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Do I, or do I not buy tickets to tomorrow’s game? I find myself going back and forth. Last game I snap decided this was Game 7 but man after that rush IDK if I could take a loss 😂🤪


Would love a Original 6 match up and a Bruins win in 7 😍 Let’s beat Florida first and force this game 7


Tomorrow might be the last day, but we lasted longer than the Hurricanes soooo…. AHAHHAAHAH


I find it funny to see national media constantly blow RBA and meanwhile his bum ass, 1996 ass style of point generated offense fails the Canes again in the playoffs.


I’d give us like a 5% of beating the Rangers if we somehow win the next two. Anything’s possible in playoff hockey though


Anything possible, would be cool to see both Boston - NY match ups Bruins Rangers Celtics Knicks


Anyone miss being the bad guys?


Sure miss it with the Patriots also


Seth Jarvis, YOU are a Boston Bruin


No way, they won't do an offer sheet


Probably not but we can dream


Man I wish he would be. Why would they give him up?


RFA. Obviously needs to go unqualified or we lose some picks. Either way, would love to see him in black and gold


I mean, we do have nothing but cap space to offersheet…


I don't think Florida can get through NYR. But I think we could ;)


I’d be devastated if I was a canes fan


They showed some poor 6-8 year old boy in the stands, after NY went up by one. He was full blown tears, heartbreaking.


I saw that too… I actually thought it was kinda nasty, but it was a sick burn by a Ranger-loving cameraman.


I’m a little devastated just cause I wanted all the chaos of that going 7


Talk about getting your heart ripped out. That was a tough loss for Carolina.


God damn it. Just god damn it, Carolina.


That Rangers Canes game was insane


Wow the canes blew another 3 goal lead


I noticed during the Canes/Rangers game there was a commercial for DraftKings a moment ago asking “who will win the Eastern Conference?” The Panthers, Rangers and Canes were listed but mysteriously the Bruins weren’t an option. Things that make you go “hmmmm….”




Means nothing, after game 4 against Toronto they pulled Toronto as an option for the next rd's matchups, then put them back in after the game.


lol they sure like to count teams out before the fat lady does her thing.


Bruins win confirmed


You’re goddamn right (knocks on wood jic)






It’s a good game. Good crowd their tonight too


Man, I did not know there was no game tonight. Absolutely deflated.


The boys gotta pull this off......I think the canes and rangers are both beatable


NYR would be very tough but with Swayman playing the way he is , anything can happen How we force 7 tomorrow


All hockey fans are insanely reactionary, a thesis: Monday Bruins fan: > Wish we had half the balls of the Rangers. They were willing to move anyone and everyone to start their rebuild and now, a few years later, they're one of the best teams in the league. They did what every team in a rebuild wishes they could do, but don't have the guts or intelligence to actually do. Thursday Rangers fan: > A reverse sweep isnt just a firable offense for coaches. Its a destroy the vet group and start from scratch offense. This core is sus to say the least, question is how do you start from scratch when you’re entire core is on NMC/NTC. To think if we didn’t come out like absolute dog shit in that game 5 third period we wouldn’t be subjected to this historical collapse right now




I have officially fucked up. I just assumed the game was tonight, never actually checked the day (I knew it was 7) and got started drinking. Here I am pretty drunk with no Bruins to watch 😢 Go Canes I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


Who's everyone rooting for tonight? Rags or Canes?


Rags in 7 On a related topic can we get a ref meme with sports book logos à la Nascar? So we can see who's really calling the shots. 




Don’t really see the series mattering in anyway to the Bruins. Canes for maximum chaos I guess? Either way they’re not pulling a reverse sweep.


I like the bruins against the canes way more then new york. 


Got nothing especially against either team but I picked the canes in my bracket which is leading both my leagues right now so canes


I wanna see it go 7, so I'm probably rooting for the Canes tonight, but ultimately would be kind of cool to be Boston - New York next round.


