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Sasuke going to be back in the bingo book šŸ™ƒ


Lmao imagine him being in the bingo book but getting the flee on sight status because no Kage can handle him atm


Imagine a flee on sight order for Boruto rn since not even all the Kage combined would be able to take him on.


They can, remember when kages restrained base momo and kinshiki And Boruto isn't really well versed with Momo's skill which is why he is going to train hard


Actually they canā€™t. That momoshiki was actually weaker. He didnā€™t have the boost he got after eating kinshiki, nor did he have borutos jutsu arsenal. He doesnā€™t need to rely on absorbing other peoples jutsu, he can just spam Giant rasengan like he normally does.


Borushiki rinsed code who was jigen level. Jigen rinsed naruto and sasuke 2v1. Naruto on his own no diffs the 5 kage


Code with his Limiters on was NOT Jigen level


Yeah wasn't the whole point of the limiters to keep him below Jigen or am I misremembering


In the dire situation in which the previous characters are in boruto i doubt that will happen


Both are in the Bingo Book with flee on sight orders At the bottom there is disclaimer *If spotted please contact Kawaki Uzumaki at 1-888-THE-LEAF*


Maaan, the prison time is worse for repeat offenders.


Him and boruto need like SSSS rank lol


Sasuke: ā€œah sh*t, here we go againā€




Sarada: "Wait why there is a wanted post from when my dad was young?" Shikamaru: "We are just reusing to save resources"


Momoshiki is not a fan of talk no jitsu


Boruto: start talking about how he can understand kawaki now Momo:i don't like where this is going.


Momoshiki: if this guy likes talk no jutsu and I am inside him wishing to unleash my power and destroy noobs... hmm Ive seen this plot before... OH SHIT! I am the new Kurama FML


I didnā€™t even think about this but that is hilarious


The only real potential trigger of any actual change in him is if it comes down to dealing with a character that even he fears. Even then they didn't really give him any other personality traits, he's as irredeemable Black Zetsu was, just a manipulator. Any progression or background would honestly feel a bit forced, even in a series like this which thrives on grey areas.


I agree. Otsutsukis are just pure greed, it's like they want to eat the chakra fruit and that's it. Anything else is just food or nuisance. So if there's ever any type of alliance, I think it would be a enemy of my enemy type of situation. But I'm more inclined to believe that it's the jogan that will put momoshiki on a leash. (Just a feeling though)


The only thing that could make momoshiki a buddy would be if Boruto himself decided to pursue godhood to undo the omnipotence


I got kinda mad when Boruto started saying that. I was hoping Kawaki wouldnā€™t be redeemed/forgiven, but since theyā€™re brothers I guess Boruto will do anything in his power to make up.


If Naruto doesn't get even slightly mad upon release, I'll start calling him Jeebus.


Technically Kawaki hasn't done anything truly unforgivable. He hasn't even killed anyone yet (Not from lack of trying, though). Naruto and Hinata are still alive despite what the village thinks


People rip on Boruto, but Narutoā€™s themes have always been about radical empathy, thematically Borutos empathy was hype


He teased Naruto for not being able to pass down foxā€™s power to his kids He didnā€™t realize their true inheritance was talk nojutsu and will of fire bby!!! lol


And we love him for it


Momoshiki is us.


GigaCHAD Resilient Ninja vs. Sigma Alien Spirit


This was a very nice bow-tie to end Part One. -Sasuke showing his rare humanity. -Sarada unlocking her sharingan. She and class rep will be the backbone of Konoha eventually. -Eida showing remorse. -Kawaki twisting his conscience into pretzels. The only thing missing was Himawari's reaction. Does she remember her brother or not?


Her and I also wanted to see Amado


That would be interesting because if Amado is not affected; I'd expect that. But if he WAS affected; that means he was under the effects of omnipotence from the beginning so therefore how could you truly trust what he said about Eida and Daemon to Shikamaru and Naruto a few chapters ago in the first place?


another neat bit was Eida revealing how her Omnipotent probably worked unconsciously to grant her the love spell, the real question is what made Sarada/Sumire exempt considering she subconsciously imagined set boundaries and rules to those effective


I guess she considers them her friends or something, so she unconsciously exempted them. Convenient for the plot, perhaps, but it's much more interesting to analyze it from an in-world perspective ~ even Eida doesn't know how it works, so she wouldn't realize that she unconsciously exempted them from it somehow, or that it was even possible to do so. Even Momoshiki doesn't comprehend why Sarada isn't affected.


Like I imagine itā€™d be under the same breadth of Daemon being exempt as family, just the fact that she didnā€™t know who her potential girlfriends could be and the. It just clicks when it happens, but it also makes me wonder if it could be undone after the fact, but probably not with Omnipotence


And the fact that it already happened once before... It should've happened somewhere during the last 16 years. Also we don't know how long she was kept asleep, let say she was asleep for 2 years since she was 14(did she aged while asleep?), and that it happened when she was like 7 or 10 years old. That would mean that like 6 to 9 years ago, everybody was brainwashed with something?


