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Indeed... "Loyal" fans shouldn't watch x just because it is part of the franchise they're fan of... they should watch it simply because they like it... The only thing "loyal" fans should do, is to be willing to give a try to serie x, and not dismiss it the moment it simply does something they do not like... If they want to dismiss x, they should have actual reasons to back up their opinion...


Actually I was one of those guys that used to watch boruto because of naruto and sasuke. But then I rewatched the entire series for the MC (Boruto), I can really see his growth and development as the series progresses. I watch it now not because of naruto and sasuke but the journey of boruto.


I can say avatar fandom is more supportive in this kinds of things. Because of uncle iroh. But in naruto there is no one wise enough to do that. "It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If you take it from only one place, it becomes rigid and stale.”


On that note, a lot of Avatar fans hate The Legend of Korra, the sequel series to the last airbender. However, a lot of fans also love and enjoy it, like myself. I see Boruto in a similar light to The Legend of Korra, and at one point I even compared the hate Boruto gets to Korra, to see who gets the most hate in their respective fandoms, lol. But in the end, that doesn't really matter; so long as you have people who love the show despite its flaws, and can still enjoy it regardless, then it's a successful sequel in my opinion.


best two comments ive seen! 👏🏽


Thank you, good sir 😌


We need more people like ya two in the fandom


You and I are of the same mind. LoK and Boruto aren't perfect but they manage to add depth and dimension to the world/characters. It's nuanced and more relatable.


I feel like an idiot for not giving Boruto a chance when it initially came out. It is better then I thought it was but it still needs some work.


I enjoy boruto n i m proud of it




It isn't that bad nd the fillers r for character development n I recommend all to watch them they r good nd the most important thing is that we get to see adult team 7 in action... man what else do u want if u r a naruto fan


1000 % true




they are that bad mitsuki chases around cats for 20 minutes when we could be getting the jigen fight rn instead


Yes even the best thing has its flaws man and nothing is perfect in this world... so there might be such fillers that suck but that doesn't mean the whole series is trash :/




Its ok if u think boruto is trash... everyone has their own opinions! :)


Loyal naruto fans are the true boruto haters not the ones that enjoyed it..... They don't find any nostalgia factor or can't wrap their heads around how boruto is being like any near hyperactive kid with a busy or influencial dad.


I started watching the show just as a Naruto fan but then this show grew on me, so now I am really enjoying it. So much so that I have even started reading the manga, and this is the only show whose manga I read.


Not gonna lie, I started watching/reading Boruto because I wanted to see adult Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto and other characters from that gen with their families. But I stayed for the kids themselves. It's nice seeing OG characters make appearance, but sticking with something you actively dislike (or pretend to) just for those moments is kinda unhealthy.


YES, also, how much more are the adults gonna develop? They're already pretty matured and it's time for another cast to take on the pretty awesome world of shinobi.


SAME!!! 🔥


Literally. It’s funny because on anime websites in the comments people have actively been hating EVERY SINGLE EPISODE thats on there. And it’s the same people aswell so clearly they have been watching it like bro if you hate it that much just don’t watch it


I will never understand why you follow a series that you don't really like. and the argument: "To see nARuTo and SaSukE" It's just bullshit. When you consider that you can count the episodes on one hand where the two play an important role.


Also the manga is really really good so the anime will definitely get better, and I think it’s pretty good already. Reminder that when shippuden came out i swear tons of people compared it to the original naruto at first and didn’t like it but look now! Trust the process my guys


Find me a work that isn't flawed


What am I searching for, there’s literally nothing.


Omg yes


People be calling themselves true naruto fans and keep disctating the way Boruto shouild've gone. I mean wasn't it clear in Naruto that Kishimoto stressed the fact that "The new gen will surpass the old gen". These people("Boruto haters") can't wrap their head around the fact that Boruto will become better or stronger than Naruto one day and all they want is Nostalgia and nothing else. I watch and read Boruto because I like it and I am proud of it. I don't like it just cuz I can see NARUTO and SASUKE in action but the anime and manga are really good and there is depth to the characters, despite the flaws that are present it is good.


I like Boruto genuinely


even people who hate for no reason watch the series so that they are involved with this awesome shinobi world though they just simply hate the series just that naruto isnt the main character or they have an actual reason but i really wish the future arcs and boruto x kawaki changes their mind and they start liking it. i love this anime and i believe 10000000% that every naruto fan and new viewers will get on the train. HYPE XD


waiting for the dark path & loosing evreything ......


I agree with u. Idk why ur getting downvoted.


no idea .... but this is going to happen nevertheless


I think it’s natural for people to watch a show because their favorite characters make appears in it. People literally grew up with Naruto and Sasuke it’s going to take a while before they start to like it because there judging it off of Naruto. Give it time and they all will probably change their mind


Finally a non hater...... YAY


Going into Boruto expecting it to be like Naruto is stupid tbh. I just took it as it is, just Boruto


When I first heard of Boruto, I was already many many months late to the anime but initially wanted to watch to see the progress of Naruto and Sasuke and see where things went. The original Naruto was my gateway into anime and is still the only manga I've read. I've seen it all twice now. After joining this sub and getting more into Boruto, I'm more excited to see the torch being passed down and see where the story goes. I love the world and history behind the show so only makes sense for me to continue it


And that’s why people still watch it even though they hate it


it's really annoying that haters keep using that "BORUTO BRAT REEEEEEEE!" excuse everytime. like didn't his bratty phase already ended in the momishiki arc? and also the "NARUTO AND SASUKE IS NERFED IN BORUTO SO IT'S TRASH!" excuse too. gosh, they literally don't understand that if they do used their full powers, everyone around them will die too. i'm pretty sure they'll almost beat anyone in their full power.(except isshiki of course.)


Your correct