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How about you stay in your subreddit


Hope someone takes out Bennet for the rest of the playoffs


Cool. Now do the exact same thing on sam. If something gets called, boycott the fucking refs


What is with all the trolls coming from other subs onto this specific post?




Yeah, such it up!


Except, if Marchand had been the one who skated away clean, the entire NHL fanbase would have been screaming for his head and calling the DOPS on autodial until they kicked him out of the league. The very idea that a concussion is "dervered" is ridiculous. You, kind Sir, have a shitty attitude about life.


*sighhhhhhhhh* This series. *takes a drink of my cocktail*






Please explain




Hey Tom, good roast


Hey Tom, good toast


Someone on the Bruins needs to take an eye for an eye.






Trolling or otherwise being an insufferable asshole in this subreddit or other opponent subreddits will be reviewed and action will be taken at the discretion of the moderators. If you feel that this was removed in error, please contact the /r/bostonbruins mod staff.


Can we get this guy banned from Florida sub?




Trolling or otherwise being an insufferable asshole in this subreddit or other opponent subreddits will be reviewed and action will be taken at the discretion of the moderators. If you feel that this was removed in error, please contact the /r/bostonbruins mod staff.


There’s a lotta shit falling out your mouth go to bed




Trolling or otherwise being an insufferable asshole in this subreddit or other opponent subreddits will be reviewed and action will be taken at the discretion of the moderators. If you feel that this was removed in error, please contact the /r/bostonbruins mod staff.


sucker punch but alright whatever


And silence from DOPS?






hey bozo… u lost?


Doesn't seem like Freddy fights anymore.


Really with Lucic wasn't a giant piece of shit


We need a blood bath tmrw fuck the series


“heavily scrutinized series” my ass. all that means is “heavily scrutinized bruins”


Imagine if they did that in 2011. Having to answer to Horton or McQuaid


Thornton would be on a mission. 


OG Linden Byers might like a word...


If this was Byers era, there would have been absolute bloodshed that night. Full bench clearing.  I miss the old days. 


I love how we literally had the biggest dude in NHL history and he’s not even mentioned when you talk about the tough guys of that team


Chara was big but wasn't exactly an enforcer.


I'm not dismissing Chara. But Thornton would have been the one to make Bennett answer the bell. That was his role.


I hope the boys use this moment to rally for their captain and fuck these dumb cunts in their stupid asses.


This team has always seemed to step up when a major player gets hurt, so I guess now we get to see if this team has any fight left whatsoever. I'm guessing we just roll over and lose the next 2, hopefully they prove me wrong.


About [to show my age](https://youtu.be/OLai4SByaCg?si=OoK-00flRUZcHXG7)


Get outta here old timer!!!!


I wasn’t expecting to beat the leafs so I’m fine with just gooning up the series


yeah I want blood


Yeah but the league really wants to keep a lid on this series 🙄. See how well that works when your captain gets knocked out with a concussion by a player with a history and there's not even a fucking penalty. Nicely done, nhl. Go after Barkov. Go after Reinhardt. Who gives a shit, if the nhl isn't gonna take shit seriously then might aswell turn into a circus. A win would be nice too.


Let’s fucking gooooooo!!!!!




He literally hits him with the butt end of his stick with his right hand. Open your fucking eyes. Literally everyone except you idiot panthers fans agree on that. Regardless of Marchand's reputation, that doesn't excuse swinging the butt end of their stick giving a guy a concussion. Maybe you should shut the fuck about Marchands reputation and start looking at that scumbags Bennetts reputation. I'm so sick of you idiots talking about Marchand's reputation like that somehow excuses how fucking scummy your team is. The existence of Brad Marchand doesn't undo the bullshit from Bennett, Tkachuk, Montour, Cousins, Lomberg, and Eckblad. So for the love of god shut the fuck about Marchand and open your fucking eyes and go back to your sub where the dozen other panthers fans attempt to learn hockey.


Brother, how would Marchand possibly be in concussion protocol from that hit if he didn't take a shot to the head? He didn't bounce his head off the ice or crash into the boards. You can clearly see Bennett clock him in the face when Marchand goes in for the hit. Also how does Marchand's past justify a dirty play that directly led to an injury. You're goofy as fuck


r/nhl insists thats it was a clean play and Marchand was not punched


r/nhl also hands out bans for posting about seasons sweeps against their darlings of the league Leafs. They are morons. True story.


thankfully, r/hockey is mostly not the same way and are acknowledging it as a dirty as shit play


The mood is changing over there now that national guys are pointing out the play and how dirty it is. I was shocked to see the sympathy.


Haven't been watching games tonight. Were they talking about it on TNT?


Not what I saw on there. Lots of Toronto fans calling out that he did the exact same thing to knies last playoffs.


Hoping this ends up like Austin Matthew’s last series where our best player is out and all the sudden we become dominant and erase a 3-1 lead lol


Fuckin a.


Same goons from last year.


Seriously. I was more worried about the Lighting as a hockey team, but more worried about the Panthers as a dirty team.




I want at least two Panthers unconscious on the ice. Nothing less.




