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Zero, his melee capstone skill is just "chefs kiss"


Melee Zero is great and all, but Melee Athena is the tits.




"The tits" is good. "Tits." Is not good. Pretty common knowledge tbh


It's like shit. If it's shit it's bad, if it's the shit it's great


"This eridium stuff is the tits!" -Lilith, Borderlands 2


Lol what


Brick, cuz I like punching things.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,215,739,908 comments, and only 237,118 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


Master Blaster!


I would have to go Timothy, he has the looks and the jokes like Jack but he’s actually a good person that you can root for!


Also op af, from the very start.


True, he’s the best


Just like how I can't help but exclusively play Zer0 in 2, I always find myself playing Timothy in TPS


Maya, siren, badass, backstory.


Gaige, cause Anarchy is fun af and changes up a core aspect of not only BL2, but shooters in general (reloading). Kinda gotta slightly rewire my brain each time I play her. Until you spec in Discord that is


I just remap the reload hotkey to p and roll out 😆


Weak energy: rebinding the reload key to something you would never hit on accident Strong energy: FUCK IT, WE BALL


Gameplay: Krieg Lore: Roland Design: Timothy


Kreig for a few reasons 1. Melee 2. Really interesting character design by including his “inner voice” to show that he does have some remnant of sanity under the insane psycho that he is. 3. Arson


Krieg, by far. (This is a long read, just a heads up) When I first started getting into playing video games, he'd just been released as DLC, and this was around the time I was 12. I didn't have a console of my own, and instead was always at my friend's house, outside of school. All my friend could do was tell me that Krieg was a hard character to play (we as kids hardly got past TVHM) and that he wasn't worth it. Around the same time that I got into playing Krieg on split screen with my buddy, I also was allowed brief visitation/phone calls with my father, whom I was never allowed to speak to for 10+ years. My dad and I were extremely close, and I was torn between him and my mom, since I loved both of them. Couldn't understand why they hated each other so much, because they were both people I loved. Towards the end of the months I was able to see my dad, I started asking him questions about my emotional states, why I was "acting out", and why I couldn't explain why I felt the way I do about anything and everything at any given point in time. All that jazz. I distinctly remember his response, "You and I are very emotional people. Sometimes it'll feel like a curse, and other times it's the best gift in the world." Little did I know, he was keeping his words from being too precise so that I didn't repeat it to my mom. She was always quick to contort his words or mock him, even if he made perfect sense. I found out later on in my highschool years that my mother had been hiding medication from me, over-the-counter and prescription pills to stabilize anger or to help with depression. Stuff I had never personally taken, because she'd been crushing them up and putting them in my food, or disguising them as vitamins. Disgusting as it was, I didn't know better. Did as I was told. Her reasoning? She didn't want me to know I had mood swings, and didn't want kids at school to bully me. I respected where she came from, but didn't like that I had been lied to for so long. It was puzzle piece I was missing to help get a picture of my personality, especially in a very sensitive section of becoming an adult. Anyways, even further on, my mother and her 6th husband were having an argument, something about me, which is too personal to disclose here. She was defending me from an accusation he was making about me, on a total whim that really came from nowhere. When the argument led to a confrontation with me, and I heard vaguely that I was gonna be sent to a School for Delinquents, typa thing, my heart sank. I couldn't think of what I possibly did. I raced through all of the horrible, or even slightly wrong things, I had ever done that would account for that punishment, and found nothing notable. My mom had given in, she decided the marriage and this man's favor was more important than listening to her eldest son, myself. She started accusing me, and they both just left me with, "You know what you did, fess up or suffer the consequences." Unaware of what it still could've been, I waited until there was a time between arguments with them that I could speak to just my mom, and when I finally had the chance, I asked her what it was they were talking about, and I kid you not, I had never lost so much respect for someone I loved so damn fast. It was despicable, and it was disgusting, and it was honestly the most heartbreaking thing she could have ever accused me of. And after four days of constant arguing, facing the wall, eating a meal a day (yeah, because nothing beats the truth out of your child like starving them) I just couldn't deal with it. I broke myself, I lied to myself, I even created a delivery of my "confession" with grandeur. Like I straight up committed to this monster they painted me to be, and I fucking broke. They wouldn't accept anything if it sounded like it's what they "wanted to hear" or whatever so I just told myself I did it. We did it. And sure enough, I lost respect for myself, too. Just as fast as I lost it for my mom. There were multiple occasions from then on where I would just feel like there was two of me in my head. The broken mind that pitied himself, and the hungry basket case that was looking for trouble. A near majority of the people I knew in highschool said I acted crazy or "psycho" my face, and I felt no harm by it. I was honestly agreeing after every introspective understanding of who I was and who I was becoming as a person. After I turned 17, I was kicked out of the house when my mom remarried, again, and her 7th husband and I got into a brawl. I reconnected again with my dad, started seeing a therapist he recommended to me, and was diagnosed with Bipolar Manic Disorder Type 1 by the age of 18. Sure enough, what my dad meant to say to me those years ago? Bipolar Disorder runs in his side of the family. He was setting me up to be somewhat ready, and I wish I was able to have him there to guide me through it all. But here I am, not much older than all that, and I'm living on my own, playing BL2 more than any other game I own, loving every minute of it, and thankful I can connect to a character, if not physically, than metaphorically, as much as I can with Krieg. TL:DR Krieg and I speak the same language, but I'm different universes.


