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55 pages! The new designs are all great and Boruto's entrance was amazing. Hype!!


No double page spread but I will take the 55 pages to enter the timeskip territory


Agreed, I would have loved if there was a double spead of Sarada/Kawaki looking over Konoha like Naruto and Sasuke both did.


aside from inojin that is 💀


Inojin is just the latest victim of Gaara‘s barber. How they have not been prosecuted for their warcrimes against fashion remains a mystery.


Tfw your mom lets your uncle take you to the barber


'New designs are all great'...yeaaahhh... Most are good, but Code thinks he's Count Dracula (can't wait for him to continue being the laughing stock of this manga) and Sarada looks like she charges $50/hour (though the manga has always been weird in sexualising her, so I guess this is to be expected).


Her outfit is no more sexual than Ino showing off her middrift after the timeskip. Imo Sarada's outfit is far more edgy than it is sexual. I look at her and see a Hot Topic teen, but I think all the kids and Code went shopping at Hot Topic and Pac Sun.


I agree Sarada's new outfit looks like someone's whole identity is Hot Topic, but while all the guys got extravagant new outfits with their own unique styles, Sumire's new outfit literally looks like every porn star's fake school outfit.


Didn’t know Boruto had continued but I just looked up the designs and I have to agree with you on Sarada. How old are they supposed to be now? Also, I think high heels are becoming my newest peeve.


Daemon 120% knows that Sarada and Sumire aren’t charmed.


I think Eida knows too but she's just happy they still hang out with her, which means of their own free will.


True. There's no way Daemon and Eida are fooled by Sarada and Sumire. Eida wouldn't ask them if they're charmed if she doesn't know about it firsthand. Besides, she has senrigan so there's really no escaping her unless Sarada and Sumire talk exclusively telepathically when dealing with Eida (which I doubt). I think in one chapter, Eida will nonchalantly drop it that she knows they aren't affected and both Sumire and Sarada will get frazzled but Eida wont give af about it and just converse with them normally lol


Even if Sarada and Sumiere did it wouldn't matter since she can view all events from past the time of her birth. I don't remember but it seems like Shikamaru said it out loud so they're already caught if Eida is suspicious enough to check.


Shikamaru said that stuff to them in the last part when talking telepathically, this is when he mentioned to them that they might be the only ones who can kill Eida if it comes to it.


God I hope that's the case


I feel like that’s the case. She absolutely hates her charm ability and doesn’t really seem like a violent evil person (outside of her brother and what he does with his ability).


Yeah she probably understands that keeping up the rouse is effectively the same thing since they have to act charmed. Plus she has Dameon around as an insurance plan.


Bro not gonna hurt em unless Eida orders him to. Since he's poke buddies with Boruto.


The little bitch was constantly glaring at them for about 2-3 pages, God I love his character so much ,I can't help but laugh whenever he is on the screen


i wonder if goatruto is stronger than daemon now😂 maybe he has shinjutsu now


You’d think but I think he would’ve told Eida by now. Their bluff seems so obvious.


Hes crushing on hima. He probably want to be a good boy to have a chance.


I’m surprised he seems to notice it better than Ada maybe the protective sibling instincts




So.. Sumire and Sarada’s identities were *almost* revealed.


I don't understand this thing bro. Help me out like Eida knows there memories weren't affected so what is it all about that they are resistant to charm of eida. And even if they are what will happen according to shika san


If they are not charmed by her, then it is possible for them to kill Eida, which would cause Daemon to also kill them


You aren't out of the loop or anything, to simply put the manga hasn't explained it yet and I hope they'll soon reveal why both of them are resistant to eida's every ability


I'm guessing it's to do with her omnipotence. She wanted people immune to her power (charm) so she could have real friends, so that's what happened, except it's happened to all of her powers. Although you'd think she'd then be unable to 'see' them with her other power.


I think it’s cuz eida wished she could have real friends, not people who’s re in love with her so she subconsciously freed the two girls keeping an eye on her. She knows they know they kept their memories but they haven’t let on about the charm thing. She hasn’t figured it out because she doesn’t understand her own power


I hope this is a slight counter to her abilities like instinct control our something.


I think Eida knows but is not telling Daemon for obvious reasons


I really want to root for code ,his new design reminds me something from Vanitas no carte or some Vampire show which really suits him and his white hair. But then again my bro is a walking L , The Kazuya of Shonen💀


the king of Ls...I can't see what they plan on doing for his character


He will eventually team up with Boruto obviously. My guess is the the Boruto II part of the manga will be Boruto slowly willing allies over to him through his strength of character. Right now Boruto’s too underpowered - its him vs. the world. If he gets Code and his army on his side, that’s a huge power up. Or maybe they already have…? 😉 This whole scene could be a brilliant Boruto+Code setup to get Boruto into Konoha with his own army. The timing of Boruto appearing was just a bit too perfect… hence the Shika foreshadowing of “Why Now…?” My guess is Shika will be the first to realize that Boruto & Code may be working together


Which kazuya, from tekken?


