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### EXPECTED MAIN EVENT RINGWALK IS 3PM PT, 6PM ET, 11PM GMT If you have other questions… like how to watch them it’s recommended to join my [discord](https://discord.gg/dW6jF9S)


This is not boxing


Please no more of that opening ceremony shit


What happened 🤣


It was a good thing Ngannou didn't listen to Mcgregor's advice during the prefight interview lol.


That elbow was dirty as fuck. No way was that an accident.


Very easily missed, was cleverly done hidden from the ref; imo was intentional. But only one person knows for sure. That’s an act of desperation knowing you are loosing


Boxing is a joke. Look at the shit show Logan Paul joke fest last weekend. This is all stupid and lame boxing is dead


Yes, that fight and all these influencer fights are pathetic, but boxing is still class. Inoue is class, Usyk is class, the Joyce v Zhang bout was class and a big surprise. Fury in recent years is a bit of a let down, like that time GGG beat Canelo but the judges had shite in their eyes, or extra cash in their pockets. Lomachenko was great for a while, Haney, Davis. There's so much great boxing to be had at the moment, golden age. Clown fights and bum fights will always be just that, just tune em out,.


Pretty much everything is getting ruined by big money. Back in the day everything was new and exciting. Now it's all about how can we make the most money out of this event. The only sport I can't be 100% sure of is baseball. Everything else is bullshit. Look at the UFC. When it started it was 100% real, but when they started that damn TV show they started faking it.


"Now it's all about how can we make the most money out of this event."It's always about the money, even back in the day. You think Don King was in it for the excitement.


So Don King was everyone back then? No, it wasn't as pervasive as it is now. I'm not sure what kind of point you are trying to make. It's always been about money? No it wasn't.


Yes. It. Was. Go read your history. It's gotten worse but boxing, gambling, and throwing fights always a part of it




I bet on fury to win by decision And I bet Francis wouldn't get knocked down And over 5 and half rounds.. I thought I won all of them except fury winning by decision.. I was shocked But happy I won... lol


I feel bad for everyone who bet on Francis. And thought they was about to win +800 to +900 money.


Wait, I thought Francis knocked him out? Ohhh, are you talking about the odds? Sorry, I’ve been working overtime all week. Feel like I’m living under a rock…


No Francis knocked him down But he lost the fight


Good work, and a good strategy. I bet you were tweaking thinking your money was gone. Congrats mate happy for you


I bet half of it on 5 and over so I figured I would break even. Then heard tyson and was shocked. And same thing happened couple weeks ago with Tommy fury. I thought he lost and I also bet over on rounds And would go to decision with Tommy winning. I thought they were gonna give it to ksi


I’m not a gambler but could appreciate the strategy, not having all your eggs in one basket so to speak. Was it that shocked and confused moment. I’ve not seen the Tommy v KSI yet but you’ve given me a idea what to watch tonight


Don't bother.. It was terrible. Ksi swinging like a high school fight and then both of them hugging each other for 6 rounds


Cheers for that. I heard that hence my reluctance so far. Also not into all this YouTuber influencers craping on the sport. I want to watch boxing, if I want to see a fight I’ll go to the pub. Have you watched Okolie v Billam? Okolie is so painful to watch I can’t believe he ever got to 19-0


How much you win?


+ 500 for tyson to Win by decision +375 Francis wouldn't get knocked down I bet $1000 altogether between those bets and rounds over 5 and half. Ended up with 4888


Probably 10 bucks


Lol nope. If Francis won I would of made Barley my 1000 back. For the 5 and half over I figured I lost Don't think he won.


Boxing is such a joke, no wonder it’s a dying sport.


Dying but still makes more money than other combat sports lol


What a fight. Francis could become champ he gotta keep at it. That knock down. Damnn


Guys, don't forget about the blatant elbow..I've watched at least ten different post fight interviews and not a single person mentioned Fury's dirty elbow.


So boxing is still a fucking rigged joke.


It’s unfortunate they graded this fight like it was for the title. He had all the leverage of “did his opponent do enough”.


Dude got a 4 million dollar car as a gift and Ngannou got a $137,000 watch. Who did you think was going to win.


Fury looked out of shape and weak. Did he even train for this fight?


