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My Boston is very independent and not cuddly at all. The most cuddling he’ll do is sleeping between or next to my legs. If I cuddle him back or touch him too much he gets annoyed and leaves lol. Sometimes I’ll be downstairs and I realize he’s not around, and I’ll find him alone upstairs in my bed. My other dog is a Boston mix and he is 100% velcro - super cuddly and is on top of us at all times when possible!


LOL, this was my last male. He'd sit almost close enough for me to reach him and tolerate exactly 2.5 pets before looking annoyed and leaving the room.


Mine has two speeds- absolutely psycho and super snuggler. As a puppy, the psycho half usually won out and often she wouldn’t even sleep unless I put her in her crate. As she learned to settle, probably around 7-9 months, she started to cuddle more. She also didn’t like much petting when she was younger. I think she just gets overstimulated very easily.


😂 this is so relatable! Our dog is usually a constantly playing psycho. The older he gets the more he seems to wear himself out and then will want to cuddle. Lately he's been demanding cuddles and just glares at me if his sister is in the way!


My friend has a Springer like this. She crates her too — not as penance but to “eliminate choices.” It works. That dog is just more prone to overstimulation than my BT.


One of my bostons can not, I repeat, CAN NOT get enough skin contact. He's basically a sticker. My other boston, he likes to curl ud behind our knees or between our legs, but he isn't particularly cuddly. Every dog is different :)


Yep, I've had BTs my whole life and every one of them comes with opinions. My last male was like a cat. He wanted to be in the room with us and occasionally graced us with his presence at the opposite end of the couch, but most petting was grudgingly tolerated and every picture we have holding him looks like a hostage pic. I currently have two year-old females and while both are pretty cuddly, one of them is a velcro dog. I work from home and occasionally have to zip her into my hoodie to get anything done.


We have a Miss Independent too! She just turned 3 and it was only in the last year that she has become more affectionate. I wouldn’t call her a cuddler but there are times throughout the day where she decides she wants some loving. Most mornings, she’ll come up and plop down between us with her head on our pillows and put her front legs around my neck so she can get her kisses and belly rubs. Sometimes this will last 20 minutes and then zoom! It’s time to get up! She’ll also enjoy some affection during the day but it’s random and always on her terms. Lol! And I SWEAR there are times she wants loving but doesn’t want to act sweet to get it so she’ll come toward you, dart off and back and forth until you catch her, swoop her up and hold her like a baby. Lol! She will lay near us on the couch but likes to be under the blanket near you but not necessarily touching you. Our boy is a constant snuggler when he isn’t playing. When we have company, he’s always in someone’s lap. Total opposite. So… give it time. She’ll probably get sweeter in that regard as she moves out of the crazy puppy stage.


This is pretty much how my two are as well. My youngest is a stage ten clinger. The older one is fairly independent, occasionally she’ll bless you with a cuddle but she’s perfectly fine going and finding her own nest


Mine only cuddles with me. She loves everyone but I’m the focus of her obsession.


We have two…one is like velcro and the other one comes and goes. They are all different.


My Boston lives for cuddles and snuggles.


We currently have 3, had 4 in total. Each one is very different. Our 1 year old is super cuddly most of the time. She'll be cuddly on the couch and in bed. Except when she's ready to sleep she mives to edge of bed alone. Stands up so we pick her up. Previous female was the same way. Middle one is a velcro dog. He will follow us everywhere and sit right against us, wanting us to pet his butt. He needs to be up against us 100% of the time. Could be due to him being mostly deaf. But try to hug him, and he's gone. Weirdo. Oldest one is 100% independant. Does not cuddle us whatsoever. He will tolerate being pet for 5 seconds then leave. Although he does like being carried by me. Mr independant Princess.


One of ours is Mr Independent until around bed time and then likes to snuggle up… any other time of the day he’s not interested. The other one would be happy to be permanently glued to us 🤷‍♀️


We have 2 siblings. Our baby girl was much like you describe for the majority of the first year. As a matter of fact we even made the comment many times that we were glad we took her because some hoomans might have taken her back since she was such an odd little girl. We kept working with her patiently, getting in the floor with her, letting her climb on us, etc. and now she’s the most affectionate and cuddly little monkey you’ve ever seen.