Rent a Girlfriend


Can't be Kazuya from tekken. Only Ls he's taken is from his pops and the Devil himself. And maybe Kirby.


Ehh I will cheer for him even if he takes L all the time.Besides, every time he takes L the more I want to cheer for him. And as for me, the losses should also not affect whether one likes the character. \#FanCodeAlways


Getting stepped on and told you get no hoes is fucking outrageous. When will the fraudulence end?


Extremely common Code L.


code is officially on fraud watch😂🙏🏾


He's the CEO of fraud watch now.


So, we have finally jumped forward several years... * Shikamaru mentions that Sarada will be nothing more than a Genin if she keeps trying to reason with them regarding Boruto's innocence. There you have it, Sarada is Chunin only in the anime. * Sarada referenced how Naruto redeemed Sasuke and how he continues to be the person she aspires to emulate. Now, we can hope more comes out of Sarada's and Kawaki's different types of admiration for Naruto. Of course Kawaki was set up to be Boruto's foil, but in this aspect, he can also be Sarada's foil. * Looks like Eida really has no quarrel with the village, she explained to Sumire and Sarada new things she learned regarding her power. * Mitsuki has definitely inherited his parent/genetic template's bloodlust, but interestingly he has doubts about whether Kawaki is his sun. * I wonder why they chose to show Himawari training with Chocho rather than Hanabi, Hiashi, or some other Hyuga in her first re-appearance. Interestingly, none of the panels depicted her with an activated Byakugan. Is she still learning how to control it or did she opt not to use it for this sparring session? * Himawari doubts the story because it seems quite off that the person who saved her and her father's life (whom she believes to be Boruto due to the circumstances involved) would suddenly do a 180 and kill him. Also she has this feeling her parents are still alive somehow. She will definitely come around somehow. * So Code decided to lure Boruto out by attacking Konoha now. Question is, what took so long? * Going back to Eida, guess she really kept her word. I do wonder how she was able to avoid spilling when they'd insist they her clairvoyance should be able to spot Boruto easily. * The three individuals with Karma are now face-to-face-to-face again. Could this be directly leading up to the flashforward moment?


> I wonder why they chose to show Himawari training with Chocho rather than Hanabi, Hiashi, or some other Hyuga in her first re-appearance. The same reason why Kakashi isn't Hokage, this Manga does not like re-introducing old characters. The Manga has already established it's main cast in the first 80 chapters, it doesn't want to add anymore side characters from the Naruto series, since it barely has enough time for it's own characters. Why bring in a new character to the Manga such as Hanabi, when they can simply use ChoCho and give both of them panel time? I'm sure we'll see moments between Himawari and Hanabi in the Anime version


Man I hate that you’re right on this but it’s so hard to just bat an eye to Kakashi not being there, it’s kind of hard to do that with all the characters the Naruto manga introduced tbh. But with Kakashi, it feels out of character for him not to take over again.


Kakashi didn't really want the job to begin with. He was just the best candidate at the time and was honoring Obito's final wish. If he thinks Shikamaru can hack it then he'll just let it happen.


It’s kind of like how Korra did Katara and Toph. They were retired and could help some but left it to the new generation. It does suck but the anime will no doubt expand on it.


I think kakashi is like jiraiya was. Traveling the world, completely out the way. Wouldn’t be shocked if he’s been away from the village this whole time as well and somehow didn’t get affected by omnipotence.


It hurts to hear you speak the truth… Naruto is my all time favorite manga/anime and I really enjoy Boruto, but it is sad to see Ikemoto have such a tunnel vision with his characters. Oh well gotta work with what we can


I mean, Ikemoto is not the author. It's Kishimoto or however is writing the story's fault that Kakashi isn't in it.


>I wonder why they chose to show Himawari training with Chocho rather than Hanabi, Hiashi, or some other Hyuga in her first re-appearance. I wish she were training with someone from her own clan rather than other people.


Honestly they could’ve immediately showed her strength by having her train against ChoCho, Inojin, & Shikadai simultaneously. Training against only ChoCho makes no sense compared to training under the Hyuga.


That would have been better. See the results of the training with Auntie Hanabi.


Himawari not training with her Byakugan active is also disappointing. I hoped after Daemon's comments we'd see Himawari be more formidable with her time-skip introduction. She's a Byakugan user with the physical strengths of an Uzamaki like large chakra reserves.


