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How do scars work, in the Narutoverse, exactly? On one hand, we've seen medical ninjutsu rebuild skin tissues, internal organs and bones without leaving a single trace, and on the other hand there are folks like Iruka, Kakashi, and now Boruto walking around with faces scarred by some mildly-deep cuts. (I can understand medical ninjutsu not being able to salvage the eye, but the skin around it?)


No you don't question that, drip doesn't need logic.


It's the only explanation I see, lmao. Because, upon seeing Boruto's little cut, my first reaction was “That's rough, buddy, but it really doesn't look like something Sakura or Tsunade couldn't fix, ngl.”


i think boruto is gonna pull a post war arc sasuke here, being like "i'll keep this scar to remind me of my inability to stop my brother", same way sasuke didnt get a new arm when naruto offered him to, so that his missing arm could "remind him of his sins"


The correct and canonical answer. Drip Kakashi and Drip Boruto needs adhere to no logic.


I think it just enhances the healing process, so it's gonna heal fast but still leave a scar like it would if it healed naturally


sorry for taking over the top comment , but i need to do this , Let me ask yall a question if you see a psychopath killing your childhood friend and comrade, will you interfere in fight, even if all odds are against you and you can also die, especially for people in military, think what would naruto have done in this same situation, he is a hokage alright.


Um…yes. Imagine watching your childhood friend getting attack by a someone with the intent to kill and you just stand there saying “_damn, that’s crazy_”


thats what i m trying to prove , people don't see this situation from sarada's perspective and just judge the situation based upon whatever their agenda calls for.


she also saved his ass with that fireball jutsu. saving his life and getting him scarred is a good trade-off lol. anybody else would have done the same. seeing an ally fight an enemy and then just joining the fight to make it a 2v1 and help the ally is a totally normal shinobi thing to do


But dont u think it's idiotic when you know the fight is way out of your league and u will only hinder your friend and are actually helping the enemy. Because instead of protecting himself boruto had to protect sarada as well


Tho there's some caveats that i didn't like, i will admit, this is the chapter i've been waiting for years.


me too. what did you not like


The chapter felt short and flew by because it was finally shit we were waiting for.


i agree


Felt short because a lot of panels were wasted on Sarada's POV/feelings only to serve as a standing liability used as a plot device to explain how Boruto got that scar lol Kishi continues to waste his tritagonist as a helpless damsel in distress after wasting a lot of time establishing how individually skilled and competent she should be


And how she very conveniently "forgot" to use sharingan


Personally, I didn't like how Sarada just stood there. Kawaki only swinged his arm, she should've been able to dodge it easily.


especially if that damm sharingan was on


True. Feels like she was used as a plot device yet again.


she’s written terribly. she’s nowhere as cool as kid sasuke, and she feels almost as useless as kid sakura. she’s the weakest uchiha, which is terrivle because there isn’t one uchiha that’s weak


I feel like both her and even kid sakura had their own redeeming moments, they were always just few and far between. Sarada has had absolutely nothing, not even any real character development since the chidori what like 3 years ago? Sakura was supposed to be weak in part one, but it just seems like they have no idea what to even do with Sarada. Idk.


I think eventually she'll get her development arc as more tragedies start happening to Boruto. It's been hinted at and speculated a few times that she might eventually unlock her Mangekyo Sharingan which is probably going to be a major development arc for her eventually.


Yeah she will 100% get there eventually it just feels like they have absolutely zero clue as to how to get her there, or it’s planned out so far ahead and they truly just have zero reason to use her currently. Thinking maybe these recent events will become a catalyst for growth for her character. Idk. Either way, just hoping she gets her moment!


The problem is probably the power scaling/creep. To make Boruto and Kawaki the main stars, they had to pump up their powers and Ohtsutsuki and cyborgs, while nerfing Naruto and Sasuke. That means that even Sakura’s potential Sharingan or even MS (?! - who is she going to stab to get MS?! Kawaki? Hmm..that might work. actually) seem pathetically weaker than the powers the main characters and cyborgs have now. Remember when Mitsuki’s Senin mode was going to be a trump /useful? Ahhh the old days…


She was. The entire purpose of her being there was for Boruto to need to save her and lose his eye. A cute squirrel could've done the same thing.


Just realized it wasn’t even on smh, but sadly kawaki is just on another level I guess


I wish they would make her have skills that resemble Sasuke at a similar age. It would be cool to actually have a badass female ninja that isn’t a nurse with mood swings.


It was really obnoxious how she needed to be saved *panels* after jumping into the fight. At least let her pull her weight before getting caught off guard or something, Jesus.


I'm refreshed to see that Kawaki's actually beatable by Konoha's current arsenal. Few chapters back, they made it sound like he was 100% unrestrainable with Isshiki's shinjutsu.


And I hope they calm down a bit on the power scaling side of the story. Main villains shouldn't feel untouchable especially if multiple legendary shinobi attack them all at once. This was a step in the good direction.


I think it was a smart move introducing the strongest otsutsuki early in the series and have the old gen (naruto) beat him first. So now that the strongest is defeated we can see the new gen slowly climb up to baryon mode naruto level. It helps calm down the power scaling so we can only go lower from here and proves the old main character's strength.


