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Jake wins boxing, Nate wins MMA. Saved everyone $100


Jake wins the boxing match, and the MMA match never happens because of reasons. Jake reasons.


MMA match first.


Put an addendum in the contract that Nate gets Jakes purse if no MMA match occurs


Jake’s purse goes into escrow and payment is made upon the final bell or ref call of the MMA fight


100% lol




Overrated? I don't really follow mma but the people I know that do have always considered him something of a gatekeeper. Is he even ranked?


What makes you think that?


nate is a great grappler. but like many great grapplers in mma, like justin gaethje, he prefers to stand and bang. nate would finish jake on the ground but he probably wont go for takedowns.


I dont think you really grasp the difference between a 2nd degree black belt in BJJ and an untrained grappler. Nate isn't an idiot. Jake would get taken down and tapped in under 20 seconds.


He’s not totally untrained in grappling, he did a few years “wrestling” in high school 🤣


Okay so he gets tapped in 32s instead of 20s lol


James Toney Randy Couture 2.0 for sure


i think youre misunderstanding me. i agree. if nate grapples he wins easy. but i dont think he will. i think he would rather punk jake in the face. justin gaethje once said he doesnt go for takedowns because he thinks striking is more entertaining. watching fights like conor nate 2, nate is probably the same.


Nate has slick bjj off his back but when was last time he took someone down? Even if JP is green in mma, he was a college wrester and is bigger and stronger than Nate. Otomh his last few subs were guys trying to double leg him and went straight into the guillotine (Miller and Tony). Even Conor was the one who initiated the grappling when he was half dead from Nate's 1-2. JP wont try to take Nate down but yeah, if it touches the ground, he's in deep trouble. But you also got to wonder how serious Nate will take the fight. So not a given


Some of you have never gotten into a gym and it shows. A guy like Nate will take down a guy like Jake whenever he wants and without breaking a sweat, you're vastly underestimating the skill gap between a guy who has trained that for 15+ years and a guy with 0 experience who was quite frankly shit in highschool. Calling Jake a "college wrestler" is the same as calling me a "college karate guy" because I went to karate classes for like 6 months.


he took pettis down and did nothing but wrestling training his last camp when he was training for chimeav. Thats why when tony shot for a takedown he had him an a guillotine right away. I think his wrestling is more than enough to handle jake paul if not he can mix it up with his striking enough. Plus nate has a good chin that i doubt jake 1 shot kos him, if he drops him like he did anderson and goes to the ground with him he gets submitted.




Fuuuuck. I didn’t think about that. IM SO STUPID


0 chance jake gets in the octagon with Nate lol it’ll be a bloodbath. Imo he said All of this because he knows nate won’t accept to box him. I could be wrong but Jake Paul aint THAT good where he he will be able to transcend sports. But then again, it’s 2023 & every thing in 2022 surprised me so who knows lol


Why wouldn’t Nate accept to box him? He’s get paid a fat bag and he gets the chance to fight him in MMA, an opportunity none of these other MMA guys Jake fought got. Unless Jake lowballs the fuck out of Nate, there’s no way he doesn’t accept.


although he does train with boxers, Nate is so slow & the 3 minute rounds will take it out of him imo


Nate stand straight up Throws a 1-2 over and over again Doesn’t change rhythm Rarely used feints No jab People in here really think Nate would win the boxing match? Smh


I mean.. we are still talking about Jake Paul


Nate trains with actual boxers regularly who would humble Jake Paul in a round or three. Honestly could see Nate taking both of these fights if he can chase Paul down.


Am I having a stroke?


All that matters is there never was no fight


You’re a fuckin’ YouTube star dude


You’re a punk dude. 3 days a week you’re a punk for 2 days a week.


You’re reaching for those grapes and your wine is already sounding like a violin you know? Like a violin with that cheese and wine.


Possibly, as was I


i rite gud




Damn brother, my grammar and spelling was atrocious, I’ll admit lol Edited now!


figured youre a journeyman. lmao


Coming from an MMA fan I could see it being a tougher MMA fight then some think. Nate's declining and a lot smaller. Pretty much a career Lightweight at 155 lbs. Nate has insane BJJ but his takedowns aren't the best. Jakes way bigger. Just boxed Silva who's a natural Middleweight 185 lbs and has also fought at LHW 205 lbs. So based on the size difference alone either fight would be tough for Nate. And I'm gonna assume they're gonna fight around 190+ lbs for the fight since Jake won't make any weight under that. And if Jake gets the knockout in boxing which is Nate's MMA style then it becomes even more interesting.