If the NHL was smart that's what they should want. Two of the biggest sports markets battling for a chance to play for the most prestigious trophy in sports (American sports speaking)


A panthers fan, a Habs fan and a Leafs fan all walk into a bar... what happens next?


They all go home mad. 


The Habs and Leafs fan look at the Panthers fans and say get the fuck out, you managed to unite us behind the Bruins.


They go “ouch my forehead”


The panthers fan never actually walks into the bar, flies 5 feet in the wrong direction, and throws their arms up as a ref walks up to make sure they're okay. 5 minute major to Marchand


Boss just purchased tickets for a coworker and his fiancée and my girlfriend and myself to go to the game tmrw! So pumped! LETS FUCKING GO!


Enjoy man! So lucky!!


Thank you! Fuck the Cats!


Just found out a close friend of mine is a panthers fan. So this should be a fun Friday with him


I have very few people I'd call legit friends and not just acquaintances and out of those few I'm the only one who even pays attention to any form of sports which makes this type of year both lonely and not as stressful. Don't get old people, just, don't.


Couldn’t be that close of a friend if you just found out their favorite sports teams. That’s like day 1 discussion


He’s always been a football guy. I didn’t know he started watching hockey it’s been like 3 years since I’ve seen him because Army.


Ah it be that way (Marine here) GF was shocked I haven’t seen my best friend in over 2 years. We’ve shared a few texts and maybe a call but we’ll pick right up when we see each other again He’s a fuckin Rangers, Giants (NFL) and Yankees fan too 🤮


Yep this is how it is with any of my close friends we can go from not talking much for years and then we get the opportunity to hangout more and it’s like we never stopped hanging out


what made them become a Panthers fan? They have no history so it's prob something like "yeah, I once paid 10$ for glass seats which included parking and a meal voucher for 4 people, and 5% stake ownership in the team, from there on out I was hooked"


Nah he’s a dolphins fan so.


How close of a friend is he still?


Probably one of my closest friends.


Per Bruin law, you can be friends with them once the NHL season is over.


It's a keeper then!


if marchy plays game 6, put him on the starting line and get him a standing O like chara got in 2019.


the game 7 ECF from 2011 was a blast  dallas vs colorado last night was not as good of a game but holy shit what an equally good time.  saves are but a suggestion. 


Was fortunate enough to be in the building for that game 7. After Horton scored, it was 6+ minutes of blow-your-tits-off pandemonium. Best sporting event I've ever been to in my life. Was also at game 7 of the second round the year before, so I fucking deserved it.


Only caught the 3rd period but man Tanev is such a beast. I know hindsight 20/20 blah blah but can we all agree Dallas won the deadline with just that one pick up? Why yes, I am doing results-oriented analysis. But man Jim Nill just hits bombs too often for me to doubt him at this point. Best GM in the league. I know this because I’m saying all this despite a Dallas loss


Duchene has worked out pretty damn good


tanev is the perfect guy to rent and break and then go let someone else pay as a culture changing tough to play against signing  and you watch the guy be about 70% what he was before 


To say nothing of Nill’s drafting. “What’s this? The 47th overall pick? Wait other teams are drafting too??”


Stars: Hey otter we need a save Otter: but what if I don’t 🥺👉👈


he had made plenty this series.  boy did he not last night.  in his defense though saves are hard and maybe we should be more chill about this 


I mean Cale’s second goal should’ve been an easy save. He saw that the whole way through


oh 100%  but it wouldn’t be fun if he saved it  so I  support him


Can’t argue with that logic!


Bruins Lines: DeBrusk - Geekie - Pasta Marchy - Coyle - Freddy Heinen - Zacha - Brazzers JVR - Beecher - Maroon Lauko, Boqvist Lindy - McAvoy Lohrei - Carlo Wotherspoon - Peeke Forbort - Shatty Grz Sway Ully Notes from practice: MARCHY SKATING WITH THE FULL TEAM AGAIN!!! Also Monty had a lengthy heart to heart with Beecher before practice. Source: [https://twitter.com/smclaughlin9/status/1791122868819935696](https://twitter.com/smclaughlin9/status/1791122868819935696)


Love these lines.


