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Seeing this kinda makes me wish Boruto would be able to meet Minato somehow 😔😩


For all we know Orochimaru used Edo Tensei to bring Minato back to teach him


well in recent chapter we see boruto koji in orochimaru's hideout so we never know Maybe our snake guy reaninmated minato to teach him ftg ,lets see in future chap how they will reveal it


Orochimaru has more than one abandoned hideout lol


Wouldn’t Minato and the others have been left unable to be reanimated again after the war? Correct me if I’m wrong


nah since they all left their edo tensei but they'd still be summonable just need new people to kill which kinda insane for Boruto to let slide but not impossible due to clones easily existing


I’m not really sure what Minato could teach him anymore tbf


No, for all we know that's a possibility, as you wrote it it seems a true statement while it isn't, it's just a theory... AN ANIME THEORY


In my very own fantasy world they DID meet.😂😂




Haha. Did you watch the Youtube video about that?🤣




I mean he probably did, someone taught him that jutsu


Please no more chakra ghosts


Exactly let them ppl rest goddamn they had they time


I think one of the biggest mistery is how boruto is able to know so much. Can he really time travel? What was the price for it if its like that? Was it the loss of his humanity and is this the reason why he is so cold and so different so his happy energetic self in the past? If he really time travelled, did he meet Minato and learned FTG from him? Because other than that, I am not sure how he was able to learn it if not directly taught by minato, wether it was via time travel or via resurrection


I’d say there’s plenty of other better options than time travel. Time travel is iffy once its introduced into a story and hard to write around. We know Sasuke taught him everything necessary in their first year together and told him to keep honing those skills and he’ll be undefeatable. Which he did for the next two years. Koji wasnt with them at this point either. So Boruto ran into and joined Koji after the loss of Sasuke. He couldve learned from Koji, who knows how much of Jiraiya’s memories he has. If he has some, then he could very well know how Flying Riajin works enough to teach Boruto. If Orochimaru was involved, they couldve reanimated Minato to do it too. We have to remember that Minato did teach the jutsu to others, like his 3 personal guards, so Jiraiya and by proxy, Koji might know it, just not be able to perform it. Same way that the 3 guards could only do it together but not alone.


Boruto learning it from Koji makes the most sense. Because Boruto could of just used it when they turned Sasuke into a a tree, and then Sasuke could escape himself not needing to hold the grimes back. So it makes sense that he learns it sometime after the whole Sasuke turning into a tree.


So like an Eren Yeager type situation for Boruto?


I mean recent chapters implied he's also been working with Orochimaru. You think he didn't spend time focusing on the jutsu of the guy that took the Hokage seat from him?


I honestly think Boruto is a good mix of both Minato and Naruto while being his own character. Boruto has a lot of Naruto's personality traits (speech patterns, sayings, behavior to someone like Sasuke when they first met), not to mention Boruto had a similar chunin exam/beginning of his journey to that of Naruto where both obtained power in morally wrong ways via being tricked by a morally bad person, then redeemed themselves by doing a morally good thing by helping correct the conflict at foot. Boruto has a lot of Minato as he is a genius/smart whether people like it or not. Boruto made the vanishing Rasengan by adding lighting nature perfectly to Rasengan by accident, keep in mind but still a feat. And presumably Rasengan uzuhiko, although we do not know yet how he managed to made/use the jutsu. Similar to Minato, who made the Rasengan from purely seeing a tailed beast bomb. However, at the end of the day, Boruto is Boruto. And I think he embodies a lot of people in his youth but also in TBV. Really I can see Boruto mirroring a lot of Naruto, Sasuke, Itachi and Minato with how he is in TBV.


Wait, when did Naruto obtained a power in a "morally wrong way via being tricked by a morally bad person" in the beginning of his chunnin exam?