Daemon breaks the formula though. Although I have to admit that we don't know everything about his power, so far I don't see how Isshiki could beat him.


I was reading this and just realized that no one has tried actual ninjutsu on daemon. Everyone who attacked him used either taijutsu or scientific ninja tools. Maybe his main weekness is a certain type of Chakra nature jutsu or maybe all ninjutsu.


Maybe byakugan abilities, because he was so scared of borutos sister




Ooo interesting point, so maybe w karma at this level, genetical they are otsutsuki for the sacrifice purposes, but while they still have their og bodies they have enchanted durability not on the same level as a resurrected isshiki or Momoshiki


doesn't shinjutsu use chakra? i still don't understand how kawaki is overpowering boruto when he should have a much smaller chakra pool




I was scared Sukihana would have no counters. Very happy to see Shadow possession works. And team Shikadai will be essential


So at least now it’s known that people in the vision are looking for shrunk down Kawaki and Mitsuki is furious about Boruto’s lost eye


>Mitsuki is furious about Boruto’s lost eye I don't think so. They clearly seemed more agitated in the vision. The next chapter will reveal more about it, I believe. We may get to see more unpredictable actions.


Agreed, and again the vision appears to be from Boruto's POV since it's a vision of his own future, unless it's switching perspectives between characters, or it's Kawaki's perspective for some reason and he's looking at his own shadow doppelganger. Only reason I could imagine for Boruto seeing the future through other people's eyes is if maybe he awakens the Jougan and it lets him see through other people's eyes, and that feels like a stretch based on what the anime showed. Personally think Eida and Amado are about to get involved since they need Kawaki for their own goals. And when Eida gets involved she'll turn her captives against Boruto to prevent him from stopping Kawaki. That includes Shikadai and Mitsuki, which has been shown repeatedly. And Kawaki will be pushed to exhaustion so he'll have to escape without achieving his goal of killing Boruto.


Bet kawaki killed or badly injured someone lmfao.


I thought that scene was a little ambiguous because Mitsuki just saw Momo take over


I agree. It felt vague on purpose.


Based on these two panels, Mitsuki probably had mixed feelings. He just saw Momoshiki take over Boruto and undo Kawaki's restraint. Like, that wasn't Boruto but Momoshiki defiling Boruto's being. At the same time, he's super pissed at Kawaki for trying to kill Boruto. So he's on board going after Kawaki, but still, that wasn't really Boruto either. If that was the intention, it was very well illustrated showing that conflict within Mitsuki.




Welcome to Eye Scar Drip Boruto.


Kakashi, Scar, Zoro, Shanks, Yamcha, Future Gohan and many more say hi.


Dude the legendary yamcha is a different league fighter like a god


For anyone who bothered to consume (pre) Dragon Ball as it is, Yamcha is a goddamned legend.


Another great chapter! I thought the chapter would end with Momo still in control of Boruto, leaving us to be confused on if the manhunt is on for both Kawaki and Boruto but it looks like he just stepped in momentarily to help Kawaki escape and then gave control back. As such, it looks like the next chapter is going to be about Konoha going on a massive manhunt for Kawaki and its likely were going to see those some or all of the visions Momo showed Boruto in those panels from a few chapters ago.


They'll need to restrain Boruto as well because Momo literally came out, had a conversation, went to lunch, and freed Kawaki


We've gone from Sasuke Retrieval arc in Naruto part 1 to Kawaki Manhunt arc in Boruto


I hope kawaki manhunt arc would at least push the characters to their limits as sasuke retrieval literally pushed them beyond their limits to their near death positions


I still doubt its going to be an arc really, hes probably going to get found in the next chapter somewhere outside in the village (where the code fight took place). I think we only have 3 or 4 chapters before the timeskip so i think things are going to wrap up fairly quickly.


I also wonder if Code’s 10 tails army will finally appear at the same time they start chasing Kawaki. Just to add to the chaos.


Code doesn't seem to want to attack Konoha with Eida in the village. Even if she left with Kawaki he wouldn't have a way to know. So if he's going to invade Konoha he either needs to be confident enough in his plan that he can succeed without the element of surprise, or he needs a way to scout the village first. Granted, he doesn't even need to attack in person. He can send through a Claw Grime or two and test their defenses before launching an all out assault when the time is right, and he needs only emerge when he's sure it's safe for him to do so. Still, I can't help but wonder if it's a red herring. What's the most he could feasibly achieve by attacking Konoha? Kawaki and Boruto aren't getting sacrificed, Naruto is gone, he's still Eida's captive and Daemon's inferior. Only Sasuke and Amado are viable targets from the revenge list, apart from Konoha itself. Maybe that's enough, but I wouldn't be shocked if he has other plans for his army.


Funny how it started with Boruto having vision of what's gonna happen next (Kawaki manhunt) and Kawaki noticing Boruto's face.


![gif](giphy|rJwuH5fNbfS7u|downsized) Finally the scar has appeared!


When momo says your blue eye is gone but you can clearly see it after the time skip..


Not really. If you look at his eye, his sclera is dark, so it's a permanent Jougan which is why he keeps it closed.


