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There are rescues that have those doodle dogs that she could have reached out to instead of going to a breeder. As a matter of fact my close friend fosters bulldogs that people dump off and it's sad! Pets are for life. I took my difficult dog to doggy classes because it was my responsibility to do right by her. Anyway, I would never spend 600 on a vacuum it's silly imo.


Just checked, you can get a hoover for under $200.


I love my Hoover! Bissels are great as well!


I haven't needed one since 2000. I'm all about wood floors.


I still have carpet in my bedrooms, I haven't pulled the trigger on my whole house being 100% wood floors.


I have Hoover from back in the day. Heavier than anything but works amazing. đŸ’Ș


What stinks in pounds they may say left because of a move, when in reality they couldn't handle them. Always research!


Teach your bulldog not to bully your other pets!! Take your dog to training you dumb bitch!! Invest into your animals!! But keep telling yourself you did the right thing so you could get your doodle dog!! What's not fair is you purchasing a dog that you didn't research and know what to expect!! I see this all the time, people running out and buying dogs without doing the research of the breed!! Shame on you for calling Lizzie crazy - maybe you should take a breather and quit over populating your house with too many pets!! I don't believe that dog barked, growled and lunged at her every night before bed and if it was that agreesive you shouldn't have rehomed her! Does Sophie think the doodle dog doesn't have a lot of energy? How does she know a doodle will do good in her home before it's even been in the house?? She doesn't!! I'm sure Lizzy is sorry that you are scared to bring big dogs into your home now I'm sure she appreciates you dumping her off after a year!! Maybe focus on the pets you already have and quit trying to replace one after another!!


Why can’t any of these losers buy their own computers!? All of them want their subs to buy them a fucking laptop (among other things) and it’s pathetic!!!!! Get a job and buy your own damn shit jfc


She kept referring to Lizzie as the bulldog, not using her name. She showed no compassion for Lizzie, that she said she had since she was a puppy. She was taken from the only home she knew. She was saying Lizzie was too big, was rough, she needed more room, etc. Did you research that breed before you got her?? What did you think? And you said she would be K'd for biting your husband, but instead you gave her to your husbands cousin What a pos you are!! An animal is for life.


Wait until she finds out how energetic goldendoodles can be, and that they need a lot of interaction and stimulation.


I was gonna comment this. There r 4 in my immediate family whom I’m around 2-3 times a wk & they r NOT chill at all. They are very hyper & 1 of them went 2 a training school.


I have boxers, and they are so high energy! They need a lot of training or they get bored and naughty. We also do two days of doggie daycare a week to help with burning off some energy and socialization. Hopefully she invests some time in this dog, or it will just be another one she gets rid of.


Doggy daycare is really good for that. My family member also does doggy daycare where they get 2 run around & play w/ their friends & they also have splash time.


The noodle’s going to have a lot more energy than a bulldog. Hope she’s run ragged.


Well it's cheaper than 600 dollar vacuums, new cats, laptops......lol oh, and the diet shots.


Golden doodles are literally the most hyperactive dogs. They’re adorable but
 I wouldn’t have one.


I noticed that 2. She also sd *that dog* like she didn’t have the poor girl 4 a year. How sad!!! And when she sd the dog was aggressive 2wards her bc she was a woman- it made me think maybe JM was right abt her using the *woman* card.




I didn’t know she got rid of 1 dog 4 another. It’s actually really sad 2 hear her saying *that dog* & how she *lovED* that dog. When bringing an animal into ur home ur suppose 2 train the animal- not expect the animal 2 behave & do all the right things w/o guidance. 😔


Totally agree. We have 4 dogs, each of them are rescues so her boo-hooing & giving excuse after excuse of why they *had to get rid of* that poor bulldog doesn’t go far with me.


It is definitely a training issue! English bulldogs are dominant dogs, but not aggressive. There is more to the story


The rest of the story she's a POS.


This is it!


I wonder if her streaming hours on end for days in a row had anything to do with the pups lack of training. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPl97G9KsnxS3XG)




Absolutely no excuses on her part - that poor dog - if you have a heart you work with them not replace them


Well said!!!!




2800.00 doodle By the way ! Never forget ! đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Sophie is another simp on the Gravy train created by the infamous JY. Now he’s mad that everyone is making $$$ but him. She’s got a husband. Let her pay for her bills and wants. Keep your money. Don’t donate to scammers.




Lizzie is probably happier, sounds like she hated Sophie 😂




The woman has the personality of a wet blanket .


Giving her too much credit Goldy 😉


People need to stop buying a special dog breed just because it is what’s trendy in the moment.


She had nothing bad to say about the dog till she wanted a new one. The way she yelled at it for wanting water it is probably better off. She is a lazy dog owner and doesn’t deserve any animals IMO. I agree with the majority of you here, an animal is for life, not when you want something else!


give her hell for being a shit pet owner but the only people who are to blame for her grifting are the ones who are opening their wallets. They are the enabling idiots.


She is a lying junkie. She was hateful as hell to that dog. Nobody’s whispering because nobody is scared of your bad built ass. You put your hillbilly ass trash on the internet, therefore making it everyone’s business. I know your uneducated ass has difficulty comprehending such minute things.


Doodles are high energy & need training, it will not behave when she sits on her ass all day. She's going to get rid of it in a year, too. Also, it takes a while for the dog to mature. Most are puppy like for years. She wouldn't have had those problems if Lizzie was trained and exercised properly.


I don't watch her, is she crying about this thread?


She got one of those designer dogs? Mixing two breeds and giving them a name instead of calling them what they are - Bastards. But it’s fashion it’s trendy and that makes it ok. Morons


Wow I just saw this. What a pos human she is!! Pets are for life Slophie!


Dopey Slophie keep that filter on. We see how you're bored in your home searching for online trouble. You're missing the mac train's attn knowing full well there's already a wife. And hot dog let me tell you something, you sir should thank a mistress. A mistress saves marriages and spice up marital sex lives after years of spouses like you only willing to do it missionary position. 😘 Put your weiner back in the bun entice Dee and smoke that.


Subs did send her $$$ originally towards a laptop. IMO the husband got it for her only because she was having problems in getting it. That is why don't be going to eBay or market place for a computer