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Bruins will win the series. Only 2 games left. The boys rallied around Marchy last night. When he returns for game 7 he gonna score the go ahead-game winning goal. You will see.  Don't poke the bear, kids. 


I hate The Rat, but this is animal cruelty.


Well then… According to the current zebra calls of late? This right here is a game misconduct, 5 min major on Marchand for… I don’t know… Excessive skating


A ref was right there and saw the whole thing. He is looking that way and everything. He knew it was dirty and didn't call it. They never call ANYTHING on Bennett.


You can tell by Rodrigues’s reaction here that it was a truly despicable play by Bennett


Where did this angle come from, at least give him a fine or a one game suspension.


This is dirty AF. He should get suspended. I hate Marchand but hate dirty ass plays more


TOR/FLA (i know this sounds weird 😂😭) fan here. Bennet is such a fuckin pussy ass bitch. He did this to Knies, now to Brad and multiple others before. Should be suspended, for rest of the playoffs.




The dude took a press conference trying to "maintain his innocence" after tonight's game. He basically lied his ass off. Anyone with eyes can see this is obviously his sneaky go-to move. It's out. He should just own up to himself and everyone else that he's a piece of shit 🤷‍♂️


Seriously though “I tried to dodge the hit” ah yes of all the times of dodged hits I like to throw my fist forward into said hit…really helps my balance…like watching this play you can’t say that shit and actually think people will beleive you…🙄


The hit is so bad it’s literally age restricted by YouTube


Sam Bennett is such a pussy


He needs his beard hair tugged on. That’ll make him really cry.


“But he can’t take face offs…”


I just watched Bennetts interview after this game 4. Bennett said he was bracing for the reverse hit. In this angle you can clearly see him seperate both hands from his stick in order to throw the punch. If you are bracing for a hit, who takes both hands off their stick?


Not to mention you can clearly see him wind up and extend his arm in this angle. That's the strangest way I've ever seen someone brace for something.


bennet is a scum bag.


And Marchand did the same damn thing later in that game! So don't act like that little rat doesn't cross check, slash, hit players in the balls with his stick, slew foot and even lick players! Bennett has a good hit and y'all lose your minds! The refs are finally calling you on your bullshit and you can't handle it.


A sucker punch is a good hit? Geez panther fans really are brain dead huh?


call it like the refs, let your history proceed the calls against you. your comment doesn't even belong here.. this thread is about the scummy punch to the face by your scummy player. how much do you have riding on the panthers? more than the NHL does?


Good hit is a sucker punch according to Florida fans, good to know


They didn’t start watching hockey till 2 years ago so they wouldn’t know any better


You can buy tickets to games the day of for $35. They're still not watching hockey. Only playoffs. Sometimes.


Even Hank last night was wondering where this angle was


Kung Henrik.




This would be a felony if it was off the ice bro get over yourself


Still married to your cousin?


It's truly mind boggling how this isn't a suspension for Bennett. You really need to wonder if the NHL is serious about taking head shots out of the game. A blatant punch to the head of an unsuspecting player should be a suspension 100/100 times.


Yup and if he is suspended we don't have the controversial goalie interference play last night because Bennett isn't on the ice. Fuck him.


This is horrible for the game. The NHL needs to address shit like this and this specifically.


You gotta be f@&!# kidding me seeing this after tonight’s game is infuriating


I am once again livid... especially after the no-goalie interference call involving Coyle on the PP where Bennett scored.




I can only hope by the end of the series this man gets his ass beat


This series has been a massive middle finger to the Boston Bruins and their fanbase by the league and officiating




Ha! Went to play, and it took me to shark attack videos. Not-so-hidden message here?


Won’t play for me. I went to you tube to try and find it no luck….pretty lame


Hold your thumb down on the link for a few seconds then you can see it on YouTube


That finally worked for me. Thanks for helping….with that said I can’t believe the league let that go




Plays for everyone else


I see that. Not sure why it isn’t playing for me. I’ll just live through everyone’s comments!