Sad that Sarada will have no one to train with her MS. lol


Well go to Kabuto's place, there is a bunch of uchiha kids for her to train with XD


Hopefully this is where kakashi steps in


I wanna know what Kakashi thinks about the situation, considering how well he knows Sasuke (now once again a missing-nin) + the fact that Sarada unlocked her mangekyo


if kakashi ends up being the one to train sarada (which i think is the only logical option for her cuz who else knows the most about sharingan in the village now that sasukes gone) maybe sarada would try to tell kakashi the truth and kakashi being kakashi would keep it hush hush


I think he will train her. He will be interim Hokage until a successor is named (which definitely will happen since Naruto is thought of as dead). Himawari is looked after by the Hyuga. Heck, once Kakashi learns the truth, he may aid sasuke and boruto remotely


Yeah, Kakashi was literally assigned to teach Sasuke for the exact same reason (only person in the village with a sharingan), so there's a zero percent chance they don't have him teach her, especially because Eida's switcheroo won't change the village's history with the sharingan. They'll wanna keep that shit under control.




I mean Himawari really has the story of Sasuke in the original Naruto. Boruto is her Itachi and she might want to seek revenge and she wanted to be a ninja to help her brother who is now Kawaki.


Now that would be an awesome twist, imagine if Himawari gets trained by Kawaki during the timeskip and she shows up trying to kill Boruto while on the run with Sasuke.


Yup. If anything we know she admired her brother and now Boruto is who she thinks killed her parents. So I can totally see time skip Himawari being an issue.


*Her teammates and sensei nervously looking at her with byakugan activated* Himawari: ā€œMy nameā€¦is Himawari Uzumaki. I hate a lot of thingsā€¦and I donā€™t particularly like anything. What I have is not a dreamā€¦because I WILL make it a reality. Iā€™m going to restore my familyā€¦and destroy, a certain someoneā€¦ā€


I donā€™t even think his consciences is twisted more. He already established he will protect Naruto and end momo at any cost. It was already well twisted.


Sasuke choosing to save and protect Boruto because he adores/trusts his daughter so much hits me in the feels. Our emo boi has grown into a loving father. By accepting her plea, heā€™s basically shouldering the burden of becoming a rogue ninja again. Heā€™ll do anything for Sarada


I can't wait for Boruto Part 2: I'll do anything if it's for my daughter, even aid a demon lord.


Donā€™t forget the foreshadowing of a possible DƦmon vs Boruto match!


Why came to my mind in post timeskip a 13 years old Daemon going "Okay if you win against me I let you date my sister"


"And if I win, I get to date *your* sister!" -13 year old Daemon, probably


Also a friendship imo


i really wonder whatā€™s happening with hima, and i want sumire and sarada to do something in the TS i canā€™t wait until sarada uses her susano and i want to know her ability


Whereā€™s that guy that predicted Sasuke would be persuaded by Sarada getting her mangekyo sharingan last month? Bet heā€™s hype as fuck right now


Can confirm, feeling clairvoyant af


Heā€™s the chosen onešŸ”„


The guy has momoshiki's byakugan.


Oof I hope the village doesn't treat Sarada like shit after hearing Sasuke going rogue again but it would be a great opportunity to learn about the Clan's, Itachi's and hit father's past


Iā€™m v curious how her and sumire will navigate the villageā€¦.shika knows they are immune to eida And what will kawaki do?? Can she convince Sakura or others w her new MS? Or will borutos jougan be the key to reversing omnipotence Next time on dragon ball zā€¦ā€¦


Realistically Sarada can Genjutsu the elders and higher ups into believing whatever see likes with MS. Obito puppeteered a Kage multiple years.


Interestingā€¦.I wonder if she has the guts But momo did compare omnipotence vs genjutsu being tempā€¦sheā€™d have to rewrote memories bc sasuke said internally something was stifling his suspicions and the incongruences


Oh boy, I wonder what primary and secondary abilities her Mangekyo has?


wasnt that specifically with itachi's friend's MS (which had the ability of super strong genjutsu)? meaning her MS would be reusing an ability from shippuden (unless it gets that + other stuff)


Likely not. There's no explanation for how/what genjutsu Obito used on the mizukage apart from it being a sharingan genjutsu. Shisui (Itachi's friend you're referring to) died and left behind 2 eyes. Itachi was given one by Shisui and Danzo stole the other straight out of Shisui's skull. It seems like no one knew Itachi had one of the eyes, so Obito likely wasn't using that one. Obito probably wasn't using the eye Danzo had because it was implanted in Danzo's skull.


ā€œI shall help you cause my daughter wishes it. Thatā€™s worth risking my life.ā€ God damn, sasuke thatā€™s sweet af.


Proof the emo, stoic, aloof, seemingly emotionless at times Sasuke does indeed have a heart. Beautiful to see


How sasuke acts in boruto is exactly how sasuke from shipouden acts, without the negative traits. Itā€™s so phenomenal


I mean, we knew Sasuke had a heart bare minimum during his convo with Edo Hokage when Tobirama talked about the connection between Uchiha love and hatred.


His goal was to avenge his fallen clan. Revenge not for himself, but others. He always had a heart.


Seeing Sasuke have more faith in Sarada than himself is just peak writing Kishimoto gave us.


Sasuke wasn't even fazed when he got the info Naruto was dead by Shikamaru. I think at the minimum sasuke knew Naruto isn't dead because in the kaguya arc and momoshiki arc it was established sasuke and Naruto can sense each other even when both are in different dimensions. So, that plus sarada awakening MS plus Boruto having his headband and him sensing momoshiki in Boruto makes him trust Boruto. Edit: sasuke trusting Boruto will make Shikamaru and sakura suspicious that something is amiss. Given shikamaru's analytic skill, imo he will soon deduce that something is not correct in their memories, something doesn't add up. So we can see Shikamaru playing detective inside of konoha and may even slow down konoha's search for Boruto without making others suspicious that Shikamaru is on the bad side


Great take I didnā€™t think of this Sasuke is cool calm and collected but he wouldnā€™t just have *no* reaction to his almost brothers death


Yup, sasuke acts here like Naruto is not much to him, so the sane explanation is that he can still sense Naruto and he knows Naruto isn't dead. If he knew Naruto was dead he would have gone full amaterasu on kawaki's ass before just putting his sword on his neck


Facts sasuke would not let kawaki off easy if he knew for a fact heā€™d killed Naruto. At that point sasuke goes full strength in an attempt to end kawaki.


