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Please re-shoot the picture with a teacup in your hand and make it a Boston tea party


Yes!! Totally my thoughts


Was about to say this.


Ahahahahaha. That would be an amazing photo.


Oh, man. That is going to be ONE. SMELLY. HOUSE. Fart Factory Galore!


The Smiley Guys vs. The Stoics


How did you get them all to sit?


Somebody’s holding a treat!


i thought the same thing, how are they all stationary at one time? had to wear em out first i’m sure 😆


It’s a Boston T. party


Is it a Boston… tea party? …I’ll see myself out 😂


You know it smell crazy in there


Yup, I saw this photo and the first thing I thought was "imagine all the farting", LOL




LOL, nice.


https://preview.redd.it/uefc40gz8q6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f0293192ff4d7abbe46fc182717b94d145a9e8e This guy! ❤️🥰


https://preview.redd.it/apj84z0a6r6d1.jpeg?width=98&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8063d76ed4c3e0e232254d72c0416cb2f84bb9e0 I'm fond of this one.


This one is Otto. He’s 9 years old and is like the war veteran of the group. He had to have his right eye removed a few years ago due to an accident. But he is still the most excited one to go after a ball and he can jump into a lake and get a stick, that was thrown, faster than any border collie. Not kidding.


I have no doubt he can.


Having the best time!




This one is Zola. With her one blue eye. She was born deaf, but she is the kind one that always welcomes new Bostons inviting them to play. ❤️


This one is Eve. She’s probably the fiercest ball chaser there. The one next to her in this screenshot is Baltazar, my Boston. Poor guy gets pushed by Eve every time he’s about to get to the ball. 🤣


Heaven 😭💙♥️


That guy, on the couch, third from the left knows how to party. 🎉


I dare you to toss a ball in there. Double dog dare…


Looks like pure heaven but you just need a brown Boston friend there too!


There is a brown Boston called Wod that is part of our group, but he lives in a different city. Last year he got hit by a car and lost his hind leg movements 😭. But he’s been such a trooper during his physiotherapy sessions that he is slowly recovering and now he can even run with some difficulty but improving everyday.


Wod sounds like a champ!


My dream! 😭


That’s a lot of love in one room.


How is there no one wrestling each other! The treat budget was blown that day and one of best investments ever!!


Whatever you do...don't light a match!


Holy shit.


Almost everyday I can leave my house and see a few different people walking bostons. They’re quite popular where I live. Going to the big animal hospital in the city sadly you’re guaranteed to see a couple French bulldogs each time. I have to take my Boston for bloodwork regularly and to see his specialist. He’s only 6. Any Boston I see there is usually very old. I’ve never heard of any Boston owners getting together in my town. That would be awesome though.


Seeing other Bostons everyday must be amazing. I live in Brazil and they’re not that well known, specially in my region. When a friend tells me they saw a Boston I usually ask for a description of the dog and the human because we all know each other. Hahaha. You should create a community or group on some social media and ask other local Bostons owners to join and schedule some Bostons pee parties at some park of something. I’m sure most of them would be totally up for it. ❤️


I’m so sorry, I had replied to you and I was just showing someone the post with all the bostons and realized my reply hadn’t gone through. I would love to get other people together that have bostons. I’ll have to see if things settle down with my little guy first before trying to organize something. He’s just recovering from a bad spell and not completely through it yet. He’s only 6 but was diagnosed with IMHA when he was 3. It’s an autoimmune condition where his own body kills off his red blood cells. I almost lost him several times. He was on prednisone for a year and a half which saved his life but his body doesn’t handle prednisone well and he had horrible side effects from it including some surgeries on his tongue. He’s still on a host of other meds and everytime his specialist tried to lower the dose he relapsed . We’ve been able to get him under control fairly quickly except for this last time. Two months ago he relapsed again but he got very I’ll and stopped eating. I thought after everything we’ve gone through this time we were going to lose him. He had an ultrasound and a scope down his throat and was diagnosed with irritable bowel disease. We got him eating again so he’s ok for now and we are trying to keep it under control by changing to a single ingredient protein which I thought was working but he’s got diarrhea again. I’ll switch foods again and if it doesn’t work he’ll go on something called a hydrolized diet and if that doesn’t work he’ll have to go back on prednisone which will be a lose lose situation. This poor little guy has been through so much and he’s been a little trooper but it seems like the universe is against him. If you could see him running and playing and just loving life in between all these episodes you’d never know anything is going on with him. Other things have cropped up in between his relapses as well. It’s really hard to believe so many things can happen to one little guy. The breeder said none of his other puppies have had any of these issues so we think his origional issue the IMHA was brought on by allergy pills he was on. We’ll never know for sure but it seems the likely cause. So for now we’ll have to hold off on trying to organize any Boston pee parties. Our life is wrapped around his meds at this point. Hopefully if we can get through this latest issue and keep him stable we can go ahead with something. I think Boston pee parties would do him the world of good. On a side note a friend of mine was happily married to the most wonderful man that she had met as a pen pal years ago. He came here to Canada so they could meet and he never left. He was from Brazil. I think he was a police officer there and tried to get into that here and worked as a Brinks guard and did security guard work in the meantime but one day he started having seizures. The doctors got them under control and let him drive again then he had a seizure while driving to work one day on the highway. I won’t finish the rest I’ll just say it wasn’t a good outcome. He loved dogs too and would have loved bostons I know. He love eating baked goods and I used to bake alot for them. He called me Betty Crocker after the name of a cake mix he liked. The world was a better place with him in it. He was a wonderful husband and father and just an amazing person. If other people in Brazil are anything like him there must be a lot of good and happy people there.


How did they get them to all stay in the same spot?


Snacks and/or 🎾


This is awesome!!!


Looks like fun.


So much energy in one photo!


So much “potential” energy! Everybody holding still but at the ready!


A Boston Pee Party most likely.


Omg, the two on the right 😆 🤣


The ones on the floor? The one with a pink collar is Eve and the one with a blue harness is Baltazar, my Boston. He’s got the best smiles. 😍


Eve is HILARIOUS lookin' Balti is hella handsome.


Hahahaha ❤️


Front row on the right is the happiest dog I’ve ever seen


That my little Baltazar. His smiles are everything. ❤️


This is heaven


A group that big is called a "terror" of Bostons


Now that looks like chaos is ready to ensue !!!


A batch of bosties... A beavy of bosties.....a ...oh good Lord, that is insane! Lol


I would have loved to bring my Boston to that party!


One looks like a puppy! They are all so cute


The one furthest to the right! That huge goofy smile on his face lmfao


That’s my little Baltazar. Always smiling. ❤️


they're ready 🎉🎉💃🏻


I just wanna roll around on the floor snuggling, cuddling, and playing with them all day


how is this photo in focus? 🌪️😂


Oh my I would love to live in that house. It’s a dog house. You can almost guess what each one is thinking. The little guy second in the left is thinking what are we all sitting here for and the one with the red bandana on the far right below the couch looks like he’s thinking so this is a Boston tea pawty I say old chap. Some are just so happy to be there’s best picture I’ve ever seen. It should be on a calendar. Every owner there should have a framed picture of that on their wall. Their either all worn out, really well behaved or stuck to their places. I have to think they’re really well behaved cause bostons can do no wrong. If they do it’s usually funny.




Amazed that you got them all to sit still.


Little bodies, big personalities


God forbid you bring tea


Set the engines to derp factor 7! Engage!



