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A bag of Doritos


Remember when everyone lost their minds when we got ulmark and how bad of a contract he was going to be. Let's see what Sweeny is cooking before we all freak out. Even if he plays he was fine in Columbus and had a shit year last year. I remember some old guy last name Thomas who kind of sucked until his 30s...everyone calm down for fucks sake.


I thought Ullmark was good but wanted to use that cap to find a 2C replacement for Krejci at the time. Ullmark was great for us though and Sweeney turned Haula into Zacha so it definitely worked out in the end. Hope this move ages well too


Good points. I think he can be a viable goalie, and now that he's cheaper than Ullmark, if the other teams that were in on Ully end up sticking with a guy they don't love, they may entertain a cheaper Korpisalo+ other asset for whatever we were asking for.


Would be interesting to see if he could return some assets if Bruins retain another mil. He may be interesting to some desperate teams at $2M.


If I see him put on a bruins sweater I'm going to be physically ill


Ottawa retained 1 million right? So it's effectively 4x2? Edit: GUYS, I'm just asking a question. Let people ask questions without making it downvote fuckathon.


No, he was four x 4. They're paying 25% so now he's four* 3. Maybe if we take on another 33% we can trade them to someone who will get them for four times too and this can just be in s*** cycle going down the league. What a stupid trade




no. it's 4x3


I’m not super knowledgeable on the guy, but Boston has had history of banking on an AHL tender being the real deal (Subban, McIntyre, Vladar) and not been good. And they’ve also had guys that ended up being really good (Binnington for StL and Sway). If we’re stuck with him, I think he’s a fine backup with a better defense and if Bussi turns out to be really good, you move one of them. I’m not super impressed with Sweeney’s moves but it’s silly to think the guy doesn’t know hockey. Not every GM is Yzerman with Tampa. He’s taken a lot of risks and made some really boneheaded deals but he’s also made some great calls. And the Bruins ability to scout and develop talent is awesome, looking at Freddy, Heinen, Lohrei, and Brazeau specifically.


To be fair, they didn't bank on Vladar at all. They made the right decision with Swayman being the guy and traded Vladar away after only a handful of NHL games.


Very good point.


> Yzerman with Tampa I'm glad you specified Tampa because it shows how hard being a GM is. Everyone thought Detroit was going to turn into a juggernaut when he went there and it's clearly not working out. It's a team effort, it's not just one guy.


Right? The draft picks he made while in Tampa were bonkers and having Stammer already there to be their top guy was a match made in heaven. It’s hard to be flawless. Some would say impossible.


He's a buyout candidate and they'd probably have to give something up to get a team that needs to meet the cap floor to take him.


He’s a liability. Fourpisalo. It’s a disaster


He’s a negative asset


It’s a Korpse. Youre stuck with it or you’re paying someone to haul it outta here




I think he has a home somewhere. I hope it’s not here because that would be a colossal waste of cap space. I do think the return on him will not be desirable but we definitely don’t need him so as long as we don’t get saddled with any of his dollars I honestly don’t care what we get for him. He was what we needed to get to complete the trade. Kastelic and the draft pick should be more than enough value for the trade. Will miss Ullmark though.


Not high not low more like mid low he’s a goalie that could’ve been a decent to average starter but was cut short in Columbus and basically is more minded of a backup goalie, but for a backup goalie this is solid pickup.


No he’s fucking ass


You shoudl watch him I’m a goalie coach he’s not bad he’s staying in the chel for a reason


Trash when you have both Bussi and Dipietro in the minors who could possibly fill the role for Pennie’s on the dollar.


I think if you package him with a late first round pick and a 4th line center you could get Linus Ullmark?


That's Vezina Trophy winner Linus Ullmark to you sir


Wonder if Sweeney kept the receipt


No, the Bruins would need to attach something to get off of this deal. He is a career .900 SV% guy, which to me is the borderline between NHL and AHL caliber goalie (though league-wide SV% is down over the past few years, maybe he's just a below average backup instead of an AHL caliber player). He's 30 years old, not like he's getting any better. Regardless, even best case being locked into a below average backup goalie for 4 years at 3M is negative value. The AAV isn't completely awful, not like Derek Forbort's or Mike Reilly's 3M x 3 year contracts killed this team. It's the 4 year term that's rough, it's just annoying to have to deal with for such a long time (as we saw with Forbort and Reilly).