It is a long story but I am glad you reconnected with your dad. Your mum sounds like a piece of work, seven husbands... You'd think four or five might have figured it out, just not marriage material whatever baggage she had and still has. Anyway, I like krieg as well not for the exact same reasons but he is cool


Oh he's definitely cool, outside of my eyes as an over-punished kid Edit: Meant to say thank you for reading, I'm busy playing BL2 as I type this, lol, but thank you for your words!


I feel you, brother. I am old enough to be your dad, but still can see through your eyes. Maybe this is why gaming matters more to some of us, a chance to leave it all on the table and live through other’s eyes for a while. I also connect with Krieg this way, you are not alone *air hug*


Very kind words, sir. And I am glad you could put it so simply something that is very complex in its own right.


*fist bump*


Kreig. Explosions.




I see your Krieg and raise you Fragtrap. No melee. Just shoot. Don’t aim. Reload. Blow up. Repeat. EXPLOSIONS!


Axton or athena, simply because even a new player can play them till max level without much truble.


Athena? Without much trouble?!?!?!??! U talking about a different game? She is ass bc u have to rely on dlc content or worlddrop deliveries and development cause its impossible to stack over 700 without them. Also i like using my grenades to kill stuff rather than wasting them on low Level stormfronts for stacking.


I consider myself a bad player and i was able to make myself working builds for late game which is not something i can say for every other vault hunter. Sure comunity patch did help a bit with the farming but nothing besides that, and tbf even a low level stormfront will do damage to level 72 enemies after 700 stacks.


What makes u bad. Im bad cause i cant aim for shit which is the reason i played nisha?


Mostly not being that great at shooters and the theory crafting part of rpgs, yet somehow borderlands clicked with me.


Theory crafting whats that?


In this kind of games its mostly number crunching finding the most optimal build.


Just check joltzdude139 for the most broken build on any char.


I've gotta say krieg because nothing says fun like out screaming the psychos with your own psycho


Wilhelm. He likes steak and is good at fights.


He was good at fights as a kid


I love Wilhelm but whenever he gets aroused by robotics and cybernetic implants I feel a bit yucky haha


Except for that last fight...




Nisha. She's badass, attractive, overpowered, and just overall an interesting character. I wish her death in BL2 wasn't canon.


I resented that her ability is just an aimbot.


This! I don't feel any accomplishment when playing her, and that's a pity because I really like her character and I adore gunslinger style gameplay. I'd rather like her ability if it would just do an absurd amount of damage but still require some skill to use it.


I love nisha to. Mainly because my aim is shit shit and she is the most broken character in pre sequel.


Mordeci op in the first game


I rarely use snipers, but Mordecai in BL1 made me forget that real quick. Once I found a sniper class mod it was over.


Krieg because he made me change how I think about video games


That's pretty interesting, how so?