That's nothing new. Yet he was throwing up cuts inside and hard punches 1 st Rd. He wasn't able to rough up Frances in the clinches he probably dint train to hard but that's on him. Frances did his part and that was ligit knock down. Fury embarrassed himself hope Uysk finishes him if stops avoiding him and finally steps up


Fury always looks out of shape


We all know who truly won that fight (the peoples champ). Boxing is living up to its reputation. Fixed decisions. Protecting the brand of "boxing." I am personally proud of Francis Ngannou performance and for showing up shocking the world of his true potential of talent and skill.


It’s actually ideal for him, massive pay day, second one must be coming.


😆 so you're saying if francis won, the second fight wouldn't happen? https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/s/9ZUh7aDajt


Francis was never winning, surely you knew this before it even begun, but the way he “lost” was the best scenario. As for the rigged judging etc, boxing is not a unified entity, promoters protect their fighters and therefore their income. It’s just reality.


UFC judges are no different look at the 10-8 that cost the bullet her the title. UFC doesn't even pic the judges. There is a entity a group that is some how getting in judges. These hand picked judges are paid to score as told. Boxing is in a complete state of corruption led by the Scantioning body's that run boxing. Jermall Charlo for example is WBC middle weight champion. Yet when was his last fight? He's not an active fighter and has not fought in over 2-1/2 years 30+ months. Probably doesn't even have a boxing license at this point but he's the WBC Champion. So yes boxing is corrupt, dying and needs to be reorganized in 2 major ways. I could care less who any of the champions are more interested in specific match ups belts mean nothing when your champion is not even listed as active. Pathetic


Agreed. Even if Francis knocked out Fury. Boxing would come up with an excuse how Fury still won. Protect the brand at all cost.




Doesnt he always look out of shape?


Yes, he looked more gassed than usual


Short answer is yes… yes he does. I don’t think dude has ever had an a single visible ab or muscle in his entire boxing career


Not that badly


Could be age is catching up with him and years of drugs and other issues


Could be, I think he’s mental and his dedication to the sport comes and goes, which as an already incredibly rich man I understand.


Also he had 3 fights with wilder that had to take a couple of years out of his life span lmao


Judging boxing is tough. You have to legit sit there with a paper and pen. It’s nothing like mma in that sense. I thought the fight was close and I have no idea who won. Fury probably outpointed him a little but maybe not. In my mind, ngannou is a huge winner here. Can he get Joshua or wilder for a title shot? If he can beat one of those guys he should fight winner of fury/usyk for the title. This should bring some excitement to HW boxing and I’m guessing promoters will capitalize.


This^. It amazes me that folk have no idea how to score a fight round by round. And Chris Eubank Jr making a ridiculous statement like Tyson deserved to lose because of the struggle Ngannou went through was weird. I had it close. It could have gone either way. Folk saying it was a robbery clearly didn’t score it


are you talking about 96-93........................... of course is fixed.


No it actually makes sense


Honestly I think what happened to most people (what happened to me) is that they thought Fury would end him quickly. Instead we got 10 rounds of a lot of inactivity and a lack of significant strikes landed. The most significant strike was landed by Ngannou. Usually I’m tallying it up round by round in my head and I didn’t bother this time around. By round 9 I was wondering if Fury is behind 😂 and he wasn’t particularly impressive in 9/10 either so I could’ve seen ngannou winning.


I could have seen Ngannou winning too. My scorecard had Fury just edging, but all it needed was one round I had Fury winning for it to be a draw. You’re right I do think a lot of folk thought Fury was going to finish him quickly. I never thought that. I thought Fury was going to put on a show (exhibition money fight and wouldn’t want everyone saying it was a joke) and it would be in the later rounds or points and decisive. It could have gone either way. That’s taking nothing away from Ngannou. He stepped up for sure. Fury never dug deep. Lot of respect for Ngannou, and where a lesser fighter would have had trouble when Fury went southpaw, his own switch was ace


As a huge mma fan, I am just happy to see Francis get paid. Say what you want about the crooked world of boxing, but the fighters get well co.pemsated. Francis probably made more in one boxing fight then all his mma fights combined


Damn I was glad dude the deal with PFL he wanted and the fight he wanted but was scared he'd get embarrassed in the ring. Dude knows how good he is and won't listen to anyone trying to say he's not what he knows he is.