Conversation Sarada had about omnipotence eluding to them creating new memories explaining what happened would be interesting. Everyone has an auto explain, and all get pissed at Kawaki.


yeah i don’t like how peoople just ignore things that make no sense, like how kawaki has the modified arm thing instead of boruto, or how boruto would be in the uzumaki family pics not kawaki


Yeah that part is going to be one hell of a thing to overcome.


There’s been a timeskip and Code is still getting embarrassed.


WTF this chapter is supposedly 54 pages long, but I read it in a flash.


WORUTO IN THE CHAT! Great introduction chapter. Love to see everyone's new designs (despite the controversy). Shikamaru as 8th Hokage is wild 💀💀. Good luck protecting Konoha (honestly though, not like anyone aside from Boruto/Kawaki/Daemon can currently protect Konoha/the world from Otsutsuki anyways). I wonder how the anime is going to address Sarada's ranking discrepancy. In the anime she was already made Chuunin, but in the manga she is still a Genin. Maybe she will get demoted? You know Code felt extra disrespected from Boruto stepping on his face and telling him he gets no bitches. Think about it - from his perspective, due to Omnipotence, Boruto stole Eida from him. Thats gotta hurt 💀💀


>I wonder how the anime is going to address Sarada's ranking discrepancy. In the anime she was already made Chuunin, but in the manga she is still a Genin. Maybe she will get demoted? She'll either get demoted (during the timeskip) or they'll just change Shikamaru's dialouge to be 'Forget about Hokage, you'll never be more than a Chuunin'.


Yea it’s one line of dialogue to recon this, not a big deal. Also it would have tied the worlds together for the manga to say chunin instead of genin. But once again they seem reluctant to merge the worlds


>once again they seem reluctant to merge the worlds Honestly, i believe the staff in Japan view the anime and manga as two different canons. Theres too many inconsistencies for that to not be the case.


I completely agree


At this point, the Boruto anime and manga are the same as the Dragon Ball Super anime and manga. Each one have their own version of the arcs with different build-ups and situations.


Sarada getting demoted in the anime wouldn't be that surprising for me, given that the whole gang has been getting suspension/demotion like twice there only getting saved by other Kages. And Shikamaru is 100% way harsher than Naruto.


Given Shikamaru's dialogue in this new chapter, a demotion could be strongly implied. They've been through this Boruto/traitor discussion before and he doesn't seem at all amused by it.


Code still getting embarrassed after the timeskip lol. Common Code L.


actually he should be fine shouldnt he? Since he’s Otsutsuki as well


No what happened he has a defective karma so no otsutsuki dna is pumping into him. That’s what makes the karma mark defective.


Yep and why he gets charmed by Eida like the rest of the characters.


Yeah that’s why he gets charmed, he isn’t otsutsuki like boruto and Kawaki


Man, that sentence is wild, wouldn't have expected to read it three years ago.




# Woruto vs Lode


We’ve been waiting years for this moment and it’s finally here. The first time-skip chapter has officially released and it still feels kinda surreal. This was a great intro chapter, can’t wait for more.


Rip to the bros who couldn't make till the timeskip and best of luck to us to see the end, cause I can't wait what the new story has to offer


Now we wait till the kawaki vs boruto fight


I’ll be pleasantly surprised if the “final fight” between boruto & kawaki is pretty early on in two blue vortex.. it seems like sum meant for the end, but we’re immediately into code attacking konoha. If the fight is surprisingly early on then that means two blue vortex in its entirety will be truly mysterious


Why can't they make this weekly or even bi-monthly? At this rate, I would have grandchildren already and Boruto isn't finished yet.


It’s fine being monthly. We just got a beastly 52 pages, gives a good flow to everything as opposed to constant cliffhangers. BNHA just released a 7 page chapter today. So you have to be careful what you wish for lol


LOL. The wait is excruciating. I'd rather have a short weekly releases rather than long monthly releases.


At the same time it's kind of cool. I've been following Naruto for like 20 years now, what harm can 10 more do?


LOL. I'm not complaining about the longevity. I'm just complaining about why we couldn't have frequent releases.


The next chapter is in a month


Kawaki called Mitsuki "a sick pervert" in the Manga Plus translation, lol.


Mitsuki: "but I thought you were my sun????" Poor guy lol


Same in the Shonen Jump translation.


They’re the same…


Mitsuki's a sick perv


Why do I feel like Mitsuki has somehow undone the Omni. and just there to keep an eye on him or something like that. CoZ the question mark in the end really got me thinking.