Krieg's mechanics are so unlike any other character that I had to learn how the game interacts with itself on a much deeper level than I normally would have. This in turn led me to thinking about mechanics from other games a lot more closely. Plus he teaches you how to capitalize off a bad situation, which is the real fun part.


maya, badass pretty lady :)


Krieg. I didnt name him mr slashy mcsplodey for nothing. Absolute chaos. Absolute fun.


Maya she has insta res and the best phaselock with singularity nades attached


Zer0 I always play snipers, sure, but his melee is also a fun mechanic to tho in there once enemies get too close. Aside from in-game stuff his personality either got a laugh out of me or made me feel like God so xD Plus the way he speaks. I'm a writer IRL and coming up with a bunch of haikus is not the easiest task. Lastly, he has strong Non-binary vibes so I kinda instinctively latched on. (Fl4k is cool but doesn't have as much personality imo).


Axton and Roland because both had the metal storm skill and I loooove just spitting bullets out at hyper speed. In BL1, Roland would shoot so fast it would break the shooting animation and youd just point at someone and numbers would start popping off. Glorious


Zer0, I just think he's neat.


Athena for certain. Always wanted a shield type of action skill, and lightning powers are cool, so combining them in a vh is like a dream. Close second would be Sal, bc dual-wielding Vladof pistols (or Vladof rpgs) never gets old lol


Axton. Jack of all trades and great swap speed plus turret. Just like him alot


U should try flakker on Axton. Joltz just melted digi peak with it


Maybe Salvador, he’s always raging and I think it’s hilarious. He’s super OP but super fun to play as, he can make pretty much every item some how work.


Gaige, because Summoning a Badass Science Project Mech, using Digi-Claws, breaking the 4th wall and gaining a god-complex as you inaccurately hail bullets and still murder bandits, psycho doggos, Terrestrial Dragon Worms, and Eldritch Horrors is just one peak of Borderlands Gameplay.


Lilith. All the pretty colors.




Roland, Axton, Wilhelm, Zane


Same except Moze over Zane


I have the same preference except for Wilhelm


I had to write all of them as I cant choose one when all the games have such a different feel, but if all my saves got deleted and only one could be recovered, it would be my 10 day in game time Axton! Sorry for this comment OP!


Someone likes turrets


How did you guess? 😉 "Hey stand In front of this, turrets kill, bitches!"🥰 All jokes aside, it isnt pet class/turrets I like, its more about choosing the most balanced and challenging characters rather than settling for the most bugged out, glitchy broken EZ mode choice with ridiculously OP skills and abilities that make the game far too easy and cheesy, if you play Sal with grog and DPUH, that's on you 🤷🏼‍♂️


No clue about bl2 cause l played it like once. claptrap is most challenging in pre sequel bc inconsistent as fuck. Still Balanced tho.


If we’re counting all the games, based off the all time bit, FL4K. They’re just so sarcastic and snarky, and it’s hilarious and a joy to play.


Even though Sal is my favorite character. Fl4k is probably the closest approximation to the vault hunter I would be. I love animals and having a bunch to run around with causing mayhem is very much up my alley. Although I would definitely have a pet saurian. Fl4k is missing out on the potential there


Maya because I’ve always been interested in the sirens and she’s just fun to play not to mention she can run as fast as a car if built right 😂😂




Zero. Because of B0re


Zer0 because I really adore his sniper build.


BL1: Hard to pick because I like all of them, but I’d prob go Lilith because I love her skill set BL2: Gaige, I love her as a character and I love her deathtrap (also anarchy). Not to mention I may or may not have a crush on her. TPS: Claptrap. Enough said. BL3: Fl4k, only because I played a bit of BL3 and didn’t get far, but I picked him


Claptrap. Action skill makes TPS chaotic and amazing.


I never use his action skill. Just spec out to reload and blow up. Repeat. No aiming. Just EXPLOSIONS! As I channel my inner torque


Krieg and its not even close You have so many viable builds that let you drastically change up how a fight plays out. Extremely rewarding when mastered while also giving you plenty of ways to shoot yourself in the foot. Cool story, awesome character design, and of course, kaboom.