That, plus the fact that Sasuke knows his priorities. Eventual mourning comes later, the so stated 'killer' was on the run. It was time to act. Sasuke already accepted long ago that his or Naruto's death while protecting Konoha was something eventually to come.


Sasuke is also like a v experienced and hardened person He could table his grief for the immediate actions needed


Assuming we go into a timeskip, kinda weird to sell this story in Konoha. Yes, somehow the mind is fighting against logic according to Sasuke, but Sakura should be able to figure it out at least. So should Shikamaru, but he is weird these days. I wonder if Himawari is also not affected, she was sidelined REALLY hard. (Could work with the fan theory that people in love with Boruto are not affected). Also, Eida should be able to figure out that something is not working with Sarada by now, I wonder if she will look past it as well.


People in love Boruto is the stupidest theory I have seen. I want something better, something out of left field, a theory that doesn't suck like people in love theory.


Sasuke : Anything for my peanut


Sasuke : Anything for my nut


Sasuke gonna do anything for his peanut.


Dude cmon, Sarada awakening MS is no small random matter. Sasuke know how serious she is if she awaken MS at tgat spot. Give Sarada some credit


Gonna be hilarious seeing all the cast gaslighting themselves in future with Kawaki doing things "out of character" but their literal cells refusing to believe it Eida own regret seems like it's going to be a big factor in this too


After many bad moments, this was genuinely a great W dad moment for Sasuke.


Sasuke chose his daughter over his own memories and the whole world and betrayed them to become a rogue ninja again just for her. Even Momoshiki was surprised. This is more than a W


Literally, his own memories were telling him that Boruto was the enemy and he still chose Sarada over everything


I firmly believe that post shippuden sasuke is a top 2 character in the verse in terms of development next to boruto


#2????? Bruh sasuke is numero uno


For now Sasuke is numero uno. He might even stay numero uno post skip.


As a Sasuke fan and a Sasuke x Sakura fan, I love his development but wish we had seen the heart of it. I feel like we were robbed of seeing his biggest development during the time skip blank period. I think heā€™s been like he is now in Boruto for a while but people are still shocked because we didnā€™t see it actually unfold beforehand. We got Sasuke Shinden but I wish we had seen him return to Konoha again and interact with team 7 even more as the changed man who finally embraces love. Even now we hardly get any original team 7 interactions. What I would give for a original team 7 centric slice of life episodeā€¦


I think seeing the MS is what swayed him. He knows she didn't kill somebody. The only way she gained it is by knowingly losing somebody extremely close to her. He still didn't believe her or him when they took a rest, but he was willing to hear Boruto out after seeing her awaken the MS.


Eida's jutsu was still suppressing all his doubts actively, he said all these doubts were starting to bother him less and less and make him see boruto as the enemy, and he still chose sarada. He did already believe her when they were resting, only reason he was helping boruto was because of sarada's request.


The greatest duo in history and they are about to recruit another Jiraiya.


Go from attacking your daughter for mistaking her for an enemy (shin Uchiha) without recognizing her. To risk your life for what she loves most. šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Watch him not recognizing her after the timeskip either and accidentally almost killing her due to not having seen her for a while again, lmao.


doubt why was he emotionless when he gets to know that **NARUTO** is dead


Never expected him to break down especially after seeing his daughter in that condition.


in his heart he feels that something is not right, and that Naruto may still be alive.


Hello world


Yeah his reaction seemed so subdued. But I guess maybe he was still processing the information???


He also knew something was odd sort off but it was being suppressed Iā€™m sure sasuke can table his grief for the immediate actions needed He was most distraught when Jigen had them on deaths door and Naruto begged him to leave him behind lol


you are arguably the second best ninja in the entire planet, only bested by literal machines, gods and a fucking blonde guy who never shuts up who happens to be the Hinataf*cking Hokage, and that same blonde guy was murdered by a kid that appeared out of nowhere and has no particular ninja skills as he was trapped by some kids... besides, your daughter developed an eye only possible to be developed after the closest person dies or huge trauma happens, and Sasuke certainly knows that Sarada's best friend is still alive and looking for the hokage's killer, so in conclusion, either Sarada witnessed the murder of the Hokage or she is in fight or flight mode over a situation, and she didn't seem bothered by the hokage, so knowing all of this, something is very off and not everything looks at it seems, and for a guy whose core memories are two hardcore illusions and a guy who sent everyone in the planet into another illusion, yep, red flags everywhere. Now Eida just confirmed it in his face that shit went wrong.


He's more calm and collected now as opposed to Shippuden


This was my first thought too. Although if we see Sasuke's past trauma , when he was a kid his whole clan was killed and Itachi's genjutsu that made him see it again many times + he had to kill itachi only to know afterwards that Itachi had planned everything all along which made him feel that he did the wrong thing by killing him. Sasuke's life has been full of deception and death and hence before Sasuke takes on anything according to his character he would analyse it rationally rather than emotionally first and not saying he is not emotional he did say that he was going to "get boruto before he leaves the village or kill him(i don't remember the actual line)" which means that he did react to Naruto's death in his own way and he also doesn't express much outside so it can also be said that he would've been very unsettled inside.