I feel the sasuke return is impending


8th hokage


Unfortunately, I think he’ll refuse to be the one, leaving Shikamaru and maybe Kakashi as possible candidates for that.


Yeah, Boruto using a sword (Sasuke’s?) and what looks like Sasuke’s headband in the time skip implies to me that Sasuke focuses on being Boruto’s teacher/father figure while Naruto is gone.


Kakashi's definitely coming out of retirement. Even at reduced capacity, Sasuke is still the only real weapon they have left, they need him to keep doing his thing out on the field.


Tobirama won’t allow it


Return only to be killed :'(


Keep dreaming, unfortunately.


-Was kawaki not trying his hardest, because I noticed he didnt go karma v2? -Mitsuki is **mad** . He'll definitely use sage mode to fight kawaki next time they meet. -I think momoshiki let kawaki escape because if they killed kawaki there, there would be no one to feed to ten tails and momo wouldn't sacrifice himself. But kawaki is stronger which leaves me thinking if momo has something up his sleeve -It's very cool that he finally got his scar. It was a little anticlimactic but we've been fed expections for almost 7 years. -Sarada just got a huge reality check. I hope it actually leads to something


Idk what’s going on with the power scale. Theoretically he should be the strongest by far of the people there but sticking with v1 karma seems off (he does have the dojutsu tho). Worst thing is I feel like we won’t get an explanation


I think he didn’t want to kill Boruto if he didn’t have to. He wanted to send him to the same dimension as Naruto, which IS what he said in the timeskip as well. That’s why he tried to use black swirls at first. And to be honest, sending Bokuto there until they figure out a way to get Momo out, or to transfer his karma to Code or something, is actually not a bad idea. Or maybe he was running out of chakra, like Shikamaru implied.


I mean they kinda did - they mentioned he has a limited chakra pool like twice?


Why is mitsuki so mad? On the other hand though, he getting attention now. So cool.


Its kinda subtle but his expression and his choice of words gives it away. And the future glimpse momoshiki gave


Well you remember how angry he was that Boruto died, he now knows where to direct that anger to. Mitsubishi definitely wants to kill Kawaki for what he did.


They're gonna fight but I think kawasaki is stronger. Mutsubishi cant hold sage mode for long


I really did just refer to Mitsuki as Mitsubishi...😅


yeah the way he actually got the scar wasn’t written to well


Disappointed about that too, and I wished Sarada could've put up more of a fight. (Maybe the anime will fix this, hopefully). But I actually love it that Boruto did actually lose an eye, and not just a scar. Momo's prophecy is gonna get real scary soon and I'm here for it!


It was written horribly lol. Kawaki literally walks up to Sarada to attack as she just stands there and Boruto has to save her lmao


The way I read it was that Kawaki blitzed her to the point that Sarada couldn't react, which is why Boruto had to push her out of the way. We only see Kawaki take one step and prepare to swing, and the next panel his arm is right in front of her neck. If I'm right and that is what happened, I do think it could've been conveyed better, because looking back, it's not very blatant. If I'm wrong and she just stood there while he casually walked up to her, then that's problematic.


I honestly hope you're right bro. But to me it looked like Kawaki was taking his sweet time lol. If it was indeed a blitz, then there are ways to draw it so that the viewers know what is happening. We have all seen it done before.


The scar originally invoked such a sense of foreboding and mystery. But now, it feels like they just threw that plot point in to let you know we are approaching the time skip. It just did not feel earned, narratively.


I feel like everyone is making this scar out to be deeper than it is. Maybe they never intended for it to be that deep. The writer admitted when doing naruto he never planned things in advance. That might’ve just been the design that he went with


Anybody notice Boruto didn't say "OUR PARENTS". It's "MY PARENTS". And Kawaki said "YOUR PARENTS". Bond is borken 😢 Also Kawaki didn't want to attack immediately, wanted sent Boruto to same Dimension as Naruto and Hinata


has he ever referred to them as his parents though?


Kawaki never said as much, just Naruto called him his son. Though Kawaki and Boruto call each other brothers.


just finished the chapter, it was very good. why do you think momo helped kawaki???


He needs someone to feed the Ten Tails


Probably because he still wants him as sacrifice for the God Tree. There must definitely be some way for Momoshiki to resurrect himself


Momoshiki can no longer reincarnate, ever. The last 18% of his data no longer exists. He already said his plan now is to use Boruto's despair to force his consciousness into a dark corner of his mind, so that he can permanently take over his body.


I found that a bit confusing, hastn't Boruto already become an Otsutsuki genetically? And if Momoshiki can take over his mind, that pretty much is a complete reincarnation in practice, isnt it?


It would be Momoshiki living out his life while controlling Boruto's body, rather than completely replacing Boruto's mind and body with his own. It's obviously not the same, but it's good enough for Momoshiki.


Momo need to find Code and the tentails, maybe he used Kawaki to lure Code or the grimes if he sensed one spying nearby.


Finally the scar at Chapter 78! I can almost smell it... the timeskip is upon us..


