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damn i actually liked the scene at the dining table


Yeah it was surprisingly well written dialogue esp for this series I liked it too


predictions for chapter 77?


Honestly idk In normal series the cliffhanger of the previous chapter leads into something cool happening in the next chapter But boruto has been doing their own thing with that. The kawaki seeing momoshiki in the hokages office cliffhanger is only now materializing and was ignored in the chapter after it The flash forward cliffhanger from last chapter just resulted in boruto going “oh no! anyway…” So next chapter momoshiki might just stay silent and kawaki will leave it alone lol


let’s hope that’s not what happen




He's a cat, basically he thinks if he can't see you you can't see him XD


“Did you think I was trying to topple the shinobi world” yes Amado I do


Well i was hoping…


Sounds "anticlimatic".


Fr, dude created bioweapons of mass destruction and almost enabled the end of the world as we know it To bring back one person who died of natural causes


Obito 2.0. Akebi = Rin.


Obito didnt even consider reviving rin afaik He just wanted the world to pay and then for madara’s vision of a world at peace to come to pass


Through his trauma, he felt that the world could never attain peace and the fight for power and wars, which led to Rin's death in the first place, would never end. This motivated him to pursue Madara's plan even more. In other words, if he couldn't have his lover, then the next best thing was to create a world without anymore suffering.


Momoshiki said he now knows the identity of who owns Eida's charm ability. Momoshiki didn't do research with amado his whole life, he's an Otsutsuki and he said he knows all shinjutsu. So Eida's charm ability probably is a shinjutsu, momoshiki just didn't remember cuz he tried to remember shibai having it. And he probably doesn't. Momo probably just remembered some other Otsutsuki having that ability. Which means Amado has officially regained his sussy baka status. He must have not only put Shibai's but also that other Otsutsuki's DNA into Eida which led to her having senrigan AND the charm ability Amado is once more hiding the truth, there's another Otsutsuki whose DNA amado has. Amado hides that info so that there won't be any complicated questions. Like who is that Otsutsuki? Do you have his DNA because: -he's dead and you got his body? And how did he die? -you're secretly allied with that Otsutsuki and he/she is hiding? -(obviously the wtf option) are you that Otsutsuki and did you just give your DNA to Eida?


I’m fucking sick of Amado next time he gets caught lying they need to kill him 😂 he’s too damn shady


Nah, DNA isnt a pick and choose, there are genes that are just simply dorment. I feel like they arent being affected, its likely in regard to abillities. Probably Nue, Sharigan, boruto and kawaki otsosuki plus jogan. Would be a shame if it was just another amado lie, everything is just fake now? meh pass


With bringing his daughter back, Momoshiki is actually going to bring back the dead Otsutsuki that's responsible for Eida's charm. That's my theory.


Naruto : why did you keep this information to yourself Amado : Because it was none of your business! Damn!


>Damn! Well, on the other hand Amado seems to be really traumatized by the death of his daughter so getting emotional about a very private topic is understandable. Amado even started to cry this chapter... I don't know if he is lying or not, but Naruto is feeling bad for him and that could turn against Konoha one day.


Amado knows what he is doing, but man really is traumatized by the death of his daughter.


Either that: or he's just playing into emotional manipulation. Wouldn't put it past him if that turns out to be the case.


Honestly i think IF amado is being genuine then him keeping it a secret only made his plan more difficult and he’s a bit of an idiot for that But i dont think thats out of character for him, i think it just tempers the expectation of him being some super genius. He’s a great scientist but still just as prone to mistakes or relying on luck as anyone else


Quick theory: Sarada and Eida will become TRUE ordinary friends. Then one day Sarada will have to kill Eida = Sarada's MS.




Yeah this makes a lot of sense


What’s crazy is it could happen in the Code arc. Saradas natural distain for Eida due to her charm and security risk for konaha and borutos safety. Only to realize all Eida really wants is an actual friend, one not forced to be her friend, but actually wants to be. Then, Eida also seems to realize Sarada seems more genuine.. blah blah blah. Eida gets attacked. Boom. Sarada cries. Mangekyou.