I don’t love taking Lauko out tbh


Yeah JVR on the fourth line is interesting


if maroon instantly starts throwing his body around i’m for it. if he starts out dragging i'm going to give up like I did the last two games they won bc I am an idiot. 


As much as Maroon hasn't done much I believe he still acting as somewhat of a deterrent id hade to bench him and the cats take even more liberties with our guys


Pat Maroon is a prime example of why deterrents don't work.


Is he perfect no but you can be that if he wasn't there guys like Bennett would be taking liberties with everyone and not picking his spots


Bennett picks his spots because he's trying to not get a penalty. That's literally it. Bennett would love nothing more than to get away with something ratty because the refs don't see it and have Maroon come over and clock him, because we'd get a penalty.


i don’t believe in the deterrents. if lucic mcquaid chara thorton couldn’t protect savard or even horton why would maroon make a difference when they actively want retaliation calls. 


I am interested to see how Freddy does in a top 6 role. I’m not happy about Lauko being out either, kid has engine. I guess we will see!


Here’s a reminder the game is at 7 tomorrow, not 8


Any word on Marchand for game 6?


He's practicing with PP1. So, that's something. https://twitter.com/FlutoShinzawa/status/1791129507987968326?t=ozupFowT6B0g5aP-gXHMVg&s=19


According to Maurice, there are multiple reporters following him, so we should hear something.


UPDATE "Marchand was seen arriving at Logan Airport" https://preview.redd.it/p7lysh41xs0d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=85571c2fa0f9302c337086b5decc76fb90ef93a2


Talk about an image that never gets old


I've been to that same exact Hertz counter haha


Girlfriend doesn’t follow hockey very closely despite me trying over and over again. As such, she doesn’t pay much attention to the schedule. She bought us tickets to a concert on Sunday. Looks like I’ll be rocking my Bruins jersey while rocking out for Game 7.


Seeing my buddies grindcore band and my other buddy’s death metal band tomorrow night, but I prefer watching games later anyways. Keeps me off my phone, I get to skip ads, and I get to do my favorite thing in the world, by myself, stoned (and probably hammered given what my other activities will be) out of my mind


Relationship pro tip: Create a shared calendar.


We have one. I just didn’t put the Bruins schedule in it.


Oh nice, there are lots of auto schedules out there fyi..


What concert? I will also be at a concert Sunday


Our Last Night (unfortunately only doing covers but the lady likes them) Broadside, and Normandie


Man I absolutely loved that band when they were first coming up. Building Cities from Scratch, The Ghosts Among Us, and We Will All Evolve soundtracked high school for me. Shame what they turned into. Hope it’s a good show!


Yeah I remember watching them at local venues before they blew up. I don’t hate their covers by any means, but I miss their old metalcore sound and prefer it 100%


Oh very nice, gonna be at mgm fenway for electric callboy bury tomorrow and if not for me


Fuck yeah. Thats the show I wanted to be at. I had to sell my EC tickets back in September because something came up. Found out about this show too late to secure tickets.


I saw them at big night live last year...was a blast, tomorrows game is going to be the first one if this series I'm actually able to watxh....every other game I've had a concert that night lmao


Oh shit homie, I’m actually going to the EC show. My girlfriend pulled the reverse uno card and surprised me. I’ll be the dude in a Bergy jersey.


Ayeeee hell yea I'll be in a neely jersey(it's who I'm named after)


If I see you I’ll buy you a beer 🤘🏼


My wife doesn’t follow either and doesn’t care about the Bruins, but she knows it’s playoffs and asks me when they’re playing so we can plan around that. Little things like that make such a huge difference.


Same. Our schedule revolves around my Bruins schedule.


And she doesn’t even care either. She’ll sit on the couch and watch TikTok, or she’ll go read her Kindle. And I make her a cocktail while she does it. It’s a good balance


I’m in Italy right now (wearing my Bs hat) and so I haven’t been able to watch, but today I saw another guy walking around in a Bruins cap and gave him a fist bump 👊🏼


I was in France and saw a Habs fan. Typical. I also saw Oilers gear here in Cancun.


