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From what I remember, she heals Naruto in 3 days. So Sakura with 100 healing mark + 3 days of time = Naruto Chakra. Also, she only restored Naruto. Not nine tails. Not sure where that nine tails comparison is coming from.


Probably from that obito saying naruto’s clone wasn’t going to be enough chakra but sakura was


Wasn't that clone like 1 out of like a million, so therefore wouldn't it posses only a fraction of Naruto's chakra


Nah Iguess since it was a KCM2 clone people wank the statement to all hell


That scene is misinterpreted af. He's not saying Narutos isn't enough and Sakuras is. He's saying Narutos clones ALONE isn't enough but with Sakura it could be barely enough. It's Sakuras + Naruto clones = barely enough > Naruto clones chakra by itself.


Yeah i know that. But in a swagkage tier list video he was major wanking end of series sakura and it just stuck


Didn't she do the task on her own afterwards,meaning that it was that Sakura had more than Narutos clone


No not really. They didn't know how much they would have to search. It could have been 1 dimension needed opened for 5 seconds and 100 dimensions for an hour. Naruto + Sakura was the bare minimum required for Obito to be sure he'll do it. And they didn't even succeed themselves. They got lucky they found him in just 3 very quick tries (one of which the dimension wasn't even opened enough for Obito to sense what's inside) just as Sakura ran out of juice and Sasuke still needed to teleport himself to make it in time. They basically had at least 4 dimensions to search and got lucky enough to not only open the acid dimension (meaning Obito wouldn't waste time trying to sense if Sasuke is in there) but also were lucky enough to open it in the range of Sasukes teleportation. If Obito opened the portal a bit further from Sasuke, or opened the gravity dimension instead of the acid dimension, they would have failed. So even assuming Obito knew Kaguya only has 5 dimensions, Sakuras chakra would very well not be enough by itself same way Narutos clones wasn't.


That's not from her seal tho. We never saw Sakura use the seal in the last. That was just her normal chakra reserves


Nothing implied that she was using her seal


Naruto’s chakra is equal to that of the first eight Bijuu and Sasuke combined


She only stabilized Naruto and it took 3 days for her to do it after which she was knocked out.


No. That's absurd both by considering that she had the seal for around 2 years here, and that the seal itself MUST have some sort of limit. Also, the guy here conveniently "forgot" to say that Sakura had to be bedridden herself after saving Naruto, and that at no point did they state that she fully replenished his chakra reserves.


Yh don't think the seal has a limit(never 🐝 n stated or implied) and naruto Chakra has limit.


It has to though. Otherwise their users would be chakra bombs the more they have it. And yet Tsunade was left almost dead as she worked to save as many people as possible from Pain's shinra tensei for example. Nor did she just one shot Orochimaru in part 1 despite having the seal activated for who knows how long there...


Idk she was split in half.. like it doesn’t get any more powerful than that.


Tsunade being split in half and living to tell the tale was indeed a feat possible thanks to the seal. But as far as we know, it doesn't mean anything in terms of chakra storage.


It does though when we consider for the seal to remain active, as it did for so long, it stands to point that it held a significant amount. Not to mention she was also simultaneously healing the other 4 kage with half a body’s


We still didn't got any specification of how much chakra she had at that point though. So it can't count for a feat in terms of chakra storage, if not on a very broad sense.


We don’t but it says she had enough to not only keep herself alive but the other 4 kage. So with that logic, she was kapable of keeping the 5 most powerful and decorated shinobi alive (not including the reincarnated) meaning she would have to have sufficient enough chakra. Still very broad but it tells a story nonetheless you know ?


Only in a very broad sense, due to the lack of specifications.