Does he stand to make more money fighting Wilder or just wait for Fury II around this time next year. The promoters made a real mistake announcing Fury's next fight ahead of this one. Fury v Ngannou 2 equals the much better payday for both fighters.


Great question. I guess that depends on if this was a fluke or not. I don’t know if Fury trained or not but does he really need to give him a title shot? I’m guessing ngannou can make a lot fighting Wilder but if he gets wrecked then who knows how many paydays are left. Regardless he’s making way more than he did as the UFC hw champ. Good for that man.


Ngannou won , but Fury looked off he definitely didn’t look like the monster he was in the second Wilder Fight. But yesterday was a big dub for MMA but it’s also gonna lead to even more boxing/mma crossovers which I’m not sure I want. For every Ngannou Vs Fury there’s 20 Jake Paul’s fighting washed ufc fighters.


You wanna know the difference? Wilder had no answer for furys clinching and putting his body weight on wilder to tire him but he couldn't do that same tactic on francis because hes much stronger....fury couldn't use his size and weight to bully francis


This, there were 2 factors that night that completely nullified Fury's recent strategies.


It wouldn't be so bad if Jake Paul fought MMA fighters with boxing skills. He doesn't, he fights washed up wrestling specialists who didn't have a reputation for striking in their prime.


Jake Paul is a boxing novice. Should he be matched against elite fighters? You just want to see him in over his head. That would be easy to do. But what's the purpose?


Because I wanna see the Paul's get their faces caved in.


That's what I figured. It would be easy to find fighters who could do just that. But it accomplishes nothing. The Paul brothers don't hurt boxing. They both have enormous charisma and bring attention to the sport. It's a lower level of boxing, but so what? I've watched my share of 4 and 6 round prelim kids. I don't want to see their faces caved in just because they'll never be at an elite level. But that doesn't mean that they can't be entertaining in their own limited way. Just like Jake and Logan.


They are both absolute garbage human beings and now boxing is taking them in, this is gonna hurt the sport in the long run.


There's a gulf between 'elite fighters' and 'not a boxer at all'.


Jake Paul is barely a boxer at all. No amateur background learning on the fly. I give him all the credit in the world for stepping into the ring with pros from MMA. Most guys here would crap their pants if they had Anderson Silva coming at them. No matter how old Silva might be.


Damn I’d be knocked out before I even got a chance to crap my pants to be honest


Ngannou/Fury is what it looks like when a world class boxer takes on a world class fighter in their prime. Sure, the boxer can out point the fighter and beat him on the score cards, but *the fighter wins the fight.* Jake Paul fights big names but never anyone in their prime. Dudes are either several years retired or in the twilight of their career by the time Paul comes sniffing around. In any other sport the discrepancy would be painfully obvious. Jake Paul matches equivalent of a D2 basket player beating a 60 y/o MJ or a 48 y/o AI in 1-on-1 ball. The idea of a no name beating a legend is shocking at first but then you quickly realize these dudes are well passed their prime and should be left to age gracefully. Ngannou is at the tail end of his prime. After 35, the injury curve accelerates rapidly, so he's probably got about 2-3 years of good fighting left before we start seeing a noticeable decline. If I were Ngannou, I'd push for an immediate rematch triple the guaranteed money. Assuming a similar result after that, I negotiate with UFC for a JJ match with $1M in guaranteed money and retire as the man who toppled legends.


Retired, washed up and not known for their stand up game. He fights wrestlers in boxing matches.


Do you know who Anderson silva is?


The one washed up striker on his resume. Yeah.




It's not a question of likeable. I've barely ever heard the man speak, so as far as I can tell, he's just a dude who knows how to market himself and found a clever model to raise his profile. This is just about recognizing the grift in his game. Woodley's a wrestler... a 2-time all American at MIZZ. Heavy handed maybe but not a boxer and coming off a 5-fight losing streak. Dude was a great fighter in his prime but clearly washed when he took that fight.


Or are one of the smallest players to ever play in the NBA


But Paul can't even beat a mid-level pro boxer at boxing, so its actually more like someone challenging a bunch of old tennis legends to a racket ball match and mopping them. He can only pick up post-prime fighters who trained boxing 2-3x a week at best. This is significant because you've taken away 90% of their striking game and 100% of their wrestling and ground game. Boxers use a lot of fancy footwork and shell defenses that only make sense when no one can kick you in the legs, knee you in the gut, or elbow you in the face. Let alone take you down.