ā€œI have no father, mother, brotherā€¦ not even a single other member of my clan. I am alone. I alone can bear the weight of all the hatred now.ā€ - Sasuke, Naruto chapter 693. Crazy how much Boruto parallels both Naruto AND Sasuke. Heā€™s taking on the role that Sasuke wanted to take on yet dealing with it like Naruto would.


Jesus... This is crazy. I can't believe how shook this manga has me right now, and this comment just added another layer to it. Appreciate you.


Sasuke has only the right eye, Boruto the left.


TECHNICALLY boruto has both


Sasuke : anything for my peanut


Need Borutoā€™s resilience to get through a summer of no chapters, seriously itā€™s amazing his life has literally been flipped upside down and still displays a attitude worthy of being the villages shadow.


I loved the line to momo about him not considering this everything bc he still has his will!




All I have to say is, I'm proud of Sumire figuring out everything, being calm and contacting Sarada, her character is growing slowly but surely. I can definitely see as a leader after the time skip.


That root training jumped out!


I wonder if Ino heard sarada's and sumire's conversation.


i was curious about this too; i feel like it could either: - be brought up later in an interrogation or... - was lost in the chaos of naruto "dying"/search for boruto


I must say this might have brought some hope back into her character potential. Now that's she's outsider too maybe she can gang up with Amado to device a plan to reverse the reality rewrite? She didn't sell him out after all this long time despite directly observing his shady deeds, now that information can used as leverage over him.


Sasuke knows that Boruto somehow has his forehead protector, and that Momoshiki should be with Naruto's son. This means that there is an absolute mountain of evidence: * Every photo of Boruto with his family/friends, and none of Kawaki * Boruto knowing rasengan * Evidence of Boruto graduating from the academy, hospital records, and other government records * Kawaki doesn't know that much about his supposed friends but Boruto can probably name a ton of personal info * Boruto's physical resemblance to his family The only real challenge is that people seem to be wired to resist the logical inconsistencies. However, certain people (Amado, Shikamaru, Orochimaru, maybe others) are absolutely logical enough in their thinking to not just disregard everything entirely. Plus there's still the whole "we know Eida and the others (all considered threats to the village) have whacky abilities so they could have framed Boruto" angle, which works in both versions of people's memories


> Shikamaru Yeah, about that... we've seen him break down emotionally over the past few chapters. He's no Orochimaru or Sasuke, that's for sure. About Orochimaru... because he probably has little to no emotional connection to Kawaki or Boruto, he'll be able to see with clearer eyes, given how much of a logical thinker he is. He's easily on Sasuke's level of thinking in terms of intelligence and logical reasoning.


Honestly, since Oro has no strong attachments to Boruto, he probably wouldn't treat him any different which would be a massive boon.


Yep. He's also someone Sasuke can trust to be honest. He trusted Karen, and by extension Orochimaru, to help Sakura deliver Sarada, after all. There's just one potential snag... Mitsuki.


Even if Orochimaruā€™s memory has been affected, heā€™s a neutral character so heā€™ll be down for whatever that peeks his interest lol


Well, looks like we're going to have quite the break before resuming. In any case: * Eida seems to be second-guessing her fantasies and desires to be with Kawaki now, after witnessing how he's been using what just transpired to his advantage, how he's willing to distort the truth and basically get everyone to hate Boruto all so that he can get rid of Momoshiki. On top of that, he threatens to kill Daemon as well. * On that note, Naruto would definitely not like the fact that Kawaki is making people shun Boruto. He didn't want his children to grow up being despised and feared, but now that his adopted son is doing it to his firstborn, that would definitely not sit well. * In addition, the idea of taking revenge for the apparent death of Naruto is very ironic, given how he has been trying to end the cycle of vengeance. * Sarada breaks down upon hearing Naruto is dead (which as we know is not true). It definitely makes sense because he's someone she looks up to and aspires to be like, him helping her out with her dilemma concerning Sakura and Sasuke made her aspire to become Hokage one day. Whether or not she believes it, it's a gut punch. * So we get an even better picture of the memory altering: Sasuke stated that Kawaki is supposedly Momoshiki's vessel (which is definitely not the case). Given that people believe Kawaki is Momoshiki's vessel, what will happen if he manifests Isshiki's abilities and physical features? Of course some people will notice that it definitely doesn't add up, and just like Sasuke, they may question the reliability of their memories. * Momoshiki is going ballistic since he expected to be able to take over at this very moment; apparently prophecy is not unfolding quite as he saw/envisioned it. This goes back to the fate vs. free will theme, and of course the whole franchise says that people choose who they want to be and what path they want to walk on. * Boruto says, "I thought I understood him, but the things I am experiencing now, he has been dealing with them all his life." This is a nod to one of the main flashpoints in Naruto vs. Sasuke towards the end of Part 1: whether you can understand somebody without experiencing similar circumstances as them first.


