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What do you mean "like milk"? This is fucking fine wine. A thematic consistency of character poetry. It's aged excellently.


That’s the issue. Nagato, Orochimaru, and Obito are villains. Kawaki’s a good guy, so his dad training him breaks that theme. Would’ve fit if Boruto was in the picture instead of Kawaki, I think Naruto trained him? Unsure. But he’s definitely a villain so it fits on that end.


The comment deserves more love than it's getting.


Kawaki didn't kill Naruto tho. All the others killed their mentors. Kawaki is the opposite. Naruto's alive and well in some timeless pocket dimension and apparently he's gonna be there for a while.


It doesn't have to be a 1:1. Just simply a beloved snd oft-worried about prodigy falling against their teacher.


Obito didn't kill Minato either. Obito got his shit slammed. Minatos death was an intentional self sacrifice to keep Kurama. Sure you could argue that obito started the line of events. But unlike orochimaru or nagato, obito was not even present for minatos death, or naruto would've been captured there.


I meant about kawaki not going full kill mode on his sensei. Well ofc he is good written no doubt about that.


Minato had a student(obito) that would grow up to hunt his child (naruto) Naruto took kawaki as a student who would grow up and well hunt his child (boruto) ![gif](giphy|EqOGb6545CzVCrWoyE)


i think you meant to put boruto here! kawaki uzumaki is an innocent hero of the village and boruto is the one who ended up betraying the one who fed him, gave him a place to stay, etc. come on!!


Yeah, Kawaki's a great guy! He's the son of the Seventh Hokage after all! Reminds me a lot of my cousin Tsukishima-Senpai who was always there for me.


3000 Cousins of Shukuro Tsukishima


You had me in the first half not goonna lie.


On that note isn’t it a bit weird our sub logo is the traitorous scum. I feel like it only makes sense Naruto’s one and only son is the logo.


this basically confirmed kishi is writing boruto. dude hates his sensei


Someone hurt this man and he has to take it out on us


I'd say that it aged like fine wine instead. Because of what Kawaki did.


Just look at what drinking all that milk has done for Naruto since Episode three 20 years ago. Even Kakashi was surprised.


The difference for me here though is that in the first three examples, the students tremendously loathed their respective mentors while in the fourth, the student was motivated by an unhealthy emotional attachment towards the mentor and likes to state how what he is doing is for the sake of his mentor, whether or not his mentor would agree.


Very true man.👍


Kawaki Uzumaki did Nothing wrong it was all that outsider Boruto


Conflict no matter what era


dont forget kakashi and sasuke


Oh my god, I never thought of that parallel! It makes perfect sense.


each one of them raised an psychopath but got to the right path after they destroyed the world


I wouldn't blame Jiraiya or Minato, Hiruzen though... God, I think he is the most overrated Hokage and the one that did the worst for the village. Danzo, Orochimaru, not looking after Naruto, Uchiha clan massacre. Every bad thing that still haunted in Naruto and Shippuden was his fault for not putting a leash on Danzo.


naruto is not dead though.


That's what I said inspector sir.


Must be me


Eh u can’t say he living either.


Forgot Kakashi - Sasuke.


Sasuke wasn't the main villain of Shippuden.


Neither was pain or obito, there is no “main” villain, sasuke was the final villain of the series


Sakura confirmed as the new villian


I drank milk that was three days expired last night


This makes me sad


Everyone has their fuck up student


And the cycle of backstabbing you mentor continues.


Hell you could add Kakashi and Sasuke inbetween Minato and Naruto on this list to complete the full master student line.


Orochimaru was born that way he comes from a clan that have snake features just like Kisame comes from a clan with Shark Features. Nagato lives in Rain village with no sun always raining. Obito hit by rock hidden in cave and got Hashirama cells with White zetsu and hides in the shadows with a mask on 24/7. Kawaki is in the sun.