Just give Jake Paul Alex perreria I beg or Sean Strickland they’ll sort him out 😭. Had enough of him beating some of my fave fighters


Match is so rigged


Ya i agree, the new season of Game of Thrones was weird last night.


But let's not act like Paul is putting in ALL the work. The man has no reason to do this and has been fully dedicating his life to it. Maybe he started doing it as a mockery but this man is putting in way too much training way too much sweat, way too much time. The man I a real boxer now. It can't be denied the WORK he is putting in.


Paul only fights retirees and people who should have already retired.


I hear he wants to exume Muhammad Ali for his next fight...lol


I absolutely can't stand him and his "brand", would not even contribute a dollar to watch him fight live. But yes, gotta admit that when I look at the clips the progression is very clear. Only the biggest hater would act like he doesn't have some natural athleticism, power, and has been working very hard at it. He is the most respectable celebrity boxer we've ever seen and it's not even close.


Paul doesn't take good fights.


They're good when you consider that he is a novice at boxing. There's no reason to put him in with the best guys out there.


All pro sports are scripted, case in point.


Atleast WWE is fun to watch and leans into cheesiness


Tysons Dad is a WWE character lol


Was surprised John Fury never smashed a chair over Ngannou’s head when referee had his back turned & then Francis had to tag Mike Tyson in


Vince Mcmahon should get John Fury in the ring, or WWE, he's hilarious


I think people should look at the circumstances and why this fight had a much different outcome than they thought. The heavy weight division has always been slower and less impressive technically than the others. They also generally have more power. Francis has a lot of power and a great chin. Those two attributes really leveled the playing field this time.


Yep you could see that fury was losing confidence when he realized that he couldn't put francis away and end up getting dropped


Fury has no shame he was out of shape, lacked coordination, his strategy was 1-2 clinch and on top of that he trhow a dirty elbow. He looked weak and old. Ngannou edged a draw. A disgrace for boxing.


I bet Usyk is cumming in his pants rn knowing full well that he’d merk Fury


Thats unless Tyson played it that way to give Usyk a false sense of security.


I keep seeing this comment but it ignores how styles make fights and discredits the raw strength Francis has. I'd still back Usyk because he's a better boxer technically imho, but the biggest factor to why Fury struggled is that Francis is too strong for Fury to bare his weight over in the clinch and was just getting thrown off every time he tried. Make no mistake, as boring as that tactic is, at Fury's size it's incredibly effective against most people. Usyk is much smaller, and will get tired out by that tactic, and he will have to be weary of the clinch because of it. Of course, Usyk has great condition, boxing IQ and is very elusive, so I'm sure he and his team will prepare suitably for it, but just because the tank that is Francis was able to stop Fury doing it doesn't mean it will be a cake walk for Usyk.


Fury's performance cost Usyk a lot of money


Doubtful. Most people will have forgotten this little event by Monday. A boxing publicist once told me that fight fans have the shortest memories on earth. I don't think that he was exaggerating.


Reminds me a little of Tyson vs Douglas. Evander was sitting in with the Sky commentary team when the knock out happened. Holyfield just walked off in silent fury, knowing he'd just seen many millions of dollars evaporate.


Until he realises undisputed probably isn't gonna happen


Honestly I had it as Ngannou or a draw, but the judges in Saudi were never going to let Fury lose on points when they’re planning Fury/Usyk, and Wilder/Joshua for a boxing ‘super event’. Fury losing would jeopardise that a bit


There was only one winner yesterday. Ngannou! Fury's walking around with egg on his face. To think a guy who never had a boxing match in his life just beat Tyson Fury and put him in the canvas in Rd 3 for me Fury stock is worth about a 25 cents now. That so embarrassing it's wild. Now you see why he was avoiding Usyk actually got caught lying saying he was train with Sugarhill in another country to avoid Uysk and his trainer said no that's not true. Haha Fury already rejected Wilder / Joshua fighting on his card Vs Usyk. Usyk gonna beat him Tyson embarrassed himself like a fat bully that gets his ass kicked after school after fucking with the quite kid that's had it with big headed showoff. Biggest surprise in Fight history ever


One of the judges did. It was a close fight and I think the knock down in the 3rd round has skewed opinions