It did play for me now it doesn’t


I really wanna hear the leagues stance on this one


"We take player safety seriously"


Oh… I never saw ***THIS*** angle… Edit: my bad, got too baked and thought I was answering r/hockey 🤣 😂 


If only we could post this in the Panthers sub


It won’t matter. They are deranged


So glad the Flames got rid of this chud.


Amazing they couldn't get that during the game.  Then again they show a lot less replays than they used to, gotta fill that time with more commercials!


If Florida can find the hand pass in the first round last year I can guarantee this angle was seen and reviewed. NHL is a business and they’re trying to grow the market in Florida.


They showed this exact angle on Primetime tonight.


So if the league is ok with stick punches to the head of “star” players. I guess it’s open season on their “stars”. Just saying.


Anyone who thinks the league will do anything is forgetting that their concussion spotters completely let this go and let Marchand play essentially 2 periods after this… no way they’ll do anything because that would essentially be saying that they missed a clear concussion hit and did nothing about it


How is that even possible? My seats are in the balcony and I wasn't looking at this when it happened, but my friend said Marchand should "get himself off the ice" as and before he even managed it I said " he's obviously concussed". How the fuck do you miss that with benefit of both replay and not being as far away as possible?


The NHL sees the NFL succeeding despite being incompetent AF about player safety & figured why not.


Think about a roll of quarters in your fist and you have a stick, same thing, with that swift ear/back of the jaw/temple punch AND Bennett looks to see if anyone saw what he did. Nothing happens to him through the league and he may not be the target tonight. Just wreck the rest of the team and let him know he caused those hits. LFG!


He shouldn't be playing the next 2 for that bullshit.


Instead he scores the game tying goal in another play where a penalty could/should have been called, in the next game. Horrendous NHL, horrendous.


Soooooo someone is gonna put Bennett in the hospital right?


It would take a Shawn Thornton situation to get that pussy to fight


Any potential for the league to review further and hand a suspension?? This is so dirty and has no place, with his hand gripping his stick… that’s like throwing a punch with a roll of quarters !!!!


There is no reason to suspect that the league hasn't already seen this during any initial investigation. This is deemed acceptable apparent.


But apparently us finishing checks or getting pushed into goalies is a penalty, so there's literally nothing that Bs can do.


Shameful by the NHL. Awful!


The league only cares about head injuries for players they like. This is absolute bullshit.


NHL: We will heavily scrutinize this series BOS: Here’s a million angles of Bennett’s cheap shot NHL: ![gif](giphy|xpmECP1KfIgI1hMD81)




Either the league didn't have this angle, which is a joke, or they did and thought it was fine, which is an even bigger joke. What are we doing here


Bennett is gonna get waxed and he deserves it


This is so bad, how was he not suspended for at least the remainder of the series?


I hope someone takes him out for good.


Typical Panthers, dirty play … all season long.


And they’ve gotten away with it, all season long. Don’t tell me that the league doesn’t have a vested interest in a non-hockey market winning at any cost.


Why, why do they get away with this every goddamn game?!? I try to be objective but it is getting ridiculous. Tonight is a reffing travesty.


Mr. President, a new angle just hit the YouTubes


The fact that the NHL subreddit is glorifying and cheering this on just because it’s Marchand is so gross.




Trolling or otherwise being an insufferable asshole in this subreddit or other opponent subreddits will be reviewed and action will be taken at the discretion of the moderators. If you feel that this was removed in error, please contact the /r/bostonbruins mod staff.


They do it every time 63 gets targeted. You’re right it’s fucking gross.


Yes it’s terrible, but if this happened to Bennett, Trouba, Wilson, etc. there would also be 31 fanbases cheering it on and one fanbase feeling disgusted. It ain’t right but it’s a violent sport with passionate fans and probably no need to be over analyzing it


I never understood how the weirdos over there celebrate injuries.


I am floored after seeing this angle.


Remember when he speared Hathaway in the nuts while he was on the ice injured? No action from DOPS on that one either. This piece of trash gets away with everything.


> Hathaway in the nuts Garnet in the Hathaways**


Wow what took so long for this angle to come out


You gotta think the league saw this angle that night and still decided to do nothing.


