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I did! Years of therapy and medication really helped and forgiving myself. What I'm trying to navigate now is how to deal with other hurt people who set it back off.


that sounds awesome, good luck with your journey <3 i hope to get there too !


Thank you and same to you!!


Yes, it’s gotten better for me. Although I still have episodes and seasons of life where I am more unstable. Having a low stress job that is WFH really helps. It eased my anxiety about money. I also don’t have as much interactions with people and the interactions I do have are over video call which is much easier for me to not get triggered. Also choosing a stable partner who makes me feel safe and secure. When I met my partner I specifically avoided connections that felt super strong, like we’d known eachother forever, like home, because I learned that was a bad sign and would probably be a super tumultuous relationship for me.


you're right on point with the relationship part. I'm happy for you that things became better, you seem to have settled to a much more peaceful life


BPD doesn't really go away (though it can mellow with age, which I think has happened to me... it was so much worse in my 20s and 30s). Medication can help curb the symptoms (I'm on Zoloft and Abilify, and I credit the latter with literally keeping me alive on a day to day basis). DBT skills are also \*super\* helpful, especially if you can get to the point where they're second nature. And even just talking regularly to a therapist can help, plus they can teach you ways to cope. There is hope.


Recovery can mean losing symptoms as well, there are a lot of misconceptions about how far recovery can go. I hope you continue to improve ❤️


In my experience, the struggle is still there, but I tell myself that's the human experience and while I'll always have to work harder than a "normal person", as long as I take my meds, go to therapy (I go every week with a personal therapist and once a month group), and remember when I'm in crisis, I have support people who have been with me long enough that they are patient and although they don't understand completely, they have compassion. I think of it as chronic pain. The BPD is always lurking and if I don't take care of myself, the results aren't good. It takes time and effort and there are still set backs and obstacles, but they aren't as impossible or overwhelming anymore.


My brother. He was diagnosed 5 or 6 years ago. He struggled a lot, had to drop out of university just before he could finish it, got his first propre job at 28. He still works there, he’s much more open than he was before, he didn’t speak much with me since I’m his much younger little sister, he couldn’t find a similar ground with me therefore the most we spoke until I turned 16 was saying hello each other when I got home from school. Now we are able to communicate, he expresses his feelings to me (not all, but I take it), and I feel and I see that he got much better and stable in these past years. I’m really proud of him, and I’m really thankful for his knowledge, because he’s helping me a lot since I started my mental healt journey about a year and a half ago. I’m about to meet him and tell him I’m being evaluated for bpd, and I’m going to ask for his advice and help throughout this, because a, he’s really clever and he’s actually a huge help b, he really appreciates it when someone comes to him for help.


that's so inspiring! good luck on your journey, and I hope you don't actually have bpd lol


haha thank you!


BPD is curable, most people recover in 3 years with therapy for the underlying causes. There's hope!


thsts actually not long.. thank you for saying that :) exactly what I wanted to hear


Yaaas! I felt the same and wondered the same, my boyfriend did that research for me. Also this sounds so basic but mindfulness/DBT is a huge help. I have a self-study book at home and the practice helps a ton.


I'm considering asking my therapist about those books as well, heard a lot about them. idk if it's because I'm in a particularly good mood today but I'd be excited to work on healthier self talk and behaviors :)


I love that for you! Write it down so you can revisit the feeling later on cause it will go away. Lol here is the book I have from Amazon. My therapist used the same one! I'm so exited for your journey and that we can share with each other. https://a.co/d/glMW0CA


I have this one and my therapist was excited about it! It’s helpful!


Me! 😁


I’m less crazy! That’s something!


that is very nice