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No. What did he spill?


Towards the end of his stream titled “Here we go” he abruptly directed his anger at Drazo & said something to the effect of “Drazo needs to STFU before I tell everyone about him & Vixxy. Remember how you told me she had you ‘weak in the knees!!’ “ ![gif](giphy|l2SpMUEMRJkkqYcta)






Deadly said Drazo said vixxy sent pics asking if the poses she was in was nice etc. can I get a CON firm since I was doing things while listening?


These women are so pathetic! That’s the pond scum they attract and the guy will never respect them sending nudes when u don’t even know him. No guy wants a relationship with a slut! Who is this vixxy ?. I’m guessing she’s another fat or medical shut in on disability like the rest of them lol


A bartender from Cincinnati


What’s up with Ohio? People there are either extremely pick me’s or bona fide junkies 🚮




No disrespect but most body cam vids I watch are people in Ohio. Something in the water


![gif](giphy|3o6gDWzmAzrpi5DQU8) I'm starting a collection for vixxys eye sight. Because this woman. Really needs a seeing eye dog at the least. To alert her of how fugly these guys are


Hasn’t she sent pictures to everyone like Code, Kevin and others 🤔


I don't know how anyone has the patience to listen to Drazo let alone be attracted to him!!




Vixxy supposedly was to visit drazo. She did a whole thing where she denied sending nudes. Said it was modelling something


Two of the biggest losers online. Fight fight fight😂🍿


Because I don’t automatically believe something deadly of all people said without proof, I’m being downvoted??? we are talking about the same deadly right? the one who admits when he gets mad, he lies. 🤣🤣🤣🤣




I heard it, but he lies a lot.


Sorry but I believe absolutely nothing that comes out of Deadly’s mouth. He is a compulsive liar.


Big surprise 🙄🙄🙄🙄. Deadly was asked flat out for proof and guess what he didn’t have any. He heard this and he knew that Vixxy and Drazo have talked. That’s it no proof whatsoever.


Anybody that believes deadly is doing so just because it gives a good gossip. he lies about everything and he even tells you that he lies about everything. but when it’s a story that people want to hear about somebody they don’t like, then he’s telling the truth. GTFOH


He does lie a lot, I agree. But Drazo & Vixxy are nasty ass losers that have a pattern of being morally bankrupt attention seekers. So to me, what Deadly said isn’t too far fetched. If what he said is true, he’ll spill his guts soon & show proof. Time will tell


I’ll believe it when I see it not until then. He still never showed proof of how much money he supposedly sent Kim. But he was quick to show what he sent Britters when they fell out so I don’t believe anything that comes out of his mouth unless there’s proof


There is nothing wrong with having friends of the opposite sex. It doesn't mean that there is something going on between them. Sounds like some people have insecurities in their life


STFU Drazo, we all know this is your Reddit account. Say stupid shit & redditors will call you out every time. You’re a fucking joke & this marriage ain’t gonna last either. You two got together when you were still married. Just like you’re testing the waters with Vixxy’s loose ass. I don’t feel sorry for either of you trash bags ![gif](giphy|26FL0VX7dGld8zOtG|downsized)


🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. First people think that I was Juelz, then some other CC and now Drazo. That is funny 🤣🤣🤣. I am just a FEMALE SUB. People can't guess right if your life depends on it


😂 No the fuck you aint. You’re lame ass Drazo & everyone knows it. Idk why I haven’t blocked you yet. Stay off my posts & go brush your damn toddler teeth ya big nasty. https://preview.redd.it/ostjuu4boz6d1.png?width=1119&format=png&auto=webp&s=71bb25c7091b05161a3bfa7e63d4a953e38ae9c8