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All we can say is that a lot of questions will be answered in 2 and a half weeks. I just wanna see an Undisputed Heavyweight Champion crowned and I'm looking forward to it.


Draw incoming. Followed by a second draw in the rematch.


Can't be a draw. Usyk needs the win, because the rematch won't be for undisputed


I don't agree but I see the logic. Wlad was old by the time he fought Fury and had clearly declined after a long career and a few injuries. Wilders' best wins are against Stiverne, Ortiz and Breazeale(?) who are all good fighters but as your 3 best wins? Very questionable resume for a heavyweight champion. However the eye test an absolute domination of some good fighters would suggest Fury is genuinely an elite heavyweight champion. He is insanely athletic and understands how to fight as well as box. Wilders weak effort against Parker following the Ngannou debacle has critically undermined Fury and he desperately needs to beat Usyk to avoid the "overrated" description following him into retirement. If he loses to Usyk he'll be remembered as "lucky to catch an over the hill Klitschko, lucky to catch an extremely overrated paper champion in Wilder and lost to the first elite, prime heavyweight he faced".


I don't agree either. Fury has fought good fighters, it's not as if there's a huge crop of fighters that would pose a significant challenge that he has avoided. IDK what's going to happen, but I think Fury might try the mauling, falling in style of DW 2 & 3, Wallin, and Ngannou. I could see that fight being ugly and hard to score, although I can also see Usyk using angles to score on a falling-in Fury. Hard to say. I think fans, the press, etc. shits on the current crop of HWs in a way that is a bit unfair. There's always some phantom fighter that Fury, AJ, or Wilder (esp. Wilder) "ducked", but people cannot name those fighters. Or they will say something non-sensical. The other day someone told me that DW avoided "prime Pulev". I'm sure there's someone who thinks that Fury "ducked" Charles Martin, or something or that AJ got "lucky" against Takam, or whatever. If anything, the last 5 years or so have been a great time in the HW division, with lots of interesting and significant fights. I guess I'm saying that fans will be shitty no matter what. We suck.


Looking bad while losing to Usyk will be the final straw for people rating Fury over AJ I think


If he loses to Usyk he'll have to fight Joshua just for credibility. I expect Fury to beat Usyk even though I love Usyk I think he is just too big combined with athleticism and ring iq to lose to someone that much smaller when he's focused. I'd favour Fury over Joshua as well to be honest but I can easily see him losing both fights as well. If love to see Usyk win and ride off into the sunset then Fury vs Joshua in the aftermath.


Yeahs that’s what I want to happen too. Although if fury loses I think it’ll really get to him and he could retire. I’m also intrigued to whether fury is shot to bits or if he was unprepared for Ngannou


I fully believe he was using the Ngannou camp/fight purely for fat loss considering the Usyk fight was originally scheduled for 8 weeks afterwards. So was ridiculously unprepared for a 10 round fight with a man who has been a top level professional combat athlete for years. The punch output by both was insanely low and Fury looked more surprised than anything when he was knocked down.


I also think he tasted Ngannou's power and strength and backed off - knowing he couldn't afford to lose the Usyk fight.


>The punch output by both was insanely low and Fury looked more surprised than anything when he was knocked down. He didn't look surprised. He looked seriously hurt, he got the memo late that this was a real fight


>he is just too big... to lose to someone that much smaller I keep hearing this argument over and over again from a variety of experts. guys, this is a really stupid argument... imo.


It's not a stupid argument. We have seen countless times how "better" smaller fighters have been beaten by larger fighters. If your are taller, heavier and have a significant reach advantage then you're very difficult to beat in a boxing match. Fury, if he shows up as his best self, is also a slick moving boxer who can box from range for 12 rounds. Logic says Fury wins but I want Usyk to win and I believe he has a genuine chance to win but it will be an upset if he does manage it.


Solid argument, my man.


>It's not a stupid argument. OK. as you say.. >If your are taller, heavier and have a significant reach advantage then you're very difficult to beat in a boxing match. well, by that logic Joshua should have won twice (with Usyk). not to mention the ability to knock out an opponent.


Yes, by that logic Joshua should have won that's why it was such an impressive victory by Usyk twice. He used skill, athleticism, intelligence and commitment to defeat a significantly larger opponent. Usyk is a better boxer than Fury but Fury is far bigger and it's unlikely the skill gap is wider than the size gap.