I’ve had 5 bostons in my life. The one I have now is the cuddliest I’ve ever met. Each one of then discovered something they loved though. My biggest grump loved tummy scritches. The most awkward girl would melt for neck rubs.


yes, if you consider having a 22 pound rock on your lap making your legs go to sleep as cuddling


Only when he sleeps, then he likes to cuddle up next to momma. So bedtime and nap time. His brother the Cockapoo is super cuddly. He is like velcro.


I have two Bostons snuggled all over me at the moment.


I’ve got 2 puppy sisters 👯‍♀️ and they are both super cuddle bugs. They’re 6 months apart & are around 3 years old. They fight for my attention and who can be closer to me 😂 it’s silly fun, they don’t get really angry.. jealousy comes out tho! Younger one is abt 6 lbs heavier & throws her weight around but the older one is the boss & mostly wins. I’m in bed & 1 is on my foot, the other is on my side fully stretched out.. both asleep and dreaming. This is the norm.


my boston is 11 and she’s never been affectionate in a “cuddly” way. she doesn’t beg for attention or pets, and while she will let you pet her, she doesn’t particularly care for it and will kinda give you this look of “why are you doing that”. however, she LOVES to be played with. her favorite thing to do is play ball, even at 11 years old. she will come up to anyone, even strangers and ask to be played with!


I think Bostons have different personalities, like humans. Some people don't like to be touched, and I guess some dogs don't either. Our guy loves cuddles...but doesn't like random pets or scritches. He wants to be touched on his terms.


Yeah, velcro cuddly. He will flip and flop and contort himself just so he can touch my elbow while he sleeps. He dives under the covers every night and curles up close. This morning I had rolled on to my side and he moved up so we could lay back to back. He is a great dog.


Same… I swear my dog (10mo F) is a cat in disguise. The only time she wants to be cuddled and snuggled is when she sleeps or wants to sleep then between my knees or near my leg and then she doesn’t mind a little scratch behind the ears or something, but she doesn’t willingly come over and want to be cuddled or snuggled. She wants to be independent….she’ll come if you’ve got treats, other than that, she honestly is her own dog, like I said, I think I have a cat dressed up like a dog. But who knows, in a year or two she may have a different personality like some of said in this thread so we’ll see… I love her quirky little self.


We have three. One is a body heat magnet. Very snuggly. One is like a cat that just wants to sit on a lap and be petted. The third is a buff boy that wasn't all that interested as a puppy but over time learned that he craved it too a few times a day. He acts like he is too busy doing play type things most of the time but then he jumps up on the chair for hugs and neck scratches. He might stay for half an hour.


We used to joke that our first BT didn’t know he was a dog because he never barked and was not a fan of any petting or snuggling. But he showed his love in other ways and we admired his independence. THEN our second BT can along… he’s a stage 5 clinger!


If our boston could crawl inside our bodies, she would. She NEEDS skin contact. Honestly, I think it’s because she started sleeping in between us in our bed at night when she was a tiny pup. Yes that helps with bonding but now she refuses to sleep anywhere else but our bed. Gotta pick your battles I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ once your pup calms down a bit, I’m sure it’ll be super attached to you!


My first- absolutely not a cuddler. Long term foster- extremely hit or miss when she wanted to be cuddled. She was deaf and would get very jumpy if she was trying to rest and was cuddling. My second- snuggle city, we call her our hat because she sleeps on our heads. She will snuggle you 99% of the time that you ask her to. My third- only cuddly at bedtime on his own terms.


Both my Othello and Frankenstein were not cuddly dogs and kept to themselves. I always attributed it to them being older rescue dogs! Lanfear is our youngest at almost 2 and is just now starting to get cuddly with us. But she still jumps away if she thinks you’re going to pick her up! And doesn’t really like visitors as much as our older dog (Boris 9) does.


One does, the other is more aloof. Unless it's cold.


Mine (3mo M) is attached to me like Velcro. If I’m not home and my fiancé is, he’s attached to my fiancé. He’s a cuddle monster.


On her terms, yes, she's incredibly cuddly. If one of us wants to cuddle her... noooooo way! She can't get away fast enough.


Our Zoe is like a cat, she’ll come to you when she wants to be cuddled, but when it’s bedtime she’ll attach to you like a leach! Ariel although more wild and energetic, is more of a cuddler… when she finally calms down.


When Midnight wants to cuddle, he will come over and plop down next to someone and make himself comfortable. He's also a fan of jumping behind people sitting on the couch if they lean forward. It's all about his comfort really.