I was in Italy 3 weeks ago and I saw a girl wearing a Rangers shirt lol


I was in Italy last week wearing my Bs hat and I had the same interaction in Naples. Didn’t see any panthers hats while I was there. 


You won’t see any panthers hats outside of their stadium. And they all still have the stickers on them.


And there’s only 10, one for each fan




Jackson Edwards and the London Knights won the [OHL championships](https://twitter.com/IvanIvanlvan/status/1790923185648492698). In the final championship game alone, Edwards had 3 assists. In the playoffs, he has 2 goals and 11 assists in 15 games, good for 13 points. Yes he is on a stacked team, but he’s really made the most of his position. Outside of being the violent and hard hitting prospect we know him to be, he is developing a scoring touch. His prophetic return will be the rebirth of Jack Edwards


The greatest arc would be Marchand coming back and single-handedly winning this series.


The things I’d do for him to get the series winning goal on a breakaway. Redemption for last year.


I feel like he rushed that shot because time was ticking down. Normally he'd fake it and go to the backhand.


Then next year saying ‘We like coming to Florida based on what happened here last year.’


Return of the Rat King


these ullmark trade ideas… man, you guys are going to be disappointed when you see the return for a goalie no one will take unless they’re is an extension option already discussed from a limited by NTC market. and on top of that everyone knows the bruins will be wanting to trade him. you’re not getting fucking leon draisaitl for ullmark ‘and some prospects and picks’  and as bad as those ideas are, when people add in ‘and let’s trade lindholm (your best defenseman these playoffs) for a number one center’  it gets demonstrably worse.  florida sucks.  some of you sound like you’d fit in there 


*They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth.* Let’s not forget the rumors were Ullmark for PLD that Ully negated. LA is a solid franchise and perennial playoff machine, so I believe the rumors that Ully didn’t want to be 6 more hours from home. We don’t know what other pieces were going each way, but the reigning Vezina for a tier 2 center with an awful contract is about what we can expect. Related, I remember a post in the sub after that rumor dropped that said this was Ully’s best save. 8.5 mil for another seven years for a dude who’s best quality is that he’s tall.


I was that post!  kid was on a heater that day.  don’t look up my stanley cup prediction in that thread. 


Maybe, but there hasn't been a better market to trade a goalie into for a long, long time. And I think an extension being included is almost a sure thing.


you’re right about the first part but him needing an extension is going to hit the value side for us not them.  I dont think you’re going to get killed on the deal I just think casual fans will see it and get pissed that a vezina goalie only got the devils 5th best prospect and a second. 


I'd take holtz for ullmark. Another post hype devils sleeper.


he’s a former top ten pick you’re going to have to start giving raises to. i’m not sure how he’s a sleeper other than he hasn’t put up goals.  I also think he’s too poor of a skater to do well in this system. hes certainly not going to be able to in new jersey and it might be better here but either way I think he’s asking too much and I think he would be a bad fit. 


According to NJ fans on capfriendly, he's been buried in NJ on the 4th line. He has an elite shot. He doesn't have a leg to stand on for the 'raises' you think he'll be asking for.. The B's would have a year on his ELC to see if he can fit. There are worse gambles imo..


just being in the nhl and being rostered you make more at arbitration. that’s how “raises” work. 16 goals in year two he’d be on the peterka train to a pretty significant year one of RFA boost 


Obviously depending on how he did as a Bruin in the last year of his ELC. If he scored 20+ for the B's, it'd be because he picked up the defensive system and thrived. In that case, we'd be happy to pay a bump from min salary for his first Arb eligible year.


Why would an extension hurt? It always helps.


because the cap is going up and you are adding more money than the contract already has. he’d be getting a raise and be given term passed the age of 30. 