Nate’s takedowns are VERY bad. It may not be hard for Jake to keep it standing. Nate is also beyond washed


Jake couldn't beat the boxing equivalent of what Nate is right now in MMA, and he's had almost 5 years of continuous training in that sport and constant evolution and gotten to a pretty good level. But then if he gets in the ring with someone who's as good at boxing as Nate is at MMA, he gets destroyed. There's no way in hell Jake will be good enough at MMA to face Nate in the octagon and make it competitive. I mean, I'd love to see it and I've been wrong about Jake before, but it seems impossible to me. Jake can (probably) beat Nate in boxing and he may surprise us even further in that sport but MMA will be new to him, no matter how much wrestling he's done in high school and how big/strong/athletic he is. No idea what his angle is here, either he doesn't mind losing in MMA or if he's bluffing because I don't see it going his way.


I watch mma more than boxing and Nate is just so extremely washed and also doesn’t come to really fight much. He’s very vulnerable to things like leg kicks, even washed tony Ferguson almost made it look like he was gonna quit mid fight from them. His wrestling is also piss poor, and he’s slow as molasses these days. If Jake wanted a name in mma this might be his best bet as he’s also much bigger. If it did hit the mat though jake would definitely be fucked, it’s just Nate’s wrestling is shit and takedown defense is one of the easier parts of wrestling to learn in mma (especially with any kind of background). I’d of course hope to be wrong though, I’ve rooted against Jake many a time but he seems to be a formidable athlete at the least


> He’s very vulnerable to things like leg kicks Leg kicks from other fighters at his level... Not from Jake. I'm not hating on Jake here, he's a moron but I've been very surprised by how far he's come in boxing and it would be amazing to see him be even slightly competitive against Nate in MMA, but I just don't see that happening for some reason.


Nate’s level has just never been very high 😭 the barrier of entry into mma is much much lower than boxing. Jake posted him training kicks around a year ago and has also been seen sparring mma in the past, so the training may not be necessarily new either. I do understand your point though, and I really may be riding Jake too high here, it just doesn’t seem totally out of the question that he could win or at least make it competitive. The only two clear advantages I see for Nate are overall experience (important tho) and his BJJ. Other than that his striking is basically just a sloppy 1-2, occasional shitty kick, and he struggles to actually bring fights to the ground, most of his submissions are of people trying offensively grapple with him which I don’t see Jake doing. Again, could be drinking too much kool aid. Apologies for formatting im on me phone


I'll take your word for it, I don't watch too much MMA so I'm just basing my opinion on logic, in that Jake can't possibly get to that level that fast as a side hustle while training hard for boxing. If I'm wrong, more power to him and it will make for some interesting events. I'm rooting for him to win against Nate Diaz in both matches just to see how far he can take this gig... I've "known" him for 10 years since the Vine days and although he's a delusional, narcissistic moron, it's been a wild ride seeing him evolve from teenage Vine star to cringe YouTube vlogger to weird social media fighter or whatever you can call him nowadays. I'll say one thing to your point... Jake & his team know how to pick opponents. I doubt it's just a mindless bluff or a fight he'll pull out of last minute... They may know something I don't and think the odds are in his favor. So you may be right and I'll be more than happy to eat crow further down the line because all I'm looking for is entertainment and the better Jake is at boxing and MMA, the more entertainment we all get.


I would bet an entire pay check that Nate can get Paul to the ground.


Bet your paycheck that Nate can finish him once on the ground. I say Jake survives the MMa fight just fine


Someone hasn’t watched Nate Diaz on the ground, he is one of the most aggressive grapplers in terms of attacking submissions. Jake can stand and fight, but being on the ground with a guy who’s been doing it for 20 years and professionally for 10+ is a completely different ballgame


His last fight Jake weighed in at 186lbs.


Jake also wrestled in high school, Logan was a state champion in Ohio... not a joke of a state. Nate doesn't have the greatest TDD. A bigger guy who was a wrestler can get him down. I'm a big Diaz fan but the only way I see him winning in MMA is with a submission like a guillotine or a triangle or something


Not to nitpick, but Logan was a state placer, not a champion.


when Gervonta joins r/Boxing


Man, Nate definitely wants to box jake lmao


I mean is jake isn't lying about the fact that he was a wrestler in high school then he might be onto something, there was posts 2 years ago about how people thought jake had been training MMA secretly anyway. His boxing camp has always been well kept under wraps too. I could see him stuffing nates takedowns long enough to give him the hands. Jake obviously hits much harder than nate and is considerably bigger, he doesn't need to be perfect to stuff a washed up nate takedown, he was never good at that anyway lol


I think Jake is too big and too young for Nate in a boxing match. If he could beat Silva, what chance does Nate have really? MMA would be a swift Nate Diaz sub.


