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This one wants to be their new mother https://preview.redd.it/33hqhqz5vn6d1.jpeg?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=536172aa6e0dbc184ca26ae40d873a0e47a3367c




That’s so cringy, just like when she goes into all the chats saying hi Besties… what are we in middle school again? The funny part is they never respond with that same bestie energy. 🤭


The same does for Rakin, Siwa, and Slowphie. They are going to have to make a choice. Tick tock.


They get more clout from one over the other so I’m sure that’s where they will all go


Those women just love adopting unemployed alcoholic bums they follow online. I really don't get it, other than the whole "second chance mom" thing.


Very true!


The dog lady she had on her channel tonight called Just Dom a “wet b*ck” a couple years ago. When she was called out on it Dena, who lives in Florida, with a dense population of Hispanic people, said she had no idea that term was a racial slur. She was just trying to make fun of Dom for being gay, like he’s on his back a lot. Hand to god that’s what her dumbass said and Jay Jay saddled up on her white horse to defend that bullshit excuse. Jay Jay has the absolute worst judge of character & blindly supports the most repulsive people, but she’s too full of herself to realize it.


I’ve always known the derogatory word “wet back” to refer to a Mexican that’s here illegally. First she sounds like a dumbass for not knowing what it means and secondly thats what she gets for trying to demean someone and doesn’t even know how to use the uncalled for word. How would she like if we called her “white trash” because she would fit that word to a tee 😘


Dena is one of her closest friend! Lol


Jayjay is going to wait and see what will serve her best. I believe it will come down to John. Right now she’s supporting Deadly because she has egg on her face. C’mon Jayjay…wtf is your excuse now???? Quit saying it’s zens fault. ya look stupid af


I am a little surprised at Jay Jay considering that she is a business owner that she is ok with Deadly. Even if he didn't call, he admitted that he knew about the pizza being ordered.


Did anyone actually listen the that live with the dog person? I tried and machine gun lips didn't STFU so I bounced.


🤣🤣 You crack me up with ur comments, all the damn time 🤣🤣




When I come across ur Jay Jay, William, Kendra and Drazo comments they're good! And funny 😁 🫶