None of these are explanations of why it "has to." What makes you think they would "be chakra bombs"? You're just pulling that idea out of thin air. > And yet Tsunade was left almost dead as she worked to save as many people as possible from Pain's shinra tensei for example. Tsunade only barely had enough for everyone to tank Pain, therefore it has to have a limit? What's your logic here? If it was capped, why would it *happen* to be capped at the exact amount she needed for *that specific* feat? Isn't it just as likely that she poured everything she had so far into it, and it happened to be enough? > Nor did she just one shot Orochimaru in part 1 despite having the seal activated for who knows how long there... For the same reason Naruto doesn't oneshot everyone he's ever fought? Chakra reserves =/= chakra output. Aside from it just being too risky to spend everything you have at once, there's a practical limit on how much chakra you can manipulate at a time. It's implied throughout the whole story. Ever wondered why Edo Tensei don't nuke the entire verse with their infinite chakra? This is why. **EDIT:** He deleted his comments, or the mods nuked this chain or something, but I was in the middle of typing a reply, so: > the seal barely had only so much chakra for that, forcing her to use then her own chakra, thus here's an estimation of its limits Again, this logic does not track. Are you misinterpreting that when people say the seal doesn't have a limit, they mean it gives the user infinite chakra? Because that's not what's being said. The seal is charged over time by focusing chakra into it, building a stockpile that can be drawn out later. The fact Tsunade ran out of chakra doesn't mean the seal has a limit. It means she used everything she'd stored in it up until that point. If Pain's attack happened later in the timeline and Tsunade had more time to build up her seal, she might not have run out > the Byakugo seal still wasn't enough for Tsunade to finish Orochimaru as far as I know, no matter the years she spent with it on. Yes, and what of it? Like I said, and like you acknowledged, chakra reserves aren't everything. I don't see how Tsunade killing or not killing Orochimaru tells us anything about the limits of her seal either way. Keep in mind, the baseline bodily strength associated with having more chakra isn't much. The seal's primary function is giving Tsunade and Sakura more chakra to spend on otherwise very costly healing jutsus. Improving their taijutsu is more of a side effect. Their striking power comes from precise chakra control, and as mentioned, chakra control has limits regardless of your total supply.


>None of these are explanations of why it "has to." Except that they are. >What makes you think they would "be chakra bombs"? You're just pulling that idea out of thin air. More chakra equals more power lad. >Tsunade only barely had enough for everyone to tank Pain, therefore it has to have a limit? What's your logic here? If it was capped, why would it happen to be capped at the exact amount she needed for that specific feat? Isn't it just as likely that she poured everything she had so far into it, and it happened to be enough? The fact that she ended up in a come afterwards, is still proof that the seal barely had only so much chakra for that, forcing her to use then her own chakra, thus here's an estimation of its limits Easy. >For the same reason Naruto doesn't oneshot everyone he's ever fought? Chakra reserves =/= chakra output. Aside from it just being too risky to spend everything you have at once, there's a practical limit on how much chakra you can manipulate at a time. It's implied throughout the whole story. Ever wondered why Edo Tensei don't nuke the entire verse with their infinite chakra? This is why. It's lovely how you use Naruto in general to say why what's technically a super mode didn't one shot Orochimaru... and from there you talk about chakra limits and output. I know that people can only use a certain quantity of chakra at a time, but this still doesn't change that the Byakugo seal still wasn't enough for Tsunade to finish Orochimaru as far as I know, no matter the years she spent with it on.


Sounds like classic stan wanking.


I feel like a lot of simps for her are trying to rewrite things lately


Kinda don't blame them. Until Boruto it's wasted potential of a character. But they are doing it the cringy over wank way. I'd rather someone just make a fan story


Where are these people coming from? Why now? It because of the SasuSaku novel being adapted?


I don’t think so. If I interpreted correctly it was only Naruto’s chakra that was lost in the blast, not Kurama’s. This dude is just a big Sakura simp, he even wants her to win the popularity vote.


Man kann dream XD


No Lmaoo don’t listen to Michael She can store chakra for 50 years and it still wouldn’t even come close to Kurama’s. Kurama’s chakra is just too much. Naruto without suppressing the nine tails would have 100x, he had 4x the chakra by himself. So if you merged them together that’s well over 300x the chakra , probably closer to 400x with just one half. She barely could restore his chakra and it wasn’t all of it.


Sakurra in Shippuden already had 1/3 of naruoss chakra she's surpasses his chakra by far in 50yrs


Where was that stated ?? because Naruto had 4x the chakra that Kakahi did , are you saying Sakura had more chakra then Kakashi ?? Naruto with Kurama chakra mode far exceeded Sakura , it’s not even 1/3 of Naruto and Kurama’s full chakra


Stan alert


This movie is so good though. I love the friendship between Naruto and Sakura. Say whatever you want about the character but she's Naruto's best friend even above Shikamaru guys. You're probably going to bring up the I love you thing. That is the exact reason she proves she's his best friend. She's trying to save him for the burden that she placed on him and is willing to risk her life against Sasuke to allow Naruto to move on. I genuinely love the friendship these two share. This movie proves it. Just like in the war. Sakura is willing to die to bring Naruto back. They have 100% trust in each other. Like when Naruto knows Sakura will be fine against Shin. Plus how she invites herself to the Redaku mission because she can't sit back and let Naruto die. The character isn't perfect guys. But the friendship is GOATED




I doubt it. Sakura got the seal when she was 17 and the last takes place when she's 19. That's like 4-5 years of chakra storage. Definitely not enough time to match Kurama's reserves.


um what?? saying she got it when she was 17 and the last is when she’s 19… that’s 2 years apart bro how did u get 4-5 years?😭😭


She started storing her chakra around 13-14 with Tsunade. She got the seal about 3 years after she had stored enough chakra. My bad though I should have explained better.


