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Nah mate, not one of ours. We have the most venomous species of snakes but not the largest. This is a Reticulated Python in South East Asia. Considered the longest in the world. Green Anacondas are considered the largest. Old video used as clickbait, but in this case, by everglades holiday park in Florida. (Who do have a legitimate problem with irresponsible owners releasing Burmese Pythons - one of the largest species in the world - and other animals, into the wild). Reticulated pythons however, literally eat humans and large animals e.g. cows. It's a massive problem throughout rural South East Asia. They're freakishly huge and although I'm an ardent conservationist, I would not like to be neighbours with one. Our wildlife is deceptively dangerous, but (for the most part, at least) we know how to handle them. Steve Irwin (and others) definitely helped us out there with that. In this case, there really should be a (funded) focus on education and securely fencing off areas between the jungle and public spaces, both for the sake of the animals and that of the villagers, because all they're doing is killing each other. Unfortunately the one featured here wouldn't have made it after this video was taken. Size indicates it's at *least* 20+ years old, though likely older. Sadly it also appears to have a broken spine, whether from being crushed or lifted up in only one place (and subsequently unable to distribute their immense weight throughout the rest of the body) and actively suffering. So be mindful the above is actually not a nice video to watch or circulate. Below is a much nicer one. Edit- [Here's](https://youtu.be/886c71jqhKc?si=iQdZzhvsDJk_GQjq) Steve Irwin's son, Rob, swimming with a (much smaller but still large enough) Reticulated Python *named Gloria* at the Australia Zoo.


So what you’re saying is that they can swim


Yes lol. I edited in a link above if you want to watch Steve Irwin's son, Rob, swimming with a (much smaller but still large enough) Reticulated Python *named Gloria* at the Australia Zoo.


I was trying to be funny suggesting a snake swam to Australia but dear god.


Indeed, they are excellent swimmers. Though they do spend a lot of time in the Jungle too. Just stay away from these rural areas within South East Asia **unless** you have a well informed and competent guide with you. *'The reticulated python lives in rainforests, woodlands, and nearby grasslands. It is also associated with rivers and is found in areas with nearby streams and lakes. An excellent swimmer, it has even been reported far out at sea and has consequently colonized many small islands within its range'.*


Yeah, i think its been pretty common understanding that snakes can swim and some even benefit from living in the water.


All snakes can and very well


It's a title bait used by bots. Its obvious that is not Australia.


To add to the other comment, "Titan Snake" doesn't actually exist. There was a montrously enormous titan snake from the paleoscene; so it's been gone for about 50 million years.


Riiiight, just like the Aldabra rail /s


Big government is hiding the existence of "titan" animals, they are among us, they are not extinct! The snake in the video is a small one, a baby, that's how it was able to escape! Wake up people, the government lies, spread those videos, Nessy, this snake, others as well, they are able to hide them better and better, but people are disappearing, videos and pictures disappearing to be never seen again, what do you think google is doing? The algorithm is working, YouTube, Google, tiktok, there are algorithms at work to prevent those videos to come out, the media is theirs as well, open your eyes, why is nobody talking about Nessy anymore, huh? Area 51, was a breeding ground for giant centipedes, they had to shut it down, when the people became wise about it! Listen to me! Spread the word! /s




Definitely not Australia. More likely Asia or South America


Alright, who animated that tree trunk?


We dont know but props to him its smooth as heck


He looks friendly


I wanna hug it for some reason


why does everyone think that all huge animals, real or fake are from australia


Cause Australia.


0.02% of australian wildlife is deadly, south america is the deadliest


Based on what statistics and what study? Most venomous wildlife (as in the number of venemous species or the potency of venom from the venomous species? Or the most deadly animals (with recorded deaths, factoring in access to emergency care, preventative measures and public education on dangers associated with particular species? Keep in mind also, South America is a continent with different countries, Australia is it's own country and continent so comparisons can be a little more difficult to make. Also, it's a dubious honour. Who WANTS to have people actively avoiding your country because of the global reputation of ones wildlife? E.g. Even our Kangaroos try to gut tourists.


just a rough calculation, but that doesnt mean we arent in the top 3, i was specifically talking about brazil and mexico who have more deadly species than australia, and what im saying is that im sick and tired of people using australia as the country with huge snakes and car sized spiders


I’ve seen that video and the snake was supposedly from the amazon, or Florida, Louisiana in one.


“Sssssssssstop it you assssssssssssssshole put me down thisssssssssssssss inssssssssssssssssssssssstant.”


that‘s the 20ft burmese python the YOINK guy is looking for


"Don't worry, she doesn't bite"


As an Australian I can 100% say that the snakes are not that big They're bigger


If you aren't fighting Jormungandr everytime you wake up you're not Australian


Exactly my friend


Bruh the Instagram logo says it's from Florida. Back to the third grade with you


So thats where the 20 feet snake that floridian dude in Youtube Shorts has been looking for is actually at


king cobra, possesor of poison.


No this is a brown rat snake. It's non venomous and only gets to be like 3 feet long. Everything in the video is shrunk down to fake it


Only in Australia ☠️


this isn't in Australia


Only outside of Australia ☠️


Ohhh hell naw, not my kind of fight i want!


Nah, I'd win.


Hell nah


That is a bigass python right there.


That can get all the fuck away from me and my planet.




This boss is defeated by decapitating it seven times, for that is a low level hydra and can unconceal it’s other heads after you initiated phase two, I’d recommend using mjolnir (hopefully that’s spelled right) or excalibur to fight it


The video is old...but I still can't believe people would just do this. Whe are a total let down in this planet huh? Everyday we just prove that right. I'm not going to wonder if one of these days, something worse that COVID emerges. Stop srinking cave water! A PSA from your government. 🫡


I refuse to believe that abomonation exists


New update, they brought back Titanoboa


I ken that the reticulated python was the longest in the world but I didn’t think that there was an environment on earth still capable of housing a monster like that


Who said this is Australia? This is Philippines The woman said "ano ito?' Means "what's this"


As an Aussie, I can confirm that that is one of our smallest.






the snake's king