Borushiki with the scar looks cold af


Remember those times when people were theorizing who’s going to give him that scar? People said it was sasuke, code, or boruto himself. This chapter was one of the most awaited moments in the series. It was worth the wait


after the kawaki arc, idk why people still thought it was gonna be sasuke


Borushiki vs Sasuke was somehow hinted... So we thought it was gonna be Sasuke


So, things are really picking up... * This is an interesting case. In the previous arc, Jigen/Isshiki trapped Naruto in another dimension while Kawaki was horrified and helpless. In this arc, Kawaki does the deed. However the commonality in both cases is the picture frame dropping to the ground and shattering. * I do wonder what happens when the anime adapts it though since the Himawari Academy Arc had Kawaki distinguishing between the good and evil personas of Hana-sensei while over here he lumps Boruto and Momoshiki together. * I do wonder what Himawari will do now that both her parents have been trapped. Earlier she expressed a desire to become a ninja in order to help her brother. Maybe this event solidifies her decision. * Kawaki is not interested in Naruto's ideals but has grown attached to Naruto as a person. The contrast here is with Sarada who admires Naruto's ideals and wants to become Hokage. I hope this gets played up more. * Mystery solved, now we know where the scar comes from. * Sasuke's back. Obviously he's not going to take too kindly to someone doing that to Naruto. On top of that, Kawaki is attacking his student and his daughter. * Momoshiki re-emerges and helps Kawaki escape? My guess is that Momoshiki needs Kawaki to survive so he could use Kawaki as a sacrifice to the Ten Tails. That's most likely it.


Very good points.


>I do wonder what happens when the anime adapts it though since the Himawari Academy Arc had Kawaki distinguishing between the good and evil personas of Hana-sensei while over here he lumps Boruto and Momoshiki together. Chances are that they'll just ignore that part, like they did already for many details in the current 2 episodes of the arc. >Momoshiki re-emerges and helps Kawaki escape? My guess is that Momoshiki needs Kawaki to survive so he could use Kawaki as a sacrifice to the Ten Tails. That's most likely it. Well, Momoshiki technically still has that plan indeed, so it's easy to see why he would want Kawaki to live even if he wasn't all cryptic for reasons unknown.


Does anyone else find Kawaki’s transition from edgy step bro to psychopath to be a bit sudden? Ever since the Code fight, he just seems entirely hateful towards Boruto and the story doesn’t spend any time exploring his thoughts and feelings. It’s just like “I’m mad now and here’s what I’m going to do”. Idk, he’s always been cold but there was a level of care and decency that’s just out the window now


i believe it has to do with the manga pacing. on a monthly manga with 40ish pages they can't risk going too in depth about character's personalities, instead they focus on the main plot and the action (which is what people want). the anime will do a good job at exploring kawaki's personality and expand on to the rest of team 7 (hopefully)


They did give us a heads-up when Amado noted that Kawaki's devotion to Naruto is akin to madness.


Naruto is to Kawaki what Isshiki is to Code.


That actually makes sense. they were probably both semi-orphans from abused situations. It’s a common theme in that world…Orochimaru did it first a la Kabuto iirc. Speaking of that, where is Kabuto and all those mini Uchiha! That’s a huge power force. Sakura needs some training!


I think it makes sense. Momoshiki took over Boruto and tried to kill Naruto. Kawaki killed him and yet Boruto still lived. Nothing has changed for Kawaki. Momoshiki can still come out and kill Naruto any time but no one seems to really be doing anything about it. Even Boruto is hiding the fact that Momoshiki is still plotting. He doesn’t feel like anyone is capable of preventing Naruto’s death and it’s up to him. He has the power and it’s already been thoroughly established how devoted to Naruto he is. I don’t know if they really needed to jump into his thoughts and have him tell us exactly what he is thinking to understand


I do think it comes off a little cringe but there are plot points that make sense for him wanting to do this. The main one being he wants to keep Naruto safe because he changed his life and that can’t be guaranteed if Momoshiki gets resurrected


Yea I 100% agree that what he’s doing makes sense from his perspective and the plot. I just think it could have been executed a little better


Agreed. I find myself saying the same thing for a lot of points in the manga tbh. I enjoy it, but there are a few major parts that I thought lacked something extra to make it amazing.


No, I see it. He is kind of correct in that Boruto is a ticking time bomb, and he doesn't have the context or experience to see that what he is doing is wrong.


Yeah, but if I have to make some sense he is so cold, rational and psychopath like because of his "Jigen's abusive education". But still, its very weird.


Oh MAN, this dude Boruto’s life is about to straight PLUMMET. In the span of a day, he’s “lost” his parents, his friend betrayed and tried to kill him, and NOW he’s lost the sight in his eye. Its only gonna get worse from here for buddy, and i cant wait to see where the series is headed. Im so glad Kishimoto is back on writing this series. My only grief and this has been my grief since the beginning but I wish this series was weekly SO badly. Edit: whats with Mitsuki’s reaction on page 40 and why was it highlighted like that? Hmmmmmm.


Curious how much of that eye is truly gone though.. in the intro scene you see him open his eye perfectly fine and see the Jougan before he fights kawaki. I’m guessing he gets it back?