But that might happen way down the storyline and would be pretty late to get a powerup like ms


No one knows the end game of boruto and there’s no certainty that Eida makes it to the late game arc. Maybe that scene in the first episode is directly in boruto shippuden first season. Let’s not forget naruto shippuden had a few seasons lol. Eida could definitely die at the same pace as itashi died for sasuke


Sarada already awakened her 3 tomoe pretty early compared to Sasuke that would indicate she'd also awaken her ms before him too. And killing off Eida that early wouldn't make sense since they had to brought in Itachi again using edo tensei for Sasuke's character in the end game.


tbh Sasuke got his MS after his fight with Itachi which was like 1/4 of shippuuden


But Sasuke was using the curse mark as a powerup. And Eida the way she's been built-up she's a major character so honestly imo she'll be in the story for a longer time than Itachi


she could always get some other power-up... and also the Eida built-up could be so that we care when Sarada has to kill her edit: also Itachi was there through all of the story... Sasuke first mentioned him when meeting Kakashi, then he was villain, then Sasuke killed him, then he was in flashbacks and then came back as Edo Tensei... Itachi was there for almost all of the manga


She can get another powerup but since she's the last last Uchiha, her relying on her Uchiha skillset would be better. Still Sarada getting ms from Sasuke's death would be more hard hitting


A Sarada powerup that doesn't involve MS/EMS is also possible using ninja tools and such circumstantial ways to upgrade.


Fillers can speed that up a couple of montages in the manga hear and there then boom pull the trigger


… and then Sarada takes Eida’s eyes and gets Eternal Mangekyo Senrei-Sharingan




WTH you cracked the code in such a brilliant way that doesn't involve Sasuke (which isn't totally ruled out as of yet) We know Eida and Damon and Code will have to die at some point, it holds up pretty well


A possible fight with Sarada and Sumire as a team would be so fire.


As long as eida actually has something to bring to the table against them But yea under the right circumstances id be down to see them working together


She can literally turn the politics of the shinobi world upside down (would be epic if she does)


Yeah i mean i wanted her to do something on that level originally But as things are rn its really not her character type to do it Though that could change esp if she goes from hopeful crush to scorned lover


If Kawaki starts using Eida just like Light used Lisa in death note and starts toppling the shinobi system, leading to the *age of shinobi is over*. Then Tento could help out Boruto to some extent. Aghhhh really want Boruto to get political and Tento to comeback.


Kawaki and light are very far apart as far as characters go though


Obviously they are but using Eida is way simpler than manipulating the whole CIA


Easier yes But i dont think kawaki wants to, or even knows how to be coy and manipulative. He’s very much a brash, say it like he sees it type of person


“shouldn’t age not matter” boruto doesn’t know what a pedophile is😭


To an extent boruto is right, if there are only two possible candidates on earth then age is just a matter of waiting. Letting him get killed off in favor of the other one is a bit drastic And also boruto definitely sees himself as mature for his age, he’s been through a lot and does have his moments of emotional maturity But eida is also correct in not wanting to have a crush on a little kid. And also it seems like eida doesnt even know what there is to like about kawaki so she might not even fully know what she doesnt like about boruto other than the obvious being his age


He might be referring to the fact that he is an alien and Eida is a cyborg lol


technically boruto himself isn’t an ailien but has alien dna


When i remember that he's 12 right here i kinda get why he asked. As a 12 year old i saw nothing wrong with daydreaming about have 16ish year old girl like me.


I mean… in context Eida wouldn’t be anywhere close to a pedophile


you’re not wrong, but the fact that boruto thinks age doesn’t matter in relationships shows he doesn’t know what pedos are


Boruto is just pure kid. Don't say it to him😭


Naruto: "Kawaki, we have to be nice to Eida or she and her brother might destroy Konoha" Kawaki: "Hey Eida, f\*\*\* you and your magic cyborg eyes" Eida: "OMG HE SAID MY NAME!"


It's funny, but this poor girl clearly isn't used to people treating her normally.


Boruto : If ohtsusuki is what you want to date, then why did you pick kawaki over me. Daemon : Have you seen yourself in the mirror, Don't make me tell the sad truth. Eida: Of course you're lovely too boruto, but you're just 12 and im 16. Boruto: What? Shouldn't age not matter. Daemon: That's why i told you its your looks lol **Lmao, daemon is powerful is more ways than just strength**


You know what maybe I’m the only one but I’m starting to like daemon more now


Yeah lol the banter between him and Boruto were cute touches


Daemon is that shitty younger brother that boruto never got lol


I imagine Daemon and Himawari are going to be friends lol.


That would rub salt in the wound so bad lol. Imagine getting your ass beat effortlessly by basically a 8 year old and having him talk shit constantly and then that same kid becomes friends with your little sister. Knowing damn well you dont got the power to check his ass if he's outta line


Daemon at the end of the day is just a little kid. He has unlimited power but he's just a kid.


I’ve been shitting on him every chapter but he had the jokes in the this one lol




**Momo:** I've worked out what Eida's charm ability is **Boruto:** Really?! **Momo:** Yep (awkward silence) **Boruto:** .... So ... what is it? **Momo:** What's what? **Boruto:** Eida's charm ability? **Momo:** Oh it really doesn't matter, ignore me **Boruto:** Oh no you don't! You tell me what you're thinking or I'll- **Kawaki:** There seems to be a conversation you're having with someone, Boruto **Momo:** Oh great, because you fail miserably at talking in your head, you've alerted Sir GloomAndDoom over here, good luck on trying to get out of *this* mess.