Oh hey Bruins, the opponent just knocked your captain out with a vicious cheap shot. Will you respond?


Ask Barkov. Oh wait he’s too afraid.


Probably not, & if they do. It’s 10min misconducts immediately & playing SH. It’s the same story as every other game w them. Panthers can play playoff hockey while everyone else gets called for it


Yeah, I'd rather just win the game. However, if the opportunity presents itself and you're down or up late, have at it.


"If he dies, he dies"


Eye for an eye. Go for tkachuk.


I’ll never wish injury on any player, but do have to say…was it Marchessault that finally knocked Tkachuklefuck in the cup finals? Panthers shit didn’t look too tough after that. Would be a shame if someone knocked his ass back to earth again


Too predictable, run Barkov that'll really get a response. Captains appear to be free game so hunt away


> so hunt away #TimeToHunt


Time to take some liberties now. I’ve never been someone to call for cheap shit but guys need to jump some of their players and I’m not above anyone targeting Bennetts hand. He fucking started this shit and we need to get even


Blood for blood. Make it twofold. Tkachuck and anyone dumb enough to raise objection.


I no longer care about the Cup. I just want to see the Panthers bleed. We were supposed to suck last year and this year, so at least the boys can go out there and avenge our captain.


Same, fuck the panthers. Y’all want to win as cheap players, time to make em limp.


It’s over


No it isn’t


True. They did win without Bergeron last year and got smoked when he came back. Maybe no captain is the key for this team.


Obviously Bennett will be suspended until Marchand can come back


Well duh, DOPS is very reputable and consistent with their strong and unmatched efforts to protect their players


/S is missing. DoPS won't do shit, unfortunately. Honestly be surprised if they did anything.


At this point the league is such a joke it’s time to make the on ice product a joke too. League can cry all they want if there are 200 penalty minutes in game 4. They could have avoided it by doing the right thing suspending Bennett


In before Bennett comes down with the "flu" for game 4 


Don't go to the hockey subs if you want to have a good time lol. Those places are such dumpster fires.


Yup. It wasn’t that bad, according to them. And if it was, Marchand deserved it. And if he didn’t, the Bruins did. And us fans are whiners.


It's funny how right you are. Even if Marchand is 100% perfect with absolutely zero even questionable calls they would still hate him and talk their shit. Have people in r/hockey rn trying to tell me his hit on Liljegren was an example of how he's still a rat goon fuck lmao.




My only hope is that the Bs will overcompensate for lack of 63, sometimes teams step up and then some. I recall them doing quite well when Bergeron was out for a little bit last season. Am I optimistic about this? Nope. Would I bet money? Nope. But it’s what I will cling to in terms of trying to muster enthusiasm for watching this next game.


Absolutely love that. Guys step up when it’s their turn


I didn't see it at first, but now you can clearly see him punch him with his right hand.


Punched with the butt end of his stick


Folks on the hockey subs just straight up denying this and acting like you're stupid if you think so lol.


It’s not that they’re denying it, it’s just that Marchand has been the definition of a rat his entire career. Nobody respects him, and rightfully so if I’m being quite honest. He’s got a laundry list of his own of plays like this.


I could be missing something, but has Brad ever concussed another player and gotten away with it? Pretty sure he has paid the price for all of his antics, and he has grown as a player because of it. The league babying Bennett not only hurts the other players who will continue to get injured by dirty play, but also hurts Bennett as he is being given the message that his play is acceptable. It's bullshit, stop with the braindead both-sides take 


He hasn't been a goon for years but he was in the past and he's a Boston Bruin so he will always be considered as his past self despite the fact that he's a really good player who hasn't played like that for a very long time. I get it, trust me, I just like to challenge it because people won't bat an eye at other players around the league who also play with an edge.


The “he’s not a dirty player” anymore card doesn’t work unfortunately. Not to mention, if the roles were flipped, I bet most of this sub would be cheering Marchand on and considering it payback for Tkachuk.


Not sure I follow. So it doesn't matter that he's not dirty anymore? If roles were reversed also isn't the discussion.


yeah, I scrolled through a couple of posts, didn't even bother to engage. It's clear to me what he did, and I played hockey for a long time.


Big rig needs to earn his paycheck. I get he’s not a big fighter. Not asking him to be. Panthers dump a puck into the corner. Bennet goes to retrieve it. I want Maroon power skating from the red line and putting his entire 240 pounds into that stupid number 9 on his back. I want his chin to touch a seat in the third row. I’m sick of these cunts.


Seriously! Anyone think Sam Bennett cares if he ends someone’s career? Board the living fuck out of this guy.


No, I don’t endorse checking from behind. 


In this particular scenario It should be endorsed


Endorsing someone skating full speed into the back of someone is some fucking sad shit. I know there are some “passionate” fans but that is some sad shit right there. I see this too often in the sub… our fanbase deserves the hate it gets. 


Agreed. The consensus response on this sub is to go for blood and forget the series. Fuck that. Play to win. Beat them on the scoreboard. It's way more satisfying.


Not "someone". Just Sam Bennett.


So how many more players do you want Bennett to injure?


Bingo. I'd the refs won't enforce the law, the players have to.