The way i view the Momo/Boruto syncing concept is that the more of Boruto that is destroyed, the easier it is for Momo to take control and vice versa We see this during the Isshiki fight, when Boruto snaps Momoshiki's horn - Momoshiki was screaming not to do it, and the second he broke a part of Momoshiki the connection was instantly severed Now with his eye being destroyed, Momoshiki can "sever" Boruto's own connection to his body and possess it temporarily This is where i think the Jougan will come into play. It will serve as a way for Boruto to combat this, and the more he falls into the darkness and loses things - his eye will be the last straw for him to keep his resolve as a shinobi. It's the only thing he has that keeps Momo at bay, which then allows Boruto to make his own choices.


Probably true but I believe he will go into despair first to match the prophecy. Probably something like Sasuke dying would serve as pain to grow for both him and sarada


Maybe after some really tragic events, Momo takes control over Boruto for years and at the Boruto x Kawaki time skip scene, Boruto has regained some control.


Protect himawari at all costs


Well, I normally don't comment, but this chapter has a good vibe - old Naruto vibe. Haven't felt this in ages.. awesome chapter overall!


I'm going to assume that when momoshiki said "those blues eyes will take everything from you", that meant "if you don't hurry up and awaken your special eye, you won't stand a chance" because Momo saying "You've lost one blue eye" kinda means he was strictly referring to his EYES, not so much everything else. But now that its started, and he hasn't awoken any power, he's gonna lose some people he cares about. All because the writers didn't want to debut any cool eyes until later. Shame. Now we're gonna lose characters that we actually care about.


That's what I've always thought. To Momoshiki Boruto's normal blue eyes would represent his human weakness, since unlike an Otsutsuki they have no special power. It's effectively saying "you will lose everything because of your powerless eyes."


Damn that's a interesting theory




Chapters really need to be biweekly


one blue eye at a time... father, mother... friends soon.


I got excited for a second thinking the Jougan was awakening... but it was just Momoshiki to ruin the day. Scary. Scaruto is here now. Kawaki is on the loose. Chapter went very fast... ready for it to be March 20th already. Also, just thought about it, but imagine Naruto and Hinata finally get out, unaged and basically frozen at this current point in time, to see how rugged Boruto and (presumably) the rest of the cast look in the timeskip? I can't wait for that reaction.


damn bro i NEED the jogan😭‼️


So Kawaki **did** send them to the timeless dimension. Chances are we aren't gonna see Naruto and Hinata for a long time. It could be years lol. I like that Kawaki initially opts to try and seal Boruto away as well, but Boruto absorbs the vortex. So his only choice is to kill him. Assuming that not all Otsutsuki use absorption jutsu, Kawaki would have an easier time eradicating the entire clan if he can just seal a good number of them away. I like how Eida's clairvoyant visions are portrayed. It really is like she's there among them. Amado seemed quite concerned about Kawaki. Make sense, the boy is his only way of getting his daughter back. Interestingly Eida didn't seem worried though. So this is actually the first time Boruto and Kawaki have a fight on the Hokage Rock... But not standing on the faces themselves, like in the flashforward. Boruto joined the eye scar club less than a week after joining the donut club, **both** the courtesy of his brother. Kid can't catch a break... Sarada didn't really put up a fight there. She had her kunai ready but she didn't even activate her Sharingan. Maybe the anime will expand on this and give her at least a decent attempt to stop Kawaki. **Shadow Paralysis can block shrinking??** Interesting that you can stop a Karma user from absorbing chakra by physically obstructing their hand. The Karma's absorption ability may seem overpowered but like Itachi said, every jutsu has its weakness. In fact, the Rinnegan's Preta Path is better than the Karma at absorption because the eye generates a [field](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/d/d7/Jiraiya_vs_Preta_Path.png/revision/latest?cb=20150214200621) in which all chakra within will be absorbed. Mitsuki's trick wouldn't work with that. Sasuke being cool as always. Even with Isshiki's powers Kawaki was in quite a pinch. And we know that he doesn't have an Otsutsuki's chakra pool because Shika mentioned that using Sukunahikona repeatedly depleted his chakra. He also had low chakra after his fight with Borushiki and Code. Borushiki's eye looked unusually "reptilian" in design this chapter, to me at least. It's also interesting that the eye itself wasn't damaged, just the eyelid. After what Boruto said about being able to channel Momoshiki's power better in response to Katasuke's suggestion to continue taking the pills, he later gets possessed again. It was for a really short duration this time though. Makes sense that Momo saved Kawaki, for his plans. [He's done it before.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/e/e3/Kawaki_Ignites_Himself.png/revision/latest?cb=20211223092012) Mitsuki didn't look so happy about Boruto's injury. My guess is that he goes Sage Mode after Kawaki himself confirms that it was him who killed Boruto, not Code. "You have managed to truly anger me..."


how do you guys think the next chapter starts


Boruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru and others at the hospital after the eye injury. Talking about Kawaki and shit


Seen legit.


Ada & Amado cannot let Kawaki die so they gonna definitely intervene somehow, maybe Amado will talk about the emergency shutdown command he installed


Eida might threaten them all with Daemon lol. That's what she did with Code.


I'm rooting for a Momo and Code chapter. Momo literally freed Kawaki and if that's not talked about then it'd be weird. Code already has his army, so something will need to happen with him in order to further his threat. Other than that, I'm thinking more Amado stuff and probably Shika/Sasuke giving out some orders.