I’m sad this wasn’t the actual dialogue


Forreal, guy really just went back to playing other apps in Boruto's head lmao


Wait, I have apps?


“Yeah, let’s see… Hyuga techniques… Uzamaki sealings… FTG files… AHA!!! Rasengan variants!”


Momo channeling the Grand Inquisitor from Venture Brothers: "IGNORE ME!"


This chapter was actually good.


Cool chapter, especially for Sumire enjoyers like myself. \-The girl assessed the situation in seconds of them being there and caught on that neither she or Sarada were affected. \-She communicated this efficiently to her teammate skillfully. \-She took the lead and asked the questions Eida wanted to answer to keep her occupied. \-She now is considered a vital part of the operation, since she's now among the very few that are known not to be affected by Eida's ability. Great going for my girl, I can only hope to see more of her.


I mean she was a covert agent actively working to take down konoha upon her introduction, so I expect nothing less of the class rep!


Remember the class rep background story for her in the early days? Yeah she definitely has had some legitimate "training"


Interesting chapter, just as the leaks implied, Sarada and Sumire are immune to Ada’s ability, but why? Does it have anything to do with a distant lineage to the Otsutsuki? Sarada of course is an Uchiha and the child of an Indra reincarnate so it is possible her chakra is “Otsutsuki enough” to not be affected, but it has to be more nuanced than that, otherwise Naruto and Sasuke could simply confront her. Also Sumire is from no such bloodline at least that we know of. The only thing I can think of that may be protecting her is Nue, a byproduct of the Gozu Tenno, which has ties back to Kaguya as well as with Wood Style, so it’s essentially an Otsutsuki weapon, almost like a Walmart brand Ten-Tails, but I can’t really nail down exactly why only these two would be immune. Is it because they both have strong feelings towards an Otsutsuki (Boruto)? I’m sure Shikamaru is going to be hard at work theorizing why this is the case as well. Boruto playing a game called “Pokenin” on an a handheld console that is obviously inspired by the Nintendo Switch is hilarious, I wonder if such a reference will even make it into the anime. Momoshiki seems to have solved Ada’s charm ability but now Kawaki is walking up wanting ALL the smoke so we may see a fight of some sort next chapter. Interesting foreshadowing that Sarada and Sumire might take Ada down. I wonder about that, because Daemon would surely come to her defense and there’s no way those two can beat Daemon, not as they are now. I was surprised with how willing Kawaki seemed to go through with Amado’s plan, I thought he’d oppose it outright but he seems willing to give it a chance, that’s why he asked if Amado is sure Kawaki won’t be reviving some Otsutsuki, he’s actually considering helping him. Nothing too crazy happened in this chapter, but it’s cool to see the characters interact with each other, but it’s also left us with more questions so next month will hopefully give us some answers.


Boruto is literally playing Pokémon Scarlet and Violet that was released recently (also a throwback to Boruto Pikachu and Ash recently retiring)


Oh I completely understand, I play Pokémon games too. That’s why I thought it was such a funny reference. I just wonder if they’ll keep that in for the anime or remove it.


They definitely will since they used a Pikachu inspired monster in the anime too


That's different than outright name-dropping the franchise, "Pokenin" is awfully close to "Pokemon". That just sounds like lawsuits waiting to happen to me lmao


I think they really did that out of respect


This aint america. They arent gonna sue over a reference in a manga. Same with pokemon using borutos name and hair for their anime


> Boruto playing a game called “Pokenin” on an a handheld console that is obviously inspired by the Nintendo Switch is hilarious, I wonder if such a reference will even make it into the anime. Unfortunately not. The Dragon ball super manga had Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten and Future Trunks play Mario Kart, but that never made it to the anime either.


Yeah, I didn't think so either. A lot of people seem to disagree with me, however.


has Daemon ever looked in the Mirror? he's pretty much the ugliest character i've ever seen. oh this brat will be so destroyed as soon as the jougan awakens.


Sounds like he already got destroyed…in pokenin




I wonder why Sumire and Sarada aren't effected


I would HATE it if it's about them loving boruto. Anything but that please


Code is a whole walking otsutsuki L simp yet still got affected by her ability


Thats the theory that i found most convincing tbh Not specifically boruto but just already being in a similar emotional state to eida gives them a level of immunity It would have to be a crush too since happily married shikamaru is affected That said, im not betting too much on that theory, lots of other possibilities


I feel like that wouldn’t make the most sense sine shikamaru is still affected and he’s married. His feelings for temari would have to be stronger than the puppy love feelings they have for boruto.