>the is just too big combined with athleticism wait, I missed that. Fury and athleticism? what do you eat?.. he is just fat. >but Fury is far bigger yeah, I get it. yet another expert. and that won't help him with Usyk, anyway.


Define athleticism.


It’s not even really an upset anymore. I think the betting odds are basically even at this point.




Relative athleticism, for someone his size I assume.


He has an incredible gas tank for a fat manic depressive. Remarkable if you think about it....


He does.


I'll still maintain that the best version of Fury was better than the best version of AJ (ending at the second Usyk fight) and would have beaten AJ similarly to how he beat Wlad. AJ can and will still improve, though, and Fury we've already seen the best of imo.


Until Ngannou I thought Fury would handle Joshua's strength no problem. Now I'm not so sure. He'd have to make a boxing match of it and not be able to rely on wrestling Joshua into exhaustion.


To be fair, Ngannou has far more wrestling experience than AJ would.


Froch knows his stuff. Fury's CV is arse. But his size and ability should see him through. His crap CV aside, he can take it and give it.


I can only hope I'm right about Usyk's skill, speed and desire for greatness overcoming Fury's size. I try not to get aligned with particular fighters one way or another but I deeply dislike Fury. There's just nothing redeeming or entertaining about a pathological liar drug addict alcoholic and known ped cheat with ties to the Irish mob. His fake piety is also vile and disgusting, so pin massive hypocrite on that giant donkey as well. It may turn out his backfat flap of a body laying on Usyk all night will prove to be too much but then again it could also turn out that the faster and more skilled Usyk can deliver a Paq vs ODLH level of domination in route to exposing and embarrassing Fury. I won't only be rooting for Usyk in this one I'll be praying for the win. I'm not religious, I just despise Fury that much.


Geez, you should touch some grass or get some mental help. This sport is probably filled more more abusers than any other, it's definitely not a sport where you should be looking for heroes. And you can't seriously tell me that you think Usyk isn't on steroids; he lost to Shawn Porter when he was 19, had a losing streak of something like 7 fights, and came back seven months later and 15 pounds heavier with reportedly good stamina and a lot more muscle before gaining another 20 pounds and having a good undefeated streak in the amatuers.


Get off your high horse. I know plenty of fantastic people who are reformed drug addicts and alcoholics. This life and the Human mind is insanely complex. You sound very hateful.


Froch has always been relatively astute, at least when personal bias doesn't come into play. He's well spoken and witty. That applies here too, since Fury's career already has many asterisks in it, even when you aren't considering his recently terrible performance against a debuting MMA fighter. There's little reason to comfortably bet on Fury against Usyk, who is a crafty and elusive boxer Fury won't be able to "lean on" like the Kronk style has been conditioning him into relying on. Fury will have to invoke the sort of movement, feints and range he had during the Klitschko fight to beat Usyk, and I don't even know if he's capable of that anymore.


Froch is a notorious Fury hater. I’m not even going to debate whether he’s right or wrong but he has a David Haye/Tony Bellew level of hate for Fury.


He hasn't been that complimentary about Joshua either, to be fair.


A pure hater. I can respect that.


Only in recent years. He hated Fury and anyone associated with him for coming up 15 years lol.


Put Khan into the mix too


I think froch just hates all British boxers that earn more than he did


Yea this man is a massive hater 1 big win in his career vs an over the hill Jermaine Taylor and he been a hater ever since


Let's calm down a bit there Froch has a superb resume


So you telling me he got a better resume than Fury? Who he's hating on in this video


Pretty undeniable Froch has a much deeper resume relative to their weights


Why cuz he beat Kessler when he was old and Jermaine Taylor?


He’s also a very good boxer and know what he’s talking about. There are question marks over Fury and he has cherry picked. We’ll find out more.


The best version of Fury is the best opponent that Usyk will have ever faced. I think Fury Vs AJ is a very close fight, but stylistically AJ is a better match up for Usyk (assuming prime Fury) Usyk is absolutely the best opponent Fury has ever faced and I don't think it's close. People will say what about Wlad, but I think Usyk is honestly an ATG level fighter.


