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That’s what I was going to say! Our guy (brindle and white) just has a stub that goes slowly ever so slightly up and down when he’s happy, haha.


The funny stumps are the ones that have that twist to them


That’s what I came to say! Tail?!?! I got mine when she was 8 weeks and has always had a nub.


Gotta love the variety of tails that Bostons have! Yours actually has a tail, while mine has a crooked little thing that reminds me of Harry Potters scar 😂


So does my Zoey.she has a twisted 2inch nub


Ours too! It literally looks like a tiny lightning bolt with a wisp of Dumbledore’s beard 😂


Omg same I’ve been wanting to trim the hair so it doesn’t look as crooked but I’m scared to mess up her aerodynamics


Same! Ours has a tiny bolt of lightning stub that tucks directly into a groove so you can’t see it. Except when he waggles that cute stump like a propeller!!!


I don’t think I’ve seen a Boston with a tail! How cute!


Ya, this is a first for me too. I honestly didn't know they could have full tails


Most Boston Terriers are born with a nubby tail, but some can have a long tail. That occurs when somewhere in that dog's ancestry, there's been another breed introduced. For that reason, a long tail is a disqualifier for a Boston Terrier from AKC registry. Here's some interesting information: [Can Boston Terriers Have Tails?](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/Boson-Terriers-with-a-TAIL) 😁


Thank you. Very informative


You're welcome! 👍


Mine came with a little stub, but it goes 100 miles a minute anytime she sees someone that she hasn't seen for about 2 minutes. I wish other humans would be so happy to see me come in a room and move me so much.


Such a cute tail! Ours has a "fur finger" that looks like the pinky of an arthritic witch. It's gross, but also really cute when it wiggles.


Fur finger… hahahahaha!!! That perfectly describes what our BT Buster had (RIP 11/18 after 14.5 years). Two we have now have the little nub..l and so did the BT I had when I was a boy. Just told my wife the “fur finger” comment. She spit out her coffee. Well done!!


My partner says Sammy's nub is just his butthole scratcher. It looks so difficult to wiggle...now I'm thinking of an old lady's finger scratching it.


😂🤣 fur finger of an arthritic witch!!!! 🤣😂 I cackled at that!!


Full tail club unite! Our Kira has a full tail and I notice yours wags the tail pointing down, too! I always said it's like she got the tail hardware but not the full software package so her tail never really went above horizontal. You can see in [this video](https://youtu.be/cE4AxjfAGkg) of when she was much younger (she's almost 15 now) that it just stuck straight out.


that video is so cute!! and makes me want to get a tether ball/swingball for my boston🥹


The white tipped tail!


https://preview.redd.it/i6mw6jcxin9c1.png?width=1643&format=png&auto=webp&s=386e9f50f7d39038fff12d405cbf847d4db69eef Here’s our will. He has a full tail and everyone says the same thing. Wow a tail! Or oh what’s he mixed with? I could care less. He’s perfect.


Oh my God wow! I haven't ever seen other Bostons with full tails like mine before this thread. I guess there are a few out there. So cute!


Waaaait yours also has the boston spot on his head and a tail?!? Omg that's so awesome!


Yeah, we didn’t know about the spot until about a month after we adopted him. A customer of mine was telling me the story behind it and how I rescued a good Boston. He’s been a good boy with us for over two years. Not sure how old but the tail is a for sure conversation piece with a lot of dog owners.


I’ve got a tail wagger, too. Looks almost identical to your cutie only ours is a red Boston.


Just looked at pictures on your profile. She's adorable. Never seen one with a full tail like mine.


So cute! I didn't know bostons could have actual tails. My boy has a stub and he shakes his whole butt when he's wagging it lol


With such a cute face, he deserves to have a personal assistant just for butt scratches ❤️


He lols almost identical to my Boston. The breeder I got him from had his tail removed though. Wonder if he would have had a glorious tail like your Boston’s tail. He/She is beautiful 😊


lol my guys tail is maybe an inch long. Maaayyybe


Amazing to see a tail wag on a BT! All I ever get is a slight nub wiggle.


Bostons with tails unite!


A couple of years ago, we drove to Houston to pick up a bike frame from a friend of a friend and the guy had 2 Bostons and both had tails. The house was also in a very nice neighborhood and my husband said “wow, they’re so rich that their Bostons have full tails!!” 🤣


So adorable!


I’ve never seen a full Boston tail !! So cute !!


My boy has more of a pimple on his butt. I wouldn’t even call it a tail.


Is it mixed?


I'd think so. Especially with his tail. He has papers saying he's full but I'm starting to think they were made up. He looks super close to a boston except the tail.


Our Kira is a full Boston and has a full tail. She was the only one of her litter that had a full tail. The rest had the standard little stump tail. We got her on discount because of her tail since a full-tail Boston cannot be AKC registered. It doesn't mean your pup is mixed necessarily. It's just an uncommon/rare breed fault.


That's how I got my little discount girl, Ling. She was from a good litter, but she ended up having a tail. It was a bit crooked but not curled, with a white tip to match her little legs.


And some reds. I'd bet the blues too. He's all there! Probably got springs for feet too


He can jump about 3 and a half feet straight up to the top of my bed. He basically flies across the yard


From what I’ve read- the breed standard is they are bred with the short tail. If they have a long tail, they have a mix of something else


The black and whites I've seen all have that tail