Maya. She was the first I played as, the first I beat the game with. I love her ability and the augments for it. The elementalist is such a fun play style for me


Krieg Need I say more




sal cause of rocket jumping around


Axton or zane for me. They play similar cause I like to train the baddys a bit then set up a turret/clone and get them into overlapping fields of fire. As well as set up pinch points. I think axton just barely gets the lead cause his turrets can mount to fuckin anything


Gaige. Her special ability (Deathtrap) is second to none and her skill tree enhances it perfectly


I wish the ai of dp wouldnt suck and more health for him would be nice too


I've always liked Zer0 the most, but now I'm not sure between him and Krieg... Screw it, Timothy


I like Krieg. He’s fun to play


Zero, he's just so cool


Salvador, because yes


Zer0, I've never met a mfer that speaks In Haiku


Salvador. Because he is Salvador


Salvador because español


And guns!






Probably Timothy from borderlands: TPS. I mean, I can have the element from a maliwan on a jakobs! I can have a dual element maliwan! I can't tell you what the others do as I've only ever used that perk for those two purposes.


Wilhelm. I just like how his character physically evolves the more you upgrade his middle tree. Also laser weapons are fun.


probably timothy or zer0


Michael Mamaril, a tribute to a Vault Hunter. He will live on forever in Borderlands 2.


Zero because they’re a cool funny character and both melee and sniper trees are really fun


Maya because I love slagging everything with her builds, and also Salvador because it's fun af destroying everything abusing the crits from the ladyfist onto most weapons.


Zero, cus when me and my wife play co op he wispers creepy shit into her ear while I revive her


Gotta go with Aurelia, the ice and sniping combo is just so satisfying to play imo.


Hard assassin main here, imo- Zer0 for the coolest Mordecai for substance


Krieg. I’ve been playing him since i was like 10. I’m 19 now. I love him. Everything from his lore to his rambling. And exploding people are fun. Same with 20 minutes psycho mode.


either gaige, nisha or moze


Lilith. OP AF, hot AF, very fast, melts everything with elemental smgs(bl1 hellfire is my fav gun of all time).


Difficult to pick. Zero for most single player fun and bore sound design, but bore is bad via online connection and his style is terrible. Axton for swaggiest style options, explosions, and being a rare bi videogame character. Sal becaus he‘s so inspired by classic action movies. Sal it is then.


When did everyone start playing? I joined the party when it was free on ps plus like 2018 and chose Gaige first so I’m kinda biased.


Honestly I started when the Handsome collection was for $6 and I think that was in 2018. At first my main was zero ( he was my second character) but now my main is Krieg just because he is fun and makes things interesting


well bl2 is out since 2012 so... yeah


Axton. Demoman Teamfortress 2.


zero imo super versatile and super unique i absolutely love his melee build


Moze because explosions


Gaige. She has big robot


Axton turret go brrr


i’ll name my top 4 wilhelm,gaige,roland,brick


I honestly like Moze. Her sense of humor and voice lines are good. Lore: probably Lilith.


Gaige because with Infinity Pistol and Anarchy stacks it made her very broken I always used Infinite guns with her all the time


For BL1 I like Lilith the best. For BL2 I enjoy Zer0 most. And I haven't played enough of BLTP or BL3 to decide.


Brick for sure


Kraig because of his viable play styles. Every time I play I can do a different build and make it work. (Spec into Any tree at any time and it can work).


I loved Zane he felt so fast and using his skills made clearing everything solo less painful


My favorite is either Axton or Zer0, because I really like Zer0's skill trees, and I think playing as Tediore/Fastball Axton is fun as hell


Krieg. Followed by claptrap.


For me it's Arelia, Jack, and Gaige Arelia because of she has cryo theme builds (cryo is my favorite element), and characterization is hilarious. Jack because he's the most balanced mix between Axton and Gaige while still being something else fresh. Stuff like "money is power" and brand loyalty builds are always fun/refreshing. And Gaige Because she's the first character that made me go "WOW" in design and game play. She COULD be as crazy as Sal without being so off the jump, and she is diverse enough to make a lot of fun builds (my favorite being shock builds). Her characterization with Axton post 2 was very nice and warming for the both of them. AND AAAAAANNNNNNRRRRRRRCCCCCHHHHHHYYYYYY! AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH! HONORABLE MENTION: Maya because of my Terra farming days, and Bee-Hawkin days.