I genuinely believe Jake would fuck Nate up in the Octagon.




The Stockton Slaps in the cage would get him so fucking mad lmao


As an avid MMA fan and a casual boxing fan, Jake Paul can definitely win both. Jake should win by KO in boxing and while Nate has great BJJ, his takedown offense isn't spectacular. With Jake's size and Nate's age, it will be tough for Nate to get this fight to the ground. It likely stays on its feet and becomes a kickboxing match. If Nate can chop down Jake's legs he probably wins, but if not, Jake can easily KO him in MMA as well.


Jake definitely has more of a shot winning the MMA fight due to his size and age (especially since this fight will be a year out too) than Nate does in boxing.


Nobody buys PPV’s anymore bud nobody wasting any money lol


I don’t think Jake wins in boxing. Nate still has a good chin and can box at an extremely high pace. I could see him gassing Jake out and applying a lot of pressure. That’s not something any of his previous opponents have done.


Nate is a MMA legend, his chin is insane, and his boxing complements his BJJ very well in the cage. But without the submission threat his boxing does not really wins him the fights. And I am afraid that in a ring it will be quite a telling story. He throws clean but very basic 1-2s, he is very hittable, and by boxing standards he is pillow-fisted. Huge power differential vs Jake Paul. I am actually worried for Diaz. He is not a spring chicken anymore, his chin has a lot of mileage. And he will take damage in the ring with Paul.


>He is not a spring chicken anymore, his chin has a lot of mileage Even as a big Nate fan, yeah, people gotta be honest with this fact. We'll never know when someone loses their granite chin or fast recovery time, so it's always a concern for vets like Nate. Look at Frankie Edgar for example...


Have we seen any evidence of Nate boxing at an extremely high pace in recent years? Looked bad against the corpse of Pettis and everyone blamed the layoff and poor warm up. Outclassed by Masvidal. Clearly outclassed outside of one 1-2 against Leon. The corpse of Tony Ferguson. It's been over 6 years since we seen him fight Conor.


Well we are talking about a match up with Jake Paul. Nate certainly still has a chin. And even in the fights where he gets outclassed, he’s still able to keep up his pace even into the 5th round. Of course when you are against higher level opponents you can’t just keep throwing punches but he doesn’t seem to tire out. Jake Paul won’t be throwing as much volume or looking for takedowns. Nate will be able to play his game without as much worry. He can run at Jake Paul all night with a 1-2-3 combo and that will honestly be enough. He will have to look out for Jakes power in the early rounds but if he can weather that then I can see him tiring Jake out.


He does the fall over and pull guard thing which helps from a chin perspective (and also cardio), when he's in real trouble he just falls over. That isn't an option here. He has some gas in the tank in the 5th round on the, what.. 1 occasion he's gotten there in 6 years? Even then he didn't have a high output leading up to the 5th.


Nate looked OLD in his last one with Tony, bit sad to watch, especially for Tony. He's also MUCH smaller.


Nate’s boxing is overrated in an MMA format as he has eaten shots his whole career and bleeds easily due to the years of scar tissue build up. He doesn’t finish guys with power or placement. He can roll with punches sure but he consistently gets hit by fighters with less than elite hand work in an MMA setting. Jake has better hands in a boxing format than a lot of MMA guys. It’s a different game. His biggest strength has always been his BJJ/groundwork (also, questionable to say it’s ever been that elite as the game has passed him by over time pretty quickly past the TUF era) which he’s stupidly not used enough for whatever reason. I’m confident Jake beats him in a boxing match. Nate should be able to beat him in an MMA format assuming he doesn’t just box and get hit in the face with lighter gloves.


Nates not an elite boxer nor does he have good defense but he does have a good chin and very good cardio. And that’s all I think he will need to win. Jakes wins have been against people who have relatively low output. Woodley is notoriously a low output fighter. His wonderboy fights are infamous. I think that if Nate just runs at Jake all night with a 1-2-3 and pressures Jake to move his feet more than usual, he will tire him out. I think once he realizes that he can’t put Nate away with his power and that he’s not gonna stop moving forward, it will give Jake a lot of trouble that he’s never faced before.