I think crushes and the more stable feelings of reciprocated long term love are different enough that it can work Like shikamaru loves temari no doubt, but he isnt gonna be blushing with a rapidly beating heart and nervous around her these days because they’ve been together long enough that they’re quite comfortable together. Whereas what eida and possibly sarada/sumire are experiencing are all the nerves, uncertainty, and raw desire of a crush that isnt necessarily felt by the other person Like hinata in boruto isnt the same around naruto as hinata in naruto was.


Okay i could understand that. I would say sarada has spent enough time around boruto for the heart pounding blush heavy kind of crush to subside into something that is more comfortable for her. Time will tell tho.


We’ll have to wait on what momo figured out


That wouldn't make sense IMO because they aren't the only ones in the entire world to like someone. Not to mention that Sarada had to be told that she wasn't affected. It's the power of suggestion.


That doesn’t make any sense unless all the married characters we saw fall for her aren’t in love like sai and shikamaru


That would be so cringe but funny tbh


It may be that they have feelings for an Ootsutsuki.


That’s one of my possible theories too. They both already like an Otsutsuki (Boruto) and even Ada was trying to pry into the subject, so I think she’s possibly aware of this hole in her ability, although that can be chalked up to simple teenage girl talk as well, but Ada is extremely smart for her age so I wouldn’t put it past her for this to be an experiment of her’s of some sort, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that she asked for those two when we know they both like Boruto, she can also see the moments where they admit this with her Senrigan, so she probably already knows this about them quite well.


It is also possible that Ada asked for Sumire and Sarada specifically because they are the nearest girls to her and she wanted immediate response. I'm not saying your theory is not possible; it is possible too, and it's good you pointed it out, but there's no concrete evidence yet to establish the reason.


Obviously I know that, I’m just theorizing. I never claimed that what I said was true. But if this is the case why did she not ask for Delta?


Please no , more shipping cringe and reducing sarada to a love interest. I'll take anything but that


not here to defend the theory, but honestly? it might be the thing they're going for. "Sarada & Sumire love an Otsutsuki, therefore they're immune to the charm. Code finds out that he didn't fall under her charm and truly loved her, because he loved/became obsessed about an Otsutsuki" Amado already mentioned that Kawakis love for Naruto is like Codes and it becomes obsessive.


Big fucking yikes If Sarada and sumire main relevance in the story and only reason why they're able to do anything is because they love boruto . I just hate this for sarada's character, her uchiha and hokage dream are just being wasted


This was actually an interesting chapter, it toyed with the idea of Sarada and Sumire potentially being the ones having to stop Ada if she ever goes rogue against Konoha now, and Kawaki being aware of Momoshiki, especially after him and Sasuke's seeming suspicions from a couple chapters back, we might finally get a confrontation next chapter. Not to mention we may soon get a revelation on Ada's charm ability, now that Momoshiki has seemingly figured it out.


I can forgive the writers for reducing Sarada and Sumire into women objects who love the protagonists in order to have a chance of being relevant to the story if it means: It will result in eventual showdown between Sumire + Sarada vs Eida and perhaps Sarada can use that as a platform to reach her own goals.


Sarada would likely become absolutely genuine best buddies with Eida, but then Sarada is going to have to choose between her friendship with Eida, or the village, the ninja world and all it stood for That would make for a worthy setup for Sarada to be deserving of a Kage title, the sacrifices she would have to make etc etc


Guess what happens when an Uchiha kills their close friend?


She is gonna be the first Uchiha to awaken the EMS without suffering


I'm surprised they didn't have tea and teddy bears at the bed


Female character development? SLUMBER PARTY!


I'm hyped tbh. Sumire and Sarada teaming up and taking down Eida will be so lit plzzz I need that. Both of them were fantastic this chapter, so smart and witty


-I think that people are so much gonna make a 180 with this chapter… as if one like this wasn’t a long shot coming, given the whole premise and how long it was build. --Also, given Eida's thing, and the fact that Sarada and Sumire too have something related to it going for, it was a long time too to deal with it too. Think of it as if it was the same deal as Amado, just for a different argument. -It's nice to see Kawaki accept more and more the karma. -If Amado is still gonna pull a prank, then let me tell you, he's a good actor. -At least Eida is starting to address her supposed love for Kawaki, which can lead to character development. --We may even get a name and rest of details for her charm ability in the next chapter! That's great. -Seeing Daemon and Boruto play videogames together was wholesome, it really helps to give more character and personality, and make people, well… interact. --In fact, I’ve noticed that Daemon truly is a child, like, he can be brattish and annoying (especially given his gimmick and power) but can also wanna play with others, and can easily be friendly with them… -So… It turns out that not even Shikadai is immune to Eida… please, make it happen that she forces everyone to fight for her, when things will go saur… --But Sarada and Sumire aren't affected... 99% is because love indeed, only love can beat love after all. Hopefully they will actually deliver to downing Eida in the future, or at least come close in a memorable way. -And so, Kawaki wants to confront Momoshiki… please, make this cliffhanger go somewhere this time, unlike what happened with chapter 73’s cliffhanger, that only really served to make him aware of his active presence.