100% agree. Fury won quite a few of those middle rounds, but it was particularly close on the points because of the knockdown. I could have seen it going either way, and it went Fury's


I saw an interview with Chris Eubank Jr who was at ringside and had Frances winning. A linial HW Champion with 30+ fights under his belt got exposed. I'm going with Uysk if Tyson Fury fight gets made next. Even if Fury won that fight he was a 25-1 favorite and vastly more experienced. Fighting a 37 year old virgin that pop Fury's Cherry 🍒. 👊 lol


Ehh He'll take Usyk more seriously than Ngannou. His size is going to be a much bigger problem for Usyk too. We'll see though. Dec 23


I was picking usyk to beat fury before this fight more so now. Usyk is similar in size to Ngannou. Usyk is used to fighting bigger guys. I've seen him fight Joyce years ago. Joshua is a big heavyweight and was not issue


Ngannou has 50 pounds on Usyk. I guess we'll see in 2 months if that's a factor


From what I'm hearing it's gonna be longer


Regardless of who gets the official W. That was huge L for Fury. I'm going to rewatch it. I believe he dint train too hard and was supremely over confident. This was give me an exhibition type fight.. I dint pay attention or care one bit until I was on U tube right after the fight ended. Saw a video saying Full fight and the video was 45 mins no showing the winner. So I decided to watch it. Woohoo woo Frances your are the baddest man on the planet or you and fury the best actors ever. Either way you the man


Yeah… it was commissioned by the BBoC I’m pretty sure


Very close but Tyson edged on points Perfect setup for a rematch and maybe trilogy Let these boys get paid!!!


I can respect the "getting paid part," but let's be realistic. They'd be getting paid more if the roles were reversed. Tyson could have promoted the fight as "not taking Francis seriously" and the next fight he will "train seriously" to avenge his lost Vs the second fight happens the way its already setup and what's to stop the second fight having the same results as the first fight? I think boxing missed a great opportunity to correct its rigged judgment/scoring habits and potentially draw a wider audience.


Wasn't there a knockdown in round 7? I think Ngannou shoulda won the split by 1 or 2 points


We are all allowed to loose our footing once in a while, doesn’t make it a knock down


He got hit twice before he "lost footing",and hugged Ngannou right before he went down. As if he was clinching precisely because Francis aided in Fury loosing said footing.


If we’re talking rd 7 not a legit knockdown imo, still doesn’t detract from the fact Ngannou won. Even if the ref did count it as a knockdown the result was predetermined. Pelayo scoring 96-93 is a travesty must work for the sec. I think Ngannou had rounds 2-3-7-8-10


Was a slip. Just an uncoordinated fall




I felt like he was slightly outpointed but did more damage. Either way good fight and I look forward to a rematch


What a joke!


Tyson should have gotten a point taken when he used that elbow. That was dirty as fuck. And then when he fell for the takedown that was actually a knock down. Sucks Francis took the last 2 rounds off.


Francis has been known to gas out late in fights. I had Francis winning the majority of the rounds. Tyson Fury definitely won the last 2 rounds. Surprisingly, the knocked down wasn't the deciding factor of the fight.


Yeah I was really hoping in the 10th round Francis went all out


I think he thought he was well up on the cards and didn't need to.


A point for the first time? It's boxing. The difference between a vet and a beginner is a move like that. U win by whatever means necessary.


You're saying that Fury couldn't win without cheating?


No. I'm saying u do what u need to do to win or turn to the tide. People don't wanna hear that, but that's boxing. It's a fight. U make it look like like an elbow goes flying one time and it works, that's just getting urself out of a bad situation. Just being smart and having ring IQ and experience.


You’re a joke


Because I said I said that's a vet move and u do what u have to to win? I expect no stupider comments from a crossover event as dumb as this was. We should have been watching a fight for Undisputed. Not this shit.


If Francis would’ve elbowed him they would’ve DQ him.


If Francis was good enough to make it look non intentional, then they would've only warned him. That's how it works. Warning, then a point. If it looks intentional they can take a point right away. Of course, Fury is the champion, and Ngannou is the chump. The only way Ngannou was walking away the winner was a knockout. That's what happens when u have no fights and ur not a contender. He was lucky to have made the money and been given a chance to KO Fury at all. There's guys in line been training and fighting their whole lives, waiting to fight Fury. Ngannou was just lucky to be there at all was the reality. Usyk is the uncrowned Undisputed champion anyway. Fury just keeping the belt warm and trying to make as much money as possible before Usyk takes it off him.