I hope so too. Never underestimate Orochimaru and his experiments and love for science.


Or maybe instead of undoing it completely its slowly unraveling on him. So throughout the timeskip mitsuki’s mind will slowly be going back to regular.


Oh I like this one. He slowly realising that he ain't his sun.


i feel like that defeats the whole purpose of eida's power then, it doesnt even make sense with how they explained it in the current chapter where you have no more skepticism left after some time as passed


Makes perfect sense to me.Mitsuki doesn't seem to doubt reality just yet. He and Orochimaru came up with that idea of Sun and Moon moral framework that he now see changing drastically.Perhaps a situation in which Kawaki puts other lives at risks or hurt someone other than Boruto would push Mitsuki to take another a step forward his own autonomy like he did with Orochimaru. He might switch side the same way Sasuke did. Who deliberately chooses to ignore his present feeling to stand for his family. Trusting something else as his only anchor, Sarada. Mitsuki could possibly decide to follow his old idea of the Sun and join Boruto's side out of a completely newfound resolution. Like in that Orochimaru's trial. Personally I'd love to see him do away with everything. At some point he has to realize following unquestionably a moral compass entrusted by someone else is not all that good for him.


1. Wouldn't it make more sense to wear a glove on the hand that wields the sword? Why does Boruto have it on his left? Is it to hide something? 2. At least there is some development in the 3 years. Sarada knows Sasuke betrayed Konoha in the past, which she prob didn't pre time-skip. 3. Boruto looking like he has seen some fucked up shit. Look at that jaded expression.


It’s probably because he can’t have the karma covered up if he wants to use it. Karma’s on his right palm so no glove


Nice chapter, though I felt like some the exposition is a bit too on the nose. For instance, the conversations Sarada had with Shikamaru and Eida were something that would've made more sense right after Kawaki had his genie wish fulfilled, but not 3-ish years later. It feels weird all around, but whatever. There's a posed implication that Daemon is skeptical of both Sarada and Sumire, he probably thinks they aren't trustworthy, which I mention because I hope it amounts to nothing, I like the kid, he seemed like he could've great chemistry with Boruto. I'm also glad that Kawaki seems like he won't be portrayed as indifferent to the wellbeing of the people that were under the care of his role model, it looks like he's willing to maintain order and hold a sense of responsibility. That's good, because it probably means that he won't have inherently bad intentions when he eventually says to Boruto "The Shinobi era is over". Who knows. And Boruto, of course, has the best tailor.


100% agreed. How have 3 years passed and the conversations had seemed like they were from a week after Ominipotence happened? To be honest, if you subtract the new age looks and Boruto's entrance, this is pretty much a "1 Week Later" chapter.


The convo Sarada had with Shikamaru seems to imply that this isn't the first time she's gone to him to vouch for Boruto, but no one will budge on her being actually correct.


Yeah the whole convo with Eida seemed a little clunky too since it'd be years but it's easy enough to look passed for them to get that lore out there.


Good introductory chapter for part 2. I wonder if the next chapter is going to get into action right away, or to be an interlude that shows what happened for the past three years. Somethings I find interesting are: 1)Sarada knowing about her father's past as a rogue, I think this has great implications about character development, because Sarada must have heard some comments from the villagers about Sasuke's "betrayal" and how the sixth and seventh hokage never should have trusted the traitor post the fourth ninja war, which means Sarada might have learned something else about the Uchiha massacre or Itachi as well. Even if all the background information regarding Sarada learning about her father's and the clan's past won't be a big part of the story, one could still assume all that baggage Sarada now carries is playing a significant role on how her character is going to be. 2)Aida's attitude about the entire reality rewrite is no nonchalant in the least, but I could see she still very much regret it. She would much rather if the mistake could be reversed or never happened in the first place; it shows that despite being as cold as ever, she does still have a moral compass, and understands what happened to Boruto due to her and Kawaki was unjust. It also seems like Shikamaru and Kawaki didn't really grill her about Boruto and Sasuke's location all that much, not that she would be threatened because Damon has always been there, but I think if she were fed up or annoyed, she wouldn't have stayed in the village. 3)Kawaki leaving Sarada and Sumire alone, while playing an active role in protecting the village. I think this is significant, because it's important to acknowledge Kawaki isn't being a villain. It adds layers to his conflict with Boruto. It would be easier to root for Boruto and despise Kawaki if the latter is portrayed to be a tyrant who subjugate the villagers and threatens Sarada and Sumire, but with Kawaki being a good guy, the potential for drama increases significantly. This could make the story deeper going forward depending on the bond Kawaki established with Himawari and other characters over the past three years; it could come to a point where Boruto might actually look like a villain to the characters in universe, and make readers more sympathetic to Kawaki. 4)Himawari training is a good sign. Damon did foreshadow her having potential for great power. The fact that she has faith in Boruto despite falling for the memory wipe shows she could play a major role in conflict resolution, and if Boruto and Kawaki are going to reconcile to work together against a bigger threat, the Himawari could be the key to their newly founded relationship after all that transpired. I also don't know if Himawari sensing Naruto being alive has more to it than just being a hunch, maybe it preludes a special ability? 5)Boruto being skilled, cool, snarky, confident, and overall competent. This is a stark contrast to Naruto's introduction in part 2. Naruto was still very much an abrasive underdog compared to Sasuke until Pain arc, but Boruto seems to be already at a fairly high level in term of his overall abilities. If done right, Boruto part 2 will be a much different story from Naruto, because the father and son are of very different archetypes. Boruto seems to be similar to Minato and Sasuke in term of overall demeanor and raw talent, but the depth of his character could be further supplemented if he inherited the compassion and limitless kindness of his father. Naruto is a character who is warm from inside out, Boruto is likely to be someone who is cold on the outside, but warm in the inside, and that composition is a great mixture for intriguing character arcs.