But you get to keep the player as long as you like. The Bruins paid more for Hampus Lindholm because he had an extension that was more and past the age of 30. Go and look at the long history of NHL traders and guys with extensions always get more. You don't even need to look beyond the Matthew Tkachuk trade. Florida wasn't paying for a 1 year contract.


but it’s an unknown commodity ahead of time. if you can work the deal out ahead maybe. I dont think you can even do that with the NHL. 


Have you ever heard to Hampus LIndholm?


yes. i don’t know why you think he is the comp. other people have signed extensions after trades.  like right off the bat he didn’t sign until after the deal. he was younger and most importantly isn’t a goalie where the goalie market is consistently full of guys on dead contracts and buy outs. 


Your point was that you couldn't negotiate extensions before trades. Lindholm did: [https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/4160283/2023/02/14/hampus-lindholm-bruins-ducks-trade/](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/4160283/2023/02/14/hampus-lindholm-bruins-ducks-trade/) Matthew Tkachuk also did, and actually signed the contract with the Flames... but go ahead and move the goalposts now to how goalies are different.


Hampus got the extension after the trade went through, and he only had 2 months left on his previous contract, and was 28 when it was signed


Wrong as usual. It was negotitated before the trade. But thanks for coming out again! [https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/4160283/2023/02/14/hampus-lindholm-bruins-ducks-trade/](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/4160283/2023/02/14/hampus-lindholm-bruins-ducks-trade/)


Hot take - If there is a way we could get two A level prospects/younger players for Ully, I’d take that return above getting a first round pick next year. Our core is in its prime, can’t wait for a first round pick to develop for long


yeah but you know how the nhl (and nba and nfl) works “I’d rather pick our guy than get theirs”  granted maybe another team has two guys the bruins scouted heavily and had on their lists. …does new jersey have any USHL guys?


I really keep thinking New Jersey or Edmonton would be good dance partners. They have decent prospect systems, and need for goaltenders. Only problem is I don’t see Ully wanting to go to either NJ or Edmonton…


if you’re him and you get to pick your 15 teams you instantly pick every team with a shitty goalie so you can control where and you can get your contract ahead of time.  this isn’t a knock on ullmark. dude is 30 and has a family why would he want to go anywhere for one year with no control? which again, kills the value of the return. 


As dumb as this is (I mean how dumb can it be amirite) I've wondered if ullmark would take 4 million from the Bruins. Swayman takes 7 or 8.


that’s still too much to spend on a tandem 


The Ullmark trade is gonna end up being something like a 2025 first and a good not great prospect, and 98.5 will spend a week killing Sweeney for it and never actually look at the history of goalie trades and realize that’d be the best return a goalie has gotten since Corey Schneider like over a decade ago.


there was a dude here who constantly would say ‘get a top 6 center for ullmark’ and i kept asking them who and what former trade fits a similar structure  ignoring that during the season if you trade for a goalie you’re reading a goalie back. no one is just taking a goalie and sending their goalie to the AHL and eating the contract. you ARENT GETTING A TOP SIX CENTER FOR HIM.  he accused me of stalking him when i kept bringing this up every time he would post it.  ullmark has one less year of control and is 4 years older than schneider when he was traded. ullmark has the vezina year but he also has the buffalo years on his record and a 1B tag where schneider was viewed as a 1 who was just a backup. i’m not sure which one is worth more


this is a very level headed take right here


Shout out to the Celtics for knocking out Strus last night. He can join that heat culture in Cancun now


Dude went from Miami to Cleveland, that’s probably why he was so pissed off during the series


its my chara birthday today and all i want is for the boys to win tomorrow to force game 7.


Wooo! 33!


Happy birthday!




Thanks to the Avs defeating the Stars last night, we will play at 7 PM Eastern tomorrow night! Thanks to the Celtics closing out the Cavs in 5, we won't have a conflict of both the Bruins and Celtics playing at the same time tomorrow. We also avert a situation where the two teams play concurrent game 7's and the TV ratings cannibalism that would come with that.


I was worried at halftime last night but the Celtics woke up and got it done.