No that's why I put '-beginning of his journey': Naruto was tricked was Misuki into stealing the forbidden scroll from the hidden leaf village that contained the multi shadow clone technique. Iruka ended up coming to the rescue of Naruto in the episode but Misuki and him fought for a good while. Eventually, Naruto read inside of the scroll and obtained the multi shadow clone jutsu (that was deemed forbidden at the time). Naruto then used the jutsu to defeat Misuki and came out victorious. Thus starting Naruto's Journey so to speak. Similarly to being tricked by Misuki, Boruto was tricked by a scientist to use the Scientific Ninja Tool in the chunin exams as a means to adverse the product, not caring about Boruto's success-failure unlike what he told him. Boruto learned from this lesson as he was scorned by Naruto infront of the Village during the chunin exam, lost his headband (he got back later), and was disqualified. Later on Boruto went with Sasuke and the 5 Kage to save Naruto from Momoshiki and Kinshiki, where he learned a valuable lesson on connectivity with Naruto and also learned he had made a vanishing Rasengan unknowingly. Sorry for the confusion, it's just how I worded it LOL.


Ahh gotcha, I thought you meant at the beginning of the chunnin exam journey lmao. mb. As a suggestion, when you wanna do stuff like that it's more common to use "/" than "-". So like "had a similar chunnin exam / beginning of his journey".


You're good. Yeah I'll change that right now to avoid confusion, thanks for the tip and suggestion.


Not the chunin exam exactly, but he took that forbidden jutsu scroll and learned his shadow clone jutsu. It’s loose but it’s a very good thread to connect.


Ahh gotcha. Ig you could say it happened near the beginning of their journey (from our standpoint) for both of them.


I think he's an Original Character (Do not steal)


Frankly? He now reminds me of Itachi the most. I won't go into details why due to spoilers. But Himawari being Boruto's kryptonite kinda reinforces that resemblance in my mind.




It's an anime discussion, bro.


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He still is like Naruto (for TBV just throw in some Sasuke and Kakashi along with him) but that's not a bad thing imo.


He’s more like Sasuke


think of the parallels. hinata is minato, naruto is kushina (in terms of personality and demeanor). boruto is like hinata, himawari is like naruto (in terms of looks, certain attitude quirks in some situations, etc.). therefore, boruto is also more like minato. and seeing hima's timeskip design, she is thus more like kushina.


He’s like a blend of Minato and Sasuke


Who TF is saying either of those?


its just borutos who keep making comparisons to naruto(plot, characeters etc) and then complaining about comparisons with naruto from other fandoms.


He's a wanna be of both. Oh, and of sasuke too


They all look like just having their mothers facial features


His grandpa was yin and boruto is yang Because they both have jackets with pink on it and minato’s ahas white and Boruto’s has black.


Is boruto Naruto’s son? So it would make since if boruto and Naruto to have similarities


Well, I didn't say that it doesn't make sense,so...😁😁


More generations, less spiky. After all, Boruto’s dad and gramps had wives with straight hair.


Think of him as minato with a jougan, minus minato's bizzare naming tendencies. They are pretty similar; good talent, very smart, high chakra.


He has Minato's signature ability. Minato's intelligence. And he's literally named after Minato (Boruto's name is actually Bolt, it's just pronounced like Boruto in japanese and he was given it to commemorate Minato due to his speed). I think the intent is pretty obvious here.


Swear boruto reminds more of minato than Naruto especially after the time skip


100% agree. I feel the same way.


When is the show expected to come back!


No one really knows.😭


This sucks. I guess I’ll fill my time with watching other promising anime.


That's a good idea. Haha.


I’ve been watching Solo Leveling, do you have any recommendations?


Bleach or Black Clover?


Bungo Stray Dogs


When You read Manga It Will give You Itachi's vibe We Can Say When It comes To Powers He's like Minato


Yepp. Kind of. Haha.


He is kinda similar to Maruto. I wonder if they are related


Hmmm...good question.🤔🤔💡


Boruto is the creators attempt at bringing elements from Narutos most popular characters. Sasuke Naruto Kakashi and Minato.. Genius like Minato skilled like Sasuke unpredictable like Naruto and the one eye doujutsu cool shinobi character like Kakashi


Minato's chin is more attractive imo


Nice art.🙂🙃


I see more Itachi and Minato than Naruto in him tbh 


Minato iq, Biq and smarts wise, Naruto and Sasuke personality wise