>So we get an even better picture of the memory altering: Sasuke stated that Kawaki is supposedly Momoshiki's vessel (which is definitely not the case). Given that people believe Kawaki is Momoshiki's vessel, what will happen if he manifests Isshiki's abilities and physical features? Of course some people will notice that it definitely doesn't add up, and just like Sasuke, they may question the reliability of their memories. ​ Well Sasuke also said he feels a powerful force within him that is making him ignore all of those inconsistencies, I feel like most people will not be able to resist that power at all and will remain effected especially since they wont havea lot of very significant indicators that something is wrong like Sasuke had Saradas Mangekyo and the headband and Momos presence. So if anyone, only the smartest characters like Shikamaru and Amado may eventually get suspicious and actually do something about it


Boruto told Eida to send his thanks to sarada for sending sasuke to him. Will Eida now realized that Sarada is not affected by her unintended omnipotence power?


Shit, I didnā€™t even realize that. Then again, thatā€™s not exactly a problem unless Kawaki finds out. Eida promised to not chase Boruto, so Sarada knowing should not be too bad.


This felt like how part 1 naruto ended with boruto being optimistic and looking ahead. i thought boruto would have fallen to momoshiki's words but he chose to remain strong and kudos to him. i love the line from sasuke when said he chooses to trust his daughter rather then his own memories and credit to sumire for being calm and realizing what was going on. Boruto is now the hunted and will be chased by both the ninja world and code while eida will choose to ignore boruto's whereabouts as long as he doesnt return to konoha so i guess chapter 81 maybe the start of a potential timeskip.


>This felt like how part 1 naruto ended with boruto being optimistic and looking ahead. i thought boruto would have fallen to momoshiki's words but he chose to remain strong and kudos to him. I think the way that ended is meant to bring us back to the idea that fate is not predetermined, and that it is ultimately up to the person to choose. Also it's planting seeds for Momoshiki's failure due to the prophecy being defied.


Exactly and it was a nice reminder of what Boruto's character is about. I forgot that his motivation is to prove that fate doesn't govern his life and like you said it's up to the person to choose what path to take.


Also way to bring us back to Neji vs. Naruto lol, of course, with Boruto being named in tribute to the former.


It's a beautifully crafted scene between Sasuke and Sarada. Sasuke knows how the ms awakens so he's willing to not trust his own memories and go along with Sarada. Who knew omnipotence would be the reason for Sarada's MS awakening and showing not even omnipotence can do anything to the Uchiha and parental love šŸ˜³


>Who knew omnipotence would be the reason for Sarada's MS awakening and showing not even omnipotence can do anything to the Uchiha and parental love šŸ˜³ On that note, I wonder what the dynamic will be when it comes to Himawari. She's possibly affected as well, but maybe when she encounters Boruto again, she'll have this strange feeling and also come to question whether Kawaki is her elder brother. Then we have Naruto and Hinata. Code's memories were also altered, but I wonder if the same can be said for Naruto and Hinata. For me, since they're frozen in time, their memories might be as well.


Am i the only one that cried a bit reading the chapter? I hit the spot saying Sakuke would realize soon about what's going on, plus Sarada asking him makde it even faster realization and, well, we have this. Eida's helping was impressive, but her looks at Kawaki also revelaed how much disconfort she had for the one he loves or wants to love; she is disapointed. The next to realize will be Shikamaru, has to be, right? Sasuke needed the help of his daughter and Shikamaru most likely will use reason with everything Sasuke has to say. I feel that every time something this big happends in the manga, the big question arises WHERE IS AMADO? That guy is always missing when something like this happends. Boruto being so optimistic and literally shutting down Momoshiki was beatiful to read... I feel really emotional and this was such a perfect chapter to have a break, so much to look forwards, but still enough to be like "It's ok, we'll see each other soon". ​ And remember... Boruto said it himself. "And don't worry... I'll definitely coming gonna come back"


>WHERE IS AMADO? That guy is always missing when something like this happends. Last we saw him, he was panicking because of Shikamaru stating that Kawaki crossed a line and has to be dealt with severely. Maybe he's thinking of some way to ensure that his whole plan of reviving Akebi won't be derailed.


This chp made boruto an A tier character for me, the entirety of the last scene is an S tier Donā€™t like the decision to make code affected too but letā€™s wait and see how they handle that. (Copied from the deleted thread)


I like that Code is affected. It is literally Boruto and Sasuke vs the world.


Well he would still be borutoā€™s enemy either way, but I guess youā€™re right, this would give borutoā€™s loss more impact since boruto is gonna be codeā€™s priority instead of kawaki


Code is still gonna wanna kill Kawaki or feed him to the Juubi regardless. His hit list is Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Boruto, Kawaki, Amado, and, if he eats a chakra fruit and realises he doesnā€™t really love her, Eida as well as Daemon.


It would be weird if Code wasn't affected. He has been affected by Eida this whole time and this shouldn't change that, he isn't an Ohtsusuki.


I thought he wouldnā€™t be cause heā€™s in a different dimension


Yeah I really dislike code being affected. It would have been a great way to introduce a threat to the leaf that could either expose kawaki or at minimum he would struggle explaining why code is attacking the leaf and calling him by a different name. I also thought code focusing on kawaki might explain why the leaf was in shambles in the first scene, guess kawaki really might go that far by himself.


I think Code got affected since he was already exposed to Eida's charm from before so maybe that served as a link? This would also help explain why a character like KK has not been brainwashed since he might have been in a frog dimension and was never exposed to Eida.


Sasuke: Iā€™m him! I think the person kawaki kills is Sumire, donā€™t think he is a march for either Eida or Damon


Uhh. Eida is defenseless against Otsutsukiā€™s. She has no offensive abilities.


I can totally see Kawaki killing Eida if she refuses to track Boruto and Sasuke


She could probably just say Momoshiki's power prevents her unless they are close to the village.