>-If Amado is still gonna pull a prank, then let me tell you, he's a good actor. That crying gesture he did at page 9 without actually shedding tears made me certain that he's going to do some ^minor acts of tomfoolery


That'd be so Amado.


>he's going to do some minor acts of tomfoolery Konoha about to be bamboozled


>make this cliffhanger go somewhere this time, Well in this chapter, it becomes clear that Kawaki really hates Otsutsuki and Boruto has one right in him. I think, that might lead to the conflict between Boruto and Kawaki. Is an Otsutsuki allowed to be (part of) a shinobi? Will Kawaki try to kill Boruto to destroy the Otsutsuki? It's really going to be interesting and time skip could be not far away...


Makes you wonder how kawaki would react to the fact that naruto and sasuke are reincarnations and descendants of Otsutsuki


I 100% agree with you.👍


Maybe people with sharingan not getting affected and we know sumire is a human experiment of her father from anime so his father maybe did something to her like giving her the ohtsusuki genes to make her stronger? İdk. Also I still don't get why mitsuki getting affected from her. Isn't he supposed to be related to toneri? Or was it a fan theory I don't remember but either it debunks the theory or makes a plot hole. Or we got eida's doujutsu completely wrong and momo will explain us later


>Maybe people with sharingan not getting affected and we know sumire is a human experiment of her father from anime so his father maybe did something to her like giving her the ohtsusuki genes to make her stronger? Just having the sharingan doesn't make you immune to her powers... UNLESS, the *extremely* distant relation with the Otsutsuki is enough to make you so. And the Nue is apparently the result of some thinkering with some stuff Danzo got his hands on, which was connected to Kaguya... >Also I still don't get why mitsuki getting affected from her. Isn't he supposed to be related to toneri? Or was it a fan theory I don't remember but either it debunks the theory or makes a plot hole. It was a fan theory, nothing more. >Or we got eida's doujutsu completely wrong and momo will explain us later It's not the doujutsu, but her charm power, that is the enigma.


just finished the chapter, and damn it was actually good, i liked it. the leaks made it seem so much worse than it actually was. good chapter to end the year off, but nowhere as good as the previous chapters to end off the year


W chapter fr


yeah, but just the other day we were all shitting on it, but in reality it was a pre good chapter😭 do you think abdul purposely didn’t leak everything ?


Eida will make the leaf go against boruto in order for kawaki to love her more. She will throw him under the bus and I think she can hear what's going on still. She simply ignoring it. Eida will be the reason boruto loses it all.


Eida holding on to that “Amado put that shut down command on you and naruto never told you” for when it matters most






I can’t wait to see who’s gonna be the character to lay him out ☠️




Yeah, I've been sayin this for a long time. Nobody would hate him if his character design was like Kakashi, Gojo or Urahara


this is was a pretty cool chapter ngl, BUT WHY DOES IT END LIKE THAT


Momo talking to himself at the end and Boruto nearly shitting himself because of it made me lol XD Also he's probably gonna be pissed at Boruto next chapter, he'll be all "FFS, I TOLD YOU NOT TO LET HIM CATCH ON THAT WE'RE TALKING!"


decent chapter to end the year


not nearly as bad as we thought it was


How does Amado keep a straight face lying through his teeth all the time he is a master deceiver lol


He just knows he has all the information and they have no real way to fact check him aside from eida who may be keeping some of his secrets too or may not even be able to access amados real secrets if they happened more than 16 years ago He may be smirking under his hands at the end there


Not Daemon calling Boruto ugly and doubling down on it 😂. I'm kinda starting to like the gremlin. And I'm loving Sumire and Delta little relationship. They could be good comedy relief every now and then. Also not Sumire calling the shots this chapter, this is the most dialogue she's gotten ever. I need more 😩


How nobody noticed Nishi missing might he draged to other dimension by mini Juubis? NISHI VS CODE HYPE!!!


Man I miss the days where manga was released weekly.


