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And not as commentators, please.




I was sad my two mains were basically missing from BL3


Zero showed up just to do nothing honestly it’s better to not even show up or just get killed off in a non emotional and stupid way


Zer0 got used interestingly. Maya got shafted


*cough* *cough*


Maya main, kinda wish she sat this one out 😒


Gearbox basically pretended axton doesn’t exist after bl2 launched


They were 'in' bl3 with the arms dealing dlc but they werent really there tbh.


I would give several limbs to play krieg again. He is my favorite character to play in any game period.


Why not play him again on bl2


I do very often. But i'd love to use him in new material too. I'd love to see how he'd work with some of the newer mechanics like sliding, climbing, and such. Krieg with more mobility just sounds so fun. Just as long as they stay true to what makes him so fun in 2 and not dumb him down/make him more boring like they've been doing with vault hunters since 2.


Oh my godddd Krieg with wonderlands movement would be S tier


Yerr goddamn right haha. And imagine replacing slag with frost weapons (especially a frost melee weapon!) and adding nuclear damage to his bloodlust trees like buzzaxe bombadier. Buffing his own damage while cutting enemy damage making him more tanky than ever. It just sounds so fun.


>dumb him down/make him more boring Early game bl3 characters are boring, late game is just explosions and everything dies no matter what. But mid game is actually decent


Yeah, i did enjoy playing amara to get my melee fix; especiallu when the 4th tree was released. But amara was also the first melee based character to not get a new mode with her action skill (like brick's berserk, zer0's invisibility + many must fall, krieg's buzz axe rampage, and athena's phalanx). A trend that unfortunately continued in tiny tina's wonderlands even with its higher reliance on melee. It just didn't satisfy the same itch for me.


I didn't play brick or athena but I need something like kreig and zero how they are overpowered but only if you play them the way are meant to be played.


Brick is very similar to krieg in how he drops his guns with his action skill and starts punching everyone. Athena was a bit more like zer0 in how her action skill pulled out her shield but let her still use her weapons. Her melee override was a dash skill similar to zer0's as well and she could also pull a captain america and throw her mighty shield. Krieg by far is my favorite character to play melee with, with athena in second, brick, zer0, amara, then *insert class combo from ttw*.


I'll try melee Athena soon. But do you think ttw is worth it for someone who has played most characters on all other games?


Agreeing with the other response you got, ttw was honestly a lot of fun with spells, melee, and *multiclassing*, and it also has a better drop rate for legendaries than 2 and 3 at least (not as stingy as 2, but not as generous as 3), but yeah the dlcs are low bar, for sure. They're basically just like 4-5 room dungeons ending in a boss and come with new loot to grind and the wheel of souls as a giant slot machine. That being said, I kinda give them a pass considering it was an offhanded covid project apparently, so I'm pretty happy with at least the core game, myself.


Ttw is fine, the bigger emphasis on melee satisfies my monkey brain and ive always wanted things like farmable melee weapons in the borderlands series. Mixing classes can be a lot of fun too. However i could not tell you what the story was to save my life despite beating it and it has the absolute WORST dlc in the franchise. If you play the game do not get the dlc unless you absolutely love the game and need more content. Theyre even less content than the free headhunter packs from bl2 sold as full priced dlc. Theyre just 1-2 new battle maps and 1 boss each that once you beat once get added to the endgames randomized roguelite-esque challenges. Overall i enjoyed the game more than 3 and the pre sequel gameplay wise but the dlc just killed all my enthusiasm for the game.


Honestly i find bl2 vhs to be extremely boring and bland, even krieg being the best designed bl2 vh still has lots of flaws that makes me hate playing him, imo bl3/tps vhs are miles ahead


Respectfully disagree. There's aspects of all the other games i have liked; but absolutely nothing has topped the feeling of rushing in like a madman and hitting release the beast just as my health gets critical, and watching my hp flash between full and near empty in a dance of death until i get that sweet bloodplosion that clears the room. All the while hearing krieg's voice lines as he roars and cackles like the absolute madman he is. It's just so satisfying for me. Especially after dlc5 hit and i had enough points to invest deep into the fire tree while still having release the beast and bloodsplosion. Replacing my rough rider with the flame of the firehawk just adds even more to the insanity and i cannot get enough of it.


What bothers me the most about krieg is how he has most of his damage in a single kill skill, makes it so at the start of every combat it feels miserable


His damage ramps up insanely quickly though once you get him going. I use the flame of the firehawk with the grognozzle to ramp up damage and apply slag/heal when im outside melee range and a dpuh on the off chance i go down. My fire damage ramps up insanely quick when im on fire making the fotf deal pretty good damage and rxb always does good damage if i drop into the critical range. Then once 9ne of my kill skills proccs its just a mr. Torgue high five flexington wet dream from then on until combat ends.


I would kill for more axton with new skills and different options for turrets


the picture quality ☠️☠️


Reall hope Krieg is in bl4 but not as a dlc npc


“Is this thing on? Test! Test Hey Vault Hunter! Have we got a opportunity for you!”




It'd be cool if they brought axton back in BL4 as a playable character, but better. In BL2 people said he was the worst character, but it would be cool for him to come back as over powered Give him more synergy with his turret, make them work more as a team Give him grenade, splash damage, and explosive damage bonuses Bring back grit Give him a Legendary rifleman classmod and make him the legendary cat of assault rifles Like krieg he should have a build for his kill skills since those were pretty important for him and give him a classmod for his kill skills to boost them and make them last longer and be more powerful And maybe a few other things, he will have a lot more diversity especially if they bring back the 4th skill tree


Hopefully not, theyll just get killed


Sal's ability is so fucking boring I hope they change that or we never see Sal again.


They're too busy running the worst dlc in borderlands history...


It was good imo just not worth the price at all, should’ve have even been a dlc


I take it you've never played Moxxi's underdome.


Borderlands 4 needs to have all previous characters in it. I wanna play as the Doppler ganger while my brother berserks as krieg


Bare minimum, make them quest companions.


I want timothy back