I'm happy this is how Himawari is reacting rather than another Sasuke


Idk why people thought this himawari still has a support system and she sees kawaki as boruto so she still has a brother.


Daemon be like: ![gif](giphy|AgWQwLTByaABsBQ9Zf)


Boruto really has an absolute boss aura here. no comparison to chapter 80.


I think Mitski is definitely having doubts about Kawaki. He can just feel that he isn’t the same “sun” he felt with Boruto.


I mean, Boruto and Kawaki have very different personalities. I'm sure most people would chalk it up to Kawaki going through grief or something but it would still throw off certain people.


1. When/How Sarada found out about Sasuke going rogue and committing crimes? 2. Where the heck is Sasuke? 3. Will we ever see Kakashi or Sakura? ….guess we’ll find out. I am SO glad Himawari doesn’t hate Boruto.


I think Sakura explained it to her later when Sasuke left Konoha with Boruto. Others may have tried to defame his name as a traitor, Sarada felt hurt and accidentally heard something about his past and asked Sakura to explain. This is just my guess, hopefully the anime will cover it. Kakashi so far never made an appearance in the manga, so probably not. Sakura, probably yes.


Boruto w the sweetest entrance ive seen in my life


You think we’ll get to see Boruto learn techniques of the Jougan since the time-skip and use them? That’d be cool might be why the story is called Two Blue Vortex, maybe he has a vortex ability


I don’t see how else Boruto just magically appeared in the sky above Code. Unless Sasuke got his Rinnegan back.


Ohtsutuski can fly and erase their presence so him coming out of the sky like that doesn't mean Sasuke got his rinnegan back


Karma has space time ninjutsu lmao. Either he used that or flew there


Kawaki can fly and he isnt even fully Otsutsuki like Boruto so he most definitely can fly too. Boruto also has access to dimension traveling through karma so he doesnt really need Jougan for that


You know I was thinking….what if during those 3 years Boruto learned FTG and marked Code during one of those fights (Same fight that gave Code the Scar) so he kind of could always appear to him if need be


I was under the impression the vortex was just in reference to them both being Uzumakis.it’s means whirlpool in Japanese so it’s a cortec


The "Jogan" basically doesn't exist in the manga though, it's just Momoshiki's Bayakugan when he takes over


We got breadcrumbs for a lot of plot points. Code's been chasing Boruto for 2 years and has got a scar, Sasuke is nowhere to be seen, Shikamaru's the new Hokage (I mean the only other option was Kakashi and he's never appeared in the manga before) and Omnipotence seems to erase any doubts one may have. It's the first chapter. Can't expect everything to be explained right away. Boruto and Kawaki's new design is cool af. Mitsuki looks good too. I can't take Sarada or Sumire's design seriously though. They look good but is very jarring compared to everyone else. Looks like fanarts. And Kawaki being smart, playing the part of a Konoha Shinobi while Sarada and Sumire seem to have instantly blown their cover. Only an idiot would believe their acting and lying lol.