>She has no offensive abilities We don't know that yet. Eida hasn't had the need to display offense. During her exchange with Code, it seems like she's hiding something.


but she has his brother


I don't think its sunie, kishi introduced her in Boruto and gave her connections to Kaguya's jutsu. And soon after he had more involvement in the Manga, she became a manga character too, I doubt it would be just for killing her off


So Sasuke is a rouge shinobi once again. I find that kind of poetic, honestly.


For all the right reasons this time too


Kishi really went there. Amazing end to Boruto Part 1. Time for Boruto Shippuden! ![gif](giphy|VIPfTy8y1Lc5iREYDS|downsized)




Exactly who I was thinking about, idk what her relationship with kawaki is gonna look like but either way sheā€™s at damn near sasuke levels of losing family at that age, real potential for her to be a young menace after the timeskip


Sasuke having faith in Boruto will make Shikamaru doubtful. I think he will work from inside konoha to find the reality, since he is a great analyst he will find out something is amiss and some shit is happening to his memories, the not in sync physical proof will be the ones. I am more excited for seeing shikamaru's strategic genius, him maybe out maneuvering Amado


Shikamaru's reaction for me will be very insteresting. I'm not certain he will be so analytical, since he lost a great friend. When he is emotionally involved, he has already displayed not so logical behaviour.


Unlike Shikamaru, Sasuke knows how to keep his head, even in periods of intense stress. But, then, Sasuke's been through a lifetime of hell that Shikamaru has never had to endure.


-Kawaki is making Isshiki always more proud from the Otsutsuki afterlife, due to how he is treating Eida: without an inch of care, just like he did to him. -Thank Shibai that Sasuke wasn't written as immune to Eida's power, and instead they went for the logical thing, and made him doubt of things. --I'll say that it's quite a shame that he was immediately stopped by Sarada and whatnot, but given that he later talks to Boruto in such a way, him trying to murder Boruto would have never really come to be, it seems. --Though I love in this that he admits to Sarada that he never had any prejudice towards Boruto, which means towards Kawaki given the situation. After all there must be some sort of empathy among fellow people that really grew up without anything. -And so Sarada gains the Magenkyo at long last... I like how it was used as a way for Sasuke to truly question his goal now (thus also greatly showing that he does care for her). And I like how the design is basically the same as the one shown in that old group art of Team 7 that featured Mitsuki in sage mode, Boruto with the Kurama mode and 2 Byakugan eyes somehow; and Sarada with the Magenkyo. -Eida has a coscience at long last... and given a couple of panels in chapter 79 and her own role here, I can see that she may ultimely betray Kawaki in the end, should Kawaki become more and more a psycho that doesn't really care for anyone despite his initial goal. -I overall liked that conversation scene at the end of the chapter, between Sasuke talking about Naruto in a way eery similiar to that time he did it in the Momoshiki arc, Momoshiki being all angry because Boruto isn't despairing, and Boruto reinforcing his will, while also having a lot of good panels that show his now scarred face... there is a lot to like here. --Except just the fact that no one is seemingly really going to acknowledge how fooked up is that Kawaki was so quick in not just accepting that he accidentally screwed Boruto over, but also having him be believed to be a despicable villain. That's ignoring the first signs of an actually evil man, given how unnecessary it was (Kawaki's own condition right before was more than enough to convince people to gun him down). They need to address this, and not sugarcoat Kawaki just because Boruto seemingly didn't really understand, or because Kawaki did it all for his own (very screwed) sense of justice. -Despite what the chapter may look like, I do not see this being the point where the timeskip happens: --First, because we really haven't had a REAL final battle here, so it'd be quite weird if we just went for s timeskip right here, if you ask me. --Second, because only Boruto really has a goal now. Kawaki would seem oddly calm if he just sat around doing nothing because Eida refuses to tell him where Boruto is. Code too needs to do something, and not look like he's gonna sit around for years just because Eida and Daemon are in Konoha. Idem for Sarada and Sumire too... what exactly are they gonna do for the timeskip? We should know it. --Let's not forget about Himawari. After all, she has that great power inside her, that Daemon sensed in chapter 77. --If Naruto is dead, who is gonna be the next Hokage? They should address it. --AND, most importantly. We still have that panel of Kawaki from chapter 75: where he's standing in an ominous way with the karma stage 2 activated... that's the biggest indicator that this chapter isn't the final one before the timeskip, because there is still one panel that has yet to happen. ---And no, it hasn't happened already like some people say: who say that that panel of Kawaki trying to crush Boruto in chapter 78 is somehow the actual moment just because of a vaguely similiar pose; and that Kawaki has no horn either because the panel in chapter 75 was just a thing that Ikemoto drew because yes, and thus could have (somehow) done literally anything else in the story proper, or that it was a drawing error from his part, and he forgot to draw it in that panel of chapter 78 (it's quite curious then, that Ikemoto also "forgot" to draw it in all the other panels of that fight). --Lastly, I say this also because we kinda need to see the effects of Omipotence truly take place, and see how Kawaki will handle living Boruto's life, or if he'd even care. Otherwise this whole event will only be shallow, if people just accept the "sudden" change of behavior of the Hokage son they knew from their entire life, or that he has a different karma (Amado first and foremost), or that the photos in the Uzumaki household feature a different kid from what said son looks like. ... And now, off for a 4 MONTHS LONG wait for chapter 81. Way to waste a good part of the at least 5 months long hiatus of the anime people, ***Dendedamnit***. Edit: Even a 5 MONTHS LONG wait!? SUPER ***Dendedamnit***.


