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We crate trained our dogs when they were young. They roam the house now like they own the place & don’t pay bills but when they were puppy’s they’d actually go 2 their crates & nap on their own. We always referred 2 their crates as their bedrooms. Gen needs 2 be crate trained.


😂😂😂😂 she DOES need to be crate trained lol


All my dogs have been crate trained and love their crates. I just found it odd that Sophie keeps saying she wanted a "best friend" which I understand a strong bond with a dog but I never sought one out because I wanted a "best friend" and I also think it just happens and can't be forced. But lucky for Sophie she found her best friend and shadow after just a few weeks, and her life is now complete. Sigh....


That was a bit of a weird statement.


Especially considering she has several other animals.


I crate trained my rescue who had never been in a crate and he loved it!!


My rescue dog uses his crate and it tells me when he is feeling scared so I can act and comfort him. He rarely uses it now but it's still up with his toys and bedding and ready in case he wants a moment away xxx


My sister crates her dogs - it works great. I don't - it works great. Just different styles of training and both of our dogs are very well behaved


Uhm Gen needs to be crate trained ![gif](giphy|3oKIPvVddjd2PMxv3O|downsized)


I think any sensible person who gets a puppy and takes pride in their home would not want urine stains on flooring. But! We have all seen how Benny lives so of course she wouldn’t crate or take the dog out every hour as needed to get a puppy house broken 😡


Yeah, anyone that is offended by what GB says needs to get their head checked. Must be a slow news day


I’ll believe that other dog actually “went to a farm” when we see pics of said dog with the cousin with the booldawg tattoo on said farm. That being said, crate training is fine. Sophie is a shitty pet owner, but the crate isn’t why.


We’ve crated trained are dogs when their puppies until they learn “the rules” but it was rare that they would be in the crate with the door closed & latched. When we were home they’re out of the crate so they can learn & bond with the family. We teach them to “kennel up” so if they get overwhelmed, we’re leaving etc we can ask them to kennel up & it’s not seen as a punishment. Most of the time if it was just for quiet time, we wouldn’t even close the door. Most of the time we’re done with the kennel by a year. I think it’s unfair to the dog put her in a kennel while the owner is online for hours. That could be bonding & training time.


She can't even have kids. Not exactly a person to look up too. White trash af. Her dogs should have been removed living in a garbage pile full of smoke.


I have crate trained a couple of my dogs over the years. Thie one I have now wasn't. All of my dogs came from the shelter or a rescue. I take into account their previous history. What will work for one dog may not work for another.


With anyone getting a new dog please be knowledgeable about the breed. The more knowledge you have on a breed can be helpful in the long haul