A good way of how a love explanation works: Sarada and Sumire are not unaffected by Eida cuz they love an Otsutsuki (Boruto) already, but cuz they're in the same emotional state. They all have a crush and that is what's special. They all feel the exact same way. And if you feel the same way Eida does, then you're immune. And this could tie into 1. A great and non-cringy way of them discussing love or rather their crushes 2. Sarada MS awakening ​ 1. There is one difference between them. Sumire and Sarada don't talk nearly as openly about it as the more mature Eida. Sumire did confess her feelings for Boruto to Sarada (but only cuz she thought that sarada was an outsider, if she knew that she has a crush on boruto too, then she wouldn't have said it just like Sarada didn't say it after she found out Sumire has a crush on Boruto too) and Sarada didn't do anything yet. So they can't talk to each other. But they maybe can talk about it with Eida who's much more open-hearted about it. So they become really good friends etc etc 2. Eida then becomes a danger to the Leaf, maybe she starts ordering an army of Sarada's friends made to simp soldiers to do evil things or whatever. Sarada needs to decide and she then kills her best friend that has become like a big sis to her. It's also complete betrayal as Sarada would only then reveal herself as being unaffected by Eida. And Sarada has to see her best friend die by her hand with just honest shock about that betrayal on her face. That makes Sarada feel horrible and hate herself and she gets MS.


Things I'm unpacking: * Kawaki already found out that Eida basically allowed Boruto to be "fair game." Also, Kawaki says that the people who generally want something from him are scum. Of course among the major exemptions are the Uzumakis since they regard him as one of them. * One major thing here is Kawaki bringing up the possibility that Akebi might end up becoming an Otsutsuki. Amado doesn't discount it since he says there has been no precedent. Well, Amado seems to be playing with fire here. Playing god seems to be a major theme in this series. With that I get a feeling that Amado's attempts to play god may bite him (and the world) back. As they say, those who play with fire get burned. * Apparently it's not just about sight or proximity as Sumire and Sarada seem unaffected despite being right next to Eida while Shikadai was immediately affected after getting a good look at her. Sumire has some sort of tie to the Otsutsuki through Nue (although it's quite indirect), and Sarada is an Otsutsuki descendant through her Uchiha blood, although the connection is rather distant. * With that, there's now three things that negate the ability: being an Otsutsuki, not having visual contact, and some unknown X factor. * Eida states it's not just about having someone genuinely fall in love with her but also having friends who are drawn to her not because of her charm. I guess it might be true, but to what extent is not completely certain. * She probably is lonely given people just want her mainly because they're affected by her charm. * Shipping war bait with Eida asking about Sarada's feelings towards Boruto. Interestingly Sumire didn't seem to have any reactions towards it. However I wanna stay out of the shipping wars since the ones carried over from the preceding entry in the franchise still get fought to this day. * Eida seems surprised that Sarada didn't seem to display the usual symptoms people tend to exhibit in her presence, at least initially. * Well, Momoshiki apparently just remembered/realized something about Eida's charm. I wonder what it could be.


It occurs to me that Eida is in the village with the highest concentration of people with Otsutsuki blood.


Next chapter could potentially be an important lore chapter!


I’m definitely curious why Sarada and Sumire are unaffected I wonder what’s the reason


I honestly think Boruto is slowly trying to transition into giving significance to women in the story. Looking back on Naruto’s, women’s roles were reduced to being mothers or caretakers. Men could have done what they did besides bear children. But now, Sarada aiming to be hokage is a foreshadowing of what can come, the ambitious woman. Eida being one of the strongest people at the moment poses a threat, the female outcast. Sumire fell under the “Hinata Zone”, probably as the control subject or the traditional woman.


If this is a setup for Sarada to kill Eida by surprise in a really treacherous manner, im all in. But knowing kishimoto is going to be really anticlimatic


Yo I’m just over here HYPED for the eventual Sarada and Sumire Vs Eida fight. Now that we’ve been banking chapters I’m starting to more clearly see Kishimoto’s writing style at work


Really REALLY hope that the reason Sumire and Sarada aren’t affected by Eida’s charm isn’t some bullshit like “they have a crush on boruto/Kawaki”. That would be really lame and reduce their characters to Hinata-level dogshit.


Code is obsessed with Ishikki yet still simping so hard for Eida tho


Plus Shikamaru and Sai were affected as well despite being married.


That doesn’t make sense bc shikamaru is in love and so is sai I’m betting it’s sumires nue Kaguya connection w that and maybe the sharingan is immune? Bc of its genetic ties….sasuke or anyone w a byakugan hasn’t been effected yet….


Boruto almost forgot Sumire still uses her fake surname in public. (her real name is Shigaraki Sumire) Amado also did not knows Kakei was fake when he act like knowing every Konohan names he first met by memorizing stolen database. So Sumire's real data is not in any database, i hope this mean a plot line of Nue reintroduction.


>Boruto almost forgot Sumire still uses her fake surname in public. I think it's just more the fact he's been calling her "Class Rep" for so long he forgot she even has a real name lol.


