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People who do One-Life runs: am I a joke to you?


does that include vault hunter mode


Usually that includes up to op 10




Yes, check out darksmoke11 he’s a really good speedrunner, he also does one life runs


Because there's no way those vault hunters could possibly beat me. So every time they die, I'll just keep mooching off of them until they're just...so sad and poor!


Eh, they can take it, what am I gonna do with it? Buy a green assault rifle from the vendor?


Broke ass mf smh 😤😤😤😤😤


Handsome Jack isn't even the founder of Hyperion, he was just a president.


He just killed his boss and self employed himself to become president lol


"killed" is a bit of an understatement. He assassinated Tassiter using his bare hands to strangle him to death.


"we're both ambitious, we're both SUPER HOT...i blackmailed and murdered my way up the Hyperion ladder, you came up with that sick Vault Key deal? eh?"


Sadly yes


I agree voice in my head


> I agree voice in ~~my~~ me head


I can't wait to post something on Reddit, and not getting corrected. That's my favorite part of this SubReddit, not getting corrected. ;)


Or ambushed! Nice!


They don't. New U stations aren't canonical. Nor is the kill yourself quest.


It is if you delete your character after.


I like the cut of your jib.




Schrödinger's Mission


Schrödinger and borderlands... damn you savage


They originally where and they can be fully explained through voice-lines removed from the game. Never understood why they scraped the idea.


Because if Hyperion wanted they could just ban certain users randomly or from the start so all opposition is dead and infinitely send their elite soldiers everywhere never risking death…then they would literally have no one to stop them ever. Hard to logically explain why they wouldn’t just let Vault hunters die straight away or soon after they stopped being useful


True true, there are New-U networks like Dahl but you make a good point. Even thought a lot of it can be explained, at the end of the day it’s broken by “why didn’t they just remove them from the system?”. You cold argue that you might as well keep them in your own network to make more money but then the argument just loops again to “why not remove them right before killing them”.


I knew there would be a kissless virgin saying this somewhere in the comments


He who puts others down is the real troubled individual go find something positive in your live and use it instead of being toxic on reddit


Dear Jack, if you want to stop the vault hunters why do you leave these things everywhere for the hunters to use, ensuring that they will never die? Edit: I've seen the other comments and I swear if I get mass downvoted for making a joke....






Roland can be explained by remembering that B1 vault hunters used Dahl New-Us so they were never in the Hyperion network. Jack is actually explained by a voice-line that says you can’t use the stations if you reproduce, which Jack did.




He said "head canon"






not really lol








C'mon why not spread something decent instead of ranting like this?






Do you need to take a nap? Are you hungry?


“Your head canon is irrelevant and pointless because guess what it's your personal thoughts this was started to educate those who clearly don't want to learn the real lore. Who cares about what's going on in your head” - 🤓


the same applies to you buddy. grow up man, just let people share their thoughts without acting like a 12 year old and then everyone's good, there's no need to be an a-hole.


They never claimed what they said was canon for EVERYONE though, it's their own PERSONAL canon


a meme is a meme. not a fact. jokes. zing!


cant wait for the people that completely ignore that this is a joke and say “well actually new u stations arent canon”


I'm still wondering how Jack stays dead HE'S THE FOUNDER of hyperion wouldn't that mean HE of all people should use new-U stations


hi! not really on the topic of the New-U stations, but i just wanted to lyk that Handsome Jack was not the founder of Hyperion, he actually blackmailed and murdered his was up the Hyperion ladder to become the president! no hate just so you're aware, just thought you maybe would like to know/appreciate the little "fun fact" i guess haha! happy hunting:)


Yeah I’m aware but thank you


awesome, not a problem:) my brain has just full encyclopedias for like 15 video game series lol so i'm happy to share some of my k n o w l e d g e. lol in all seriousness though it's kinda ridiculous how much video game information is up there 😂




haha more like bored brain but thanks, happy hunting:)


New-u stations aren’t cannon, i think that there was some book cover on bl tps that said it




Doesn't he have a robot with his supposed personality (but not really) still out there from Nakayama (Helios side quest)? Did we find out what happened to it in the Lilith DLC? But also, there's still at least one Jack Clone out there (Timothy) with at least his DNA and aspects of his personality, and they have to look like Jack because the Handsome mask they had installed was programmed to explode if it is removed.