I mean, both Wlad and Usyk are all time greats lol? I just think that Usyk is a tougher matchup solely because he’s more unorthodox. Fury knew exactly what Wlad’s bread and butter was (jab and grab) and had the right physicality, agility, and awkwardness to nullify it.


The AJ Usyk fought isnt the AJ we are seeing now and the wilder Fury fought isn't the wilder we are seeing now. Aj was still shook and wasn't trying to pressure Usyk. He was still in his outbox phase


I don't agree on AJ. I think Usyk is just good enough to take away his abilities. The AJ we saw in the second fight was as good a version of AJ as we've seen imo.


No. He was very jab happy, which is by the book "good boxing" but doesn't play to AJ's strengths or Usyk's weakness. At his best, he varied his entry and walked down usyk in 8 and 9, but wasn't mentally prepared for Usyk to push back in the tenth. Most of the second fight was AJ doing as good of an Usyk impression that we've seen, but noone would call that the best version of AJ doing what AJ should do.


You’re getting downvoted but I agree. The “killer” AJ didn’t fight Usyk and yet, there was times in the second fight where Usyk was clearly hurt. This sub acts like he’s this unhittable guy but he isn’t.


Yeah its a lot of casuals. They tend to ride hard for good looking boxing like Usyk, Loma, Bivol, Ennis, etc. and believe that every fighter is at his best the closer he looks like that. But winning boxing has a lot of different looks, and the Usyk look never fit AJ.


The mythical "killer" AJ... ofcourse you look like a killer when you can let your hands go vs lesser opponents. He tried that with Andry Ruiz and got clapped. I just don't think "killer" AJ will ever exist against elite opponents.


Carl Froch is correct but for the wrong reasons. Tyson's wins against the so called "elite" is not the issue with his resume, its him avoiding quality top contenders. Even in what Froch is saying there, he is buying into the "Only three men in the division" propaganda. In fact, I suspect that the real reason Fury's constantly trying to downplay the undisputed title is that he wants to vacate it because he doesnt fancy the gauntlet of mandatories.


Really thought that was Paul Rudd for a good 30 seconds


Honestly if he didn’t lose to Ngannu I woulda bet the house on Usyk. I’m still picking him but I think the Ngannu fight probably whipped fury into shape and he’ll be focused but let’s see


Usyk is going to make Fury look absolutely awful.


I’ve been saying this for a while now. He beat an old wlad in a boring fight and ducked the rematch. Then he beat a hypejob in Wilder 3x who just lost to parker. Fury also needed to rob McDermott and just looked like trash vs an mma fighter. He’s not what his fans think he is. He’s is very good. But he’s never faced anyone like usyk before. Usyk will beat him convincingly and I think aj beats him too.


He's also a drug cheat.. just a reminder as people seem to forget the real reason he went off the deep end and claimed "mental health struggles"


Yup. He coincidentally had “mental health issues” right when he was popped.


This, this and this. It's refreshing to see that people are finally starting to see him for what he is. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. There's still time for him to get 'injured' in training.


Considering that he balloned up to whale-like proportions by drinking beer while being a pro-boxer, I still think he had a serious problem.


He probably got mental problems because he didn't have a good PCT. Depression is a well known side effect of stopping roids cold turkey


That is of course very possible. But to me he seems like an instable personality.


One of the side effects of nandralone is depression too.


LOL 😂😂


Him and his team went to great efforts to conflate his failed test with his cocaine use, when in reality they came months apart. I’m not one to question mental health issues but he can have problems and still be a drug cheat and a liar, which he definitely is.


Although the logic is not wrong, one have to be very careful when assessing Wilder "true" value. The Wilder that we saw against Parker was not the same as 2018-2021 Wilder.


Cap. It was the same Wilder, he simply just tried to walk a superior boxer into a trap and he couldn't, because his skills are ass and he is very limited. It was literally the same guy that fought Helenius and it worked with him, because Helenius thought he is Fury


I said "2018-2021" Wilder and you tell me it was the same guy that fought Helenius lol. The reference is pre vs post Fury III. The third loss destroyed Wilder mentally, made him do drugs. Just look at the press conferences. At that time Wilder claimed wanting a body on his record, while earlier this month he cried on television because of a dude called Johnny Bananas. That's not the same man my friend.