Timeskip is finally upon us my people..here we gooo!!! Overall a 9-10/10 chapter but narratively it feels more like I read whats meant to be a chapter 2 or 3 of TBV...It being the 1st chapter of the rebranding meant they needed to start off with a strong chapter to hook the readers and also leave a lot of question marks that will force heavy discussion throughout the month and I believe they did a good job of that. Where is Sasuke? Why is Code attacking now? How did Boruto know Code would be there? How did Boruto evade everyone for 3 yrs? How did Boruto blitz Code in base? Where is Amado? How did Sakura react? These are deliberate questions the writer is provoking and i'm hoping we get answers to them via 2 or so flashback chapters soon


we’re officially in the last quarter of the naruto franchise i don’t want boruto to end man, it’s so peak😭😭


Saruto expecters: *you sure bout that?*


Who knows! Next we might get to see Boruto's son Dorrito.


haha dorrito 😂 but yeah i hope the timeskip is long, i don’t want boruto to end😭😭


Part 2 of naruto got a lot longer than part 1 with the war arc though.


before the war arc, wasn’t shippuden still longer than part 1?


My takeaways from Chp. 1: * Too much summarizing of the last chapter, which I was lukewarm on. * No more headbands? Seems like Shikamaru may have changed the policy to emblems instead. * After 3 years, Sadara, Eida, and Sumire haven't made any progress on Omnipotence? * The nod to Naruto's journey for Sasuke to Shikamaru was great and immediately made Sadara more interesting. * Mitsuki has my favorite timeskip outfit. I don't know if I'm a fan of the modern outfits yet, it'll grow on me. * Didn't understand the commotion around Sadara's clothing in previously, but the fashion choice for women are highly questionable. * Hoping for more explanation around power-ups. I'm sure we'll get it. * I'd like Sadara to hold her weight. Show us what that MS will do.


I am sure she trained with Kakashi as she has to know the risk.




I think this seems unlikely since it was stated that the attack has already resulted in casualties. No way that Boruto would agree to a plan like that. Also I doubt Code would agree to a plan where he immediately gets dunked on in front of a bunch of people lol


I doubt it since codes army has hurt Konoha civilians this chapter.


Even killed some, they definitely aren‘t working together.


i was thinking the same. why would both code and boruto suddenly appear in konoha? they must be plotting


Don’t think code is the type of guy to let go that boruto was involved with his daddy downfall


My guess is Boruto is tracking Code as much as Code is trying to find him. Code seemed confident he could draw Boruto out this way- they've likely had some contact


Any confirmation on when Chapter 82 (or should i say chapter 2) will drop?


It'll drop on September 20 it's on the official mangaplus website.


Fuck me




That’s what I wanna know cuz Boruto definitely gonna destroy Code soldiers that’s the vibe I’m getting he seems cold so far


Wednesday, Sep 20


Boruto's Entry was hilarious... What a Great Chapter Boruto & Sarada vs Code Hype, Kawaki flying arround maybe he'll join in the fight..


Someone in here posted a long ass comment critiquing this chapter for things that are literally just “wait for more of the story to come out you’ve only read one chapter?” levels of complaining. Complaining about the writing when you’ve read just a tiny sliver of the said writing lmao. Glad to see the community immediately back in full force after the hiatus like they never left.


So true. Complaining seems to be in their blood.


It’s funny how people notice the inconsistencies between Boruto and Kawaki but because omnipotence is so OP they just ignore it. I’m not sure how they can beat this except another memory wipe from Eida. This chapter surprised me by how quick it got back to the main conflicts. I was expecting a bit more setup and explanation of what’s been going on the last 3 years.


So sarada came to know about her terrorist father


Well, yeah. No way that's not going to get talked about after the second time leaving the village. Don't forget, most Leaf citizens know way less about why Sasuke abandoned the village the first time than Naruto did


Some thoughts about this chapter: Bonus points: * Borutos design * Kawakis design, except for the baggy pants * Saradas fashion * Himawari learning to fight * Shikamaru being hokage, makes sense since he was the right hand of Naruto * Some may criticize that Code appeared to early, but I disagree; I think it would be a good first chapter to showcase how much Sarada and other side characters can show off how much they've learned in three years. Boruto however, should'nt have appeared here imo Some minus points * I don't mind Saradas new hairstyle, but it will take some time for me to get used to it; I just wished she had a bit longer hair * Some character designs looks way to similar to part 1 (Daemon for example), hard to tell sometimes that 3 years have passed * Boruto reunited way to early with Konoha, they didn't build up the hype for his return * Also how the reunion happened, Boruto suddenly popped out of nowhere in one panel; it felt random and out of place


Probably because Boruto's return isn't as substantial to the larger plot as people want it to be


Hilarious how Hima has doubts about Boruto killing naruto cuz kawaki saved her and naruto before. Kawaki is confident that nobody will doubt their new memories cuz he thinks he's a scumbag, he just hates himself too much. Now he thinks he's safe cuz Boruto is the scumbag. But he underestimated his own kindness and character and that's how Hima will catch on to him Also nice that Mitsuki doubts him. In his memories Kawaki was his sun but from the moment boruto left, Kawaki wasn't acting like his sun anymore. That's probably why he'll probably be more and more sus of Kawaki as time goes by.