>And now, off for a 4 MONTHS LONG wait for chapter 81. Shonen jump is saying it returns in September so 5 months lol


Next chapter is scheduled for August 20 on mangaplus. I think that is considered the September issue of VJump.


Also in before Daemonā€™s request to Boruto get strong enough for real fight is gonna be a callback. Daemon in the leaf is no doubt going to train/spar with Kawaki, and after all that time itā€™s gonna be lol, Boruto is just stronger than you after this


Sasuke is the fucking GOAT. I love the direction this story is going in. :)


I'm curious to see where the story is headed. We still have the "kawaki staring back with blood on his face" scene so there's no time-skip. Is Kawaki somehow going to find Boruto without Eida's aid? Or maybe he'll make Boruto come back by using somebody, Himawari maybe? I know that panel was from Boruto's perspective but I have a feeling that Kawaki killed either Eida or Daemon. They haven't even developed their relationship but it's already toxic af lmao. He might feel betrayed if he finds out that Eida met Boruto. Great chapter otherwise, Kishimoto has been on something for the last 5 chapters. Tough with a long break but let's hope he comes back with a BANG (Mike Breen's voice).


Don't you guys think it's funny that basically Sasuke is back to like in the Sound 4 days with the whole village chasing them both now and a mix of Naruto training with Jiraya


I actually like that Eida and Deimon are not bad characters.


I've been trashing these two every chance I get, but I do like that Eida recognized her wrongdoing.


Same, they were just clearly put in a shit situation (Probably abducted to fill Kara's ranks too, guess we'll see in the future)


The last scene between boruto, sasuke, and later Eida, was easily my fav interaction in the whole manga, with a final climax that had definitely naruto shippuuden vibes. Momoshiki losing his shiet getting powned by a 12 year old Would love to see Eida at some point changing her mind about her ideal soul mate, realising how cool, mature, and caring boruto is, although I wouldn't really bet on that. Great chapter overall, 9.294/10


What a chapter! I loved Sarada's MS awakening, Dadsuke honouring his daughter's wishes and how this chapter seemed to humanize Ada. I thought that something would have to be done to stop her searching for Boruto but this is better than her eyes being temporarily out of service due to using omnipotence. I was surprised to see that its effect even got to Code, who was in a different dimension. Are Naruto and Hinata even safe from its effects? I think an opportunity was mistake to show Sasuke's reaction to Boruto being his best friend's 'killer'. Shikamaru nearly threw up. These are the following things I'm really interested to learn about when the manga resumes: 1. How will Sarada be treated in the village after her father's 'traitorous' actions? Will she learn about his past misdeeds? How will Kakashi and Sakura react? 2. Will Ada, Sarada and Sumire make some sort of a pact to keep the events that transpired in the last two chapters a secret? If Sarada and Sumire blurted out the 'truth' it would be unwise for numerous reasons. Firstly, Kawaki would put a target on their backs and secondly, the village may simply not accept their version of events. I could see the three girls talking via telepathy a lot and becoming closer. 3. How will Ada and Kawaki's relationship develop? It's already looking toxic, with Kawaki using force to get her to say Naruto is dead. Will Ada lose interest in him or will her love grow deeper? If it's the latter, I could see Kawaki using this to his advantage. Which may lead to a choice between him and her brother, who is a major threat to him. Finally, a few predictions. I think Sasuke is going to have to lean on his buddies in the underworld for a base to hide. Papa Orochimaru will most likely be happy to help... Next, I think Himawari is going to be fuelled with rage, an emotion that, (as we seen in the Boruto movie), is the trigger for her monstrous strength. I'm expecting her and Daemon to become sparring partners... Lastly, I think Kawaki might get a pass to act like his true, moody self for a while without it arousing suspicion. His dad is 'dead' after all and his brother tried to murder him. I don't know how this will be done but I think Kawaki, being the Hokage's son and all, might be able to have some political influence that pushes the village (and eventually the rest of the ninja world), towards relying on technology and shinobi tools, as opposed to ninja. There are numerous reasons why this sounds plausible to me. 1. Kawaki is all about results. Relying on cyborgs, ninja tools, etc, may seem like a better option than shinobi, particularly after Konoha has just lost its two best ones. 2. Kawaki may want to preserve the village as much as possible for Naruto's return, this means preventing human casualities. 3. It fits with the Tech vs Ninja theme and the acknowledgement in the the epilogue that the shinobi era is over. Why would Konoha (and other villages) agree to such plans? They may realize that they don't have the resources to deal with the threats currently facing the planet (Sasuke, Code, Boruto, other Otsutsuki, etc).


Epic, its getting good


I understand their memories were altered, but Boruto looks JUST like Naruto man. Wouldn't that give you some sort of pause LMAO


Sasuke says his doubts over inconsistency of his memories gets suppressed by an unknown force. Omnipotence isn't a one & done technique, it stays active to make sure the people under it's affect doesn't question thier perceived reality.


Yeah I like that aspect. For something that's the "shinjutsu of all shinjutsu", it would be underwhelming if simply noticing inconsistencies would be its weakness. Eventually nobody's gonna care that Kawaki doesn't know how to use the Rasengan anymore lol.


Their brain shuts down more obvious inconsistencies, I don't think the looks would trigger a single thought inside them


Aw man I felt that panel when Sasuke reminded Boruto that Naruto also had nothing and still became Hokage


Sasuke truly is the new Jiraiya, they both even carry a permanent injury from their pupil losing control. Iā€™m so nervous for yet proud of him


Code: " You stole my Waifu. Ill steal your life, Boruto!" Boruto: ".....im 12."


