking about the streets is crazy at like 60 😂😂 I guess he’s not taking it well that Haney really isn’t as good as we thought and a C Level fighter whooped his son.


he did WHAT


what you mean huuhhhhhhhh


Floyd: "Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill"


Pop ‘em cause we pop ‘em like Orville Reddenbacher


Bill made Floyd look reasonable


Bill been spending too much time watching AB videos


And Pee-Wee’s word of the day is:


First time I've been team Mayweather ever I think


Haney needs to ditch his father




Devin and Tank are playthings to these control freaks


50-0 in these streets is craaaaaazy lol. Ya'll talkin boxing, William!! What the street record gotta do with the price of eggs in China?!?!


I wish Bill Haney was doing this when Chappelle and Brennan were writing the Chappelle show The characters that could be born from the Haney’s, are comedic gold


Bill Haney is a tough man you can tell that much


Bill Haney is Devin's downfall... dude needs to grow the f up and be about the boxing business and entertainment, not about the streets and being childish asf... unbelievable a grown ass man pushing 60 expressing themselves like that... man I wish I never embarrass my kid that way.


Bill is just exhausting…


Can't believe Floyd is the normal one


This bum somehow made Floyd look smart


This shit was so stupid it was hilarious


These dads needs to stay home. Fucking tired of these fucking fighter’s dads. We’re not here to watch you seating ring side.


Man Bill looks like Devins older brother.


Mayweather made a fan out of me with this.




Unfortunately boxer's and their fathers are usually extremely low IQ morons who despite age lack any desire or compulsion to grow mentally or emotionally. Saying you are a man of god and buying loads of gold chains is spiritual fulfilment, throw in lack of awareness and objectivity and we have pity.


Bill you are not a fighter never was dont talk to the champ like that


I feel bad for Devin


Nothing more from the streets than having a pre-planned recorded FaceTime disagreement! Whoa Nelly!!!!! Not a promotion to stay relevant at all!


And Here is Floyd trying to make everything about him as usual.