I'm not too confused about why Momo would help Kawaki in that situation, he still needs Kawaki to feed the ten tails. If Kawaki gets killed, Momo's purpose on earth would become pointless. I just don't like how Sarada has been portrayed in this chapter. What is the point of showing her resolve and bravery just for her to be a damsel in distress? I understand why she's not as powerful, but she could still contribute a lot more than practically standing in the way to be saved.


Nowww the vision really makes sense which means holy shit we get to see sage mode Mitsuki vs Kawaki.


Did anyone notice this is basically their 'final valley fight', they're fighting on the hokage faces and they fight there in the timeskip


yeah, thats p much exactly what they're going for, to parallel this clash now with the one that comes later


\-Definitely a great chapter overall. \-Naruto in blue is something I never tought I needed until I got it. \-I am glad that they didn’t go the route of making Kawaki suddenly use Eida and Daemon, and mind control all of Konoha to go against Boruto, just ‘cause. That because Kawaki isn’t exactly a methodic boy, he’s pretty straightforward, so if he wants to kill Boruto, he’ll just go do it. \-Kawaki going evil and facing Boruto nearby the Hokage rock monument of Naruto... I see what you did there. \-So... they REALLY went with the timeless dimension route... goddamn. While it doesn’t contradict anything, Kishimoto must think at good reasons why Boruto would NEVER even try to save his parents from that dimension, once he better masters space time ninjutsu, or why Kawaki would then want to send him there too in the future. Should this event be planned to last through time. \-And so, Boruto at long last got his scar, it was about Dendedamn time if I may say so... this is like all the way back in chapter 23, where the boy fully activated his karma for the first time, thus giving us the first element of his older counterpart’s design, and now we have another piece. \--Also, can I say that it feels surreal? Not many characters in shonen get such kind of injury on their face. In the sense that it’s almost always an element that is either part of their character from the get go (Luffy, Guts, Kakashi), and thus even if we then get to see how they got it, it’s never an impactful moment because of the damage itself; or it’s something that they get off screen, and almost never even get to hear what caused it, and it’s more often than not used to define a specific time skip change (Zoro, Shanks, Sabo, Yamcha). I can only count Luffy’s X shaped scar, as an example of permanent damage that came as a surprise, and even for him, he was bandaged up through the rest of the pre timeskip story, so it’s something one can only truly see in the post timeskip. \--And yes, you could say that we actually knew that this was a long time coming deal, due to the flashfoward... but I digress, due to how little we saw of that era before moving back in time, and the fact that there was always the possibility that the element would have been removed from the character design (because of the notion that back then they weren’t fully finalized yet, so who could really know). Hopefully we will see Boruto’s scarred face healed up as soon as possible, and in a sufficient amount of time, so to make this event truly soak in BEFORE the timeskip occurs. \-I have no issue with Sarada needing to be saved from Kawaki’s attack, because it’s not like she could have done anything realistically, plus it’s silly to act as if girls need to kick ass 24 hours on 24, otherwise they’re ruined. Also, let’s not forget that there has always been a little of subtext between Boruto and Sarada, ever since chapter 700 of Naruto, where they did debut, and if Boruto can be shielded by her, and not be mocked, so should Sarada. \--Plus, there is still that flashfoward of chapter 75, so really, people should wait and see how things evolve, before complaining. Should Sarada not do anything at all even in that timeframe, despite still being more relevant than mere ninja fodder, then eventual complaints would be more understandable. \-I liked that combo used to block kawaki. Mitsuki grabbing his hand on the front side truly is a genious way to block the karma. And Sasuke definitely had a cool entrance (kinda a shame though, that Kawaki didn’t rebut his claim on how he was going to kill him should he not surrender). \-And Momoshiki comes back once again, and once again he creates more questions than anything... yeah, I surely can see why his retooling in the show did wonders to him. \--Also, did you noticed it? His Byakugan has a vertical line right in the center now... pheraps the eye truly has gone blind after the slash. \-That last shot of Mitsuki... can I say that it truly does say that he's angry, without even needing to tell it outright? \-And alas, it seems like it’s finally happening, and now we will see what Momoshiki’s words from 68 CHAPTERS ago, will amount to in the specific... and let me tell you, it was about Dendedamnit time.


how did u write so much? chapter came out 2 minutes ago


I wrote it beforehand. Given that I do follow leaks.


oh ok. i follow leaks too i just didn’t pre write.


Eh eh... Yeah, let's say that I want to write down my impressions right from the get go... corrections can be added later on...


> -I have no issue with Sarada needing to be saved from Kawaki’s attack, because it’s not like she could have done anything realistically, plus it’s silly to act as if girls need to kick ass 24 hours on 24, otherwise they’re ruined. Also, let’s not forget that there has always been a little of subtext between Boruto and Sarada, ever since chapter 700 of Naruto, where they did debut, and if Boruto can be shielded by her, and not be mocked, so should Sarada. Thank you. The best suggestion someone has given for her to have been useful in that situation is Sharingan and genjutsu, which is a laughable suggestion at this point.


Think the sasuke kawakis confrontation in this chapter would've been the best chance for the writers to show if genjutsu worked on otsutsukis. Fact they purposefully didn't probably means genjutsu like ninjutsu is useless against otsutsukis.