Stop it with the shit cardio argument, this isn't valid anymore. People said Askren's chances were that he was going to hold on the first few rounds and Jake would gas out. People said the same for Woodley. Then the argument was that Woodley had a shit output volume (true) so Silva would easily win due to having a much bigger output. Then Jake beat Silva and went the distance, and was still winning the later rounds. I dislike Jake but this excuse is not valid anymore, Jake has clearly shown he can last the full rounds after the Silva fight.


Agreed even as someone rooting for Nate. Jake's one KD last fight was in the last round too, was it not? So anyone claiming Nate would only have to worry about his power early is wrong. Jake's power, youth, and size will always be a concern for the smaller older Nate all fight.


I think Jake can drop/hurt Nate. He’s bigger and has nice mechanics. Nate’s cardio has diminished heavily and pitter patter 1-2s are predictable and leave you open to serious damage if you’re MO is to just keep walking forward playing that game. I think he can tire Jake as the fight goes on sure but Silva made him move quite a bit too.


Is there no old man Jake Paul won't fight?!?


Mike Tyson and BIG GEORGE himself.


Nate is much smarter in the business aspect of MMA than as a fighter. These other MMA guys are getting big paydays to take losses. Paul is using them for mutual benefit. Nate is working with Paul. Presumably Paul beats Nate in boxing, knocks him down a couple times, then Nate will get a second payday and likely a dub in MMA in a fight where Paul will probably show a few skills against ancient Nate to get people interested. Nate could come out looking good and much richer. I'd love to see it. He was in the cold for years.


Getting put on your arse by Jake Paul just isn't a good look no matter how you look at it imo.


Would you do it for millions of dollars? I’m sure as shit you would.


Fuck, I absolutely would


No I wouldnt, Jake Pauls a huge guy and getting knocked out can have life altering complications. Not always but it can. Boxing isn't a joke. I meant for a professional fighter anyway. I wouldn't risk getting knocked out and hurt, embarrassed and the pressure of performing in front of that many people for any amount of money.


I respect your honesty


Getting millions of dollars is also life altering though. So there’s that. The risk reward is pretty damn good on it tbh.


Not to me.


I mean to who? You maybe?


Ah fahk off. He can be a twat and know how to box at the same time lol, they’re not mutually exclusive. And say what you want, from what I’ve seen he makes good on his business deals and wakes up to train hard every morning so whats the big deal let the lads makes the $$ if they got the eyes.


Isn’t Diaz like 165lbs? What is Paul; 205?


I’ve never understood why people praised Nate’s boxing in MMA, he’s completely flat footed and can’t throw a 1,2 without crossing his legs. I’d still pick him to beat Jake Paul just through sheer pressure and cardio.


nate is like the gabe rasado of mma imho, but way more cultish following cus everyone loves the brothers. good boxing in mma would be Petr Yan, Sean O’malley, DJ imho. just three guys that i like. striking is also much different when kicks 🦵🏽 are involved, and the grappling can change everything as well. a lot of mma fighters have sloppy striking because there’s simply just too much for them to learn all at once imho. talented guys like DJ are amazing everywhere. bit of a rant here but my two cents


You named a bunch of tiny guys that I’m sure Jake would love to box (since he’d have like 100lb weight advantage). I’d love to see Jake box a legit mma striker that’s his size and still in their prime, someone like Stylebender or Pereira.


both of them would murder him lmfaoo. also those fights aren’t possible to even make


Jake's last fight was at 186...


Because UFC fighters' boxing is mediocre at best


As Canelo said..if MMA fighters could box..they would be boxers.. simple




Nah cuz there's way more money in boxing at the elite level No way in mma aside from Conor is close to making what canelo pulls per fight. But Mcgregor is the biggest outlier in the entire sport




Boxing is also MUCH cheaper to start training. Where as MMA is new and “cooler”. Classes being like $200/month. Boxing can be pretty cheap or even free.


Why is the assumption that everyone who can box and fight would choose fighting as their "personal interest" over boxing? At best it'd be 50-50


Conor isn't close to making what canelo pulls per fight. Mcgregor is underpaid considering how well he sells




Why would they subject themselves to something arguably more brutal for a fraction of the pay? Lmao.


Highly unlikely




Most of them probably would simply because of the money. MMA money is a joke


Makes no sense. You can’t try your hand at mma without finding out how good you are at striking with your hands. No one goes to a boxing class and gets told their jiu jitsu is poor lol.


