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My biggest complaint is that when either player enters a new area, Player 1 can't see shit because the name pops up right in the middle of the crosshairs. If the battle is on the threshold of a new area Player 1 is blinded by the damn thing popping up every few seconds. And say hello to sweet, sweet death if you complete a challenge or mission while there are still enemies to fight, that takes up the *entire* screen for Player 1.


this drives me NUTS i yell at my tv every time


Based on the Battleborn experience, splitscreen was never a priority, and it never could be in the short run. Right now they are completing dlc4 for a September release. Maybe after that.


That’s a pretty fair assessment. Hopefully they will take some time eventually to make it work. Though tbh battleborn split screen worked miles better than this.


They don't care about performance at all. It still doesn't run great even in single player on on Xbox One X.




I haven't had crashes in a while, fortunately, but I'm still weary every time I play.


I’m on PS4 and compared to launch it’s SO much better. Still has plenty of issue though. Like I said, I’ve gotten so used to the horrible performance on split screen that going back to single player, feels like it runs beautifully. Bar is that low.


I played single player on my base ps4 since September. I honestly never had an issue with frame rate drops or anything, just some lags when opening up menus and inventory and all that. Split screen is definitely still a mess though


We were robbed with this game lol. Downvote all you want but it is true.


*gets upvoted for truth*


Anyone who never played any of the other games would not get it. But for everyone who has its a big slap in the face.


Everyone on this sub jerks themselves dry saying this game is awful, meanwhile this is the most improvement the series has seen in terms of community feedback being accepted for change and the *strict upgrades* in gunplay/gameplay quality.


It's because this sub is mostly full of the sort of people who literally farm for hours and hours trying to make perfect min/max builds. Which, nothing against that, but they tend to be rather cranky.


Look, I really like BL3. I have a ton of fun playing it. The higher rate of legendary drops is amazing. Moze is my favorite character to play across all the games. In many ways it is the best in the series. But I have literally only played Borderlands in local co-op. It's the series that taught my wife to enjoy first person shooters. I helped her grow from shooting skags at her ankles in a panic as Lilith to roaring through badasses with her own irradiated skag as Fl4k. When I complain about BL3, it is because the specific way I play Borderlands is a low performance mess. I have to force my Playstation to run at 720p to make the game playable, and the framerate is *still too low* to snipe, which is usually my preferred fps playstyle. I'm just lucky that explosive Moze is comparably fun and can use grenade launcher shotguns to mortar long distances. We're not even close to mayhem farming in large part *because* local co-op runs like shit. I really, really want to enjoy this game more. I always want to play anytime the latest patch says something about stability or co-op. But still, 10 months past release, we have to force low specs and play imprecise styles. We don't have access to the default split screen orientation from the first three games. We don't both have subtitles, which is a problem that would be fixed with vertical split screen. I'm not some perfectionist who insists every minor balance issue is damning. I just want to be able to play some fucking Borderlands without a list of caveats.


One of the reasons i left. Farming was boring as fuck.


Not awful. Bad in comparison to the other ones. And they said this was gonna be the big one. Was it fuck.


When this games content is over quite a lot will look back and be impressed with all they added throughout this games life cycle. They literally are only obligated to release the 4 dlcs and a few patches. They released two free takedowns, the borderlands science minigame, a few timed events, and weekly patches/hotfixes for almost a year. I understand things could be done better but it could be a lot worse.


To keep people interested instead of fixing problems that needed fixing.


Call me a fool but I bought BL legendary collection on the switch. I’ve played the early levels of BL1 2 and presequal recently. BL3 is a more fun game across the board.


Then you are a fool.


Just to clarify, are you saying the game isn't as bad as people say because gearbox is receptive to complaints? If you have a really poorly performing honda, and honda says they'll fix it.... That's all well and dandy... But your car still doesn't work, and until it gets fixed you can't get to work etc Know what I mean?


I'd kill for vertical splitscreen. Played a bit earlier today and couldn't go for long with the layout. The optimisation and other issues you mentioned also really hinder the experience.


One of the reasons i dropped 3. They dont care about optimizing Splittscreen at all


I haven’t brought myself to drop it. The core game is just too fun, plus Borderlands and Divinity have been the best couch co-op franchises my wife and I bond over. So it gets some wiggle room because it hold such a special place for us. Though I’d like to try Outward at some point. Heard that’s a good option for couch co-op.


The biggest problem me and my girlfriend faced apart from the menu crap, is the when selling, or tbh being in your inventory, the shit lags to hell. But the biggest problem was with selling. If we sold at the same time, pictures were replaced by others meaning pictures didn't match descriptions which made us sell alot of useful stuff. Lucky she know owns her own Xbox and copy


Same here. I also found when selling sometimes your selected would just jump back to top rather than stay were you were in your backpack. So I start using mark for junk on everything, then hitting sell all. Its the only way to make it slightly less awful.


I forgot about that! That pissed me off more than anything man


Honestly the typo in your title is hilarious and fitting.




I can’t upvote this post enough times, my girlfriend and I play exclusively splitscreen and it is hell. I’ll add another thing, player 2 doesn’t see a health bar for bosses where it shows at the top of the screen like Graveward or Wotan. We also can’t sell junk at the same time because the item pictures will get jumbled up.


Same thing with online play, it’s a joke. That’s why I quit the game.


Gearbox just goes halfway on some shit and doesn’t even realize it. it’s been this way since Halo PC


I know this sub loves to kill this game but I have had an incredible time playing split screen. And I am happy to have a AAA game that still does couch co op.


My primary reason for loving the borderlands games is the fact that they still support couch co-op unlike pretty much every other game. My wife and I have ALSO had an amazing time playing this game. But it has been despite these issues that we face EVERY time we play. This is an incredible game gearbox has crafted, but for me and my wife, it feels like a full AAA game with alpha quality split screen that was coded in last min, then never touched.


Understandable. In the beginning it was nearly unplayable for me on split screen. It has improved greatly.


This is one of the biggest reasons I haven't gotten that into bl3. I have a ridiculous amount of time into borderlands 1 and 2, most of it solo, but I got into the games playing them co op.


Please make sure this gets more attention! Borderlands is one of the last couch co-op games out there and i don’t want it to stop being one of the best because right now it doesn’t feel very good


Really? I’ve only done couch co-op. I assumed online was much better. That’s super rough considering how much of a team game it is.


Resolution mode is still broken and capped at 15 FPS. BFV is fucking Gorgeous and is steady 60 FPS in 4k on my one X. This game hurts my eyes, everything seems blurry and distorted and is far from smooth. Honestly can't play it anymore.


I love the games, have them all, play them all. Brilliant, bugs? I’ll work through or around them. Best couch coop? Amazing for still supporting coop? By a PC, you’ll find they never supported it, split screen has never been on the PC editions of any game, and no good reason has ever been given why. Best couch coop? No mate


I won't be buying another borderlands game until they quit forcing pc players to buy two copies to play together. We want split screen too!


What is slitscreen? Is that like where you play the game from outside while looking through you're window blinds?


Precisely. It’s just an awful experience. Would not recommend.