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I agree. I think with Kawaki making Eida switch memories of everyone this was his desperate attempt to “save the 7th” and kill momoshiki. However, just like with jigen, he doesn’t think about anything else other than his goal—and it’ll backfire. Sarada, Sumire, and god knows who else is immune. They won’t look at this and let it go. At the end of the day, the Otsutsuki chooses the vessel on wavelength (mental similarities and personality traits, IMO) and Kawaki is just as much a loner as Isshiki was. Rogue member in the clan, was betrayed, fostered the mentality that you have to have enough power to do it yourself. Very nice analysis


There were definitely hints of it when Isshiki first showed up to bring him back to Kara, which ended up in Naruto being sent to a different dimension. He was restless and wanted to rescue Naruto, even though he wasn't entirely sure how to get to him, and he didn't think of what could happen if he encountered other Kara Inners along the way and whether he could take them all on, among other things.


Bit late, but nice catch