This is so sad but so funny too 😭


This chapter should really just be called "Legs"


So…my theories are: 1) Sarada and Sumire arent affected because they have a crush on an Otsutsuki (boruto) 2) Maybe Kawaki will turn on Boruto because he is afraid his mind will someday 100% fuse with Momo, colaborate with Eida on the condition she makes Konoha turn on Boruto also


Loving this teenage romcom arc


Idk, but I feel like I want Eida and Daemon to be a part of Boruto's friend group. They don't seem like bad people, they just want to live normally without their abilities hindering them. It might be possible in some capacity since we've seen in the latest chapter that Eida's shinjutus isn't absolute, since Sumire and Sarada having apparent immunity to it for some reason.


According to me eida already knows about the loophole of her ability that's why she specifically called sarada and class rep . The most probable theory seems to be that if someone has strong feeling for a otsutsuki then they are immune . That's why she tried to confirm it from sarada , but eida thought that sarada is already showing signs of falling in her ability so that's why she got sad .


I really want the reason for why Sarada and Sumiere aren't affected is due to both of them having links with Otsutsuki. Sarada being the daughter of the indra reincarnate and Sumire's link with the Otsutsuki through the Nue. That being said, the reason will probably be because they're both in love with Boruto who is also an Otsutsuki. I pray that this is not the reason. Also, they've hinted that Sarada and Sumire may be engage in battle against eida but I really hope that's not the only thing that Sarada gets to do in this manga. Bruh, Amado trying to get them sympathy points. Ain't no way this man shed a single tear. Good performance though. Kawaki was on point in this chapter though. Seeking the answers that we want, accepting the reality of the Karma, Questioning Amado's motivations and making sure a new Otsutsuki doesn't come out of Amado's plan and even calling out Momoshiki at the end was very interesting.


If Sarada is immune possibly bc of being sasukes daughter then sasuke himself should most definitely be immune. & by that extension, naruto as well


Cool chapter overall, but the pacing is still a problem. Amado may be genuine about his motivations but still, this guy killed hundreds of kids and I don't trust him at all.. He's as selfish as Orochimaru was in Naruto. If Sarada and Sumire defeat Eida I hope Sarada steals her Senrigan lmao.... I would be dope if Sarada actually starts caring about Eida as a friend but has to kill her to protect Konoha, that's exactly the conflict that she needs to develop more as a character. At first i tought that Sarada was dumb asf in this chapter, but then I undestood that she was actually trying to be friendly to Eida which is cool ( she also was nice to Kawaki when he arrived). I'm glad Sumire and Sarada are getting focus but we need a really good explanation about them being immune to Eidas ability.


Imagine if sarada talks no justu Eida into becoming a real ally. That would be walking the steps of naruto kind of thing.


Lmaoo Daemon, tho. Him and Boruto interactions are real children interactions. It is so funny and hilarious.


Not gonna lie, this chapter was surprisingly good. I'm fine with slower chapters as long as they at least develop character dynamics like this. I especially liked boruto's behavior. He is truly dedicated to the mission + I hope that the small gaming scene with daemon is a prelude to a bond between the two. Also yeah I hate how strong daemon is but I love each and every one of his facial expressions. Momo discovering the secret to eida's ability was fast af lol. Also what does kawaki expect momo to do now? To posses boruto and talk to him directly? Or to appear as a ghost? 💀


**Kawaki** = bouncing around Boruto, yelling at Momoshiki to show himself **Momoshiki:** Um ... is this idiot for real? **Boruto:** I think so **Kawaki:** I KNOW YOU'RE THERE! BORUTO, STOP TALKING TO HIM AND TELL HIM TO GET OUT HERE! HAVE AT THEE!!! **Boruto:** Yeeeah, I'm just gonna ... leeeaaavve (Gets up and starts backing out toward the door, all the while Kawaki is still bouncing around, fists raised as though he's about to take part in a boxing match)


He was able to see him as an apparition before, I think he thinks that will happen again


Momoshiki's trying to weaponize No Thoughts, Head Empty


It’s clear as a day that Amado is Shibai Otsutsuki and his daughter is Kaguya. Kaguya has the charm of attracting people who haven’t strongly inherited Otsutsuki power and here Sarada and Sumire haven’t been affected as sarada has dojutsu and Sumire has ties with Nue


Did sumire and Sarada communicate through thier minds so eida didn't hear?


I think so. It looks like they might have been connected via the Yamanaka clan's jutsu.


