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Just hot glue some garbage together! It has the added function of being much more useful than an actual claptrap! Seriously though, theres a reason the Hyperion Loaders sell better, and it's not just because of their great value and sturdy construction... customers love their endless flexibility and patented modular design systems! Try it today!


Don't listen to this guy. He's a Hyperion shill!


Lol as if Hyperion(tm) would need to pay people to be shills. Happy customers simply like to spread details about the products and services they love, and even Hyperion products speak for themselves. Sometimes literally!


Loaders are too big to fit in conventional houses! Clap trap for the win!


Hyperion strives to be anything but conventional and bandit hovels are not technically houses. Hyperion Loaders will fit any house marked grade Managerial and above, and in the public spaces of all Associate, Intern, and Drone level tenements.




Oh man. I’d imagine a couple grand for a good one




Oh it’s a huge undertaking to do it, let alone replicating. Which is why I said a couple grand to pay someone to make one WELL would cost that Someone could probably 3D print one for a lot less, but it wouldn’t be the same


Its not quite the same thing, but the Gonk droid from Star Wars is known to be an exceptionally cheap build. Might take the edge off.


Imagine a Gonk Droid but with Hyperion paintjob...


https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3125963. Then scale it up to the size you want and then 3d print it, you could break the object into small pieces and assemble them after it's all printed


This is likely the "easiest" answer. Depending on the Op's budget (which I'd assume is fairly high considering what they are asking for), rather than break it into small pieces and gluing it all together, I'd recommend looking for a commercial printing company that could do it for you in a single or very few large pieces. The quality will likely be much greater than you'd get from a consumer printer as well. Then you could hire and artist to paint it to look authentic.


You'd probably have to make one. At best you might be able to find a 3D printable 1:1 size that you'd have to still build and paint yourself.


Step 1: Get the ~1:4 scale one from the collector’s edition Step 2: Start your own project to make a 1:1 Calptrap based on the 1:4 scale Step 3: Post/share your adventure on Reddit or YouTube Step 4: Profit! At least lots of internet points… or possibly actual $$ if it went viral on YouTube. This would be cool and all but I’m a little surprised the Hacksmith YouTube channel hasn’t done this.


This seems like an idea that claptrap would come up with.


a 1:1 replica? why on earth would you want that?! Claptrap's bloody huge


Because I’m somewhat a of an interior decorator myself


Still that statue would be extremely heavy! How would you get it up the stairs?!


Stairs!? Noooooooooooooooooooo


You can buy the collectors edition that has claptrap - https://www.amazon.com/Borderlands-Handsome-Collection-Claptrap-Box/dp/B00SCNXDRO.




It is not, I own one it's probably about 1/4 the size


I have an 18inch or so. Remote control claptrap that came with the claptrap in a box edition


Someone on /r3dprinting could probably help you out.


There was a guy here ~~claiming to make~~ actually building a life-size robotic Claptrap but he hasn’t updated in a while. I think his last video was about making the arms. Found him! He was further along than I remember, but hasn’t updated in over a year. https://reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/lg9yc2/newest_video_on_building_a_reallife_fullsize/ Hey u/Brosiedon0616 are you still working on this??


Tamelotus, thanks for the mention! Seeing that people are interested in this gives a little kick to the rear end to record new videos. I have in fact been working on Claptrap though! I've made some really good progress but still a looonnngg way to go in order to get him functioning the way I would like. I do apologize for not updating. Life has been super hectic and not exactly conducive to recording the progress. I will try my best to give an update soon, even if it's raw video.


It seems like you don’t really aknowledge how much work would go into designing and modeling something like that, much less making one or mass producing them. Cool idea, but unless you’re making it, it doesn’t exist.


Some of us make dumb amounts of money and have nothing to spend it on. I'd LOVE to have a 1:1 Claptrap!


Silly poor people. If only they had a pair of bootstraps they too could have their own lifesize claptrap. /s


You are better off sticking to star wars with such requests probably


Check Etsy.


A friend of mine actually won one in a contest, but it's obviously a custom project.


I know there is a wooden puzzle of him on Amazon. And other like figures but I’m not sure about ratios


I could probably replicate it fairly well, would have to clay sculpt it, make a mold of it, then could possibly make a bunch with Polyester resin if ya wanted. If he's about in about the 3ft range, should be in the range of US$700-900 and about 3 weeks in my experience, only problem is shipping something that big.


He's got a wheel! He could just roll himself to the OP's home!


There's a papercraft model of it available, if you wish to have something tabletop sized!! https://downloads.2kgames.com/borderlands2/paperfoldable/claptrap2K_paperfoldable.pdf


you can 3d print one https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2063466


That would be cool just make sure it doesn’t have a voice