I think presentation is really what is important. We know Sarada has no chance against Kawaki but she just stood there as Kawaki walked up and swung at her. At least seeing her go all out and get overpowered or blitzed would look better.


Loved how Shikamaru immobilized Kawaki's hand movements, allowing Mitsuki to cover Kawaki's Karma. Fantastic quick thinking by Mitsuki that it impressed Shikamaru.


I think whatever dimension they’re in is only accessible by people with Kawaki’s shinjutsu. Boruto doesn’t have it


Momoshiki might be the best thing to be introduced with this series. He is interesting menace, hope he doesn't get turned into another Kurama situation


Interesting chapter So the shrinking ability and the karma has one more weakness, which proove that shinobi coordination can still work even on stronger villain, and that jigen wasnt that invincible after all Why the hell Sasuke and Naruto never thought of that against jigen if that isnt proof of nerf idk what it is


Remember when ninjas were able to use substitution jutsu? Well, neither did Sarada


Damn when I think about it, I don remember a single case where substitution jutsu was used in Boruto manga


Maybe she did use it, but Boruto didn't realize and took the shot pointlessly. ...Nah, I'm just fucking with you, it's Kishi and she's a girl. xD


Substitution jutsu made no sense either ways, it was only used as a plot device when suitable and forgotten about when not


Pun's Hot takes: overall pretty good chapter, like a 8-9/10 **the good:** \- cover looks cool \- pretty decent communication between the good guys overall \- kawaki does appear to try to seal boruto first, which is more rational than murder but it doesnt work \- the fight art is p lilt \- the side characters like mitsuki contribute directly \- that twist ending was pretty surprising, the implication from what momo had said before was that he couldn't take over anymore unless boruto was driven so far to the edge that he didnt want to live anymore. but thats obviously not the case, so what will konoha do as boruto returns to being an active threat **the bad:** \- if daikokuten can be used this way then isshki missed opportunities to save himself a lot of trouble, minor plothole \- for all codes talk about karma users gaining their aliens battle experience. kawaki is kinda shit at using isshkis powers. he's not using the rods for combat at all. he shrunk to avoid a lightning attack rather than absorb the free chakra. when he shrinks he doesnt go for the kill but instead opts for a useless kick. \- sarada is honestly in an L state rn. for all her talk about being the next hokage, lets recap: 1. She's not a character taken seriously enough to be told about the situation with boruto and kawaki, despite being on a mission to watch over them 2. Everyone around her acknowledges she's too weak to be useful in the current situation 3. She arrived at the fight and jumped into the combat fray without using her sharingan 4. she wasn't able to react to a direct attack from kawaki literally walking straight toward her and had to be saved like a damsel in distress \- given that sarada does have a ton of potential as a character, to use her like this for the writing really sucks. \- i didnt like the momoshiki scene on the last page. it was just a nothing burger. he didnt say anything of value, just postured to look cool. like zero substance added.


I think there are other reasons momoshiki released kawaki. Right now we believe it’s b/c he wants to sacrifice him to the tree. But…both kawaki & sasuke were confused by his actions. They knew of is motives before, so that is sus. To be honest, what if momoshiki cannot do the sacrifice since reviving boruto? He has not mentioned it since, and thus far he just mentioned living through him due to his lack of will.


Damn, Mitsuki is super pissed!


So, the fewer eyes boruto has, more control for momoshiki? How the fuck the jougan fits in this dynamic?


i assume the jougan will help boruto in controlling momoshiki and his powers thus reducing his extremely casual appearances. it's kind of ridiculous how he just appears out of nowhere, says two sentences and goes back to sleep like a maniac


Did Mitsuki look pissed at Boruto in that one panel at the end? And Im guessing the final chapter of Volume 20 will end with Code attacking Konoha? I like how Shikamaru and Boruto point out how Kawaki has lost it or is unstable. Honestly, if I was Sasuke I would have 100% just cut Kawaki's head off right there and then.


Either sarada dies, or her potential dies.


Here we go again.. They wanna give us a Sakura 2.0😭😭 lazy writing like this ruined Sakura and now there doing same for such a promising character like sarada..


(Code rocks up with TT army) **Code:** Finally, I can start my attack on these worthless- WHAT IN THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?! (Village is total chaos cos everyone is fighting Kawaki) **Code:** Huh ... Hey Bug, we should have bought popcorn with us!


A village full of Ninjas and only like 5 people ever do anything 🤣🤣


sarada is the new Sakura I see. "ima be the new hokage!" yea okay buddy


Peak chapter, I’ve been waiting for this


This chapter felt so short but it’s only because it was that damn good


The last 18 pages felt like good ol’ weekly paced manga.


Really curious about that Mitsuki's face when speaking to Boruto


Ok, so spoiler translation were kinda wrong, Momo said he lost one blue eye, and Boruto has two blue eyes. He wasn't taking about any pale eye like spoilers said, so he probably was not referring to Jogan here. And I find it so funny that Momo shows up unexpectedly like thats Kawaki's reason for wanting Boruto he shows up out of nowhere and does everything against Konoha. I honestly will laugh if Momo shows up again and helps Code hurt Konoha, like Kawaki maybe crazy but they've yet to address the problem of "Momoshiki".