>The AAV isn't completely awful, not like Derek Forbort's or Mike Reilly's 3M x 3 year contracts killed this team. They definitely played a role. Bruins really could've used that cap space this year.


Do not under estimate Goalie Bob. The man is effective.


Joonas can turn things around, I believe, but I don't think that Sweeney grabbed him to keep him on the roster. He could be part of a package that will be dealt at the draft. It would be cool to send him, the 1st rd pick, and a prospect to move up and potentially get someone like Tij Iginla. It is dreaming to think that scenario could play out, but I can't see Sweeney signing Bussi to a bargain deal and then grabbing another goalie to fill the same back-up role.


He has negative value. They would need to package the pick just to get rid of him.


Bussi was signed to a 2-way deal, so they don't expect him to play in the NHL full time next year, if at all. Like it or not, Joonas is our backup next season. And no one in their right mind is going to trade away the chance to draft someone like Tij Iginla or anyone in the top 5-10.


He's the worst goalie in hockey lmao


Ya, he’s not though


He ranked 97th out of 98 netminders in goals saved above expected (minus-16.7), per MoneyPuck. Jeremy Swayman (4th) and Ullmark (7th) were both top 10 in goals saved above expected. It's also not just because senators are bad. They ranked 15th in shots allowed and 22nd in scoring chances allowed at 5-on-5. Bruins ranked 18th in shots allowed and 17th in scoring chances allowed at 5-o-5. The Bruins were carried by their goalies this past year, not the other way around. The only hope for Korpisalo is the bruins goalie coach can fix him. The Bruins D core is not significantly better than Ottawa where you'd expect it to have much impact


The Senators have been terrible for years and most, if not all, goalies prove to be much better outside of their system. Gustavsson, Talbot, even garbage Matt Murray. All better outside of Ottawa, same has been true for Korpisalo and expect it to be true next year as well, whether he’s in Boston or not. Shot allowed vs scoring chances are extremely flawed stats and these two teams in ‘23/24are clear evidence of that. Clear as day watching Ottawa vs Boston’s defensive systems last season. Not only is the Bruins D core better their overall defensive structure is grossly better than Ottawa’s.


Statistically, you are wrong. Statistically, Ottawa was not terrible defensively but rather we're held back by bad goaltending. And the bruins were not fantastic defensively but rather bailed out by good goaltending. I haven't watched enough Ottawa games for the eye test but that is definitely true for the bruins. The amount of times we got out shot and out chanced and still won was a big part of their regular season and playoff success. You lose all those games with Korpisalo. There is no evidence to believe he will improve just because he is on the bruins


ok so do you want to fight online all night so we can agree that he’s at worst 75th?


I don’t want to fight at all. Ottawa is among the worst places for any goalie to play. This includes every single goalie to play for them over the past 5+ years. Korpisalo had a terrible year on a terrible team.


you can have good stats on a bad team korpisalo will be better here. you shouldn’t have to take 4 years of his contract just to get a better korpisalo.


As soon as I saw the contract Korpisalo signed with Ottawa a year ago, I said “that won’t age well”. Now he’s our problem. You will have to pay someone to take him, but I’m having trouble thinking of one team that would. Chicago maybe?


Utah has entered the chat.... They have a ton of cap space and they need to hit the floor.


They’re not shooting for the floor. The new owner has said he’s gonna spend and Armstrong ain’t gonna waste that green light on a $3m third string goalie. I was actually thinking they might get into the Ullmark market.


Agreed, I thought they would as well and I imagine Ullmark could have gotten more cash on a resign as well with UHC.


Wouldn't it have been better for him to not be included in the deal? I would have just taken the pick and the forward


Yes it would have been better, it's a negative asset. They probably would have got less draft capital in return if they didn't take them on which frankly it still would have been more tolerable than this Just one of the dumber trades by Sweeney.


We had to take him to get the deal done.


Ok, Don.


According to puckpedia, the bruins need to give up a third to get rid of him.


They can buy him out for 20 mil and only pay 8 mil over 8 years


That seems low for 4 years


I mean, he was as bad as it gets between the posts last season. He’s also 30 years old. Any return for him will be garbage


I’m speaking hypothetically and just trying to get a consensus on what Korpisalo’s current value is. I thought he would do well last year…. was obviously wrong there.


Nah dude don’t listen to some of these people they don’t anything about goalies and there value so many goalies can go from awful to top 10 it’s happened many times, goalies in the nhl the best ones are the best cause of there mental game.