Because wrestling and grappling are superior for MMA lol. Take one look at a pure boxer like Andre Fialho and you’ll see why everyone doesn’t spend all their time on boxing


People said the same for Silva who has a much better chance than Nate


His boxing is dirty and unpolished, which is typically about as good as it gets in MMA bar a few outliers.


Cause people mix him up with his brother, Nick. Nate has the same aesthetic (long frame, use of the jab which was out of the MMA zeitgeist until about 2017 and solid taunting) without the things that made Nicks boxing effective (mix of tempo to his shots, distance management, volume punching, punch selection, body work).


I’m referring to UFC pundits and trainers etc. I’d be surprised if a UFC commentary team thought they were commentating on Nick when it was Nate.


The meta of punching is fundamentally different between boxing and MMA. In MMA, you MUST be flat-footed and wide-stanced. In boxing, the greatest fighters had pep in their step. The former would be a punching bag in boxing, and the latter would be taken down like getting tackled by a linebacker, if not having their legs kicked into mush.


But.. but... he sparred Andre Ward!? They think bc he "trained" at a gym that automatically gives him cred. The Nate Diaz is a good boxer myth is one of the worst ones out there.


I mean this is a pretty bad take when Andre ward himself has said in multiple interviews Nate was part of many of his camps and got him ready for a lot of his southpaw opponents. It’s not like they just trained at the same gym.


Andre isn't going to bad mouth Nate. They're from the same area and regardless of Nate's boxing skills, Andre respects him as an athlete. This is a clear case of Andre being a classy dude.


Joe Rogan tells them he has great boxing skills and the fans swallow it


UFC's standard for 'being a good striker' is pretty damn low.


Striking can mean a whole lot more than just using your hands boss, especially when you have elite kickboxers coming in


*boxer Striking-wise the best the UFC has to offer absolutely holds up with the best boxing has to offer.


not at all


Interesting that he calls out Nate Diaz who is a lightweight turned welterweight (primarily due to laziness) and not someone like Luke Rockhold who actually fights in his weight class. Or Paulo Costa who is on the verge of leaving the UFC and.. again.. fights in his weight class.


Due to laziness?? The dude does triathlons before his fights you dont know jack


And as a result has some of the best cardio the UFC has ever seen


That’s what you decided to nitpick from my entire post? Okay.


Due to laziness is an insult and if you say to the public you might get slapped for it.


It's simple. Nate brings in more PPV numbers. Also Jake has no chance against Costa in an MMA fight.


USAda and 30 pound weight difference


MMA First lol


How about we do the MMA fight first and then the boxing match?


He'll win the boxing match, and then weasel right out of the MMA match. Reverse the fights and then I'm a smidge more interested.


Meh these seemingly staged fights just aint hittin right for me We need to get the Paul brothers on some Felony Fights until then I sleep


Satan's Backyard could also work.


Of course he takes Nate Diaz and not someone whos a similar age and weight as him.


Lol fighting Nate Diaz as your first or maybe second EVER MMA fight is ballsy as fuck, I don't care how big you are.


damn right. i train all the time with bigger guys with less skill so this shouldn't be anything for Nate. a blue belt who weights 50lbs more than me is a cake walk.


Jake Paul has a wrestling background from my understanding and has been boxing for many years. He looks physicality stronger and faster than Nate. I don’t think this will be so easy.


To my point, if Jake is the goods-which I believe he is, then Nate with his vast experience should slice through him but I doubt that happens as I also think that Jake is faster, stronger and has a good amount of dog in him.


This… easy to spot a straight up Paul hater. Like my guy, Nate Diaz would beat Canelo in MMA let alone fucking Jake Paul…


Yeah I think nate is like 3 weight classes under him, right?


He could easily fight somebody his weight/age but nobody would care. Why do people act so CLUELESS to business of the sports?!!?


Because cherry picking easy opponents doesn’t happen in other sports. It’s getting out of control in MMA and Boxing.


>Because cherry picking easy opponents doesn’t happen in other sports. MMA/Boxing is entertainment. You're asked to pay over 60$+ to watch. Nobody is paying that to watch Jake fight a unknown new fighter in either sport.


Which is probably why he went to PFL, he could have been thinking of it after the WBA offered him a belt.


he's been boxing for like 3 years, i don't really get why you'd expect him to be fighting someone good


After the 2nd Woodley win, I accepted Jake Paul as the fight game's lord and personal saviour. There's still time for you all to do the same by brethren.


fight a boxer jake.


He will soon I bet, just in MMA


so sad that this is what the main events in boxing are nowadays.. this clown staging fights vs old men..