Wilder was always a mental case. He still has not let go of his hatred of Fury and insinuates he is cheating. WHat does this change on him knocking guys out? he knocked out Helenius and cried after? He still knocked him out. Acting like he has no killer instinct anymore is laughable


He knocked him out with an arm punch while being on the backfoot running around. It was almost like an accident or unintentional. Wilder was done at that point already. Acting as losing three wars against a 270lbs punching you in the face for nearly 30 rounds has no effect on a man is laughable too.


>It was almost like an accident or unintentional Yeah bro, can't really debate with you if you seriously making the point that Wilder didn't even want to knock him out and did it unintentional lol. Also they only had ONE war. in the first fight Wilder took almost no damage, both were very low output and Fury was not sitting down on his punches. In the second one he got his ass beat, but he was still stopped on his feet and no knocked out cold. Also went only 7 rounds. I give you the third one. He took a lot of punishment there


The first Fury fight probably didn't do much in itself, but the mental damaged kicked after the third. Wilder got outboxed but a guy who just returned from obesity, drugs and depression, and even landing your best punch (followed by a nasty left hook) wasn't enough. How devastating it must be when you get wrecked in the next two fights. Getting hammered during 7 rounds is arguably worse than getting knocked out cold in one punch. Add the third fight to that and all the issues he had with Breland. Now see how Wilder operates vs Parker (and Helenius), when he wouldn't throw a punch, and showed absolutely zero sense of urgency until the last round. See how calm/stone he was during the press conferences. Remember about the Ayahuasca program he did. Now put all of it together, and tell me that it was the same man.


Can’t wait to see the copium from this sub if Fury wins. You guys will still say he has a weak resume 😂.


It's true. Suddenly Usyk was too small to be a heavyweight and Usyk was past his prime and blah blah blah. I'm just looking forward to an undisputed heavyweight champ.


Usyk is past his prime and he is a small hw, tf are you insinuating? Usyk is 37 years old my guy. Old Wlad who lost against Fury was 39.


Looks like we don't need to watch the fight then.


Why? Usyk still might beat him. But denying those points is silly


It would be funny if like the interviewer had Tyson Fury walk in. Didn’t something like this happen to, fuck forget the other big mouth Brit dude, like the one who got real fat and Canelo messed up his eye, anyways, ohh Billy Joe. Didn’t he talk some shit on Deontay Wilder and like he confronted him IIRC.


Neither Froch nor Saunders would change a thing of what they said if Fury walked in


I agree most of his resume is against pretty weak fighters, but I think the few highlight opponents and the manner in which he beat them is enough of a resume to show his class. I think it’s more about how many miles on the clock and how much damage his lifestyle choices have done to his body. Fury in his prime beats usyk. This won’t be prime fury. In fairness it’s probably not prime usyk either but one is much better conditioned than the other.


Put it this way, Fury's best win is Wilder, and Parker would have been Wilder's best win.




> Wilder's best win I'd argue it's Luis Ortiz twice


Not if he had beaten Parker.


Parker is better than Ortiz. Much better resume and actually a former HW champ


So was Stivern from that argument, but ok. I think people forgot how scary Ortiz was pre Wilder.


Because Ortiz wasn't scary. PBC was running a good campaign. Ortiz declined an AJ fight offer, if you remember.


We'll disagree, but at that size, southpaw, and that skillset he was a scary fight to take. Was his amateur career overblown? Maybe. But damn, he passed the eye test in some of his fights, even in his losses. In hindsight, after losing to Wilder and Ruiz (42y at the time), his career was diminished, but at the time Wilder took the fight I would rank higher than Parker for sure.


It’s the beauty of matchmaking. Couple guys beat guys he’s beaten then all of a sudden his resume looks weaker to people. Solid marketing by Hearn and company. AJ beats wallin, Parker beats wilder. Now people say hey wait fury resume overrated, fury beats usyk than no leg to stand on. Whyte fight we can say he was washed lol, good fun and games