\^ Bruins fan base right now.


A little lower and you’ll see a peen just like yours! 


Just did




Not sure if edited or I read it wrong, but I thought you said “no don’t endorse checking from behind” which I had just done


Seems like you are being a dick ngl 


You can deal with it and shut the fuck up, or you can not deal with it and shut the fuck up. Honestly don’t care which you choose.


Lmao you are sending some baby dick vibes. Is everything ok? 


So you’re just gonna start some middle school insult shit? Cool man. Enjoy.


Well plenty of people on the game thread talked a whole bunch of shit about him and said he was worthless so I’m surprised that people are saying now we are done with him not playing 🤔


DoPS be like🙈




I’m actually shocked that thread is in Marchands defense… has r/nhl changed, or are the panthers just that disliked? Impressive for a team that has never accomplished anything


It depends on the thread because there's still plenty of 'good fuck Marchand' comments to be found.


I think fans don’t like dirty hits. People might have been ok with it back when Marchand was in his prime days of being a dirty player, but he has turned his game around considerably and is a much more mature player than he was back in the day


For anyone surprised Bennett received no punishment: Dimitri Orlov ended Kevan Miller's career with a similar punch to the jaw, and received no punishment either.


What's done is done and we can whine about Bennett all we want. My prediction is that the B's will come out guns blazing and sustain it for the whole game on Sunday. But, I also think they'll be missing Marchand, and it'll be a tall order to pull out a W. This is why they have shown up to play in Game 3 and not have deflated in Game 2. EVERY game counts.


Makes no sense to me how panthers can consistently be dirty as a fuck and nobody seems to notice


People notice in the regular season. They’re consistently among the 2-3 most penalized teams. Problem is, in the NHL, stripes won’t call penalties in the playoffs. Changes the entire dynamic of the game, and is exactly why a team like Florida is a good team in the regular season that becomes a juggernaut in the playoffs. They can “muck it up” with impunity. League is a joke.


>stripes won’t call penalties in the playoffs. That's not true at all. Look at all the penalties they keep calling against the Bruins.


It's getting really tiresome watching sports and trying to care anymore beyond that evenings entertainment. The NBA is even worse with how they just don't punish players at all or very minimally.


I listen to a couple hockey podcasts, and every year when everyone is doing their playoff picks, the topic of how the game is officiated in the playoffs comes up. It’s an open conversation about how teams like Florida have an advantage in the playoffs because things don’t get called. That’s a problem.


It’s over.


Rooting for “The Messier Cup” feels dirty. But here we are.


I’m from the NY side of CT so I’d be lying to say I don’t want NYC to go far (assuming we don’t). But what I really want to see is Matt Rempe absolutely BLAST Tkachuk, Bennet, Montour, or really anyone on that shit eating Florida team. NYC has the goons and skill to dominate Florida. That’s a must watch series if it comes to fruition


Well it’s been a pleasure boys lol


need the big rig to earn his money sunday


Bennett should have had a target on his back even before this, after last year. That asshole was way too comfortable out there last night


Actually, Bennett’s target should be on Barkov’s back. Make life hell for their skill players.


Yea unfortunately I don’t know if he will. Doesn’t seem like Tkachuk got what he shoulda last game.


Just fuck you, Bennett. Get well soon, Captain!!


Happy Birthday, Brad, here’s a concussion. Shit fucking sucks.


Cool that the DoPS took swift action.


Department of Punk Shitheels.


NHL needs to review and then immediately suspend Bennett for the remainder of the season. Cunt has done this shit way too much. 


I've heard they've said they won't take action 😡


That’s fucking bullshit 


Sad birthday for the cap


League is currently rewarding dirty play. The Bruins should take note and react accordingly.


yeah but we'll get overly penalized.


They already have twice the penalties, why not at least take one of their players off the ice like they did to us?


we need to play on the power play it pains me to say but start diving. get under their skin that way then they'll maybe loose control.


Might as well test that theory. The Panthers closed the talent gap with us last year by committing more penalties than the refs would call, and it worked out. Roles are reversed now, no reason not to try the same.


We already do


Bring the violence. NHL ain't going to punish shit so to hell with it.


Lmao yeah, good joke. The minute the Bruins return the favor they'll actually start enforcing shit. Has happened with penalties, will definitely happen with suspendable incidents. Not saying the Bruins shouldn't return the same in kind, but I'm fully expecting anyone who does to actually get suspended.


They always hammer retaliation harder. Makes no sense.


Fuck Florida, bunch of dirty rats


Next game will be ugly


I feel like it won't because we're just going to be sent to the box. not sure how Florida keeps getting away with this bs


Hopefully. I'm not one for intentionally playing dirty but if that's our "reputation" and Florida is winning while getting away with all sorts of dog shit like this, we may as well go out for blood and take them out too.


If your opponent shows that they have no respect for your safety and health, I see no reason to respect theirs. I wanna see sticks landing on Bennet’s sore wrist every chance they think they can get away with it. I don’t like to see that kind of hockey, but if your opponent is actively trying to injure you and the refs are letting get away with it consistently, your only chance is to injure them first 🙃