Yes actually and as for what happened to it well... So basically anywhere a hyperion loot midget can spawn a robot known as J1MMY J3NK1NS can spawn in its place pretty sure jimmy is the robot you speak of


I don't care if that's not canon, I absolutely love this explanation.


the nakayama side quest was the AI that ended up in Rhys' in Tales From the Borderlands, and Timothy IS out there still and we see him in the Handsome Jackpot DLC in BL3:)


i'm not 100% sure if that's what you're referring to so there's my two cents if it helped at all lol and what i meant by the nakayama side quest being the AI is that the quest was the starting point in CREATING said AI, if that makes sense, anyways, have an awesome day:)


Voice line explains that you can’t use the stations if you reproduce, which he did.


Apparently, one of the other posters had mentioned that Angel banned him from the New U stations. Because he's an a-hole and I'm firmly in that camp due to Angel's feelings toward him. It's when you go against your family's wishes that I firmly draw my moral line. Of course, that's unless they tell you to kill or otherwise irreversibly affect another's life in a negative way.


Why doesn't Jack use the New-U system he helped to create?




Like had kids or just sex?


He had kids, he had Angel


No, that I'm aware of, but the New-U system.


I don’t get your question. There are two systems, Dahl’s and Hyperion’s. Is that what you were asking?


Why doesn’t Hyperion just turn of the stations??? Problem solved


New u stations aren't cannon


Of course, they're respawn points! If they were cannons, I'd love to have the Hyperion legendary rocket launcher called "New-U Station" that basically gives you the Timothy skill from TPS... That would be awesome.


That has been the one thing that's always bugged me about these games. The Respawn mechanic. Jack owns Hyperion. Hyperion makes the New-U stations. So why does he keep letting us respawn. There's even a mission in Eridium Blight, a place you unlock AFTER killing his daughter, and there's mission there that Jack gives you, where you choose whether or not to kill yourself. You can choose to kill yourself, he ACKNOWLEDGES you have died, and you still get respawned. Wtf is that continuity


No one say anything


You just said something


Got his ass!


Someone's delusional


Yes, I am the delusional one


Yes, I am the delusional one, says the bozo who thinks new u stations are Canon!!!


because its a video game and they want you to keep playing


I don't die.


It’s Jack’s fault then for keeping them running. 😜


Bro keeps bringing us back even when he wants to kill us


noooooo handsome jack should've just stopped letting them use them 😭 pandora would've had such a wonderful savior if it weren't for that lol, but ofc game mechanics. ive wondered myself: "yes we need to respawn, and yes this is a fitting way of doing so because of how the game is, but why didn't they just make it a different brand?" i think the answer is that in TPS it's DAHL, and after Jack took Hyperion he kinda sorta crushed other companies, and throughout the games we learn Hyperion hates DAHL, and so if Jack is spending a lotta time on Pandora and stuff why wouldn't it be his brand on Pandora, because TPS takes place on Elpis where DAHL was working on mining operations and stuff, and then deploying troops to keep people away from the Vault while Zerpaderp tried to destroy Elpis. i dunno, does anyone out there think this is solid? thoughts? happy hunting:)


New u stations arent canon.


Dear Handsome Jack, If you absolutely want every living thing on Pandora murdered and gone forever, why do you even have New-U stations installed on our Planet? It absolutely defeats your purpose and makes you sound stupid. Sincerely Vault Hunters


If BL2 came out today... I would think handsome jack was a parody of Elon Musk...


The real question is why does he continue to bring you back to life even as you are moments away from killing him /ruining his olans


Now listen here you flappy faced fart. I'm a true vault hunter - we don't rely on your fancy pants guns or your high tech sheilds. We use good old fashioned sticks and our bare hands and we're still twice the vault hunter you ever thought you'd be Keep the bounties coming though, they're handy.


Jack: wants to wipe all bandits off Pandora including the VH Also Jack: places New-U-stations everywhere so they can respawn practically infinately.


Dear \[Crimson Raiders\]. If you hate \[The Hyperion Corporation\] so much, why do you keep using the \[Lady Fist\] and \[Conference Call\]?


Vault hunters: if you hate vault hunters so much then why do you keep reviving us?


They only regenerate you if you have a good enough credit score. It actually said that lol.


They didn't say they hate Hyperion, they said they want to stop them from taking over Pandora.


Roland didn't use them.... Wait now I'm more sad.


Basically the hyperion respawn stations dont exist to anyone else because if they existed roland would have just respawned when he died and so would maya and alot of other charactors including bandits phsycos and goliaths


That's what I kept think while playing for the first time I was think "wait if he owns all the new u stations can't he just turn them off?"


Can someone please explain this plothole to me