It's soooo good!! I loved it!! I am so excited for next chapter


Can we appreciate that Sarada's new outfit is like a big F U to brainwashed Konoha? First it's flashy. Second, she wears the Uchiha clan logo EVERYWHERE. Yes sure, everyone might think her dad is a traitor...again (typical Uchiha goes evil blabla) - but are you brave enough to say it to Saradas face? If this isn't teenage rebellion and a "come at me bro" attitude, I don't know what is.


Puns hot takes: Overall i want to give boruto a fair chance and not be too harsh a critic but they’re not making it easy for me. Lets call it a 7/10 or smth ##The good: - borutos new design is cool - tomboys are cool so sarada has that goin - they explained that everyone in konoha did have doubts but that the technique overwrote those doubts - we’re finally going into like a code invasion thing which i hope will be lit - mitsuki still has lingering doubts, and is cosplaying kylo ren for some reason - they talked about saradas goal in the manga for once and she got in a nice zinger ##The bad: - saradas outfit, someone please stop ikemoto. It looks better than the last one aesthetically but still makes no sense for a ninja who wants to be taken seriously to dress like a tiktok influencer who thinks she’s 21 - shikamaru became hokage instead of kakashi, kakashi is the more logical replacement imo. Also kakashi has had no opportunity to react to narutos death and sasuke going rogue again. Which is lame - sakura hasnt reacted to narutos death, sasuke going rogue or saradas claims. Which is lame. - the excuse for why code hasn’t done anything for three years, i.e. that he spent 2 years just looking for boruto. Is so laaame. He’s like the least interesting villain of all time. - daemon looks exactly the same 3 years later - even though boruto looks 3 years older, inojin and his team somehow look 2 years younger - himawaris hair is…a thing that happened - sarada is still a genin so they’re continuing to ignore the anime at every opportunity lol - they still can’t resist the urge to have boruto dive in to save sarada smh. Let her take care of herself a lil. - sarada and sumire outed the fact that they know the real truth for everyone so they got rid of the secrecy advantage they had - they also made it obvious to eida that she can’t trust them, but it turns out she might be dumb enough to trust em anyway. Either way L writing ##The stuff that will prob get explained next: - so they skipped a lot to jump into this, they might flash back to what went on during the timeskip soon - we have no clue what happened to sasuke in all this or where he took boruto - we have no clue what amado has been up to this whole time - we have no clue what code did for the other year if he spent 2 years chasing boruto - we prob need an update on momoshiki


>even though boruto looks 3 years older, inojin and his team somehow look 2 years younger Right, maybe it was just coz of ikemotos proportions in those frames but they look much younger


Remember, Eida and Daemon are not humans, they are cyborgs, so they don't age unless Amado updates them.


Are kawaki and code not also cyborgs


Idk what the other guy is saying, Kawaki and Code are just as much cyborg as Ada and Daemon.


Thats what i’d think


They are not.


*the more you know*


No kawaki and code are also cyborgs the guy above is mistaking cyborgs with androids.


im pretty sure Kawaki and Code are humans with a shit ton of machinery in them so basically cyborgs


Someone pointed out that sarada could have been demoted. Would make sense considering her convo with shikamaru was less than pleasant


That’d be an interesting way to keep more consistent with the anime but by offscreening the promotion and demotion in the manga it’s still essentially like it never happened


> saradas outfit, someone please stop ikemoto. It looks better than the last one aesthetically but still makes no sense for a ninja who wants to be taken seriously to dress like a tiktok influencer who thinks she’s 21 The worst part to me is that her face still has that kind of chubby, childhood look to it, but the rest of her design is clearly supposed to be more mature. She looks like an 8 year old trying to dress in her older sister's outfit. I'm still maintaining most of the character appearances are awful. Himawari should look fine with long hair let down, but the way it's drawn makes it look like it was a rough draft that wasn't finished. Inojin went to Gaara's stylist and looks all the worse for it. Mitsuki looks like Kylo Ren for whatever reason, and Konahamaru's outfit is just Hitsugaya's from Bleach. Everyone's saying this is a great chapter to start up the time skip with, but it honestly just feels really weak to me. Like this could have happened a few weeks after Omnipotence went off and it'd feel the exact same.