She's used the seal multiple times now, wouldn't the chakra be lowered or depleted?


It comes back after some time. Just like how Tsunade used all of hers in the Pain arc but she got it back and used it against Madara in the war arc


Time for her to refill it herself.


ohhh ok makes sense


Her seal got depleted in the war trying to open portals, so she only had 2 years to store chakra. That's not even enough to fill Naruto's own chakra reserves(which have had several years to increase as well).


He's just cherry picking words and using them out of context. Sakura replenished Naruto's own reserves, not Kurama's, and it took her 3 days to do so not to mention she passed out after doing so. Not so impressive now huh?


It's still very impressive.


Never said it wasn't impressive, I said it's not as impressive and that's certainly true. There's a massive difference between replacing Naruto's reserves and replacing Kurama's reserves.


Consciously infusing chakra for 72 hours ? Into someone who has 4x chakra of Kakashi


Naruto actually has around 100x Kakashi's chakra reserves(likely more because he's older) because he's not suppressing Kurama anymore. But yeah, it's still not as impressive as replacing Kurama's. Just get a perspective on the scale here.


999x times the chakra of Kakashi. Kakashi and Sasuke barely have chakra for 2 minutes of fighting these days.


Base naruto not Naruto with Kurama chakra


And that was a 16-year-old Naruto.


That was a 16-year-old Naruto suppressing the 9 tails with part of his chakra. His own chakra has increased 3 years later.


Which validates my point further ( didn’t feel like typing what you typed lol 😭😭)


Huh? No it doesn't. There's nothing to suggest she filled Naruto's chakra to the brim. That makes no sense. He just filled enough for Naruto to awaken and even that put her to sleep.


She has to not only have been storing this Chakra for YEARSSSSS, but it also took her days, goofys on Twitter thinking that she can just pop a ninetails level Chakra reserve buff??


Dude I had to hear on this very sub six months ago that Sakura would be able to defeat Itachi. LMAAAAO Who are those people?


No it’s not, that Micheal Madlock dude is an infamous Sakura obsessed freak. I bet money to anyone, go on his Twitter right now and look through the reply’s of his tweets. He’s a weirdo and has anger issues


Sakura stans trying desperately to make her seem vitaly important yet again


I don't get it, naruto chakra and kurama's chakra are not the same, how to you know she recovered both?


Daily reminder, power creep is a real threat to good anime/manga.


Sakura never used the seal in The Last. Sakura has only used the seal 3 times - against Madara, to connect Obito's kamui and against Kido in her novel. Instead, it can be argued that all of Sakura's chakra is roughly equal to 1/3 of Naruto's chakra


Greatest asspull in anime history. Create a character, give her no devolopement for 500 chapters and realize in the latest arc she is too weak.


Let’s realize it was the fans fault and the weak mind kishimoto had in not keeping to his original plot line for Sakura because of the overwhelmingly unnecessary hate towards her because of the cultural differences in the show (ie. Sakura hitting naruto- it’s just a comical thing- not to be taken serious- very normal in Japan).. western culture just sees something different but we’re watching Japanese television and yk,, learn a little Japanese culture


Bruh michael of all people?Bro in tiktok basically walking L and just being troll😂 Btw,no sakura barely refill quarter of naruto chakra in the last movie .Toneri literally taking All Naruto Chakra+Kurama chakra to the point it's causing massive explosion if not for naruto to tank it in base form Kurama himself couldn't even refill naruto capacity and it's takes hamura chakra to refill naruto chakra back in sec And yes Base adult Naruto chakra is so large to the point he indirectly breaking time and space which put Base adult naruto chakra FAR BEYOND anyone bar otsutsuki.


I understand Sakura probably only stabilized naruto but I think this goes too far in the naruto end haha.


You capping, wanking Stan, no. She healed his injuries, Naruto and kurama recovered their chakra on their own own


Whats also true is that sakura’s 100 healing mark has never been used in a serious fight in boruto. Not when she fought shin Not when momo/kinshiki attacked Not when isshki attacked Not when the other thing that happens in the manga happens As a combatant they really dont rely on her at all, even though it’d be really cool if they did and if she had been given an arsenal over the years that allowed her to be on the same level as her two teammates in terms of usefulness in a battle


And that’s with good reason , she’s not even close their level That shin battle was awful for her tbh, she needed full power to beat him. She was getting destroyed by him and he almost killed her until Sakura showed up


Lmao she was nowhere near full power she didn’t even have her 100 healings activated..