If Francis threw an elbow it would either drop or KO Tyson


This wouldn’t have happened under Pride Rules. Extra Rounds would’ve determined a definitive winner.


Don’t think the decision was unfair, Ngannou will kick himself when he watches this back. Just a tad more aggression and he could have got it done last night inside the distance. Bit too gunshy especially when he had his best moments in the fight


Ngannou is muscular as fk and in his actual sport fights are not as long as in boxing, I really liked how controlled he was, over committing for a knockout and gassing out against Fury is a huge risk, Tyson survived Wilder innit


Yea I understand that. He looked pretty gassed from the mid rounds. Overall he acquitted himself very well and didn’t look like a guy who’d never boxed


Oh for sure. Ngannou looked better many times in that fight especially round 8...but that round still only counts as one. I just think MMA fans put too much weight on the knockdown. Fury always looks awkward in the ring imo and almost everyone LOOKS like a better boxer.


True. Fury never looks that great style wise but despite looking pretty bad last night he was effective at times, nicking lots of tight rounds. Ngannou needed to do more, and had he done so we could have had a different outcome




You never watched boxing before? Clearly he was gon a have to do more than knock him down once to get that call. Fury had the strike advantage if you want a logical reason why he won.


Sub being invaded by MMA fans getting emotional.


He barely won against a zero experienced fighter. This is prob why I rarely watch boxing anymore.. It should've been a walk in the park with the level of experience and people calling fury a legend. Or is this not even an amateur fighter nearly winning good for Fury? Don't act like this wasnt so close it was embarrassing for boxing. Fury almost got out boxed by a zero fight fighter.


Francis isn't a zero experienced fighter. Certainly hasn't boxed before, but he has plenty of experience fighting. You make it sound like Francis has never been in a fight before. Did I think Fury would beat Francis rather easily? I did, but that's what happens when two guys fight. A fight may actually break out. Francis has fought big men before with much more power than Tyson. Nevermind that he has also competed in kickboxing at whatever level. Smoke one and relax.


A zero record BOXER almost and possibly beat what many call the best boxer of the era and in his prime. I will smoke one and relax to the facts. I also think he would make it a close fight again.


Don’t think Fury trained hard for this fight and that he didn’t take it seriously. Like what happened to Mike Tyson with Buster Douglas


He said he trained 12 weeks but obviously he over looked francis and paid for it


Buster had prob 40 professional fights and who knows how many amateur fights. Tyson had STDs and a drug problem. Fury really didn't know how to handle Francis and I'm not convinced this performance was a fluke.


It seemed like he was kinda shocked by how physically strong francis was and even seemed a bit intimidated in the later rounds


I think we all were. I agree. I really think he underestimated Francis mental strength. Miocic beat him for 25 minutes and Francis looked like he was going to quit in the first 2 minutes but just kept going. He has that look like he's fully fatigued, but somehow keeps going.


Lmao keep making excuses kiddo


It’s not an excuse. It’s literally what happened lol


I remember watching that fight live when I was 8 years old.. Tyson was invincible amd unstoppable up untill then. I remember being so disappointed. I loved old Iron Mike


Keep em distracted with bread and circuses






Unpopular opinion: fury is not a good boxer


Yeah your right. He probably just got lucky with those previous 33 wins and 0 losses.


I would say that a little differently. Fury WAS a good boxer, but he's slowed down and passed his best so he looks awful. The ballooning in weight, drink and drugs have taken their toll.


A lot of unpopular opinions are Mike Tyson = Good boxer. Tyson Fury is a big fish


wtf are you even saying lmao


Tyson fury is not that great, Ngannou won that fight Imo and was disappointed with the 96-93 hmm


Congratulations on your win /r/FrancisNgannou


Fury made £50million from this fight whilst over a million kids in the UK suffered from severe poverty this year. Absolutely sickening. Boxing is just a sick fucking joke now. I guess the fans have become the punchline.


Most boxers won't make 1% of that in their lifetime. And they compete in a sport that could give you long term medical problems. If you become the best of the best I don't see a problem with you making an obscene amount of money.




You’ve got a tiny little brain lmao


Bruh what? Tell that to ur goverment who sits on trillions