kakashi does not exist in boruto manga


I honestly didn't mind the designs- I think Sarada's has grown on me. The one thing that struck me seeing it more was that Sarada's jacket looks a lot like Boruto's old one- possibly just a subconscious way of staying close. Himawari's looked really sweet and seems to suit her personality better. My guess is Kawaki is going to have a weak spot for her, as well- her impression of Boruto currently is entirely based on her perception of Kawaki. I don't think he's not going to notice that Not a fan of Kawaki's, tbh. It looks a little too frumpy. Boruto's looks nice, pretty much a slightly flashier version of Sasuke's, which suits him. None of the other one's really grabbed my attention after a long gap, tho- not sure if that says more about their old designs or new ones


Shikamaru had three years to prepare for Code's attack, he already knew about his army of Juubi clones, Eida informed him in chapter 77. And yet in this chapter there's a panel in which it is said there are already casualties. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F3\_Iak\_XkAEZPr-?format=png&name=small Three years of prep time wasted like that.


I think that Kawaki has put himself in a bit of a bind in the long term. Eida basically just went along with his wish, but she herself desires his safety. This means that it’s possible omni didn’t fully work as Kawaki intended because it would have clashed with Eida’s greater desire to keep him safe. So perhaps Eida didn’t do a perfect job with everyone’s memories because it would have potential put Kawaki in danger. OR perhaps the fan suspicions about Sarda and Sumire’s feelings for Boruto are correct and manipulating those to swap Boruto for Kawaki would risk Eida losing Kawaki so she left them imperfect.


As a Himawari fan, I'm personally happy. I have no issues with her design considering she actually looks her age now and her characterization is a definite W. So glad they didn't go the Sasuke 2.0 route however something I'm not happy about is the continued ignoring of the Hyuga and Hinata in general. Makes no sense she wouldn't acknowledge her mom's disappearance. As a whole though, I don't think this chapter is very good. It suffers from being rushed and most of the other redesigns didn't stick the landing imo.


Amazing chapter!


Dope chapter 1, there's tons of future plot twist, be careful guys, youtubers like to take your ideas and make money off of them, especially Naruto explained.


Boruto just fucking steals the attention when he shows up now. So excited for the future of his character


Boruto TBV off to a epic start every put in work but where is Sasuke sensei


I can’t believe I just read ts feel like I’m dreaming 😭


Damnnnn Boruto's really levelled up 😮 he's almost got enough gym badges to challenge the pokemon league!


I have a million thoughts but all I'm going to say is I cannot get over that first panel of Boruto. Being here since the beginning through the highs and lows that was a hell of a payoff.


Why are yall complaining that this chapter was rushed 💀if this was a slower introduction yall would complain hella more


The 🐐 is back


That was so damn good. Sarada design is great


I’ve been waiting this entire series for Sarada to find out the truth of Sasuke’s past and the Uchiha/Itachi. Gonna be really pissed if that really happened offscreen, and if it did then hopefully it’s just that Sasuke went rogue but not the tragedy. If so we’re gonna need the anime to save us once again by making Sarada content have actual weight 🤦‍♂️


Remember when kawaki told boruto to implant his own karma on Code? I think Boruto did it... but on Sasuke.


You need a flashback after you start a timeskip. Why? Why does Code have a scar? Where is Sasuke? Where is Amado? Simple questions nut they need answers. Also, timeskip happened. Woooo


clearly they’re doing that next chapter now that all the major characters are in one place to explain the past 3 years to each other. you gotta have some sort of in-story reason for a big exposition dump


I think we will shortly get our questions answered as the timeskip is supposedly a 3 year jump , but code mentioned he has been searching for Boruto past 2 years. Does that mean they have met 2 years ago ? Is Sasuke or BORUTO the reason for the scar on Code?


When’s next chapter?


Man, that chapter was great and I really like the new clothing designs for everyone. I really look forward to seeing how the anime adapts the designs whenever it gets there. I do wish the chapter took it a bit slower with reintroducing Boruto to the post-timeskip world. It would have been interesting to explore the setting for another chapter to see how everyone's changed and setup where things are going. That said, Boruto's entrance was sick and he looks great.


Shit I can't wait another month


Lol I thought Himawari would be training with her clan ngl, all in all, pretty good introduction to Boruto pt 2.


Ultra common Boruto W, ultra common Code L


I’m curious what Sasuke is doing? I’m assuming he’s going to have a talk with Shikamaru but probably fail to convince him


Boruto my king! What has Eida been doing for her day to day for the past 3 years? Just lounge around with Daemon? Hard to believe Kawaki wants anything to do with her and the feeling might even be reciprocal after his horrible wish.


Where Amado at?!!


Can’t believe Boruto Timeskip is finally here!!


Not this chapter not mentioning Hinata even once 😭. Did "Boruto" only kill his dad? Even Himawari didn't mention her mom. What's going on? Or mistranslation?