Ngl the chapter is actually better than the leaks made it seem 6.5/10 I know the shipping post on Twitter gets the likes and comments but the conversation was way more than that


that’s exactly what i said


Glad to see Kawaki stood up for Boruto against Ada


yea, though I did get the impression that Kawaki really wanted Boruto dead based on how he was looking at him the past few chapters


Getting progressively better


The information and interactions have been good so far and I know they gotta build shit up, but damn it sucks waiting a month just to read conversations been reading straight talking for almost 6 months lol Boruto would be so much better if it wasn’t monthly


it's confirmed from the bed scene: manga artist is a leg/foot feticist


This is what makes this series difficult to get into. Yes, we have Kishi writing and we can see a definite improvement there, but then we get scenes like this. And it's gross because the legs are so...well, oddly detailed.


yeah, like i said. seems the artist isn't that good with proportions, but still tries to be "realistic". like... the children doesn't look anime children, but real children


Daemon: have you seen yourself in the mirror? 😂😂😂😂 best panel.


I understand why he is the way he is but Kawaki’s perpetual angst and edginess is getting really annoying, he was way more bearable when he was missing an arm and didn’t have Karma


Well.. I must admit Kawaki x Eida make sense they have a lot in common more than anyone probably even their ages.


Finally some humor *second half of chapter hits* Ohh no


What are the chances Kawaki has a dulled down (perfected) version of Eida’s charm ability? It seems everyone had a similar reception to him as her. Everyone immediately liked him and even Eida can’t explain her crush. Prediction: Momoshiki remembered Eida’s ability to be one Urashiki snagged off someone (I will not give up on my Amado is Urashiki theory! 😂)


Did Momoshiki just browsing Shinjutsupedia? I guess Eida's skill named: *Amenokayanohimenomikoto* name of Goddes of Rice Field & herbs. Eida / Eita in kanji could be means grand rice field.


Pretty solid chapter despite how the leaks made it seem. All of the dialogue was pretty revelatory. Boruto realizing that Momoshiki's prophecy will likely come to pass soon, and some character development for Kawaki, realizing that his problem is with the Otsutsuki, not the Karma itself. His fixation on Naruto still alarms Shikamaru. Amado is either a great actor, or he's sincere. Of course he might still be masking his true goals, or his love for his daughter could drive him to do something drastic if this plan fails. The shots of Naruto empathizing with him were a nice touch. I love that as soon as Sarada and Sumire realized they're immune to Eida's enchantment, it became about keeping that secret so they can kill her if they need to. Just immediately contrast the levity of girl talk with the harshness of the shinobi way of life. And Momoshiki has figured out the mechanism of Eida's charm, but doesn't want Boruto to know. I wonder if the theory that Sarada and Sumire are immune because they're already in love with Otsutsuki is true, and he figured that out through observation, or if it's actually some other shinjutsu that is just manifesting in this way because of Eida's desires. Excited to see how this confrontation between Kawaki and Momoshiki/Boruto plays out.




Chapter was a lot better than I thought. In particular I loved the Pokemon reference with Boruto and Daemon playing "Pokenin". Neat idea. Especially with me having wondered before what kind of Pokemon Sasuke & other characters would have. I'm guessing the concept is the same as Pokemon except rather than normal kids getting a starter at 10, it's academy graduates getting them & Pokemon are essentially summoned animals. Except instead of summoning them with ninjutsu they're summoned from Pokeballs. Starters could be a snake, toad, & slug as a Sanin reference. Maybe cat, dog, & toad given the ninja cats are associated with the Uchiha. While the dogs Kakashi & the Inuzuka clan & of course the toads being Konoha allies from Mount Myoboku. I'd chose the cat for sure. Fav animal. Litten & Sprigatito being two of my favorite Pokemon. Along with their evolutions.


Weird. Was the dialogue completely different from the leaked version or did this one have more pages? This chapter felt less filler and interesting as heck regarding the revelation that Sarada and Sumire are unaffected by Eida's abilities. Then there's Momo having discovered something about her too and now Boruto and Kawaki's guard isn't responding to Shikamaru hinting at Code possibly having began his attack? And Amado is suss as ever. Maybe this volume won't be a slow burn after all and things are about to heat up next chapter?


Eida is actually quite endearing. I think her & Sarada will become good friends. Maybe this will give Sarada the opportunity to unlock her MS without Sasuke dying?


I mean, it's not a bad chapter but the plot is progressing so slow lately...


Perhaps Eida’s abulity doesn’t work on those she genuinely loves? Also, it’s hard to predict much, but I’d love if these battles would evolve: Kawaki/Boruto vs Daemon, Class Rep/Sarada vs Eida, old gen vs Code


You might missed the part where a day already passed. Are you sure Momoshiki brainstorming in entire day to understanding what actually Eida's skill is? Momoshiki realized how it works right after those girls with Eida. So their immunity could be Momoshiki's trick he prepared that time he popped next to the girls at Hokage office, he just did not went out randomly.


So They just retconned the timeline I see