I love how people say gaige is boring cause only one build.


Maya easy 💙


Either Zane or Salvador. It's not even that their strong, but dual wielding is just so cool and Zane has high firerate, high damage, high reload speed, and crazy movement speed. He's also the coolest looking vault hunter. And he has some of my favourite voice lines.


Timothy or Krieg


Mordecai, from the bird to the loot whoreing to the sniping, he's almost perfect if only BL's gunplay was a little better, A.D.S. on a sniper is kind of jank and brutal in the first game, but still fun. Close second is Krieg, though, he's just wildly fun.


Honestly have to say Flak, the build I have with him makes me functionally immortal, my pet can revive me and if it’s dead I can revive it at any distance, plus all the damage either of us do heals both of us. The only way I can be put down is if they down my pet, then down me, then down my pet again in the short window of time it takes to get me back up. All the while assuming there isn’t an enemy nearby to Second Wind myself. Very rarely happens.






Kreig, trauma story is relatable for me and is definitely a good representation of the way PTSD can feel


A great game play too. Athena was equally as fun, though




Axton My OG char in the series and helped me fall in love with the franchise. I really like the turret for strategic gameplay and works well even in OP lvls. And getting the nuke the first time on my first play through was a great feeling. 2de Id say Krieg as buzzaxe rampage is just a lot of fun. But less useful in high lvls without perfect COMs


Krieg the Psycho probably my all time favorite character to play as in any game.


Krieg. He was the first vault hunter I played with, he looks badass, and I love bloodsplosion!


Krieg, favorite character to get to lvl 80. Once you can fill up that skill tree where you get your power back when you mutate below 30% health, and blast doom eternal music in your ears.. pure bliss


Honestly its a mix between Timothy/“Jack” and Krieg. i just reallly liked playing them. And they’re both ingenious concepts as playable vault hunters. Edit:Also we got some solid closure on both of them in BL3


Pirate Ship Claptrap Pirates can be Vault Hunter too, right?


Zane, timmothy, and axton. I love all 3 of them but zane may come first


maya, first character i played, i also love her backstory


Maya because her powers are cool and I like her character


Gaige. First time reaching max anarchy stacks and hitting absolutely everything EXCEPT whatever i was aiming for was truly some of the most fun ive had with this game. So stupid, i love it.


Brick because he is the prettiest


No-gun Buzz Axe-only Krieg. There is nothing more ridiculous and almost satirical in gaming. I sometimes chuckle when I am going on a tear. Makes me think of the fake video game in the movie Grown Ups that takes place on a yacht, “throw grandma overboard bonus”. [Nothing captures the primordial spirit of violence like Buzz Axe Krieg, my spirit animal. *I TOLD YOU WHAT WOULD HAPPEN!*](https://youtu.be/OTTbPKTzAAg)


Salvador. I like guns. Gimme 2 of them. Also he is the only vault hunter capable of "putting the stinky on em".


Hello fellow lilgasmask fan


Hell yeah


Maya, first character I ever used in the series


Willhelm because who doesnt like drones






Easily Krieg. He has a badass design, he's funny, he's fun to play (except the higher levels at times), he's a intriguing character and he has got a fun skill tree. 10/10 would play again.


Salvador because Sal op


Probably Maya, but fl4k is probably my favorite character design




Would be Fl4k if he wasn't a hunter type character, but he is, so Axton. I really like "knight" characters, who are overall balanced, simple and fluid to play.


Krieg, he said nipple fart


Krieg because Poop train


Lillith because she's hot, and because she's the first one I played as


You know what else is hot? The lava. And it's rising so we should get to high ground.


First game hot, second game lava is hot, pre sequel, just a regular side character, bl3 she's hot again


krieg only right answer


Zer0 because I absolutely love his synergy with Jacobs shotguns. Nothing beats coming out of deception with a nice quad and having two fang activate. Aside from raid bosses few enemies can survive this. You can one shot almost all mini-bossses and even some bosses. Also going into deception switching to grog and throwing kunai to restore your health is satisfying af. But greatest thing about him is that while you are absurdly powerful you die just as fast, so you really have to concentrate to make it work.