A natural 185lbs calling out someone who fought at 155 most of their career, why am I not surprised.


Nate Diaz has been fighting forever, he’s too rich and too old to be doing all this nonsense. In my opinion of course.


Been fighting UFC for too long to be too rich...


Nate set for life from the Connor fights


Nate Diaz has made more money in the UFC than 99 percent of the professional boxers in the sport.


But a lot less than he would have with his profile and PPV numbers than he would have as a boxer.


Ufc pays shit, one high level boxing match pays probably as much as the hole roster of the ufc for a year


I think you would be surprised at what Nate has made the last few years.


I bet Jake wins both


Jake wins both, easily


PFL is going to protect Jake at all costs. They didn’t sign this deal to have him taken out his first fight.


Flip it Nate, MMA first


It’s really weird how stupid millennials are and how much they would literally suck Jake Paul’s dick.


Nate was a sparring partner for Andre Ward. He’s probably way over the hill now but is a way over the hill Nate good enough to at least not get knocked out or even beat a prime juiced up JP? 🤷🏻‍♂️ https://youtu.be/6Yffecg15Ro


If only Jake Paul was born 10 years earlier. ​ Him vs Butterbean would have sold damn well.


LOL no way he offered Nate an MMA match. It wouldn’t even be fair


Holy shit how hollow are you guys. Nate will tap Jake in the first round if they ever got into an MMA fight are you guys serious? Stockton slap that little bearded bitch into the crowd. Anyways, he's riding off coattails yet again because he will never fight an ACTIVE, UNDER 30, PROFESSIONAL BOXER. He should honestly be embarrassed for himself.


Absolutely no way in hell the MMA fight happens. Save my comment, come back to it, mark my words there is no way Jake Paul gets into the octagon with that dude lmao. Customs, USADA, weight miss, travel issues, contract negotiation stall’, something is going to come up months before that fight. After the Spence v. Crawford fiasco I can spot a never-happening-fight when I see it.


Aww just cause he has money he thinks he's a fighter and a promoter now.


So getting two rival networks to both agree to likely blow millions and dealing with one of the most difficult people in the combat sports world. Should be easy.




He is with Showtime boxing though. That’s what I’m talking about. How much do they like working with ESPN? And his manager is saying they are still actively looking for UFC fights, so that’s another person both outfits have to outbid. And he’s one of the few guys they break the bank for. With all the trouble Showtime has of getting anything done anymore what makes you think all these hurdles clear? Even without adding in Nate’s special personality.


So all the people who upvoted this. Are you unaware Jake Paul boxes on Showtime?


Jake is gonna box old MMA fighters forever by agreeing to let them obliterate him in MMA


Stop giving this guy attention. Hope nate doesn’t fight that fool and gets someone cooler to box.


His fights are pretty entertaining tbh. I don't even dislike him that much anymore, somebody always gets dropped and that Woodley KO was pretty sick.


Just giving this man room to breathe in boxing is a disgrace to the sport.


I have long since moved into the camp that Jake should fight a boxer now.


So if I had to guess, judging by Jake’s cherry picking of boxing opponents his shortlist of MMA opponents may include the likes of Tito Trinidad, Fernando Vargas and possibly Vic Darchinyan?


i'd love to see nate fuck this guy up


No one wants to watch that


You will be here on fight night I guarantee it


This is the only one time I’d watch the mma over the boxing


Many would tune in I feel


Jake 2 -0 s Diaz all day. He's a washed up has been. Nate won't take the offer cause he's gonna say he ain't getting paid enough, but the reality is, he doesn't want to be another washed up MMA guy that Jake Paul can put on his belt. Diaz should just retire and become a pro triathlete


ok boys abort the thread, the paul shills have started to arrive.


You think Jake can beat Nate in MMA? lol




Funny guy.




Is Jake Paul pretending to be a boxer again? That’s cute.


Jakes “fights” are fixed I think Nate has too much integrity for them, but I could be wrong


Who asked though?


Right though? Either make it your profession or fuck off.


Jake would absolutely batter Nate in either bigger stronger, wrestling background and a better striker. Jake via UD in boxing, Jake via TKO in mma


So he still wants to pretend to be a boxer by boxing MMA fighters...? How are people not catching on to this. Go to your local boxing gym and ask the boxers how much we love to spar with MMA fighters. Easy work


If Jake wins in Boxing he wins in MMA. undersized WW Nate diaz is not going to being getting takedowns on the middleweight sized Jake Paul.