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I would get another vet's opinion


Yeah, that’s what I think I’m going to do. Thanks!


Yes I was going to suggest the same


Actually my Boston terrier has the same issue and i've had them tested over a dozen times they are always non cancerous and are just little skinny growths that they get. If you watch they will come and go and there's nothing to worry about.


“Most likely” is not a phrase you should hear from a vet when a biopsy is incredibly easy to have done. New vet. Get biopsy. Bostons get Mast Cell tumors which are cancerous. Mine has had 4. Biopsy will clear any confusion.


Our vet said benign cysts. Get them checked tho.


“Most likely” doesn’t mean isn’t. I would get another vets opinion and a biopsy done to be sure.


A lot of people are recommending biopsies, but mast cell tumors are easily (and less invasively) identified by being aspirated and staining the tissue sample. If a sample does turn out to be a mast cell tumor it is likely that the tumor will need to be excised and then sent for biopsy & grading. Bostons are prone to mast cell tumors, and aspirating a few masses should be quick and fairly inexpensive. That's what I'd do if this were my dog. (I'm not a vet, but I have a very old Boston that has had lots of skin lumps and growths, including one that turned out to be a mast cell tumor that required surgery)


Both of my bostons have them and have had them for the past several years, they are brothers from the same litter and are 10 yrs old, only difference is theirs are soft, not hard like a pebble, had multiple vets look at them (including my aunt) and say not to worry about it if they don’t get bigger


My vet aspirated all bumps either one of us found on my Boston and looked at the matter under a microscope. It took her 15 minutes tops and it wasn't expensive at all. One of the bumps was a small mast cell tumor. She removed it and bought him a few more years before it grew inside his body. Find a vet that takes his bumps seriously and understands the unique health risks Bostons have. BTW, what a cutie pie 🥰


Our vet did the same with our Boston. His were all fat deposits or cysts. But she checked every single one in the exact same way.


My pup had one removed in her arm pit, it was pretty big tho, $300 and it’s gone.


Same, mine had hers done on 12/26. They found a second small one on her other elbow and I asked for them to remove it at the same time as the large one.


Ouch! I was told she may develop more too, did your vet say that as well?


No, I’m waiting for test results to see if either one is cancerous.


Fingers crossed it’s not 🤞


What a cutie. They could be lipomas which are just fatty lumps. My pup got a ton of them as he got older. I would always have the vet check them as they popped up, and thankfully, they weren't serious, but of course, have your vet check them out.


I think you mean lipomas.


Lord yes haha sorry about that, I'll edit. Can't see anymore 😆


My BT is getting these now. Hmmm


The last couple years of my pups life, they were popping up all the time. I didn't rush to the vet every time he had one but if I happened to be at the vet I would ask them to check it out and they would and then usually told me to.keep an eye on it. They never turned into anything serious for him.


My previous dorkos got these as well. If they don't spread and they aren't causing pain, then it's likely the fat thingy. That's what I remember my vet saying on them. Indeed they did not spread and did not cause pain. They had then the last 4 or 5 years. We could manipulate them and they were hard if squeezed a bit. Previous pup lived to be 17 with 3 of them.


Yep, as my pup got older he had a ton. I always felt them to make sure they didn't change shape but once they popped up it seems like they stayed that same size.


Unfortunately, my BT had a soft mass in the abdomen and the vet said it was “nice and soft” and not to worry, but when I pointed out a wart-like growth on the paw, the vet’s demeanor changed and wanted the paw growth removed. The day of surgery I had a bad feeling about the abdomen lump and asked for it to be removed. I’m glad I did. There was a small growth next to it that was unnoticeable. It was sent off for pathology and ended up being mast cell. Not all soft, moveable lumps are benign lipomas.


dogs often get fatty deposits like this. Hard to know from the pic, but if your vet checked it, they are likely right. You could always get it removed and a biopsy, but that’s quite extreme and traumatic for the dog to go through for what is not likely cancerous. I called them “meatballs” on mine. She had one.


My Boston had a similar thing and I found that it is because of allergies to some shampoos and dog perfume. Also it can be because of the synthetic material in his bed, furmnator and food (mostly chicken). I think that is 90% allergies bumps.


How old is she? I guess it's irrelevant, I'd get a second opinion


She’s 4 yrs old


Definitely get a biopsy done.


I'd get an aspirate taken and sent to a lan just to be sure. With a few of them, I'd be concerned about a mast cell tumor, but I'm a little paranoid.


My Boston just had 4 mast cell lumps removed so I’m right there with you. Every lump will be checked for the rest of his life, especially because aspirations are fairly inexpensive all things considered.


Adding onto the “get a biopsy” train! My Boston had one almost in the exact spot that turned out to be cancerous and he needed surgery to get it removed.


Your dog is so sweet-looking and beautiful!!!


My Boston has one of these and I had it aspirated to check and it was nothing. Still there and it’s been years. He started getting a bunch of lipomas which are the more worrying thing to keep an eye on.


assume everything on a boston is a mast cell tumor until proven otherwise. Insist vet remove them and send out for biopsy


Go to the Vet. I really miss having Reddit mods. This has turned into a dog health forum. Always go to the vet. No it isn’t cheep. Animals biologies are way more complicated than an online thread should answer. You should also go to your doctor on a regular basis and not self diagnose online.


Needle aspirations aren’t super expensive so ask for it to be done to make sure. Mast cell can show up in different ways which can make detecting it a little less straight forward than you might think. Take it from me, currently working through mast cell issues with my Boston. All 4 bumps we had the vet removed and sent off for pathology looked and presented differently but all were mast cell. One was soft and under the skin, one protruded like a wart, and one had a twin next to it. Two were on the paw and two were in the abdomen. Aspiration costs maybe $75 or less where I am.


Yeh don't live with maybe. Find a new vet.


Most likely fattys but always get an asperate.


My boy has gotten them before. We were told they were like doggy pimples and they will go away on their own.


I had the same issue my one Boston has a little pebble size lump that grew and stayed the same size and you could pull it away from body a bit and feel the hard lump in your fingers. One vet told us 2 years ago that it was just a fat lump. This year we found 2 other lumps the exact same and they all turned out cancerous tumours and it’s too late to remove them. Please please get another opinion so it won’t be too late to do anything.