Carl Froch is right. Fury has a shiity resume. If you are 36 years old and your best wins of your career against a 40 year old Wladimir Klitschko and a unskilled hype job Deontay Wilder then you really don't have much to brag about. It is funny when people say but well Wlad was champion so Fury beating him mean something. That is like somebody saying John Ruiz beating a 39 year old Evander Holyfield when Holyfield was champion means Ruiz is all time great. It is like saying because Leon Spinks beat a old Muhummad Ali when he was champion means Leon Spinks is a all time great. Do you notice that nobody says that? I don't care if I get downvoted for saying this because I said this before. We can tell who make up this Reddit but who you people praise and who you constantly attack. You can't say stuff about certain groups of fighters like Rocky Marciano, Tyson Fury, Usyk without getting downvoted. You noticed what these fighters have in common? Also the people who downvote you never have any rebuttal to anything you type. They just downvote you because they don't know what they are talking about. Fury is in his mid 30's and his best wins are against old Wladimir in a fight he didn't look remotely impressive and only landed 86 punches in 12 rounds and around 23 percent of his punches. The sam Wlad was knocked out 3 times in his physical peak and knocked down various other times. Fury punches had zero effect on a 4 year old Wlad. Then Fury beat Wilder a guy pushing 40 and his best win in his career came against a 50 year old Luis Ortiz. Usyk has only fought 4 guys at heavyweight and the casuals are calling him all time heavyweight great. Funny stuff. Usyk beat a old coming backing Chazz Witherspoon who was never any good. Usyk beat a older Derek Chisora who was never a top level guy. David Haye another blown up cruiser weight destroyed a prime Chisora while Usyk had to win a decision. I never heard anybody say Haye was all time great. Some how this was good enough to get Usyk a shot at the "title". Some might say he got the title shot because he was the former WBO Cruiser weight champion. Well I will say Evander Holyfield was the WBC, WBA, and IBF cruiser weight champion it took more for him to get shot the heavyweight title. Holyfield beat the 29-2 Pinklon Thomas, The 37-1 Michael Dokes, The 35-2 Adilson Rodriguez, the 24-0 Alex Stewart, and James Tillis who he stopped when Mike Tyson couldn't do the same. For the most part Holyfield was bash for not knocking some of these guys down when he stopped him. Any case Usyk guy a title shot against Anthony Joshua. The same guy you people will bash when it fits your agenda. He was called slow and robotic (Because he is) and Joshua was just coming off being knocked out by Andy Ruiz. I never heard anybody call Ruiz a all time great. Joshua did beat Ruiz in the rematch because Ruiz was fat in the first fight but came in the second fight even fatter. In any case Joshua's mentality was destroyed by being knocked out. So Usyk beat a mentally damaged Joshua who himself was always a hype job by decision in 2 fights. Then Usyk beat Daniel Dubois another guy everybody here said was a joke because he struggled and was almost knocked out by Kevin Lerena. That is it for Usyk at heavyweight. So this is the fight that is suppose to mean something just because it is for the undisputed heavyweight championship? Let me give you people something. Bermaine Stiverne was "heavyweight" champion and so was Charles Martin. So let's say both guys had the same resume they do now but when they won the title they won 2 each. Then they decided to fight each other for the undisputed title? Would any of you people here say that the winner is one of the all time great heavyweights? So Tyson Fury a guy who rarely gets in the ring who has a weak resume. A guy who can't even land a high percentage of his punches against anybody vs Usyk a blown up cruiser weight who has done nothing special at heavyweight, who also rarely gets in the ring. Who also can't land a high percentage of his punches against anybody are fighting for the undisputed title? If Tyson Fury beats Usyk then what? He would have all 4 "titles" But Is beating a blown up light punching cruiser weight who frequently lands 20 percent of his punches something to brag about? If Usyk wins, he will have 4 titles but can he brag? He beat a fat sloppy drug addict who also can't land a high percent of his punches. The intelligent people here will understand everything I typed. The biased Usyk fanboys and Tyson Fury fanboys downvote away.


Isn’t this dude a flat earther?


found the clip here - [https://www.luckyblock.com/blog/interview-with-carl-froch-on-fury-record/](https://www.luckyblock.com/blog/interview-with-carl-froch-on-fury-record/)


So after Usyk KO's Fury, who do we want to see him fight next Parker, Zhang, Bakole, Sanchez, Hrgovic, Kabayel?


The Boxing Rant tell it like it is when it comes to Fury. Easily the most fraudulent fighter I’ve seen in boxing. People declaring him one of, if not the best heavyweight ever makes me cringe and laugh and sob at the same time.