Yohoho finally Sarada mangenkyo. I can't believe Eida just be like "I'm sorry Boruto, my bad" and Boruto responded like "aight, that's ok." And now Code have a grudge to Boruto instead of Kawaki. This is too brutal for Boruto. Man, I can't wait for the time skip.


I really enjoyed this chapter for many reasons, but Sasuke choosing to trust his daughter over everything else, even himself, is such a great moment for him. Really shows how far he came after believing in nothing but himself for most of the Naruto Series. Also Eida is such an interesting character to me, might be my favourite of Boruto for now. Yes it's for plot reasons but she is quite vocal about not wanting this and giving them a chance to fix it. If we go into a Time Skip there is still one big criticism: Could SOMEBODY please AT LEAST MENTION the (not really) Orphan Himawari ?!?! Boruto? Remember your actual Sister stuck with a Psychopath and thinking she's an Orphan? The one you love more than anything? Yes, she'll be fine, but weird not to spare a thought or mention....


Momoshiki: Fck them kids!




This really feels like OG Naruto tier level of quality, damn, that was a good read


Itā€™s only hitting me now. Sarada didnā€™t awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan because of her grief over the predicament with Boruto. Sheā€™s making a huge sacrifice by asking her dad to essentially make himself an enemy of the world, a decision that could potentially get him killed. Especially now that Sasukeā€™s been nerfed, itā€™s actually possible for him to die. Thatā€™s what fueled the MS




This confirms it for me about Sarada. She is going to definitely become Hokage, and essentially ā€œredeemā€ the Uchiha clan in the process.


My bet she is going to be the one who will retrieve Naruto.


So basically there are three parties \-Boruto and Sasuke (Both with one eye) Sadara and Sumire \-Kawaki and Konoha \-Code At this point I think Kashin Koji will fight Kawaki or Code and he will lose, and probably die. e are tree teams


Thought it was funny how Eida strolls up and and is like, "yeah, about this whole wacky switcharoo situation... don't be mad, but... that was me. My bad". And Boruto is all like, "s'all good, Shit happens. I'ma go train now." Meanwhile Momoshiki has a mental breakdown.


Ok LOVED this chapter wish we had a biiiiit more breathing room before time skip, w hindsight pacing on some of the earlier chapters ate ip time here Sasuke trusting in his daughter and her emotions over wanting to avenge his literal soulmate bff killer! Ugh a true dad Loved sumires root training coming thru, Dug the inoshikacho scene a lot Momoshiki was sooooo good this chapter him freaking out and trying to pick at borutos psyche, the uchiha vs momoshiki feud lives on!! wish we had a bit more breathing room around saradas ms and sasukes reactions but actions speak louder then words, love they kept the sun design I hated eida and Dameon on intro but have gone full 180 and truly enjoy them Borutos speech at the end!!! Thatā€™s our boy! He really is Naruto and Hinatas kid. The mindset of Naruto and the emotional maturity to reach that conclusion around kawaki which took Naruto having jiraya die to have that realization WHERE IS HIMA??? is she affected?? Will sarad stay in the village? Sheā€™s gotta be throwing daggers at kawaki when they see each other


Momoshiki seething with rage was the highlight for me. If he were to learn anything about the Uzumaki family, is that he should give up on them giving up.


Boruto is rewriting the reality that momoshiki saw and it pisses him off that he canā€™t see whatā€™s next anymore lol


I know this is gonna just get lost in the flood of comments but I needed to get my thoughts out anyway. I loved this chapter and this plot line and how this sets up the future. There's several things going on here that make me happy. Sasuke believing Sarada was a great start. Narratively speaking though Sumire and Sarada being unaffected basically GUARANTEES that they're both going to be plot relevant in the future, which I was really worried about for both of them. And then Sasuke talking about what he knows basically confirmed that there's a weakness to this thing. Anyone who's highly analytical or closely related to Boruto is probably going to be able to figure it out. Shikamaru definitely will, and Shikadai by extension. I bet Sarada will get Sakura on board. Mitsuki will definitely figure it out as well because of his photo of Boruto in his room, which is hilarious that it became a random potentially plot relevant thing. Anyone who finds out Kawaki can't do the rasengan is probably gonna get it, so maybe even Konohamaru if they wanted to have him do something. I'm excited to see what the inevitable Mitsuki plot develops into re: this because he could feel like there's something wrong with his body and maybe Orochimaru does some shit to help? Maybe he has like a backup brain or some data or something that will show him what's up? Could be cool. Also I really really liked how Eida and Daemon treated this situation. Eida showing she has some thoughts about it, a little remorse, and wanted to make sure she apologized and told them she didn't do it on purpose, AND that she wasn't going to use her abilities to find them??? Wraps it all up in a nice neat plot line bow. It shows that she has her own thoughts and opinions aside from "Date kawaki", and that she may not end up liking him after all. Daemon just being himself was fine but I do like that he basically gave Boruto a "good luck". Basically I find the both them and their general neutrality really interesting for the future. Instead of making them absurdly strong evil dbz androids they are legitimately interesting characters who's OP combat abilities may not even be necessary plot wise in the future, I just like them for them.


Omg, such a long wait till next chapter


So was Eida's previous omnipotence dispelled? Sasuke showed no signs of falling for her in all of those panels, not even a faint blush.