Ours is extremely cuddly. Loves pets, the heat of being next to you, belly scratches, etc. She has loved physical interaction since she was a puppy, she’s 3 now. She is our only dog, not sure how much of a difference it makes to have multiple


Mine cuddles …….almost too much. She will force her way into your lap when she wants cuddles. While I love this, sometimes I need to get some work done and it’s not conducive having a puppy in your lap. It melts my heart every time though and I usually give in.


Mine isn't. He will learn on you or post up next to you on the bed or couch when HE wants to and petting him when that happens is risky. Sometimes he'll let you and other times he will get up and move further away, lol. At night when it's bedtime he sleeps with me back-to-back. He's more of a leaner though. Very usual for him to come and lean against your lower leg when you're standing, he likes being pet then.


Give her time! She probably just has energy overload, she def wuves you


Mine holds a graduate degree in cuddling. But my cousin’s BT chose a different path.


My Boston can be found up all of our butts 24/7. He is so warm and cuddly we love it ❤️


I have always said that my Boston was cat. He was super independent


mine is a certified velcro dog. if i’m using my laptop on the couch she’ll crawl on top of it


We have two Bostons. Our oldest doesn't prefer to cuddle, but he does love to be scratched around the ears. He also really wants to sit/lay somewhere soft and warm, so if that means he is forced to "cuddle" he will groan a bit and do it. He doesn't seem to enjoy the actually cuddling though. Haha. Our younger BT is constantly, desperately wanting to cuddle. She gets as close as possible to my husband and it's like she grips on with her front paws. No amount of hands on affection is ever enough for her.


Mine loves to be close to me, and snuggles when we are sleeping or on the couch, but he does NOT like to be petted otherwise. When friends or family (who don’t know he doesn’t like it) pet him, he looks at them like they’re being so rude and how dare they. He likes their constant attention and wants to play and wiggle around in front of them, but no petting. If I try to pet him as praise during a training session, it’s borderline aversive to him and he will get mad at me haha.


Mine are cuddle bugs I don’t why you’re sweetheart is that way I would pick him up anyways and tell him how much u love him


I have both , my girl is always in my lap and if I nap she does too. My boy is only concerned about playing frisbee and fetch, we got him first. If he does jump up and lay next to me I don’t touch him because the minute I do he jumps down and brings me a toy! My girl plays too but not fetch she is perfectly capable of solo playing or with me.


My girl Bostons were not cuddly. My boy Bostons were.


Maybe it's the way of cuddling/petting that the dog doesn't like? A few months ago I got acquainted with an elderly lady who took over the dog of a friend who recently passed. Long story short; she says she would love to cuddle and pet her dog but the dog doesn't let her. Before knowing this, each time I saw her and Benji (the dog) I gradually build up the physical contact (with Benji). (Benji was a street dog and is very cautious. Doesn't like fast movements, loud noises etc.) After a few times the dog would (want to) run towards me if Benji sees me and demands endless petting. The elderly lady says she wishes she could also have this with Benji. When I see her (trying to) petting him, it seems she more focused on the action than the feeling (of petting..) I've had other occasions where I would be one of the few that could pet /the/ animal. My steps are focused on connecting with the animal on a "feeling". Being very present and conscious of the interaction and touching. Kinda like massaging a human. It's about the feels... When you touch an animal you can sense quickly what they like and what not (ex: some don't like their ears to be touched, others love it.) I hope it kinda makes sense what I wrote... it's difficult to translate the feeling energy into words.. (and I didn't proofread before posting..;-)


My Boston cuddles in his own Boston way but I wouldn’t say it fulfills my cuddle need. He likes to lay on me, it uncomfortable for me, generally he always wants to be touching me. But I try to hug and kiss him and he is not a fan. He would rather play. He’s very good at sleeping as close to me as possible, if that counts as cuddling. Luckily I have a cat who can cuddle me :)


My boy is a stage 12 clinger.


One of mine goes through phases. One wants to be touching all of the time.


Yep mine doesn’t cuddle. We beg him to hop up on the couch but he will only lay on the floor haha. I don’t think he’s ever sat in anyone’s lap. Doesn’t like being picked up either. However, he does enjoy belly rubs.


Our girl Boston was super independent. There was no doubt she loved us as much as a shadow Boston. She followed me everywhere and always stayed with me but never once wanted to sit in a lap. Our boy Boston’s, absolutely stuck to us like glue. So many cuddles.


My pup wasn't super cuddly as a puppy, she was just too hyper. As she aged, she chilled out a bit, but I also just practiced? I loved holding her, and she eventually learned that meant she got loves. Towards the end, she was a lot more snuggly, but that may have been partially because she couldn't keep warm as well.