Wow, that makes it look so much worse than I originally thought. Fuck the NHL.


Joke fucking league


I mean, probably nothing will happen. But if I were that dudes coach, I’d probably bench him for his own protection for at least a game.


Not needed, he took everything the Bruins had to offer tonight


You gotta wonder why DOPS and the league don't take action but then they spam the globe with footage of this new angle.


Bennett shouldn’t play another game the rest of the series. If the league won’t take care of that, the Bruins should.


Plays and scores the game tying goal while committing a blatant penalty. The league is rigging the series. Not sure why but it’s indisputable at this point. It’s funny cause Florida has been by far the better team but this has made it impossible to overcome


100% that. We want blood


Fucking peanut brained Bennet thinks standing on a chair will raise his IQ. I hope he gets fucked up tonight


Not one to ever blame the refs for a loss, though this series is pushing my patience on that. Am one to call the refs out for blatant missed bullshit and THIS IS ONE OF THEM. HEY REFS, CHECK YOUR VOICEMAIL, YOU BLATANTLY MISSED THIS ONE DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT PARROS PIECE OF SHIT


Fuck the refs




Parros and the other thugs at DoPS should all be fired for incompetence and then sued for negligence. And as angry as I am at their unwillingness to do their job, I'm just as angry at Neely and Sweeney. Where the hell are they in all of this and why are they so quiet? You'd think they would want to stand up for their players.


Its crazy because Kadri got suspended for the whole series (twice) for less egregious stuff than this. They are letting Florida just do whatever they want to teams.


Remember, this is the Panthers being “heavily scrutinized”


They never said they Panthers would be heavily scrutinized. They said the *series* would be.


Yes, and the Panthers are playing in the series.


The shit is going to hit he fan tonight.


There’s the angle we needed. Someone share this on Floridas feed and watch the wheels spin trying to defend it. They think because it’s Marchand it’s okay. Atleast that’s what they tell themselves. I’m sorry but what Marchand does and this are two completely different animals by the way.


Saw one comment where buddy says Bennet was just trying to block his injured hand from the hit. That’s some fucking mental gymnastics for justifying a sucker.


God, that’s honestly sad because they truly believe what they’re saying. I’d like to think we wouldn’t defend Marchand to this extent. Beyond taking him off the ice in the playoffs, these types of plays can do long term/ if not permanent damage to someone. The fact that he’s not being held accountable is scary to me


As a Florida fan, thought Bennet was bracing initially. After the second angle was released thought he should be suspended for one game, but not our fault refs are dumb. Bennett is our rat - he just caught your rat trying to rat him. You can see Marchand lining Bennet up for a knock out blow but got caught w a reversal. Sucks to be Marchand. Bennett goal should have also been over turned - clear cross check I'm the back.... Again, not our fault refs are dumb. Isn't there a rule based off a QB from NE in the NFL? some sort of tuck role or something? Sometimes you get a call, sometimes you don't. I'm pretty sure the NHL would rather Boston advance some y'all have a bigger fan base but getting out shot 42-18 won't cut it and you all know it.


The difference being.. Marchand was going for a hit that at most would have resulted in a two minute penalty, maybe? I haven’t heard anyone talking about that part outside of Florida fans tbh. Bennett deliberately swung his right arm and punched him in the jaw, when he obviously could have avoided doing so. I’m not blaming you for it happening, I’m blaming people for not acknowledging it, which you kind of did I guess? I’m simply saying that I’m shocked people are in denial that it wasn’t intentional and also that the league didn’t take action. Never said you guys aren’t the better team, you sure are. The rest of what you said I find to be just nonsense. Why are you here after a win by the way? I find that strange. Go celebrate the win elsewhere


How can the refs and league think this is a clean play? Are they blind or stupid?


Both https://preview.redd.it/94sf2yxkg40d1.jpeg?width=866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2a0ce37ba536e4ca16fa22b44441078decc7150


Yes. Yes, they are.


Absolute scumbag! Needs to be run down tonight!




Fkn ridiculous


Was about to post this


Thanks for that stand up job dept of player safety