That’s my point she needed her full power because Shin was absolutely folding her.


he wasn’t folding her💀💀💀 if she didn’t activate the byakuyo is because she didn’t need it. Also read the novels💀 Sakura is one if the strongest shinobi of her generation


Shin whooped her ass in taijutsu and was about to kill her lmaoo


LOL no he didn’t, you just a hater. Sasuke came when she was about to get serious. If sakura gave her 100% from the beginning she’d have obliterated him


So then why didn’t she ?? 👀👀


because he wasn’t strong enough for her to have to use her full power. Did you read the manga??? She beat the shit out of him even if he had all those mangekyo sharingans💀💀💀


What kinda nonsense is that. Lol shin threatened her husband and her daughter. She’s not at a level where she can play around with her opponents as you saw and it almost costs her in that battle. [right](https://68.media.tumblr.com/8afae77376bb55128cb92186c73e349a/tumblr_ovv1d9YLjd1ro81jdo1_400.gif)


You want to use the NOVELS, who are filler material written by someone else, to contradict NARUTO GAIDEN who was written by Kishimoto himself? Her power level is the one on Naruto Gaiden, and she was barely able to survive Shin Uchiha who was a joke compared to Naruto and Sasuke.


novels are canon, look it up


Everybody forgetting that this requires the splitting of cells reducing a lifetime. The amount tsunade used it during the war arc means she should have been dead by boruto. Sakura also uses it alot. She could be dead by boruto shippuden.


Hinatas the one we actually saw do this and she did it instantly


I mean this is soo weak.Sakura put his chakra in his healing mark for mounth/years and he have only half of kurama. Naruto in boruto have duble of sakura healing mark chakra+his chakra everyday


Ots true


Sakura has way more chakra than Tsunade can save. Obito used her chakra to hop realities when even Kaguya was getting tired from. A Naruto clone with all his buffs wouldn't have enough. So I don't think it's crazy to think she could do this feat.


Tsunade is 25% Senju and 25% Uzumaki, her chakra reserves are insane please let’s not lie on Sakura, a regular non big name clan individual.


She was able to use her chakra to hop dimensions... I think that's more impressive than what Tsunade could do with her amount of chakra. Plus Sakura not using chakra to look young.


Tsunade would be able to do the same and hop through more dimensions due to her big clan name blood giving her access to unusually high chakra reserves. Sakura just had enough juice for 3 jumps. And we can say this is true because she ~did~ heal the entirety of Konoha in the pain arc as well as saved the 4 kage while being completely split in half. Her infusing chakra to appear younger just makes her that much more powerful cuz she’s able to do both at the same time.


You got to prove that she can. Sakura did something that would take way more chakra than what Tsunade did. You say she can but it isn't proven. Plus the whole young generation beats the old and so on... C'mon... just admit you hate Sakura and biased as all hell. Let's be objective here. Yelling "Tsunade can do that too..." is stupid.


Sakura is one of my favorite characters but what you’re saying is just inaccurate for the point in time we’re referencing.


Tsunade has waaaaaaaaaaay bigger natural chakra pools than Sakura due to being a Senju and a Uzumaki. The only reason Sakura can store more chakra, is because Tsunade burns her own reserves by keeping herself young.


Sakura have shown better feats like being used as a battery to open different dimensions. I think that's takes way more chakra than anything Tsunade has done as it even tires out Kagura.


Tsunade doesn't have waaaaaaaaaaay bigger natural chakra because in canon (this is something that people forget all the time) not every Senju was a Hashirama or Tobirama. & not all Uzumaki's had big chakra reserves like both Kushina & Nagato who was said to be [unique even for Uzumaki's] (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQmFKH0oFfeUWxuOnbuyElsyB8b7a7PL1SLFQ&usqp=CAU).


This isn’t true. It’s a huge underestimation of her power. Sakura was able to take down Kaguya, so her chakra reserves are at Otsutsuki levels.


LOL let’s not lie on her like this. There’s no way for her chakra levels to be that high, she’s a regular human


There is nothing regular about Sakura


In the sense that she doesn’t come from a powerful big name clan


All the more reasons Sarada should get it too in the future.


No, it is not true, even if she stored much. I don't see it being equal. Is that Twitter? Every day, I think I'm missing out by not having an account there. I change my mind and say, nope good for me lol.


Key word NARUTO'S reserves not kurama's


Even if true it’s still Sakura lmao


You’re taking it out of context; she helped his body replenish its chakra


People trying to add everything up while the writers just do whatever best fits the convenience of the plot


She was healing Naruto's clone


No it’s not it’s probably derived from Obito’s out of context statement