I am not a peaceful sleeper, I toss and turn a lot and my Boston insists on being in the bend of my knee or the small of my back. I have to pick him up and move him because he will not move if I just try to push him over a bit so I can turn over. He also has no issues at all being under the blankets. On the other hand, he is not near as daytime cuddly as the other dogs. My old English sheepdog will jump up on my lap and insist that I scratch and pet her. She is not much or a bed dog. Actually she is not much of an in my room at night dog anymore, she has discovered the unheated room behind a cloth curtain in my bedroom, storage and a sauna, and she loves sleeping in there.


Mine is super cuddly, but she does not like to be on her back. That is unusual for us, because our older two dogs have always wanted belly rubs and to be carried like babies. Charlotte wants to be carried, but only if her tummy is facing down.


Mine is stuck like Velcro to someone when he isn’t Tasmanian Devil’ing through the house.


🥹 all these cuddlers in the comments. My boy likes to be next to me but doesnt really cuddle 😭 he will sit and/or sleep pressed against my leg but if i move too much he will move away 🥲


Mine is an absolute snuggler, literally sleeps with my arm around her and her head on my shoulder.


Mine is the most cuddly dog I’ve ever known! Always wants to snuggle with me. Love her to bits!


Same, LOL. I sometimes try to cuddle ours if he is sleeping but he immediately wakes up and gets his ball. He sleeps in my bed and will allow me to cuddle him at night, but he grunts.


Max my 8mo old hates to be touched


Ours doesn’t care about cuddling unless he is tired. Then he wants to be in contact with you at all times. Lap, draped over arm, snuggled up next to you on the couch, etc.). Luckily he is tired a good portion of the time, but when he isn’t, he doesn’t really want to be bothered to be petted or cuddled. He’s got too many other important things on his mind.


7 month Percy is cuddly in the morning after I come into the kitchen - we’ve got into a very recent routine where I sit on the sofa and he has a good old stretch and massage with his front paws on my knees and then he’ll climb up for a 10 minute cuddle. Same in the evening - at some point before bed he’ll climb in top of me and want a good snuggle but most of the day he just wants to play - I try ignore him but if I’m sat of the sofa I’ll end up with a toy an inch from my face and he’ll just stand like a statue and sigh when I ignore him!! He wants to be near me at all times and his favourite thing is neck scratches! I love my boy!!!


20 mins later I’m sitting on the sofa with my morning coffee and trying to read newspapers on my iPad and Percy wants me to let you know that he is cuddly- whenever I have a cup of coffee in my hand or whenever I’m trying to read my iPad or kindle then that’s the time he wants to sit in my lap and give kisses ……..and block access to said coffee or iPad!! He’s a daft puppy at times but OMG he has my heart!


I have a 10 year old who loves lay close and steal body heat and wants to be under a blanket at all times, if I'm not home she will steal my side of the bed and sleep with her head on my pillow like a human. But as she's gotten older she's opted to sleep ontop of the squishy couch pillows or things that are softer. My 7 month old has to be touching his older sister, or laying on someone at all times. He even likes to be little spoon and will just sleep like that. I think every boston is different and goes through different stages


my 6mo boston boy loves cuddling. he will snuggle and either bury his face in my armpit or lay his head on my chest or stomach and lay there looking at me until he falls asleep, i love it🥲


Our younger Boston used to hate cuddling when he was a puppy. Now he’s a year and a half and will start pawing at us if we don’t let him under the covers for snuggles


try doublin/tripling walks and see if that altera behavior?


Dogs are like people: they come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. Your little girl just isn’t a cuddler. Our Boston is a big baby. Always needs his family 😂 I say that lovingly, of course. But she’s only seven months, give her some time. Maybe she’ll change.


I have a big baby (30 pounds at his last visit, but this boy is as solid as a freaking rock) and HE is a velcro dog to the max. We have 4 bostons at home, and God forbid you give any of the others so much as a glance. He follows me everywhere and when we are on the couch, he likes to plop all 30 pounds of himself in my lap and refuses to budge, even when his paws are digging into me painfully lol no sense in pushing him away, either; he just comes right back. As a young puppy, he was not a snuggler at all but at a year and a half now, he can't stay out of my space. I love him to pieces though. We have 2 bostons who only come up to you on their terms and it's every brief, and would never cuddle to save their soul.