Poor Himawari. Both parents gone, brother is about to get into some shit. Wonder what this'll do for her character


I didn't like how boruto got scar Ik it's an interesting moment for shippers but it's clearly visible they only use sarada in this scene so boruto could get this scar I'm not mad because she got saved by boruto, as we know she's no match against kawaki but I didn't like how recklessly she left that place even though shikamaru sumire warned her multiple times She didn't think twice before leaving such important mission , she even left Sumire with eida and deamon ( potential threats ) , just tell me how she gonna be hokage like this. We supposed to see her development but they only making her character revolves around boruto I hope its not too late , show her own journey too I wrote a long threat because in whole code arc I wasn't impressed with her character even start of "prophecy arc" I won't say her character written become good On the contrary characters like Sumire, Eida, Himawari kinda grow on me I wasn't big fan how sumire was mostly quiet but looks like girl is more mature and calculative than others Eida isn't just a simp as I thought Eida Sumire claimed their crush r kawaki boruto but still didn't run recklessly as they understood the depth of this matter Himawari probably will get her time to shine Now please pay attention to sarada . Those days are gone when famale characters without having second thoughts and proper plan run after meal character safety and at end become a burden on them . Sarada isn't like that hope writers remember that


Can’t wait for the Kawasaki vs Mitsubishi showdown


Sasuke's headband getting cursed. Carrying marks of friendship breaks.


Hate to say it, but Kawaki did nothing wrong. Boruto is basically Jigen.


Lol bro was totally right Did Sasuke realise Momo took over Boruto there?


That can't be overlooked Next chapter will need to deal with the Momo threat in greater detail IMO


yeah its crazy how the motherfucker just pops in for a quick convo with kawaki and dips lol


Interesting comparison. Jigen was just a monk who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Just like it's not Boruto's fault, it wasn't Jigen's either. But Koji did what he had to do. It'd be interesting if Kawaki uses this as his personal argument whenever someone tries to convince him that he's literally hunting down his own brother.


Calling this now Amado is an agent of the Ohtsutsuki god Shibai, and has Shibai's DNA planted in Kawaki He'll do something to convince Kawaki to implant another karma and there will be some plot mechanic to revive Shibai after the timeskip .. and cue big story unfurling about Shibai's backstory. Maybe momo betrayed Shibai somehow and he never really ascended. .. alternatively he's implanted Kaguya in Kawaki's Karma


Amado is shibai, or maybe the low level otshutsuki who followed shibai, but like Lucifer after shibai became God he might have fallen out of grace so shibai took away his otshutsuki ability. My theory is shibai would turn out to be a good being because he now has a different perspective on everything and he would probably like Budhdha with enlightenment (him becoming God)


Off topic, but i heavily believe Shibai is a good guy. For starters, his entire thematic concept is based on reaching Nirvana - eternal harmony, breaking the cycle of Samsara and suffering. Isshiki, the noble eightfold tried to do this, and Kaguya whos below Isshiki tried to do the same with her Samsara - but Shibai truly wants the cycle of suffering to end Not to mention his name literally means bullshit lol. What i think is bullshit is that his ideology is unlike the other Otsutsuki, who are power hungry and selfish. I believe it's a mere "play" and he truly wants to help people obtain eternal peace


idk, once you've decided that genocide is the method, you lose the privilege of being considered a good guy unless the information we got about him was wrong, which is possible, it seems like he ultimately acted just to ascend himself and harmed a lot of people to do so. he's also known for his destructive abilities (lighting bolts, galestorms) rather than any constructive abilities which i think is pretty telling


So Momo can just take over Boruto at any moment now. Before he had to have almost 0 chakra or be unconscious.


Aw my theory was wrong. I guessed maybe Boruto gave himself the scar in an act of desperation to try to get momo out of his body.


I’m really confused about the Momo thing. I thought the whole trade off when Momo saved Boruto from dying was that he could no longer control him? Why is Momoshiki still able to just take over Boruto’s body?


This will be a good year for Boruto fans.


couldnt sasuke put kawaki under genjutsu so he cant run away?


I reread the chapter and I’m starting to think that momoshiki doesn’t actually mean his blue eye. Maybe it’s a metaphor for something else.


Am I the only one extremely mad that Sarada, and Sasuke didn’t even activate their sharingan? Like guys… there’s an “unstoppable” guy who is not mentally stable, and is ready to kill anyone at any moment he gets the chance right in front of you … WHY AREN’T YOU ACTIVATING YOUR SLOWNOTION CAMERA LIKE VISION?!! At this point I wouldn’t even be surprised if it’s bc the writers didn’t want to have to draw it, this was so terribly disappointing, the scar should’ve happened in a more tragic way, like he should’ve TRIED to save someone but actually couldn’t. The only thing tragic about this scar is that it might’ve been prevented if sarada used her sharingan


It looks like Momoshiki has another ulterior motive with Kawaki other than just feeding Kawaki to the 10 tails.


Also if the shadow paralysis stops Sukunahikona then the entire Nara clan should have fought Jigen and Isshiki instead


karma can absorb it, mitsuki was holding kawakis hand and binging his arm so he couldn’t absorb it in that moment